Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Reptilians And The Council Of 13 ~ by Stewart A. Swerdlow.

  • Reptilians And The Council Of 13

    by Stewart A. Swerdlow

    excerpts from Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation

    The leader of the Earths Illuminati is called the “Pindar“. The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for “Pinnacle of the Draco”, also known as the “Penis of the Dragon”. Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth.

    Recently, there are reports that the Marquis de Libeaux is the Pindar, but this is disinformation. The true current Pindar is the head of the Rothschild family, as has been for several hundred years. He is based in Germany near Frankfurt. In the late 1970s, he oversaw the sister project to Montauk, called M.A.L.D.A. is an anagram for Montauk-Alsace-Lorraine Dimensional Activation. This project was located near the city of Strasbourg, France, historically once part of Germany.

    Interestingly, there is a winery on the east end of Long Island, not far from Montauk Point, called Pindar Vineyards. This wine is growing in popularity, gaining international accolades. This fits nicely into the plan, as this area will be a part of the capital district of the Earth/United Nations in the Empire State! Red wine is symbolic of the blood ingested by the Reptilians. The wine can become sanctified as it did in the Roman Catholic Church, a patsy for the Reptilians. In the Catholic Church, wine replaced the blood in ceremony.

    The Illuminati here on Earth have established a pyramid structure of control identical to the system that exists in the Draco Empire. The pyramid with the Reptilian eye, located on the American one-dollar bill, is symbolic of this control structure. The eye is the cap on the pyramid, thus explaining why the original surface of the Great Pyramid in Egypt was capped in solid gold.

    The Pindar is represented by the gold cap on the pyramid. The next layer, or “eye”, on the pyramid represents the 13 ruling families. They are as follows:

    • Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) – Pindar
    • Bruce
    • Cavendish (Kennedy)
    • De Medici
    • Hanover
    • Hapsburg
    • Krupp
    • Plantagenet
    • Rockefeller
    • Romanov
    • Sinclair (St. Clair)
    • Warburg (del Banco)
    • Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

    Each of the 13 ruling families is given an area of the Earth and/or a particular function to fulfill on the Earth. These particular functions include global finances, military technology/development, mind-control, religion, and media.

    Each of the 13 ruling families has a Council of 13 as well. The number, 13, has great significance to them. They know that there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most powerful knowledge.

    They also know that there are really 13 Zodiac signs, not the commonly acknowledged 12. They have kept the 13thhidden for centuries because it is the sign of the Dragon. They keep the qualities and traits of this sign secret to avoid giving away clues to the Reptilian mind-pattern.

    The next layer is the second-in-command families who do the support work for the Pindar and 13 ruling families. While all of the 13 ruling family members are shape-shifters, all members of the 300 supporting families are not. They do, however, all have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA.

    They are known as the “Committee of 300″.These families include such notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson. There are many others.

    The Committee of 300 use many well-known institutions to accomplish their goals, including the The Committee of 300 use many well-known institutions to accomplish their goals, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Mafia, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Secret Service, International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, and Interpol, to name a few. All of these are private organizations or corporations set up as public service devices, but this is far from the truth.Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Mafia, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Secret Service, International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, and Interpol, to name a few. All of these are private organizations or corporations set up as public service devices, but this is far from the truth.

    The Illuminati structure also creates artificial countries to further their goals. Examples of these are the United States, Switzerland, Kuwait, the Soviet Union, Panama, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, the United Kingdom, most of Black Africa, all of the Arab countries, and all of Central and South America. These nations were created to amass wealth for the ruling families and their supporters, to hide or keep their wealth, and to create unstable conditions necessary to start wars or increase military budgets.

    Switzerland was created as a neutral banking centre so that Illuminati families would have a safe place to keep their funds without fear of destruction from wars and prying eyes.

    The United States was established with 13 colonies, one for each of the Illuminati families. The original flag had 13 stars, and still has 13 stripes. The eagle, the symbol of the United States, holds 13 arrows in its talons. The United States is actually a corporate asset of the Virginia Company that was established in 1604 in England with direct involvement of the Rothschilds. The finances of the Rothschilds were necessary to fund the exploration and exploitation of the North American continent.

