Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - November 30th 2015 ~ 11 posts.

How To Make Your Own Alkaline Water At Home. ~ Sheleana Aiyana.

How To Make Your Own Alkaline Water At Home.By Sheleana Aiyana, *YoungAndRaw, *Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit2015.11.30 [image: Alkaline Water] What’s in your water? When you think about your personal health and nutrition goals, what food or nutrients do you usually consider to be most important? Consider this: Our brains are made up of about 70% water, our bodies about 80%, surely water should be considered one of the most important things we put into our body on a daily basis. Each morning when you rise, you are already 2 cups dehydrated. To enhance your daily protocol whatever i... more »

A Big Push in Consciousness. ~ Steve Beckow.

A Big Push in Consciousness.By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, November 30, 2015. How can I not comment on the channeled messages we’re seeing these days. Notice how coordinated they all are. What do they all say in common? Love, love, love, love, love, love. Natalie Glasson’s message hit the ball out of the park for me. “An explosion of light is moving through the atmosphere waiting to penetrate your being.” (1) OK. “It may feel that everything that does not resonate with the light is protruding from your being, wishing to remain anchored within your being while also wantin... more »

The UN Climate Conference Starts Today -- Send Energy. ~ Tiara Kumara.

The UN Climate Conference Starts Today. Send Energy.By Tiara Kumara, Golden Age of Gaia, November 30, 2015. The United Nations Conference on Climate Change November 30 ~ December 11, 2015 Paris, France Participate in a 14-minute transmission to support this crucial meeting. Join us at any time of the Conference dates. The sooner the better! HELP SEND ENERGY ~ GO TO THE TRANSMISSION Let’s help build the field and open the portals of light to insure that an intelligent climate agreement is reached that greatly benefits our transitioning world. We are calling for intervening sup... more »


US EPA Reverses Decision on Dow’s Toxic Enlist Duo Registration.By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, November 29, 2015 [image: pesticides_sun_735_350] The United States Environmental Protection Agency just reversed its registration of a next-generation herbicide meant for mass use on America’s crops. The Natural Resources Defense Council sued the US EPA for green-lighting Dow AgroScience’s latest one-two punch in herbicidal products, a toxic concoction made with both glyphosate and 2,4-D (toxic chemicals). The Agrichemical company wasgiven registration for Enlist Duo just over a ye... more »

By Divine Appointment. ~ Beloved One via Lytske.

.By Divine Appointment.Teacher: The Beloved One.Message received by Lytske.Urantia, November 15, 2015. The Beloved One: “Finally, we are once more on the same page, so I can endeavor to divulge more insights to you, my faithful student. The subject title says it all; that not only you, but all thinking humans hopefully eventually realize that they are living on earth by Divine Appointment. Just this one realization ought to give anyone food for thought as to how they personally are fulfilling their divine appointment. “Of course there will always be those, who do not give much thou... more »

5 Ways You Can Help the Earth. ~ Wes Annac.

5 Ways You Can Help the Earth.By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. NOVEMBER 30, 2015 Credit: ------------------------------ *This was written for the 175th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month.* *Income from the newsletter helps me get by and ensures I can continue to offer free content, and every subscription is needed and appreciated. The option to subscribe will be given at the bottom of this post.* ------------------------------ It’s easy to talk about healing the planet or saving the environment, but it’s a f... more »

The Enigma Of Atlantis: 6 Most Widespread Theories. ~ EWAO.

The Enigma Of Atlantis: 6 Most Widespread Theories.via *EWAO*, Thanks to In5D.comNOVEMBER 30, 2015 [image: The Enigma Of Atlantis: 6 Most Widespread Theories] The first writings about Atlantis come from the famous book “Dialogues” written by the Greek philosopher Plato in the fourth century BC. According to Plato, the stories of Atlantis were passed to him by his grandfather, who had heard the story about ancient Atlantis from an Athenian statesman called Solon who learned about the existence of Atlantis from an Egyptian priest who claimed that Atlantis existed nine thousand years ... more »

China Caught Committing ‘Emissions Fraud’ by Lying About Its Indust...

China Caught Committing ‘Emissions Fraud’ by Lying About Its Industrial Pollution.By Daniel Barker, Natural News, November 29, 2015 [image: China pollution] (NaturalNews) If you thought the Volkswagen emissions scandal was bad, wait until you read this. … China has just disclosed that it burns far more coal each year than it previously reported. China already leads the world in CO2 emissions, but it turns out that they have been burning as much as 17 percent more coal (an extra 600 million tons in 2012 alone), than they admitted until now. The extra percentage translates to a massive... more »

Donald Sutherland Explains the Real Meaning of The Hunger Games and...

Donald Sutherland Explains the Real Meaning of The Hunger Games and Why its Message Must be Understood.Featured at The Free Thought Project, Thanks to The Mind UnleashedNOVEMBER 30, 2015 *“The young people who see this film must recognize that for the future ‘blind faith in their leaders,’ as Bruce Springsteen said, ‘will get you dead.’”* Hollywood actor, Donald Sutherland just dropped a bombshell on the military industrial complex. Sutherland, who plays President Coriolanus Snow in the blockbuster movie series *Hunger Games, *was recently asked what the movie was really about – he... more »

Ascending Earth Life. - A WAY OF LIFE IS DYING. ~ Meredith Murphy.

.A WAY OF LIFE IS DYING. LIGHT CHANGING FORM. Ascending Earth Life. By Meredith Murphy 29 November, 2015 [image: Post 29NOV2015 - afterglow dying light_edited-1] After the sun sets there is still an emanating light we see. It is exquisitely beautiful often, as in the photo above. We also know that the light of so many stars is actually coming from fields long dead and yet in our experience, continuing to shine. There's a parallel in life right now as a lot of expiring ways of being and systems and belief structures, thought-forms and patterns, still have a charge. They're alluring b... more »

Hilarion, November 29, 2015. ~ Marlene Swetlishoff

Message from Hilarion. Through Marlene Swetlishoff.November 29, 2015. Beloved Ones, We celebrate your tenacity and steadfastness in holding your Light and contributing to the healing and stability of your planet. The violet Light focus that St. Germain has initiated in concert with the Earth’s Lightworkers and the Ascended Masters is producing the desired effect. Please continue in your efforts, for as each person adds to this focus, this energy is multiplied and magnified to achieve the greatest beneficial results. Maintain... more »

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