Unleash the MagicThe Wisdom of The CouncilThrough Sara Landonhttps://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/09/unleash-magic.htmlIf you’re going to perceive beyond, it is about going beyond the limitations you have imposed on your human experience – all while staying grounded, centered, present, in your power.
We want you to go higher, deeper, expand, go farther, go further, go beyond, summon the energy, unleash the magic, experience yourself as all that you are in the consciousness having it all in every moment, in the perfection. And the easiest way, the easiest way is to be totally satiated in this moment, needing nothing, wanting nothing, not even wanting this moment to end because the fullness and the wholeness and the expansion and the abundance and the love and the wellbeing that you are feeling in this moment you can’t even imagine, can’t even imagine it expanding into even more, feeling pure, total, bliss in this moment, so blissful. There’s nothing that could keep you from this moment because there is nothing worth your Heaven on Earth.
And that is what this moment has to offer you. And that is how you summon the energy of all that is into this moment, and you unleash the magic of the universe, and you play, and you create, and you have fun, and you laugh, and....+
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