    The assets of the Virginia Company, including the United States, are owned by the Holy Roman Empire via the Vatican. This occurred in 1213 when King James gave all English assets to the Reptilian Pope. Executorship remains with the British royal family, but actual ownership lies with the Roman Catholic Church.

    The United States of America is not named after Amerigo Vespucci, as you learned in school. The Illuminati would never name a continent, actually two continents, after an Italian mapmaker. The name is actually a combination of words.

    • “Am” is the Hebrew word for “people”
    • “Ame” is also the command form of the Spanish/Latin verb “to love”
    • “Eri” or “ari” is a Hebrew term for “lion”
    • “Rica” is the feminine form of the Spanish word for “rich”
    • “Ka” is the ancient Egyptian word for soul, or spirit force within a body

    There are two layers of meanings. The Ancient Hebrew/Egyptian translates to say,

    “the people of the lion with spirit force”

    Hence, the pyramid and all-seeing eye on the one-dollar bill. The Latinized version translates to say, “love riches”, in a feminized/physical reality way. This gives an idea of what they had in mind.

    Take this a step further, and one sees the mixture of the feminine Latin/eagle ideas with the masculine Hebrew/lion ideas. The symbolic statement of America is that it is a combination of Lemuria and Atlantis; a blend of the human/Lyrae with Reptilian/Draco. Perhaps the anagram LSD, an Illuminati created drug, has a hidden meaning as well: Lyrae-Sirius-Draco!

    Take this a step further, and one sees the mixture of the feminine Latin/eagle ideas with the masculine Hebrew/lion ideas. The symbolic statement of America is that it is a combination of Lemuria and Atlantis; a blend of the human/Lyrae with Reptilian/Draco. Perhaps the anagram LSD, an Illuminati created drug, has a hidden meaning as well: Lyrae-Sirius-Draco!

    The combination of these three civilizations would produce the most powerful, technological Empire ever known!

    In 1776, the creation of the United States as an independent nation coincided with the declaration into public existence of the official Illuminati organization by member Adam Weishaupt, in Bavaria. Publicly, Mr. Weishaupt appeared to be determined to create an organization comprised of the European elite that would uplift mankind.

    Of course, this was part of an Illuminati global ceremony. The creation for the United States and the Illuminati global ceremony. The creation of the United States and the Illuminati organization were artificial beginnings for public consumption. The United States was the device to be used to bring the Illuminati into public acceptance. Current Illuminati members believe that Adam Weishaupt was a look-alike for George Washington, and it is actually Weishaupts image that appears on the one-dollar bill.

    George Washington was a wealthy slave and plantation owner. He is known to have raped some of his female slaves and used some of the male slaves in ritualistic ceremony. There are many people of the Black race who can literally trace their genetics to the founding fathers. George Washington also ordered the building of the Montauk Lighthouse in 1796. This lighthouse included an underground area for supply storage in case of a British coastline invasion. If he had only known what that area would become – or did he?

    The 13 ruling Illuminati families constantly vie for control amongst themselves. During this time period, the Spanish, British, and French Illuminati all fought to win control over North and South America. The Rothschilds kept these Illuminati factions in line by sending Hessian troops to monitor the situation. The leaders enjoyed these war games, pitting one against the other to see who would win. The hundreds of thousands of lives lost were meaningless to them.

    The Manifest Destiny of the United States was created to expand the territory of the Aryans at the expense of the native populations. As always, the Illuminati seek to destroy native peoples and their cultures. This is an attempt to destroy their knowledge of God-Mind, as well as the possibility that the natives will impart this information on to others. Especially important is their need to eliminate native cultures with ancient knowledge of Atlantis and Lyrae.

