Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Messages from Blue Avians


With all of the events occurring “Above and Below” there is a lot of “Information”, “Disinformation” and competing “Agendas” that are all competing for fertile places in our “Consciousness” to plant their “Seeds”.

Some people have chosen to focus on the more “Down to Earth” events and the battles over the “Financial Debt System” (Babylonian Money Magic Slave System), “Financial Resets”, “Financial Jubilee” and gifted money to the masses in “Prosperity Settlements”. There is an element of what we call “The Alliance” that is fighting the current controlling elite (Known as the “Cabal” or “Illuminati” among other names.) down here on Earth at this very moment.

Some people have chosen to focus on the more “Esoteric” (for now) events and battles occurring above or atmospheres in what many are referencing as the “Secret Space Programs” and “Break Away Civilizations”. There is quite a lot of classified technologies that are in use in these “Programs” that are being suppressed and could completely change the nature and quality of life of every human being here on Earth. The “Free Energy” technologies would end the need of the need for the “Current Oil/Petro Energy Companies”, The “Frequency and Light Healing” technologies would end the “Current Pharmaceutical Corporations”, The “Neurological Interface” technologies would end the need for “Large Education Institutions” and the “Food Replication” technologies and “Environmental Purification and Restoration” technologies would end poverty, starvation and begin to reverse the damage humanity has done to the Earth virtually over night. As you can imagine the real threat to disclosure is not that Humanity cannot handle the truth or will be able to reconcile “Cosmic Life” with their religious beliefs. The real reason is that these technologies would immediately collapse the world Economies and make the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System” of no use anymore. It means the “Loss of Control” of the .01% (Elite) over the “Masses” and a complete “Paradigm Change”. In short it means “Freedom”! Freedom for the first time in Humanities “Known” recorded history. There has been a “Stealth Civil War” going on among various “SSP” groups for a while to achieve this result. Relatively recently the “SSP Alliance” was joined by a group of “Beings” that no one had encountered before. They are a 6-9th Density Group of Beings that have been referred to as “The Sphere Alliance”. These new “Sphere Beings” have since not only created an “Energetic Blockade” around Earth but have also done so around our entire solar system. They are a nonviolent group of beings who have brought assistance mainly in the form of a “Message”.

Some people are now choosing to focus on this “Message” that was delivered by the “Blue Avians” - 1 of 5 beings: the “Orb Beings”, the “Blue Avians”, the “Golden Triangle-Headed Beings” and two others who have not revealed themselves to us yet. The “Orb Beings” have been visiting “Many Tens of Thousands” of people in the form of “Blue/Indigo Balls of Light” while others have been visited by the “Blue Avians” and given a “Greeting Phrase” to know one another by.

What is this “Message”?

Every day focus on becoming more “Service To Others” oriented. Focus on being more “Loving” and “Focus on raising your Vibrational and Consciousness Level” and to learn to “Forgive Yourself and Others” (Thus “Releasing Karma”). This will change the Vibration of the Planet, The “Shared Consciousness of Humanity” and “Change Humanity One Person at a time” (Even if that “One Person” is yourself.). They say to treat your body as a temple and change over to a “Higher Vibrational Diet” to aid in the other changes. This sounds to many like a “Hippy Love and Peace” message that will not make a difference. I assure you the “Path” they lay out in “Their Message” is a difficult one. Even on the unlikely chance that these technologies stay “Suppressed”, imagine what a world we would live in if everyone made these changes to their selves? The Blue Avians also gave a warning with this “Message”. They had tried to deliver this message “Three Other Times” and it had been distorted by Humanity. They made it “Very Clear” that this information was NOT to become a “Cult or Religious Movement” nor was I to put myself (my “ego”) before the “Message” or elevate myself to a “Guru” status. Anyone who does so should be avoided and held accountable including myself.

