Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Numbers and Dragons
Hakann through A. S.

Question: I have been for a long time seeing what we on Earth call angel numbers. The ones I’ve been seeing most in the recent year or so, are 7:11, 777, 707, 444, 1000, 333, 9:11.

If possible, I’d like your perspective on 7:11, and 9:11. What do these combinations mean when seeing them repeatedly?

Answer: Some Earthlings have given permission to directly receive energy or messages from benevolent beings. For example, they might have said once in their lifetime, “I agree to be contacted by and receive energy from those beings for whom it is in accordance with the highest divine blueprint that they do so. I do not agree to be contacted by or affected by beings for whom it is not in accordance with the highest divine blueprint that they do so. Thank you.” If those Earthlings are also pure enough, they are sometimes contacted telepathically. A voice might just start talking to them, and it will sound like their inner voice, but it might be from an extraterrestrial or ascended master or angel.

That said, most Earthlings have not given this permission. Hence extraterrestrials and angels and ascended masters and their own souls sometimes communicate to them via signs. A very common sign might be seeing repeat numbers, but it can be just about anything that’s striking to the person and that’s repeated several times. For example, it might be finding feathers, or seeing specific words,...+

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