    The natives that gave them the most problem were the Cherokee Indians because this tribe retained most of theirAtlantean knowledge, even accessing the Bear/Bigfoot frequency for information. For this reason, these people were uprooted from their homeland in the southern Appalachian Mountains, and forcibly marched to Oklahoma on what is now known as The Trail of Tears. Many died along the way. Only a remnant remained in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. In the north, the vast Iroquois/Mohawk nation was disbanded. The Montauk, direct descendents of the Atlanteans who call their leader Pharaoh, were systematically eliminated.

    The Rothschilds were aggressively involved with the slave trade from Africa, importing slaves to North and South America as well as the Caribbean. They were very careful not to import Blacks from the eastern areas of Ethiopia or Sudan where the descendents of Solomon were located, instead concentrating on western and central Africa for the slave populations. These areas had the pure mixture of Anunnaki and simian genetics, and the programming desirable for the Illuminati agenda.

    The Rothschilds decided that splitting the United States colonies would double their profits. So they politically created, and financially supported, the Civil War. The Civil War was actually a global ceremonial ritual to bring slavery to its next level. This war allowed the North to win, and publicly abolish slavery. The best slaves are the ones who do not realize that they are slaves. This alleviates rebellion and resistance. This was the status immediately following the Civil War. Blacks in the South are still slaves. There is still segregation, even in the North. The Illuminati still consider Blacks to be second or third class citizens. Only now the slavery is subtle and masked.

    In5D NoteThose in power consider us ALL useless eaters and have used divide and conquer techniques against us to keep us from uniting. What we “ALL” need to keep in mind is that once the bottom of the pyramid unites, the rest will collapse.

    Since the Civil War, there have been other staged wars that entrenched the trend toward globalization. The Spanish-American War of 1898-1899 acquired more land for the American Illuminati, placing a greater portion of the Earth’s surface under American jurisdiction. World War I was designed to change the map of Europe as well as test germ and chemical warfare technology for future use. This coincided with the worldwide influenza outbreak designed to reduce the global population, making control easier. World War I also laid the foundation for the German role in the next war.

    World War II was a test of the final globalization and extermination projects. It was also designed to test mind-control machinations; to test the use of fluoride which deadens brain activity and slows resistance to authority; to experiment with slave labor camps and study the development of resistance; and to teach the masses to spy and report on one another.

    RelatedThe HIDDEN History Of Fluoride

    World War II brought three primary goals of the Illuminati to fruition.

    • The first was that hidden Illuminati symbolisms were brought to public attention from the underground strongholds in Tibet and Egypt, such as the Swastika and the ankh.
    • The second was the creation of the State of Israel as a foundation for the New World Religion.
    • The last was the creation of nuclear weapons as part of the Illuminati global ceremony.

    During World War II, the Germans helped to perfect “sex-slaves” as a means of transmitting information amongst the elite. Sex-slaves can be either male or female, who are sexually programmed using Wilhelm Reich procedures, which are illegal in the United States, but used by the Illuminati and government.

    These sex-slaves deliver messages and keep programmed sleepers in line. The sex-slave is downloaded with a message or function through various sexual acts and drugs, which can only be released by repeating the same sexual act with the target, or person, to be activated. They are trained to know their target’s trigger words and trigger events to activate, delete, or change programming.

    In recent years, several women have come forward claiming to be the sex-slaves of globally recognized political figures. Many were used as information couriers between high-level male Illuminati. Usually, look-alikes of the political figures are used in the incipient programming as a focal point for the sex-slave. The slave is put through a desensitizing process, so there is no pleasure in the sexual act; it is merely a duty to be performed. Many times the slave becomes sexually promiscuous, repeatedly having sex with people who look like the intended target. It is a sad life.

    By the end of World War II, one of the three major Illuminati global rituals was accomplished. This was the nuclear explosion that took place in 1945 at the 33rd parallel as a test for the nuclear attack on Japan. This explosion was symbolic, representing the simultaneous creation and destruction of matter and energy. The year was symbolic as well. In numerology, 1 + 9 = 10, representing the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The number 10 further breaks down to 1 + 0 = 1, representing a new beginning. Continuing, 4 + 5 = 9, representing the end of a cycle. Symbolically, the entire event represented the end of a cycle to prepare for a new beginning using the new creation of God-Mind out of destruction.