Thank you,

Corey “GoodETxSG” aka “Luke”


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Comment by Besimi on April 7, 2015 at 4:48pm

Psychological Warfare and the Fragmentation of the Psyche

Psychological Warfare and the Fragmentation of the Psyche


Psyche Dissociative Disorder
Jay Dyer, Guest

Waking Times

The subject of dissociative identity disorder and the fracturing of the psyche is a complex topic that is becoming more mainstream through alternative media. The causes, nature and extent of the disorder are still shrouded in mystery, though modern medicine and psychology do have a lot to say about the matter. One of the reasons the disorder is controversial is that it doesn’t seem to fit well in the dominant materialist/biologist reductionism upon which mass science is built. Given the presupposition of modern science that the psyche is entirely equated with the brain itself, the assumptions are thus that any possible solution to mental problems of this nature can only be remedied or suppressed through the addition of, and rearrangement of, molecular compounds.

This fact is seen most clearly in the pharmaceutical solution, which may provide temporary relief and the subduing of more manic tendencies, fails to address the spiritual dimension of man, excluding from the outset the idea that the psyche might be more than a series of neurons firing. The monetary and propagandist power of these corporations, combined with the power to dictate the results through the funding of their “objective studies” that vindicate the latest happy pill, disavow from the outset any other approaches, models or therapeutic applications. Despite the deep interconnectedness of the pharmaceutical industry with the intelligence agencies and psychological and biological warfare industries, few and far between are those who are willing to question this approach as a whole, due to the almost universal indoctrination of neo-Darwinian theory, which thus also preconditions all approaches to therapeutic psychology.

One example of the dilemma a proponent of the modern approach must grapple with is something I have highlighted in the past: if the DSM-V is the “bible” of psychological disorders, then one must accept that the DSM-V still cites older articles referencing mind-controlled al.... If mind-controlled alters are a non-existent fiction of raving conspiracy lunatics, then the DSM-V is now subject to change (as it constantly is), and must be revised. Of course, the DSM-V is constantly revised, as “disorders” suddenly appear quite frequently, all of which are dependent upon the theorizing of so-called experts that operate within the existing paradigm. In this regard, we can see the clear incoherency at work: The circular nature of the existing psychological establishment vindicates the pharmaceutical establishment, which in turn provides the funding to vindicate the psychological establishment. The circular establishment becomes the de facto final court of appeal, even as its theories and revisions are constantly over-turning each other in a perpetual cycle.


Psi and the Caduceus

Since most people in this field are not familiar with psychological warfare, the military application of such techniques, and the origins and rise of the American Psychological Association and its cousin, the Tavistock Institute, the analogy with the advance of super technologies is appropriate – both “techniques” arise from the military application. In other words, the technological advances of an entity like DARPA are for warfare purposes, even though they are marketed publicly as “humanitarian.” In the same way, the application of modern psychology arose from Institutes and agencies concerned primarily with the subject of mass social engineering and psychological warfare. It should come as no surprise the establishment remedies have such a low success rate. Of course, what one considers a “success” and “progress” is determined by what one’s worldview and ends are, so from the perspective of mass social engineering, the present psychological establishment is a huge success, providing cheap mass experimentation and billions in profits. If mass drugging of the populace into a catatonic, zombie-like state is the end goal, then the existing system can certainly claim it is a great, progressive success.


Through the chemical process, the alchemist seeks the transmutation of matter.

With this in mind, it is understandable why “alternative” approaches and forms of therapy are derided and laughed at, as the goal of modern “health” is not the integration and healing of the person as a whole, but the chemical treatment of the effects of the problem. As with other fields of research, the “compartmentalization” of information is applied in psychology and medicine as it is in military information. The long-term plans and goals of the pharmaceutical industry and their pill-pushing doctors are ignored at the expense of short-term gains, but the difficulty extends much deeper than the standard left/liberal approach to this question, where the true ends of these industries are almost entirely ascribed to monetary gain. However, the oligarchical elite that dominate the western establishment themselves have stated many times what the long-term goals of all these industries are, including “psychology” and the pharmaceutical application. This is why, for example,treatments for disorders that have a higher success rate with canna....

