Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

WHEN IS THIS GOING TO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a HORRIFYING senseless slaughter including little ones....DAMN THIS NEANDERTHAL WAY OF THINKING!!!! Such a huge loss. Hope everyone is having a good time here in duality land, your next scary performance should be right around the corner. Remember to keep your love and light hats on for protection.

And please dont feed the dolphins, they are already full on a special mix of COREXIT. Thank you and enjoy the show.

What on earth is it going to take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Comment by nonya on July 28, 2010 at 4:24pm
Comment by Simmy on July 28, 2010 at 5:39am
Posted By: David Phillips
To: Members in "The Cove" - Save Japan Dolphins

"The Cove" Rocks Japan!

Thanks to YOU and our new Japanese friends “The Cove” will be at The Fuji Rock Festival,! One of the biggest music events in Japan, an estimated crowd of 120,000+ will attend the festival July 30th, 31st and August 1st. Bands include Roxie Music, John Fogarty, Ken Yokoyama, Massive Attack, and a long list of others, large and small, Japanese and American. The largest stage can accommodate 40,000 people!
This is all thanks to a new group, Peace In, Taiji (, that formed after we opened the film in Japan. It’s comprised of several individuals committed to finding a peaceful, collaborative end the dolphin hunts in Taiji (and along the coast of Japan.)

Thanks to your donations we were able to help them by underwriting booth space and providing thousands of DVDs of the 15 minute version of the subtitled film.

Next up, the Peace In, Taiji team are organizing a walk in Taiji the weekend of Sept. 4th. Many of us will be joining that walk as part of our stay in Taiji beginning on Sept. 1st, the beginning of the six-month dolphin hunt season. All events that week will emphasize Taiji’s positive attributes and will focus on sustainable alternatives to hunting, including eco-tourism and dolphin-watching.

It has been very difficult for people in Japan to stand up publicly against the dolphin killing. Both the government and extreme Nationalist groups make taking a public stand an intimidating prospect. We are proud that we have friends in Japan who are willing to work with us to seek a solution to the dolphin hunts, once and for all.

Your donations make our efforts to protect the dolphins and whales of Japan possible. We are making tremendous in-roads into Japan, thanks to your help. But we still have a long way to go. Please consider making a donation today, either through the Cause Fundraising Project link or through our secure website:

And thank you, one and all, for all your help! We really appreciate it.

By Ric O’Barry
Campaign Director
Save Japan Dolphins Campaign
Earth Island Institute
Comment by simpleman on July 23, 2010 at 8:23pm
These people are twisted and oblivious to any other life but their own. People like this wont make it threw the needle.
Comment by Simmy on July 22, 2010 at 4:07pm
You're welcome nonya!
Feels so good to see someone like Ric O'Barry getting what he has fought so much for!!
Comment by Greg on July 22, 2010 at 12:58pm
sick bastards
Comment by nonya on July 22, 2010 at 12:47pm
PT....LOLOLOLLL I have a rocket launcher for cheap....for you free :-)
Comment by nonya on July 22, 2010 at 11:23am
SIMMY, wow thank you for posting that, I was wondering about the success of the movie. Thank you again Simmy!
Comment by Simmy on July 22, 2010 at 10:19am
nonya and Simone, Here's a letter I've received:

Posted By: Fonda Berosini
To: Members in "The Cove" - Save Japan Dolphins
"The Cove" Opens In Japan - A message from Ric and Louie.
We did it. “The Cove” opened in six theaters in Japan over the weekend! And while we are still under constant attack from extremist whose goal is to shut down theaters, the film actually sold out many showings.

A huge thank you to each one of you. There were countless times over the last year when I feared we’d never see the film open in Japan. It’s your support that made it possible. At almost every turn in this campaign we’ve come up against incredible obstacles, but you all got us through it. Many of you came forward - donating time, money and creative expertise. You shared your thoughts and spread the word. At absolutely every turn people not only did what they were asked, they went above and beyond.

We still have a lot to do, but together we have reached a major milestone and I can’t thank you enough for getting us there.

- Ric O’Barry, Save Japan Dolphins, “The Cove”

Only in my wildest dreams did I believe “The Cove” would be screened in Japan. And I certainly never thought it would spark a nationwide debate over free speech.

Now, the film is selling out theaters there and nearly everyone seems to know about it. I'm hopeful that once people in Japan see the movie they will understand that it is not just about saving dolphins but also humans, because all dolphin meat is toxic from what we humans are dumping into the oceans. This is not just a Japanese problem, but a worldwide problem. The bigger issue is that we are poisoning the oceans not only for the wild, but for ourselves and future generations.

The biggest benefit of “The Cove” may be that it opened up doors for other points of view that could not be heard up until now. In that way, the film is already a great success. And for that, I can’t thank you enough. Every one of you has helped to make my dreams come true.

- Louie Psihoyos, Oceanic Preservation Society/Director, “The Cove”

Read more about “The Cove” opening here:


The Secret Is Out. Spread the Word.

The Cove exposes the slaughter of more than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises off the coast of Japan every year, and how their meat, containing toxic levels of mercury, is being sold as food in Japan and other parts of Asia, often labeled as whale meat. The majority of the world is not aware this is happening. The focus of the Social Action Campaign for The Cove is to create worldwide awareness of this annual practice as well as the dangers of eating seafood contaminated with mercury and to pressure those in power to put an end to the slaughter.

And it’s been working. The film has been making waves since it premiered last year. Critical praise and audience awards worldwide have focused international attention on Taiji and the annual dolphin drives off the coast of Japan. Under intense pressure, Taiji called for a temporary ban on killing bottlenose dolphins. The film, which was originally rejected, was shown at the Tokyo Film Festival due to public outcry. Residents in Taiji are being tested for mercury poisoning, and for the first time Japanese media are covering the issue.

Close to a million people have signed on to the campaign, but this is just the beginning. The fisherman are clearly rattled, but haven’t stopped killing dolphins.
Comment by nonya on July 21, 2010 at 8:09pm
More bad news on the animal front today
I guess the people that move out to the country dont want the country part of it....goodbye you beautiful unfortunate souls.

We then introduce new species and when we are done with them we kill them off

Hundreds of dead penguins washed ashore yesterday
Comment by nonya on July 21, 2010 at 7:24pm
thanks for the stats patrick....maybe i could have lived without knowing those statistics. That my friend is a repulsive tradition. I wonder how many are done humanely (if there is such a thing).

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