    Additionally, a cylinder containing material still not explained by the government was trucked into the nuclear explosion testing. This cylinder was made from pure steel and allegedly was the same physical dimensions as the Kabala describes for the creation of Golems. Kabala is ancient Hebrew metaphysics that has been a staple for the Illuminati for millennia. Golems are artificial beings that are used as a slave force. It is highly probable that this was a symbolic ritual for the creation of the society of Golems.

    World War II also allowed the European/American Illuminati to destroy the Japanese Illuminati desires of global domination. The Japanese royal family, represented by Emperor Hirohito, have always been ostracized as non-legitimate by the ruling 13 families. The Japanese claim to be direct descendents of Lemurian purebred Reptilians.

    The European/American Illuminati claim that the Japanese Illuminati are descendents from a lower species in the Draco hierarchy. This lower species is considered a worker class without any political clout or influence. The European/American Illuminati also claim that East Indians are a lower species in the Draco hierarchy. The 13 ruling families consider light skin and hair to be an elite characteristic.

    On January 17, 1994, Japan sent a seismic event to California. Exactly one year later on January 17, 1995, the city ofKobe, Japan was seismically destroyed. Kobe was the home of the Japanese electromagnetic weaponry centers. The European/American Illuminati will not tolerate thorns in their sides. The destruction of Japan and its royal family will continue in the coming months.

    Every year, the Illuminati hold meetings to plan the events of the coming year to accomplish their main objective formulated millennia ago of global control and domination. In the 1850s, they pinpointed their target date for complete domination with an agenda called Plan 2000. This has since been revised to 2003. The fiasco election of George W. Bush Jr. to office is a key sign that they are on target. The public lesson of the United States presidential “election” of 2000 is that the citizens do not vote for anyone! Even the Illuminati are now finding it increasingly difficult to conceal their plans.

    About the author:
    A gifted medical intuitive, Stewart Swerdlow is a clairvoyant who has the ability to see auric fields and personal archetypes as well as read DNA sequences and mind-patterns. His great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather helped form the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s. To ensure that his loyalties stayed with the US government, he was “recruited” for specific government mind-control experiments which enhanced his natural abilities.

    This article was excerpted from Stewart’s book, Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation


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Comment by CHRISTINA on April 6, 2015 at 6:54am

Stewart Swerdlow - 18 Year Old Video - Reptilian Illuminati Secrets Exposed


Comment by CHRISTINA on April 6, 2015 at 6:54am

Comment by Besimi on April 6, 2015 at 1:07am

How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It - Un-Consent | Beyond BRICS: Exposing the Rats

How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It - Un-Consent | Beyond BRICS: Exposing the Rats

Updated: April 4th 2015: Synchronistically, on the same day this article was published, a NOTICE and PUBLIC ORDER was issued by Judge Anna Von Reitz. The notice can be used to help bring awareness and take action to end the mandate of authority maintained by the cabal, one more tool in our chest for freedom.

The article below is a history of how the Vatican led, Federal Reserve System took over the world, stole the constitutional republic from the people, and installed a corporate slavery system, debt slavery, without anyone taking notice. 

This is ESSENTIAL data for anyone aspiring to be free. True freedom, personal sovereignty, the freedom described by the founding fathers, can only exist with profound knowledge and willingness to defend that freedom, from those who would take it.

Before that article, I am going to describe all of the underlying core principles in simple everyday language. 

Our True Relationship to Government

There are 3 key reasons why the cabal masquerading as government can lawfully maintain their control: Your Incompetence, Their Breach of Trust and Implied Consent to their Authority, by all the other 'citizens' of government.