Unfortunately, the level at which discourse on the topic of cannabis is so dumbed-down and stupid on both sides of the aisle, it is almost futile to discuss, as both the left/liberal pothead are as clueless as the faux “conservative war on drugs” crusader. Both sides of this question are unaware of the complexities involved, as the left/liberal sees the government as “the man” infringing on the “rights” of atomized nobodies wanting a good buzz. On the other hand, moronic conservatives (so-called) are ignorant of the fact that the “war on drugs” was a covert plan for deep state control of the drug trade, criminalizing certain substances so both the black markets and pharmaceutical markets can maintain a monopolistic control. For the left/liberal, the foolish trust in NGOs he believes are actually interested in his “freedom,” are actually promoting a destructive social agenda for think tanks that have a different strategy of social engineering than other think tanks.

This dialectic is similar to the managed dialectic of environmentalism, where both the mainstream left and right are played like fools by corporations and think tanks that simply have different strategies for achieving the same ends. Left/liberals cannot fathom that the top oil conglomerates have a large stake in the “green agenda” itself, buying into childish,Manichaean dialectics of good guy green vs. bad guy oil. Similarly faux conservatives who think their “free market” corporations are fighting for expansion, jobs and economic growth against the hippy liberals who get in their way, hugging trees and munching pot brownies. In reality, both of these teams are played like puppets, as the same think tanks and foundations are universally on board with the global agenda of centralization through the invented crisis of resource scarcity repackaged in the green agenda.

Returning to the question of the psyche, my proposal to reassessing this question involves questioning the manufactured, existing paradigms at their core. As Thomas Kuhn posited concerning the nature of scientific revolutions, the same understanding needs to be applied to diverse fields, where it needs to be understood that medicine and psychology cannot be based on purely materialist models.  These models, in turn, are based on the still reigning paradigm of naïve empiricism, the immortal philosophical zombie that never dies. Until these presuppositions themselves are questioned, functionaries of the establishment will never make true progress towards healing and integrating the psyche.

At the top, of course, there is no plan to heal man, but rather to end man, as the Royal Society openly states, yet for the majority of middle-men who have bought into the humanitarian propaganda and are compartmentalized, they operate and make real and accurate discoveries that are genuinely positive. However, such discoveries are not implemented, but suppressed, and generally the inversion is implemented on a mass scale, such as psychotropic treatment of the psyche. In the studies of the MK ULTRA programs, for which modern psychotropic treatment derives, the effects of psychedelics resulted in the fragmentation and disintegration of the psyche, by design and promotion of the Frankfurt School working in concert with Bertrand Russell and the Fabians. I wrote concerning this previously:


Pop culture imagery expressing the notion of a fragmented psyche.

From my own observations and research concerning those who have had intense hallucinogenic drug experiences, definite patterns emerge. One of the most prominent patterns is the sense of the psyche being fragmented, disintegrating and becoming “one” with the all. The hallucinogen causes a kind of inner journey which shamans of primitive religions have embarked upon for millennia, but the result tends towards the same conclusion: monism. Yet oddly the philosophical monism adopted invariably leads many of the drugged to feel that their own psyche has fractured, divided, or split.

The so-called “revelations” most experience on the drug trips end up being very monotonous. It rarely occurs to the drugged that their narcissistic “insights” are one and the same as ancient pagan and eastern religions. Reality is thus viewed as an “illusion,” a “trick,” a product of their own mind (solipsism), and who they were/are as a person was annihilated or dismembered. The drug trip thus tends to result in the unwitting conversion of the drugged to some form of pantheism or animism.

BBC reporter Bruce Parry, for example, logged several hallucinogeni... Modern man’s lack of spiritual connection has allowed the return of ancient shamanism and paganism to reemerge with the 60’s revolution. Unfortunately, the 60’s culture “revolution” was something engineered by elites in the pharmaceutical, banking and intelligence communities. Researchers Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin have done excellent work in demonstrating .... The social engineering of revolution was in harmony with the Marxist plan of Theodore Adorno to, along with drugs, promote this very depersonalization and fragmentation through pop music.

He famously stated:

“What radical music perceives is the untransfigured suffering of man…. The seismographic registration of traumatic shock becomes, at the same time, the technical structural law of music. It forbids continuity and development. Musical language is polarized according to its extreme; towards gestures of shock resembling bodily convulsions on the one hand, and on the other towards a crystalline standstill of a human being whom anxiety causes to freeze in her tracks…. Modern music sees absolute oblivion as its goal. It is the surviving message of despair from the shipwrecked.”

