Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers








Zero Point Wand

The Zero Point Energy Nano Wand focuses and communicates the Universal Life Force Energy
to anything with which it comes into contact, and with your intention it will assist your body in relieving aches,
 pains and discomfort and helping the body to rebalance and self-heal. 
By increasing the flow of Chi energy to all the organs and electrical and circulatory systems in the body,
it facilitates the clearing of energy blocks in the body, thus strengthening and enhancing immunity.
This Wand works with the subtle bodies at the quantum level of all living organisms
affecting the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels for transformation. 
Your Intention is the director of your creations.
This Nano Wand can energize any food, drink, supplements, herbs, creams, and lotions,
for better absorption.  It can enliven house plants and can also be used in the garden. 
Many claim relief from Chronic pain - Arthritis - Back pain - Migraines - Headaches -
Poor Circulation - Infections - Injuries - Sleep problems -
Sore muscles - Indigestion - Swelling - Allergies - Depression.  
You can Wand a picture of a loved one for their highest and best good,
or a vision board for empowering your desired manifestations. 
Leave it in the refrigerator to maintain fresher vegetables, or near your bed for a restful sleep.
“This Zero Point Energy Field is a sub-atomic field of unimaginable large quantum energy in so- called empty
according to the book,
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe.  
This energy is an infinite, neutral, formless cosmic quantum vacuum where the ultimate potential is possible. 
With your intention and direction, it serves to expedite the healing process which restores
the body to wholeness for your true highest potential. 
With an open mind you can receive this balance and harmony
that is the perfect essence of your body's natural frequency. 
This works at the level of your DNA, activating the innate intelligence within.  
The body can then remember and re-awaken to its original state of perfection. 
If there are blockages holding disease into place, with guidance,
the Nano Wand is a tool capable of facilitating the clearing of emotional and mental issues
holding entrenched belief systems and programs
that keep you from your divine blueprint of manifesting your true desires.
These transformations can span several weeks, a day or a simply a few minutes of time to take place. 
There are as many varied results from these wands as there are people who use them,
so be prepared to practice and experiment.  It is totally neutral and clear,
so you can share it with your friends and wand each other because there is no energy residue.
This Zero Point Energy Nano Wand is also a wonderful tool for the energy practitioner. 
It is able to amplify and augment the work you already do. 
Many Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Massage and Reiki practitioners
and Acupuncturists incorporate Zero Point Energy in their practices. 
What a wonderful bonus for their patients!   
Wellness does not have to be complicated. 
This Wand and these other Ascension Energy Tools are capable of partnering with us
as we desire to go beyond our perceived self-limitations and journey on to a high vibrational status
as crystalline beings once more.  The Zero Point Energy Nano Wand is a gift that keeps giving.


"I have been using the Zero Point Energy Nano Wand ever since I received it (3 days ago). 
Prior to receiving it, I was experiencing pain and cramps in my left leg,
tingling in my
fingers and toes
but now I have not had the pain nor cramps in my leg. My fingers and toes are feeling much better. 
Wherever there is a lesser pain of sorts, I encircle the area with the wand and it is gone.  Thanks,"
 R.A.,  MI
"I wanded away arthritis pain in my
upper arm, excruciating elbow pain, a sore knee, cramps in my feet,
sore gum/tooth after a root canal and the pains have not returned."  D.U., CA
"Using the Zero Point Energy Nano Wand for just seconds made my previously
chronic acid reflux symptoms go away without taking pills."  T.C.,
"My Mom Wands her legs prior to retiring at night, successfully preventing leg cramps during the
night."  T.T., WA
"The pain in my thighs has been relieved 100% in under 10 minutes using the Zero Point Energy Nano Wand."  Q.A.,
"I had constant headaches for a year and with just two 20 minute sessions with the Zero Point Energy Nano Wand,
the headaches have gone.  Also I used it successfully on my puffy under eyes."  S P.,
"My knee pain of a few years was gone with just a few minutes of using the Nano Wand
and I no longer have to use the brace."   H. A.,  CA
"I will use the Nano Wand with all my intent. 
Also, I wanted to report that I had very little swelling in my foot after the long plane ride. 
It had doubled in size when I came over and previously took several days to return to normal. 
Today it is right back where it was. 
Thanks to the Crystal blanket and the ZPE Nano WAND."  R.J.,
"I’ve had pain in the back of my neck on both sides at a constant level for as long as I can remember.
After using the Nano Wand, I can now turn my head from one side to the other which I haven't been able to do for years."  R. B., 
"I kept one of the Nano Wands in the refrigerator.
As you say, the vegetables remain fresh much longer
My wife said that eggplant would spoil in a day or two.
But the one I had remained fresh for a full week and in the state in which I had bought it."   K. K., 
"After poking and plunging at a clogged garbage disposal and it did not work to clear it,
I got my Nano Wand out, centered myself, and sent my intention to clear the clog.  
Using muscle testing, I asked which direction to move the wand –
clockwise or counter clockwise circles and continued until I was guided to stop and walked away
in surrender to get back to my work.  
Later, I turned it back on and happily it cleared immediately.