The people's relationship to government the world over is greatly misunderstood. Most people think we are the servants of government, that they are at the top and we are at the bottom. But Government is now, and has always been, a Trust Relationship, with the people over the government. Trust Relationships are managed under Equity Law, the Law of the Sea, otherwise known as Contract Law or Common Law loosely. 

While there have been many claiming these laws are 'bogus' and irrelevant, this is not taking into consideration the whole truth, which I will attempt to briefly explain. The basis to our legal/lawful system is Natural Law, and free will consent. So long as consent is given, it is in accord with Natural Law, the 'rules that are made' once consent is given (legal codes and statutes) is where most of the erroneousness is contained. Natural Law is consent, man's laws are the rules created, once consent is given, or implied. 

Law of Free Will: A trust agreement, or contract seems like some invention of modern society, but it is actually a principle of the natural world and has always existed. When two or more free will beings want to interact, they do so using agreements, and if we analyze life itself, we can see that at every level of interaction, there is always consent operating. Free will, in this sense, is ALWAYS honored, but since someone may not understand what they are consenting to (due to lack of knowledge), they may agree to something in the past, which is later discovered to be dishonorable.. The point is, all power and authority is actually an agreement between the people to be governed. Hence all governments, whether a Monarchy, Democracy or Republic is a trust agreement, an Corporation (Corporeal Oration - to make real through speaking, agreement). 

This aspect of reality is understood deeply by our would-be masters, and they know that any power one person has over another is illusory. Someone can claim to be your master, but usually needs to use coercion, threats of violence, in order to compel your consent; fines, imprisonment, sanctions etc. This is a crucial point to understand, and while many people would like to believe we are totally victimized by the cabal, the truth is, our own incompetence and lack of action, gives them our consent. More on this later. 

Lastly, the creator of the universe needs to be taken into consideration. For some this may seem like woo woo, but our would-be masters acknowledge the existence of a creator (albeit a distorted and fallacious concept of one), and in all honesty, so must we if we want to understand our true place as creditors and grantors of the estate; our freedom of mind, body and soul. These essential ideas must be accepted (at least on the surface) in order for us to understand how the systems on earth work.

The Creator Creature Trust and Estate

The narrative can be summed up as follows: The Creator is within each being in the universe, from small to large, and when free will acts, it is literally an aspect of the creator in operation. The powers that should not be know this deeply, and this can be seen by reviewing the Papal bulls of the Vatican. When the creator 'sent us forth into the creation to move, breathe and have our being' we agreed to do the 'working of god' and honor 'his will.' We were entrusted with a mind, body and soul to do this, creating our 'temple within' and help create a harmonious paradise on earth. 

The powers that be know this, and have described it within their own writings. The covenants of God, within most abrahamic religions, are an example of this. Papal Bulls assert the Vatican and it's trustees as the trusted consorts to god, stating until God or the people do otherwise, their rule is divinely ordained; until we dispel their presumption of god given authority. They say: until we 'come of age' and realize our purpose, those who have 'come of age' are entrusted to share their knowledge and educate us so we can do the great workIf we refuse to do the work, and fall into sin (ignorance of our original trust with god to do his will) a trusted consort to god must come in and manage us till we see the light; the Vatican and it's agents in this caseBecause each person is a powerful embodiment of the creator, if we use our powers unwisely, we can create much chaos in the world. Until we come of age, and begin using our will to create harmony we must be managed like animals and spiritually dead things. While this is a sobering perspective to contemplate, it is in harmony with Natural Law, but the Vatican fails to do what god commands them to do (educate and uplift humanity) and this is a crucial point we will address later. 

We need only look out into the world to see how this narrative reflects reality. Our world is being destroyed by war, environmental pollution and manipulation via deception of the people. Our world is run like a pirate planet. 

Where things go horribly wrong is that our 'consorts to god' our would-be masters, are in Breach of Trust with god. They are morally obligated to share the truth and uplift us so we can become competent. More on this later.