That “schizophrenia” he speaks of is what has been achieved in our day. Schizophrenia is the dividing and fragmenting of the psyche into disconnected, meaningless “parts,” which have no relation to anything or anyone else.  It is the ultimate atomization and alienation, resulting in an arrested development blob of masses that are unable to even reason about what is in their own best interest.   Modernity’s nihilistic suicide pact is something that is not mere happenstance: it has been engineered on purpose by our so-called “elite,” as Irvin shows. Aldous Huxley famously said:

“But now psycho-analysis is being combined with hypnosis; and hypnosis has been made easy and indefinitely extensible through the use of barbiturates, which induce a hypnoid and suggestible state in even the most recalcitrant subjects.  Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

Considering specifically the fragmentation of the psyche, the extreme versions appear in the diagnoses of MPD/DID and schizophrenia, with the unifying facto....  Trauma later in life appears in “Post-traumatic Stress Disorder,” with the same patterns of diss....  What is almost never discussed, though the evidence surfaces daily, particularly with former military and pop star circles are the realities of ritual abuse.  Having read several works on the subject, ritual abuse appears frequently in these cases, yet goes unmentioned in the mainstream.  This tide appears to be changing with the case of Jimmy Savile and his network, as even the mainstream media has been forced to report on the avalanche of officials involved in occultic and ritual abuse. I wrote previously:

“With this direct Hollywood connection in mind, we can see the likely possibility of the abuse of pop stars, who become high-priced commodities for the same establishment.  I have written before about Candy Jones, and all the way up to the present, top stars are now alleging they were abused by their “handlers” and/or producers.  While some cases may be publicity stunts, it is hard to believe they all are.  News hounds will recall Amanda Bynes believing she was brainwashed and implanted with a microchip and Ke$ha recently suing for abuse by her “handler,” Dr. Luke, with Luk....  Prior to that, we have witnessed a barrage of news stories the last few years recounting a stream of victims alleging networks of sickos using and abusing those under them.  Let us not forget Penn State and Jerry Sanduskyand Jimmy Savile of the UK, as well as a host of UK government officials.  Recent reports also arose from actors like Corey Feldman, who alleges similar crimes.”


Psyche and Cupid.


Both cultic groups and government agencies have the desire for control in common, and particularly the control of thought.  One effective way such groups achieve this is through childhood indoctrination, as this is the most formative period.  Propaganda and manipulation targeted at children are thus the most effective and the most insidious, and the solutions cannot come through a rearrangement of chemicals from one form to another, based entirely on the evolutionary biological model.   It is no accident the rate of mental illnesses and neurological disorders are thus skyrocketing, as the application of more and more chemical solutions is compounded with more and more prescriptions to counter the effects of the previous’ side effects.

In proposing a solution, alternatives avenues are much more promising, particularly when considering the alternate anthropology of eastern theology, where man is not merely a chemical machine, but a biological entity with a psyche and a nous, a higher faculty endowed by God. Strategopoulos comments on this teaching:

“The human nous in Eastern Orthodox Christianity is the “eye of the heart or soul” or the “mind of the heart”. The soul of man is created by God in His image; man’s soul is intelligent andnoetic. St Thalassios wrote that God created beings “with a capacity to receive the Spirit and to attain knowledge of Himself; He has brought into existence the senses and sensory perception to serve such beings”. Eastern Orthodox Christians hold that God did this by creating mankind with intelligence and noetic faculties. Angels have intelligence and nous, whereas men have reason – both logos and dianoia– nous and sensory perception. This follows the idea that man is a microcosm and an expression of the whole creation or macrocosmos. The human nous was darkened after the Fall of Man (which was the result of the rebellion of reason against the nous), but after the purification (healing or correction) of thenous (achieved through ascetic practices like hesychasm), the human nous (the “eye of the heart”) will see God’s uncreated Light (and feel God’s uncreated love and beauty, at which point the nous will start the unceasing prayer of the heart) and become illuminated, allowing the person to become an orthodox theologian.”

