Benjamin Fulford - March 31, 2014: Monotheism in crisis as high level insiders claim the Qu’ran and the New Testament were Vatican P2 lodge propaganda

In a sign we are living in historic times, high level insiders have begun claiming that Jesus Christ was a fictitious character and that the Qu’ran was written by Vatican propaganda experts. This is evidence the 2000 year old Roman plan to create a unified, mono-cultural fascist world government is unravelling and that, as a result, ancient secrets are pouring out. The details of the new revelations can be seen at the end of the article.
Meanwhile nuclear and earthquake terror threats are being made by the US military industrial complex, Russia, Israel, the gnostic Illuminati, the North Koreans and others as a back-drop to negotiations aimed at forming a world federation of free states and sovereign humans.
During the last week the Russians, the gnostic Illuminati, the federation of world martial arts societies, the British, the North Koreans and others have contacted the White Dragon Society to offer support for its plan to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
Also last week, a man claiming to represent “Russian television” sent a reporter to record a planned one hour special documentary about the White Dragon Society. The individual failed to offer any proof he represented Russian television but nonetheless, he was shown proof the WDS had the capability, if necessary, to raise a 200 million person army against the cabal.
The cabal, through the P2 freemason lodge, also contacted the WDS last week to say that President Vladimir Putin of Russia had agreed to participate in the planned world federation but only on the condition that President Barack Obama revealed to the world “final proof” of what the US government knows about aliens.
The WDS was also asked many detailed questions by the man from “Russian television” about esoteric topics. One was the question of US what happened to the US underground bases. What the WDS knows from its direct intelligence sources is that the bases were shut off from the surface of the planet around 2011. Also, horrific human experiments and humans being kept in cages were discovered by the white hats who took over the underground bases before shutting off their surface entrances. The entrances were shut to ensure senior cabalists would have no shelter in the event they tried to carry out their plan to destroy 90% of humanity.
Also, the WDS told them the man going by the name Cobra claimed to have ridden a supersonic underground train from London to New York before the bases were shut down. This corroborates extensive written records about these underground train networks. The Russians were also told the WDS had been shown photographs of underground wheat fields.
In addition, the WDS explained that members of the Majestic 12 or MJ12 group set up by President Eisenhower to deal with alien contacts came to the conclusion it was dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence that was able to override and control some human minds, especially those of top government officials. The P2 claim this is the “black sun” and that it resides in the gamma ray spectrum.
The “Russian TV” man was also introduced to Chodoin Daikaku. Daikaku is the head of a world federation of seven martial arts groups including Karate, Judo and Aikido. Together they have dojos in 190 countries and have representatives at all levels of the world’s armed forces. He was also shown evidence of WDS alliance with Asian secret societies such as the Red and Blue and the Dragon family.
These groups support the WDS aims of creating a world federation for peace followed by a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. As mentioned above, in combination with the Western secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Gnostic Illuminati, the groups have the potential, if necessary, to raise an army at least 200 million strong.
As negotiations for world peace continue, so does saber rattling continue from all sorts of places. The Gnostic Illuminati have also threatened to destroy “the Jewish square mile” of London as well as Jerusalem and New York “this week” if the cabal did not surrender control of the dollar based financial system.
The Israelis for their part have shut all their embassies worldwide, as reported last week, and now we are being told by people like Gordon Duff that each of those embassies contains a nuclear weapon.
The North Koreans, to add their bit, have publicly threatened to set off a “new type of nuclear bomb.” They are also talking about forcing unification with the South.
The folk who warned in advance of the Malaysian airline incident and the trouble in the Ukraine (presumably the military industrial complex) have also issued a fresh, dire warning that: “the next operation will be in Moldovia, in Belarus and then to kill Obama April 16th and nuke a US city.”
There is also plenty of talk of earthquake weapons being deployed against Japan, California,Yellowstone National Park (with its giant sleeping volcano) against La Palma (to set off a tsunami) etc.
All of this talk is from WDS primary sources and is corroborated by plenty of stuff being posted on the net.
With these threats as a backdrop, various groups continue to jockey for control of the financial system. The latest maneuver came last week when a cabal agent approached the WDS to say they were going to hand over trillions of dollars in bonds to President Obama when he visits Japan in April as well as to the Keshe Foundation and the Cobra resistance.
He was told that whatever secret group he represented did not have the right to create trillions of dollars out of nothing, even if they were suddenly trying to do nice things. The WDS believes right to issue currency, and thus the right to decide the future of the planet, belongs to humanity as a whole and not some secret self-appointed group of gangsters.
Once humanity is liberated from Babylonian style debt slavery and global fascism then groups like Cobra and Keshe will be generously financed provided they are genuine.
It is under such circumstances that high level cabal insiders are now starting to reveal what they claim to be deep dark secrets of monotheism.
For example, high level members of the P2 lodge that has controlled the Vatican until now claim that Jesus Christ was a fictitious character created for the purposes of government, which is Latin for controlling (govern) minds (ments).
The claims that the Qu’ran was written by the Vatican are being made in a legal deposition presented to a court in London by the lawyer Michael Shrimpton. Here is the text of the claim:
20. The Defendant also correctly appreciated that Osama bin Laden was not personally religious, i.e. that his public image was a front. In coming to that conclusion he was informed by his knowledge, gained in part through high-level direct and indirect Saudi contacts, including the late H.E. Prince Mohammed, Governor of the Eastern Province, who before his assassination supported the Customer Buy-Out bid for Rolls-Royce and Bentley Motors co-ordinated by the Defendant in 1997/1998, without wishing to give offence to any Muslim, that Islam was a fraudulent religion. That is because the Koran was not dictated by God, as Islamic theologians proclaim, but by a series of theologians at the Vatican, hence the original being in Latin and the requirement for early Islamic scholars to speak Latin. The Defendant also understood that the first author of the Koran died before the work could be completed, explaining the differences between the earlier and later chapters. That in turn helps explain the deep division between Sufi and Salafist Muslims, which in turn has a bearing on understanding Islamo-fascist terrorist organisations such as al Qaeda.
Understanding that bin Laden only wore religious dress when on public view (e.g. when recording propaganda videos) helped in tracking him. This analysis was of interest inter alia to the NSA and FBI, which may help explain why the illegally seized material included a name in the Arabian Peninsula intelligence section of the FBI.
Such claims are shocking many in the monotheistic world. However, they can also be dismissed as part of the long planned New World Order campaign to pave the way for a new age world religion.
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