How Did We Give Consent? Trust Agreements

Trust Agreements (contracts) are very simple. When you want to ensure something you own or manage is taken care of, while you are away - an estate, you can create an agreement (trust) with a friend who can manage it for you. You set the rules for managment that your friend must follow in order for them to honor your agreement. This presumes: your competence to manage the estate, that you own the estate and that the person you entrust to it will relinquish it back to you upon your return. The person you entrust with your estate is the trustee, you are the grantor, and in this case, the administrator because you set the rules for how the trust is to be managed. Finally, you are also the beneficiary, because you benefit from your estate being managed while you're away. This is the standard form trusts take the world over under many names, with three roles: Grantor/Administrator, Trustee and Beneficiary.

Your Incompetence: If you die, are lost at sea, or 'go crazy' (becoming incompetent), the trustee can claim as such, and gain complete control over your estate. Unless you presentyourself, so as to dispel the presumption of your death or incompetence, the trustee stays in control. Their claim of incompetence or death becomes a cured fact in Equity Law. The key concept being, ACTION MUST BE TAKEN BY YOU, in order to dispel the presumption, and regain control over the entrusted estate; in this case government. You must be present, which indicates you have come of age, and are able to use the estate entrusted to you by god; your body, mind and soul - and what you do with these things.

Breach of Trust: If the trustee does not honor the rules you set up, they are in BREACH OF TRUST. In order to reclaim the trust, you must notify them of their failure to honor the trust agreement (filing a UCC1 Financing Statement is one method). If you fail to do this, you are negligent, and by definition incompetent. Clearly, if you can not recognize that the person you entrusted to managed your estate is breaking your rules, then you must not be competent. As a result, the trustee can maintain control, even if you are alive and not lost at sea

Implied Consent of all the other 'citizens' of government: This is the crucial point most people miss. The government is the trustee of the people, they have to do what the people say, or more accurately, if they CLAIM that the people want something, and the people do not say otherwise, now the government has a MANDATE issued by the people, as a result of their silence by consent. In other words, if the government claims that the people want to be enslaved, and the people do not say otherwise, they agree by their inaction. This is known as implied or tacit consent. 

The cabal controlled government, the trustee, declared all of it's citizens as incompetent, and enemies of the state (“Trading With The Enemy Act” (Sixty‐Fifth Congress, Sess. I, Chs. 105, 106, October 6, 1917), and as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a.). This claim, under Equity Law, became a cured fact when NO ONE TOOK ACTION to notify the trustee's of their Breach of Trust. As a result, the government now has a mandate, procured from the people themselves, to manage the people as incompetent slaves. Literally, we gave them permission to do everything that has been happening on earth. Granted we were unaware due to pervasive deception on the part of the trustee's, but our inability to see the fraud, proves their case of our incompetence. 

The solution to this is simple, yet long of action. Before we can solve the problem, we must gain knowledge of what it is, how the trust relationship was set up, and where things went wrong. 

This is what happened:

When you were born, your parents declared you incompetent, and created an estate with the corporate government to manage your affairs for you, until you come of age; become competent. This declaration is accurate. Until you understand how the world works, what Equity Law is, and what your true status as a Grantor and Administrator are, you are not competent. Given most people have no idea about any of this, their claim is accurate in the aggregate.

If the government was honorable, it would disclose all of this to you during the course of your life and eventually you would take control of your estate. But the trustees are not honorable, and instead they do everything they can to keep you ignorant, offering all sorts of distractions to maintain your status of incompetency. By the time you do come of age, you're more interested in distractions then you are in managing your estate (mind, body and soul), and taking responsibility for your life. 