In regard to the fragmentation of the psyche and the loss of memory (something crucial for extreme cases of MPD/DID) are highlighted in a fascinating way not found elsewhere, as the possibility of a spiritual dimension to psychotic disorders is often overlooked and ignored.  Strategopoulos continues:

“They became vain in their reasonings, speculations”. Please pay attention to the choice of words. Almost always, especially in the New Testament, the term (“dialogismos” in the original Greek) is used in a negative sense. When He is about to heal the paralytic, Christ is aware that people “are reasoning within themselves” (Mark 2:6). So Christ says: “Why are you reasoning about these things in your hearts?” You see, the word in the Greek text is not “logismos” (thought, contemplation), it is “dia-logismos”, i.e. fragmented, scattered thinking: The fragmentation of the nous. You might as well apply this knowledge when you are confronted with cults, heresies and similar issues, [considering that the same word is used today for “meditation”]. There is a direct link. Reasoning, speculation [of a fragmented nous]: terms which are always used in a negative sense in the Holy Scripture. Thus, man ends up in a state of ignorance, although he is created with a predisposition towards God, with a nousthat is meant to turn to God for help: “Love the Lord your God”. This is faith, the movement towards God, and it is something that we have overlooked….

St Gregory of Sinai clearly states that forgetfulness of God is a disease of the soul and of the faculty of reason. It has a direct impact on human memory, which ends up divided, diffused and fragmented, a prey to tempting thoughts. If I forget God, my memory will crumble into pieces, resulting in scattered, wayward thinking: “Dia-logismos”. That explains our deep anguish: What shall we do here? What shall we do there? What is to be done?”

The loss of memory and its fragmentation is the same pattern seen in those with alters who lack integration with the core personality.  Extreme forms of schizophrenia demonstrate this in a profound way, where the psyche’s core is so fractured it appears to dissociate into incoherence.  Alters, by contrast, appear to be structured to handle and absorb trauma, retaining a level of rationality and coherence, even in the split.  My consideration is that perhaps as a result of the Fall, all of us are in some degree fragmented, while MPD/DID demonstrate more severe versions of the universal fragmentation.  This is not to propose some new agey, generic dissolution of individual, on the contrary, the individual psyche needs to be unified, coherent and integrated.  Psychology’s approach has been to attempt to integrate these various personae, and this makes sense, yet still lacks the possibility of considering man as a spiritual being with a nous.  If God exists, then the faculty that exists for unification and integration through the knowledge of God cannot be ignored.

In my estimation, one of the deep programs of the establishment’s anti-human agenda involves the destruction of memory itself. As long as humans have a memory of how they lived in a more natural, traditional setting, the potential for the rejection of a technocratic system where free will is eliminated remains. Thus, ending and reprogramming memory itself must become a chief of the technocratic establishment, and it has. Memory alone cannot be a solution, however, as individuals with hyperthymesia might still be wicked or self-destructive. The solution lies in the alteration of man’s heart, intimately bound up with his nous, which involves a change of perspective and life where God is no longer suppressed and forgotten, metanoia. The solution is therefore not merely material or intellectual, but a holistic change in one’s life, whereas fragmented approaches of therapeutic treatment are only addressing a fragment of the problem.

About the Author

Jay Dyer is the author of the excellent site Jay’s Analysis, where this article first appeared.

~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration by sharing this article with friends and family…


Views: 6

Comment by Besimi on April 7, 2015 at 2:16am

COBRA - A Short Planetary Situation Update 04.06.2015

A Short Planetary Situation Update

The Eastern Alliance is making good progress, especially on the financial front, as the major global powers except the US join the new Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB):
AIIB will support infrastructure projects of global importance:
The Eastern Alliance will also unleash some much needed capital for a soft disclosure of advanced technologies:
The Eastern Alliance has set a target date of January 1st, 2016 as the day of the financial Reset:
That proposed date may or may not be the real date of the Reset.
You might also notice that the basic composition of the new financial system (especially scenario 3) here

is extremely close to what I have leaked 3 years ago here:
In the past, I have also mentioned a secret positive group operating in Latin America. One of their main purposes is to keep Chimera-controlled US military bases off the continent:
Although there is much progress, much works still needs to be done.
First, there is still a lot of Cabal infiltration in the government structures of the leading BRICS countries, especially China and Brazil:
Second, right now there are more human slaves on the planet than at any point in human history:
Especially in India:

As we get closer to the Event, a true balance needs to be reached between the East and the West, keeping the best of both worlds and discarding the rest:
When the Event happens, the following resources may become handy:
The Breakthrough is near!