     "Using Kinesiology, I asked the question, “What percentage was the ZPEN WAND responsible for the clearing?” 
The answer was 40%.  "What percent of effectiveness was the plunger?"  The answer was 20%. 
I will now be combining the ZPEN Wand with many other tools and modalities in the future."   E. C.  WA
"I received my Nano Wand safe and sound.  
I have to tell you that as soon as I picked it up I got a lovely tingling in my hands
I have for some time had a lumpiness in my throat but when I use it, the problem goes away, if only for a while. 
I feel with proper application the problem will eventually go away. 
I did use it on my toe tips and fingertips and also experienced that lovely tingling feeling again. 
I hope to do much with this treasure from the stars and become if possible expert with it."   C., Calgary, Canada
"I am experiencing a remarkable effect of the Nano Wand. 
During office hours, I feel a hip ache whenever I
sit on a chair due to sciatic neuralgia
Yesterday, I used the Nano Wand on it, and today, astonishingly, I feel no ache at all
I am very pleased to report this fact to you.  
As you may know, the ache caused by sciatic neuralgia is very difficult to heal.  
Anyway, my hip ache disappeared.  The Wand is quite a marvelous tool."  T. C.,
"I was doing some yard work, aggressively raking and pulling weeds,
I felt a sudden sharp pain in one of my fingers where a blood vessel was broken,
this has happened before with throbbing pain for days. 
I immediately stopped, retrieved my Zero Point Energy Nano Wand, called in my higher self
and intention for healing, made tiny clockwise circles on the finger joint until I was guide to stop. 
The pain stopped and I was able to continue gently
I was so grateful to have the full use of my hand again."  E.C   HI
"Both knees had discomfort climbing up stairs for approximately 20 years.
In less than 10 minutes of using the Nano Wand in circular movements,
I climbed stairs up and down several times with zero discomfort."  W. M,, Los Angeles, CA
"I had several ulcer-like areas in my mouth for 5 days.
In the these would last as long as 2 weeks.
They worsen over night when I'm sleeping and just brushing my teeth would hurt my inner cheeks and gums.
On a 'pain scale' of  0 - 10, my pain was a 7 and after using the Nano Wand
for less than 10 minutes, it went down to a  5.
The next morning instead of the pain being worse, it was between a 1 and a 2. 
The following day the pain was gone to zero. I've had 3 full days with no pain in my mouth."      J.,  CA
"On Friday night our dog licked off 8 staples on her leg for her recent wound.
So it was off again to the emergency animal hospital.
The vet put new staples in and said they had to remain another 14 days
but bring her back to look at the wound in a few days.
Over this past weekend, I programmed the ZeroPointEnergyNanoWand to speed up her new cell growth
so the wound heal soon and I wanded her often for this.  
This morning, 3 days after the new staples, a vet examined the wound and said it is healed enough
and took out the recent staples! I could hardly believe it.
A wound that a few days ago was to take 14 days to heal, healed sufficiently in less than 3 days."       S.,
"I have found that I fall asleep quickly and sleep more soundly
Occasionally I, for whatever reason, CANNOT get to sleep. 
I've stayed up all night sometimes, because I can't quiet down and allow myself to sleep. 
An apartment complex isn't the quietest place on earth! 
However, with the ZeroPointEnergyNanoWand on the dresser next to me, pointing at my head as I lie there,
I find I fall asleep immediately, no tossing and turning until all hours of the morning anymore. 
AND, I don't hear the noises.  I sleep until it is my time to awaken, and then awaken immediately,
no irritating noises gradually awakening me, and no groggy feeling to contend with. 
I love this huge improvement in my sleep habits!"   J.S., WA
Starseed Claude

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