Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


FINALLY!!! "Some" truth is starting to leak out about the well guarded secrets of people in high places abusing their power on not only us but the completely defenseless. Please share this with all the people you know. Passing this info on will help shine a light on this darkness.

Many people in the US are still very much in the dark. Much like the Catholics still refuse to believe the amount of abuse that has yet to be revealed. They still flock to the Vatican in droves. If they all knew how deep these crimes go, the Vatican would fold up tommorow.

People in the gulf still think they we should keep drilling for oil when our earth is poisoned and people around the globe are slaughtered for it, children mutilated, families tortured. I wrote a comment in the Gulf Impact facebook page today, stating that we all have blood on our hands from our addiction to oil. To my surprise, one reply was, "I dont have blood on my hands, I dont use people like BP"

Yeah, the intelligence of some people in this country is appauling. Thats why if enough of this info is sent around from reputable sources (like the boston globe), the more people will take notice. We have a time frame right now in the US where if we dont get this important info out to the masses, we will be cut off. The powers that be here in the US are starting to come down hard on sites that are controversial in nature. I have had many of my comments disappear from Facebook, and alternative web sites are fighting for their lives. So please, help shine a light for these poor children, let their horrific lives NOT BE IN VAIN. Send this to the most hardened people you know, but get the word out.....especially in the US. Thank you.....thank you in advance from the suffering children.

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Comment by nonya on July 24, 2010 at 7:51pm
FREE thank you for the moral support. As you can see, my soul is so distorted over the magnitude of injustices on many levels, and on many fronts. Try as I and others may to post and wave flags it sometimes is a lonely and discouraging feeling. Your support is a direly needed pat on the back that we are starved of daily. Thank you great soul...i needed that.
Comment by Free Spirit on July 24, 2010 at 6:42pm
The people in power are losing control big time an they don't won't to let go.The Light will win in the end Love,Light &Blessings
Comment by Free Spirit on July 24, 2010 at 6:39pm
nonya and Vaddix please keep posting things on FB because there are some that get on that do pay attention and there will be more as time goes by I post on there every chance I get sometimes I even get a comment from someone I would not think would listen so keep on keep-en on that is the only way we can help even if they get tired of it it will still be in there head and they can use it one day.Love,Light & Blessings
Comment by nonya on July 24, 2010 at 3:53pm
VADDIX, I am up against the same thing on FaceB. All of my "friends" will post the dumbest shit. For example.... " I farted today"....they get 20 comments. A few days ago I posted an APB that they are about to wipe out 170,000 canadian geese in new york and in New Jersey they are going to open fire on bears. I begged peole to go to a website and response. I feel your pain VADDIX I really do.
Comment by Vaddix on July 24, 2010 at 2:53pm
I post stuff on my facebook all the time in the off chance that i may wake somebody up. But generally nobody cares, or tells me im a nut, without doing the research themselves.
Comment by nonya on July 24, 2010 at 11:29am
VADDIX, it always has been happeining with the people in power...thats why this gives me a tiny thrill to know Mainstream media is picking it up instead of david icke and the like.

SIMONE...only the tip
Comment by Vaddix on July 24, 2010 at 2:27am
They are in the Vatican too. Theres something horrible going on with the people in power.

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