Views: 41

Comment by Besimi on April 7, 2015 at 2:15am

For my Sensitive Soul Sisters: It’s Our Time to Shine.

For my Sensitive Soul Sisters: It’s Our Time to Shine.

Via Sarah Harvey on Apr 4, 2015

We are bright, shimmering beacons of light, but we turn away from our glittering brilliance, instead lingering silently in shrouded shadows.

We soak up a thousand emotional impressions in the span of seven seconds, so easily losing track of our own hearts, our own minds, our own pain and our own needs.

We are tailor-made to soothe panicked heartbeats and bestow smiles on suffering souls, but we lose sight of the juicy joy in curling our own lips upward into a gutsy, no-holds-barred grin.

We are born to breathe in the world’s pounding panic and bursting joy and bitter hatred and luscious love, but we forget the fierce dragon-like freedom in exhaling the at-times exhausting struggle of sensing so much.

We have waterfall hearts.

They flow and flow, spilling over into stormy streams, cascading into choppy currents of raw emotion.

We fear suffocating from the sheer force of those foamy, fast-moving waters, occasionally coughing up seaweed, sometimes choking on scratchy grains of sand.

But, sisters, we are born to feel it all.

We are born to swim in salty seas of tears, dive into dark oceans of despair, and soar to snow capped peaks of euphoria.

We are born to feel intensely and completely and shockingly deeply.

We just have to remember who we are.

Because sisters, our sensitivity doesn’t make us weak.

It never did.

And it never will.

Our hearts are incredibly courageous, containing insurmountable strength in their plush petals of softness.

Today is the day our succulently sensitive souls will tap us on the shoulder and say:

“I love you. Please don’t hide anymore.”

Because right now, in this very instant, in this one-of-a-kind moment, it’s the perfect time to bloom, to explode, to unfurl, to fly and to soar.

To shine.

Yes, sisters, it’s our time to shine.

Let’s crank our inner light switches to full force, enabling our sparkly souls to sunbathe in their own infinite radiance for days and days on end.

Let’s declare the badass beauty of our sensitivity from mountaintop meadows, forest fields, city sidewalks and crashing turquoise waves.

Let’s shout at the top of our f*cking lungs, forcing our fear and doubt and shame to escape through ferocious, wildly cathartic roars.

Let’s draw one another into our lives, because sisters, we need each other, now, more than ever.

It’s our time to shine.

It’s time to water the thorns in our trembling hearts, transforming those prickly, painful little buggers into beautiful buds of blooming possibility.

It’s time to pick up those punishing seeds of self-denial and let them slip right through our soft fingertips while a warm breeze blows them far, far away.

It’s time to care for ourselves outrageously tenderly, spritzing our starving souls with soothing chamomile kisses and luscious lilac love.

It’s time to root down into our silky hearts so fiercely that no amount of pain or shock or sadness or fear will shake that steady foundation.

It’s time to own the electrifying pulsation of our undeniable power.

Sisters, it’s time to burst open our sensitive hearts more than ever because the world needs our softness.

We need our softness.

Sisters, it’s time.

It’s our time to shine.



Relephant Reads:

She Let Go.

Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Renee Jahnke

Photo: FlickrOlga Ferrer Saladié


Comment by Besimi on April 7, 2015 at 2:13am

Benjamin Fulford - April 6th 2015: Chinese bid to take over the world fails despite support for Chinese development bank

Benjamin Fulford - April 6th 2015: Chinese bid to take over the world fails despite support for Chinese development bank

A meeting last week between a representative of the Chinese Communist Government and of the White Dragon Family ended badly after the Chinese stated their goal was to take over control of the planet. They were told the Chinese account for at most a fifth of the world’s population so the best they could hope for was one fifth of world power.

