Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Universal Reset By Kejraj, EraofLight

The Universal Reset
By Kejraj, EraofLight

Greetings! From heart to heart with great love in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

The Creator, the Cherubim, the Serafim, the Elohim, Archangelic Realms, Angelic Realms, the Galactic Confederation of Light, which includes the Pleiadians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Sirians, Blue Avians, Venusians, our cousins from Agartha(Inner Earth), and billions of other beings from across the galaxy and beyond, all assisting humanity and each other in these times of great change.

Why? We can give you a million reasons, but we’re going give you just a few, main ones if you will.

In this moment, there is a Universal Reset in process. Creator is breathing IN, and on the OUT BREATH, creation will expand. New thoughts, new ideas, new seeds planted, the beginning of new cycles. A new blue print will be laid out for new Universes to come into existence....+

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