While you are growing up, the government quietly declares you to be dead and lost at sea. Since you are already considered an enemy of the state, you are a criminal under the 13th amendment, and can now be treated as a work slave. This is described well in the post The Underworld Death Dealing Practices Of The Elite:

Many people think that slavery ended during the Civil War, with the ratification of the 13th amendment, but in fact the 13 amendment legalized slavery on a massive scale:
We will be discussing these treaties in more detail in a moment and how they go to the motive of the equally bizarre and false 13th amendment that converts every United States of America citizen into both a criminal and a slave, or a 14th Amendment US citizen into a piece of cargo- being worse than a slave.
Within the Equity System Managed by the UCC or Uniform Commercial Code, our estate is created at birth via the proof of live birth; a birth certificate. An Estate is an age old piece of technology developed for imparting trust from the original owner or creator, to a trustee or third party. For example, during the crusades, the volunteers would entrust their estate to a friend or family member, who would manage the land for them while they were gone. If the Crusader died or was lost at sea, then the friend could claim the estate as their own. And this is exactly what the Elite do for every birth certificate carrying individual:
The United States is the only country in the world that not only condones slavery but has embedded it as a religious and moral right within its own constitution. However, that is exactly what the false 13th Amendment says:

The 13th Amendment does not abolish slavery; it converts it into a claimed religious and moral right. The 13th Amendment does not end slavery; it just changes the name of slaves to criminals.

Let me read it to you: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

So if I am able to claim someone as a criminal, such as in summary justice – then I can make them a slave. How could anyone in their right mind logically conclude then that the 13th Amendment abolished slavery? It did not! – it institutionalized it to the present day under the Fascist models of the NWO 2.0 then the Third Reich and now the Fourth Reich.
Lastly, the Birth Certificate does not clearly state Live Child or Dead Child, and this opens the door for a presumption of death. Just like the family member who took ownership of the Crusaders estate, the trustee can claim that the grantor died or was lost at sea, so can the government. As long as you do not show up to say otherwise, this presumption becomes a 'cured fact' under Equity Law, and the government can step in and begin using your estate for their own purposes. 

The Solution

Hopefully an underlying theme should be apparent, that complete knowledge or lack there of, is the root cause and therefore solution. Let's address each of the key factors. 

Our Incompetence: Since it is true that when we are born we are not competent, we must educate ourselves. Knowledge is power. How can we possibly hope to get our entrusted estate back if we don't even know it exists or that we have claim to it? The information presented in this article is a great start. But memorizing a few facts, and filling out a UCC form is not enough, this knowledge is the first layer of the onion, we need to go all the way to the core. Our Estate is not a birth certificate, or a piece of land somewhere, our estate is our mind, body and soul. This is where the lawful/legal side merges with the spiritual side. 

We must learn discernment, and stop placing blind faith in leaders and experts, because these are representatives, they represent us when we must present ourselves. This is done by gaining personal knowledge so we can see deception when it crosses our path, and call it for what it is. In this case, that our would-be masters, those who claim to be 'consorts to god' are actually in Breach of Trust with the covenant of god, because they hide the truth instead of sharing it; Dark Occultism. When we understand enough about these realities and present this truth to others we are proving our competence

Breach of Trust: The trustee's to our estate, must be notified as to their breach of trust. Now that we have done the work to gain complete knowledge, we must begin acting on this knowledge. If we continue to accept the illusory authority of government, we are still incompetent. For example, by voting for a president, you are entering into an agreement with the government which presumes your incompetence, and their status as authority over you. By our very action of voting, we give them our consent and validate our incompetence. In this sense, knowledge will become power, if acted upon. Either we stop consenting to all the forms of authoritarian rule (paying taxes, tickets and fines, accepting corporate justice from courts, etc) and in doing so prove our competence, or we do nothing and continue to issue implied consent. In this case, there is no grey area, there are no bystanders, either you're working to be a part of freedom or you're working with the cabal by remaining ignorant and inactive; harsh as that may sound.