The meeting took place April 4th, 2015 a day of great occult significance. As widely reported, on that day there was ablood moon lunar eclipse that coincided with the Jewish Pass Over holy day and the Christian Easter day of rebirth. This is all seen as a good omen for the West. For the Chinese, however, the fourth day of the fourth month means double death and is highly inauspicious. The Chinese representative was also unable or unwilling to visit the shrine to the Dragon God King of the White Waterfall (白瀧龍王神) where the meeting was supposed to take place. He seemed scared of it so, the meeting took place about 200 yards away from the shrine. This seems symbolic of how the Chinese push for world dominance fell short of its goal.

For sure, the Chinese have been on a roll and their big push in February and March of this year produced big results. The most significant was the agreement by major European powers and US allies to join China’s proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, despite US opposition. What some Chinese failed to understand is that supporting a Chinese infrastructure initiative is not the same as voting to become Chinese serfs.

China has become the world’s biggest economy and has made huge accomplishments in the past decades. They have lifted a record number of people out of poverty, poured an awful lot of cement, built great infrastructure around the world and produced vast quantities of cheap but high quality knickknacks.

The West, by contrast, has seen its economic base badly damaged because the highest levels of its government institutions were taken over by vicious and incompetent gangsters. The West also does feel a bit down-trodden by the recent shift in economic and industrial power to the East.

However, the gangsters are now being systematically purged from governmental control and as result, the West is about to experience a renaissance that will by far outdo the original.

Furthermore, a little bit of perspective is needed here to explain why the West cannot be written off. Let us talk about science and technology for example. We all know the Chinese invented gun-powder, the printing press and paper etc. but can you think of any world changing Chinese invention within the past 600 years? Did they invent the steam engine? The industrial revolution? Automobiles? Airplanes? Radios? Television? Computers?

Semiconductors? The internet? Even the LED lights they are now mass producing were invented by the Japanese. We hope soon to be awestruck by new Chinese inventions but they ain’t here yet.
Another thing the Chinese need to keep in mind before they start talking about world domination is how much they owe the West. The West provided them with technical knowledge, education, financial assistance and more to modernize their economy. They did this not just out of the profit motive but out of a sincere desire to see China modernize and become prosperous.

The West, for its part, needs to be eternally grateful to China for its help in purging our leadership of Khazarain (Hyksos) Satanists. The West also needs to be grateful for all the financial assistance the Chinese have provided.
Both East and West now need to look back at when the Chinese secret societies made a deal with the White Dragon Society and its allies to join the fight against the Satanists. The Chinese said they wanted to once again be the center of the world and were told this would happen only on the condition that they ended poverty and stopped environmental destruction.

The Chinese have done a lot against poverty, especially in China, but they are some of the world’s worst polluters and have a hideous environmental record. There is also a lot of poverty that still needs to be dealt with. The West can take pride in its efforts to stop environmental destruction but, they certainly take a back seat to the Chinese when it comes fighting poverty.

That is why East and West need to stop thinking in terms of who is in charge and instead form a 50/50 win/win relationship for the sake of the planet as a whole. This is what the proposed world federation is supposed to accomplish.

On that front, despite the Chinese over-reach, progress continues to be made towards reaching a final deal.

The Pentagon has proposed dividing the world into 9 regions instead of 7 because South America and Russia respectively want independence from North America and Europe. This is an issue that is open to debate and can be settled once the more crucial financial architecture is worked out.

On that front, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is visiting Japan, South Korea and Sinpapore this week. The US also deployed warplanes in Taiwan to coincide with this visit. The idea is to remind the Chinese that if it ever came to war the US still has an overwhelming military advantage. For example, the Americans have energy weapons that would allow them to hit China with micro-waves thus causing every head in China to burst like an egg would in a microwave oven. They also have the technology to neutralize Chinese nuclear weapons. Of course this technology would never be used but merely serves as a reminder the US military industrial complex is proposing an alliance with China, not subservience to China.

It is also worth noting the US military is clearly aligning itself with the Iranians as their preferred partner in the Middle East. During the negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, the Pentagon released detailed intelligence about Israel’s nuclear program. The message was clear, the Pentagon views Israel and not Iran as the real rogue nuclear threat in the Middle East.

