Merry Chemtrail Christmas
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Southern California Christmas morning sky as the coastal fog lifts - Photo by Zen
by Zen Gardner
the coastal fog lifted to reveal a special Christmas treat--another suffocating morning of chemtrails
to suck in while families go outside to 'enjoy the day'.
In the picture above, the coastal fog is the almost blurry somewhat darker smears at the top.
The blue is starting to appear and you can see a chemtrail tanker working diligently
to "fill in the gap" as they always do. The center of the page are all chemtrails.
That may not seem like it to some,
but for those of us who've been studying these for a long time, we can tell.
The main trail across the middle has the tell-tale vertical ribbing, as does the one below it.
As you go further down the picture you'll see older chemtrails that were layed out at sea
that come in eventually as almost full cloud cover on some days.
Their other strategy is using short and long dashes that grow wispy
as they spread and blow inland and then they "thicken to desired consistency".
I Know Them Because I React To Them
I hacked my way through most of the night and woke up barely able to breathe,
so I knew they'd been spraying heavily. I can tell.
Unfortunately I am particularly sensitive to these things and have now developed
what the doctor called a "sort of pre-asthma".
I know, sounds like a new designer disease. Well, it is--designed by the damned black-ops
covert rulers who've promoted this deadly program for over a decade.
I get many of the symptoms you'll read about--sore throat, cough and tightness in the chest,
heart palpitations, and runny nose and eyes often.
I try to stay inside on bad chemtrail days and we keep the windows shut and have two good air filters
running fulltime, but I don't know if they can catch the tiny metallic salt particles
or especially these demonic nano-particles. I hope so.
I take a lot of supplements, including super greens, especially added chlorella tablets,
as well as an ionized clay to try to keep detoxed. I also use colloidal silver periodically.
If anyone has found other helpful foods and additives I'd appreciate your posting them.
Geoengineering for Global Warming My Foot!
They spray above the natural clouds, they spray above the fog, they spray above the rain clouds.
They spray way out at sea so it looks like a weather front coming in, and as it arrives they fill in the gaps.
The chemtrails are sometimes mixed in with real clouds,
so sceptics try to dismiss them for that reason.
They also seem to attract the formation of vapor clouds so they sometimes
'fluff out' after the initial drop and aren't as distinct.
But it's always on and around population centers.
I travel quite a bit by car and I track these as I go.
When crossing large open areas we can always tell where the next city is--
the chemtrails were being sprayed there. Try looking for yourself.
You'll see what I'm talking about. It's wicked.
It's obvious to those who've watched this program in action.
You can identify chem 'splatter clouds', the ones that sometimes stay rounded
but you'll see the wiry composition, while others have spiky edges much like a dendrite.
Then there's the fake cirrus clouds that have swooping thin lines and are bent weirdly by the wind.
And the frequent just plain aerosol trails of thin and thick lines that spread out like ammonia
on the surface of a bucket of water--always with the lower bubbly line
and the upper more straight edge and some strange cocktail in the middle from where they all mix.
And as I said, the chemtrails are sometimes mixed in with or attract the formation of real clouds,
so don't be too dogmatic when trying to point them out to others.
It's not always clear cut, but most days it is. Like many of you,
I've watched beautiful natural blue skies
(although all skies now have a whiter hue due to years of spraying) turned completely
white after a few hours of spraying. T
hey start off slow usually and then after a few fake "cloud banks" are established,
they keep building on those and then start closing in the gaps of blue.
Heaven forbid all that nasty sunshine get through and cause more global warming....what BS.
That's not the reason.
And you can be sure they have PLENTY of uses they're implementing with this horrific program.
I've Had Enough
It's disgusting. And I'm pissed, like many of you.
We need to find a way to network our voices on this issue and give that chemistry
a chance to formulate some effective actions.
I wrote the EPA and the drivel I got back, months later, I'll share in another post.
You'll laugh at how they treat us like idiots with their disinfo,
but it's telling and also has the literal stamp of the main agencies promoting this program--
at least a few we can know are complicit.
The weather channel and other weather outlets didn't even answer my requests--
probably ashamed of their compromised complicity. Not really, just gagged.
Apparently all weather forecasts have to be cleared through
a central 'agency' run by Raytheon. No wonder.
I like what Rosalind Peterson of CaliforniaSkyWatch.com says about calling them
"persistent contrails" in certain venues, since "chemtrail" has been so successfully stigmatized
by the mainstain media. Amongst the truth community though,
chemtrails are what they are and need no toning down.
But I believe if we want to help others wake up to this perfidy there are times
to wisely use that terminology so their programmed 'screens' don't go up where they can't hear a word we're saying.
Post Your Pictures
BeforeItsNews is hoping to be hosting a special place to upload daily chemtrail pictures
soon that will link to related information.
With just about everyone equipped with a phone that takes and sends photos now this could be powerful.
Get others you know to participate when that goes up so we can get as broad a daily snapshot
of their spraying activities as we can--not only across the US but from all over the world.
Perhaps a centralized collection like that will trigger others to react to the enormity
of this man-made catastrophe and somehow we can spare the health of our children.
Or at least wake people up.
Because at this rate, this wicked aerosol program combined with poisoned food and water,
altered food and animal organisms, and the vaccine program, our children don't have a chance.
P.S. Now an afternoon update from SoCal coast: Pic by Zen
Chemtrails above a natural (more or less) cloud front over the ocean in SoCal on Christmas.
Are they trying to bring more inordinate rain?
Or just the usual sun block and chemicals?
See also;
More from Zen:
Starseed Claude
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