Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

March Continuation Update on The New Earth!!

Many are wondering why the last “letter” ended with an explanation about percentages of physicality among Extraterrestrials compared to ourselves. I did that because I wanted to plant a seed for this Continuation. We humans here on Earth are on our way up through our Spiritual Evolutionary step. We are on our way up to a higher frequency of our own bodies and a new step into a new dimension where the New Earth is awaiting us; a higher dimension with a more fine-tuned frequency and vibration and a totality of everything compared to this, our world here and now. That is easy to understand.

But the next part might be a little bit more difficult to get a grip on. Because when we now actually are raising up our frequency, we are also actually lowering our physicality percentage for ourselves in the middle of that process. Everything seems 100% real for every one of us. This is even though we are no longer 100% physical. For other individuals and observers in the World 1, we are going to, by our rising in frequency, seem to be less physical in our appearance and more vague and diffused in the way of looking at us in a percentage way, describing us here. When it is about small differentials it is hardly noticeable. But before we actually step over to the New Earth, the differentials will be very much more substantial for others who are watching or seeing us in World 1.

All this should have happened many years ago and then very quickly. It was meant to be that we shouldn’t have stood here now and been battling the wind blowing on us, in our faces. No, we should have sailed on a good wind. A wind blowing in the right direction, and with a good flow. But that is how life is. Sometimes the wind is changing and then there has to be a good captain taking the role and showing the right way so everyone can get safely into harbor.

As I have said before, we temporarily even lowered our own frequencies and vibrations on Earth. Most of the people didn’t feel good. And what really happened was that we became more than 100%. Let’s say 110%. Our bodies and our whole lives then became very difficult and slow.

The animals, though, and our surroundings and our food were still 100% physical and that led to that we had difficulties in providing ourselves with the nutrition we needed. So people also were feeling bad because of that. But the trend of that has now changed in the right direction. And we are lucky and are going in the right direction again.

If we right now were to count ourselves into a table of physical percentages, we are actually laying underneath 100% and that is very good! But in another kind of a table of how real we are appearing in percentages, then we are always 100%. This is because a person in a specific reality is only just as real as his or her surroundings and everything within it. It is only prayer, dreams, and wishes that can form the thought, idea and making of something outside of a real existence.

So how will it be with the New Earth and us going up to a higher dimension World 2? Will everything be as it is described in the NET classes? The answer is No. Too long of a time has passed for it to function by the calculations that were previously done by the Extraterrestrials. It is no longer obvious that it would be that the old Earth is going to place itself inside of the bigger New Earth, to let us pass over with everything. So how will we then go over to the New Earth? Must we die? No! That’s not the answer. This is a living Spiritual Evolution.

It could have been done with Angels’ help as something called “drifting souls.” But everyone out there said that was too frightening and too messy for humans. So now that is only left as an emergency situation. By “drifting souls” it means that we are letting go of our physical body here and drifting over to the New Earth and into the new body there. But this wouldn’t be fitting the human psychological profile and not her adapting and her realization and experience of the reality of the New Earth environment after such a drift. The human would feel lost and unsure about how real everything is in World 2. People could then experience it as a dream, or have the feeling that they have died, and then there could be a difficulty in physically becoming active and officially being active as real on the New Earth in the new body and in their new life. Instead, the passing over should be in a different way. In the old version the New Earth should shrink a little and become smaller and the old Earth should expand a little bit and become bigger. This shrinking is not possible anymore for the New Earth. The reason why is because the New Earth planet is now much more inhabited than before.
Another way of it could be to let all the people who have understood and have established a higher thinking could move over. But that would be unfair and it could split up family relations. That would also include couples; when one of them disappears and not the other. And, furthermore, it would probably take about 100 years for everyone to understand.

No, the best way of doing it is to prepare ourselves within. That all of our Higher Selves would help and would push us forward and into understanding. And then which angle and how the New Earth will stand when we go over is not relevant. What we could say is that everyone is going over at the same time. If people become aware of something, hear or feel it within or believe in something strong enough, then it could be like a drift like within an animal. And maybe it is so, that we have to turn ourselves to the lowest drift within ourselves, as animals, for us to reach the highest things. Everything calmly and friendly handled from the Absolute Highest of ourselves, somewhere else than here.

It is totally obvious that we need help because this step in going up is happening too late to be totally natural. That chance we have already missed.
But don’t be depressed over that. It is actually more pleasant to get help and also cuter. Fluffy Angels and tingly Light Beings is preferred. A little joke, maybe, in the description. But I have, myself, been helping other places, so I know how it is done. We will have a super enjoyable transformation to World 2, which is now looking nicer and more pleasant than this Earth is right now.

I don’t know exactly how it will be, how our Earth would stand or how the New Earth would stand at the moment when things happen. For a while now the New Earth has felt that it is on the side and on a distance. But that is an illusion. But before our going over, it will be that we feel it closer than the feeling is today. Our physical possibility to see the New Earth with our eyes will last until the last second before we pass over to the New Earth, although our solar system, on the other hand, will seem more and more distorted and different. All the planets in our solar system, except Earth, have already gone up to the Higher dimension. They have born themselves into their new shapes on the other side, in World 2.

Mother Earth has not much of Her Soul left or Her Spirit left in this dimension. She has, instead, made Herself comfortable with the most part of Her Soul and Spirit, percentage wise, in the World 2 body of the New Earth.
Father Sun hasn’t got much left of the Soul or Spirit, either, in our dimension, although the sun’s Soul alternates between dimensions, which is very much noticeable in a Spiritual way. It must be doing that or we, and everything here, would die. In World 2, Father Sun is glowing bigger and much whitewarmer as a Star.

The Spiritual Evolution is connected to Earth. There are other people in World 1, on planets further away that have not yet gone up to World 2. Though it exists a bigger, joint Evolution that includes everyone in the Universe. And furthermore there is an even bigger one including the whole Creation with all of its worlds and levels. And even one for all the Creations.

So what’s going to happen? And what are we going to do?
Whatever you are doing is important. All the prayers, dreams, good thoughts, ideas and all the healing are needed. Everything that is worked with to send things in the right direction makes a difference. That is why it is so important that the NET 10 and Level 5 Universal White Time Healing classes are happening soon. With an extended consciousness and a bigger understanding and special Knowledges and new possibilities, we all can help even more.

Myself and many contact and link persons are working to see that everything is going to be smooth enough when everyone can travel out again. We are also trying to give as much information as we can. But we cannot give you more than we have ourselves. So this is the end of this information for now.

Love and Light to you.

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Comment by Betina on March 20, 2009 at 3:32am
Yes Golden K...
We, as souls, are inmortals. But what Channie means here is all on Earth that needs the sun's light, warmth and Love, of course. And that means all our bodies, you see :)

Thanks Besimi :)

Love to you both.
Comment by Golden_Angel_K on March 19, 2009 at 6:20pm
Thanks Betina. Surprised me a bit in this part! , though we are inmortals or not?

Mother Earth has not much of Her Soul left or Her Spirit left in this dimension. She has, instead, made Herself comfortable with the most part of Her Soul and Spirit, percentage wise, in the World 2 body of the New Earth.
Father Sun hasn’t got much left of the Soul or Spirit, either, in our dimension, although the sun’s Soul alternates between dimensions, which is very much noticeable in a Spiritual way. It must be doing that or we, and everything here, would die. In World 2, Father Sun is glowing bigger and much whitewarmer as a Star.

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