Implied Consent from all other 'citizens of government': This last point is what unifies all the people of the world under a common cause; true freedom. Even if we do the work of educating ourselves, and then prove our competence by acting within this knowledge in our personal lives, there is still a whole world of incompetent and willing slaves to deal with. Because they have, by their ignorance and inaction, given a mandate to governments to continue slavery and tyranny, we cannot be islands of freedom within a sea of piracy. Remember, their mandate is maintained by deception and ignorance - they deceive people into giving them the 'right to rule.' As such our efforts MUST be focused on the unawakened and ignorant masses. When enough people have dispelled their own incompetence, by gaining complete knowledge of the problem, then we can act as a collective to dispel the presumed mandate of authority. Each person who is asleep is working for the cabal and doesn't know it. It is our job, as those who have learned the truth, to reveal it to them, and allow them to become present, so they no longer need to berepresented by government

Final Message of Hope

The core problem is within each human being on earth, including the cabal themselves. The Cabal know the truth, and deceive us into accepting and maintaining our incompetence (ignorance). Humanity at large has been trained to be a slave race and accept authority as real, instead of illusory. The false belief in authority must be dispelled, by gaining knowledge of the truth, that there are no real authorities, only trustee's given the power to manage our affairs, by our consent.

As such, any solution which does not address this, is only a stopgap measure. Even if every single Cabal member was magically transported off earth, the real problem would still be here, and another master would come in to rule the well trained incompetent slaves. As such, where we focus our time and energy is crucial. We must seek to gain mastery of ourselves, and in doing so reclaim our estate; our minds, bodies and souls. 

As we gain knowledge and develop mastery we become deception proof and present our competence. Now we can look back in our lives and see how our actions helped maintain the status quo of false authority and tyranny and begin un-consenting by changing ourselves. Learning about health, law, and how to be honorable will help us dispel false beliefs, and empower us with real knowledge to act competently, removing any need for a 'consort of god' to manage our lives for us. 

The good news is that the whole system is designed for this purpose in the first place. Our would-be masters knew that they couldn't stay in power unless we remain ignorant and inactive. Like a magician their illusion only works if we can't see behind the stage. 

The control systems many have come to loathe (Legal codes, Equity Law, etc) are all based on trust agreements, and as soon as we become aware of this, we can take action, and the whole system of control works against the cabal and for us. Now we use the UCC and Equity Law systems to our advantage, making them honorable. In this sense, these systems are a tool, like a hammer, and are not evil in and of themselves. 

Simply put, the whole problem, in its full scope and impact, involves all intelligent life on earth, as each being is contributing to the current condition. We must reclaim our true estate, our minds, bodies and souls and in doing so become the free and empowered beings we were always meant to be. Now our estate is used by us create harmony and the long sought golden age on earth, instead of the horrific NWO we seem to be headed for now. 

Note about BRICS: There are many claims as to reforms that will change the system of control and slavery on earth, BRICS is one of them. While it is entirely possible some measure of relief maybe gained, given the realities described above, it is only a stopgap measure. We can be hopeful of a solution, but should not stop addressing the root problem. 

More Data

The following is an extensive history, but is not the complete picture. For more on all this see:

The Underworld Death Dealing Practices Of The Elite | Birth, Marria...

Unam Sanctum and Cestui Que Trusts - The Convent's With God Declari...

Trust Law: How You Became A Commodity - The Creation of Constructiv...

Science of Contracts: Law of Free Will and Agreement

Hidden History of Gold - What Money Really Is
- Justin

Source - GeoPolitics 

We should have understood by now that the primary objective of the White Dragon Society behind the BRICS is the formation of a meritocratically staffed world planning agency and a fair, equitable financial system, by rooting out the corruptions plaguing corporate entities like the IMF/WB, United Nations and the Federal Reserve, Inc., and the abandonment of the fiat US dollar in favor of a basket of currencies backed by sovereign hard assets.
Concerns like “we’re just replacing one pack of wolves with another” are very valid and that there’s constantly a need to go beyond what BRICS is trying to accomplish.
Like we’ve been saying all along, the BRICS would still preserve the corporate structures of the West but only want to better it by removing the rats sprawling in its dark corners and ravaging our sovereignty while we were deep asleep.
Beyond that, we could not demand for more from that group.
It will be our individual effort, as opposed to that of organized entities, which must be exerted if we want to achieve real unfettered freedoms for all.
We must be deserving of the freedoms we wish to achieve. We must take definitive actions beyond what’s written below…

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