US Senator Robert Menendez, until recently head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was indicted on charges of accepting bribes because he was a key member of the Khazarian faction that wanted to start World War 3, according to Pentagon sources. Visible actions like this make the ongoing purge of the Khazariansimpossible to deny.

There is a lot less visible stuff also going on. For example, there was a mysterious attack on a Rockefeller facility last week. At the link below you can see a Rockefeller General Electric plant burning after what could only have been some sort of military attack.

Also last week Turkey experienced a nation-wide power outage that was clearly part of the ongoing covert war against the last Khazarian strongholds. It is not clear though which side attacked which in that event though.

Otherwise, the proxy war between the Iran/Pentagon alliance and the Saudi/Israeli faction cooled down somewhat last week. That was because representatives of both the Saudi faction and the Iranians contacted the White Dragon Society and were told the long Sunni/Shia divide had to be ended once and for all. Doing so would release vast funds for both sides, they were told. The Saudis were also told they had to remove the misogynist and other globally unacceptable elements of the Wahhabi doctrine if they wished for their regime to survive.

In Europe meanwhile, the thing to watch for this week is the April 9th IMF payment date the Greeks are expected to miss. If they miss it and go back to the Drachma then the European financial house of cards will suffer a fatal blow as Italy follows Greece. The only people who have the money to help the Greeks pay their bills are the Chinese. That is one of the main reasons why the British, Germans, French, Italians etc. agreed to join the Chinese led AIIB.

The Chinese though, as noted above, are not the real solution either. For that reason, they will probably kick the Greek can down the road yet again as they wait for a final settlement of the financial war. That will depend on the Chinese and Japanese agreeing to a compromise on who will control the proposed economic planning agency. That is because the Pentagon, the Swiss, the Vatican, the British etc. have already agreed to create such an agency and it is only the Chinese/Japanese split now standing in the way. The WDS is doing its bit to help by removing Khazarians from power in Japan to make sure a genuine Japanese voice speaks for Japan. That would open the door to compromise. The WDS also suggests selecting somebody from Singapore as the first head of the agency. That is because of Singapore’s successful planned transition from being one of the poorest backwaters on earth to being one of the richest nations on earth in a very short time.

The solution to the financial crisis and the beginning of a new age also await the arrival of certain promised documents.

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Views: 26


Comment by CHRISTINA on April 6, 2015 at 2:27pm

There are a couple of things to comment on:

A) It seems as if the ENTIRE PLANET and SOLAR SYSTEM is coming into an area of space that is either a less dense or less stable energy – and that if not for the planet sized spheres to stablize things, things could get really bumpy, if not out right ripped apart.

B) They are NOT HERE TO DO OUR WORK FOR US – but to help us “help” ourselves.  (NO SAVIOURS IN THIS GROUP)

C) They are claiming to be 6th – 7th – 8th – and 9th dimensional beings…., so I’m thinking they TRUMP pretty much anything that has been either said – OR CHANNELED from beings claiming to be 4th and 5th dimensional.

D) There are other Forum Posts – (I will get to those later) where he says in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that there is not just ONE BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION but several of them – some of which are from FORMER EARTH CIVILIZATIONS – (the oldest of which is 500,000 years old).

E) Some of these (which are from Earth still) and live in underground bases have “presented” themselves to surface people as Extra-Terrestrial when that is not the truth – (I guess advanced technology and an ancient civilization does not mean they TELL THE TRUTH)

F) According to Simon Parkes – the 4th dimension is where the Draco’s and Mantids live…., so in my opinion going there is not the best option.




Comment by Besimi on April 6, 2015 at 11:28am

Streamings of Stalwart Steadfasts has begun…

6 Apr

gaia_energy1Streamings of stalwart steadfasts has begun.

Concentrations of Higher Lights is observed and recognized at all consciousness levels.

Frenetic influences continue to wane.

Fathoms of understandings repeat for effect.

Laurels are recognized as Hue-manity upgrades.


Comment by Besimi on April 6, 2015 at 11:24am

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