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Humans to decipher the DNA of God and clone another Christ

Cloning may help terrible prophecies come true: another Christ or antichrist

It seems that one of the prophecies made by St. John the Baptist is coming true. “When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth.” And this has nothing to do with mysticism. Researchers say they would like to clone Christ. But with this good intention they on the contrary may get an antichrist. Famous chemist Alan Adler who studied samples of the shroud of Turin, the legendary burial cloth into which Jesus Christ was wrapped after crucifixion, made a sensational statement not long ago.

Jesus Christ

The researcher said there was blood on the shroud and it was shed by a man who died a violent death.

The University of Texas Center for Advanced DNA Technologies, USA, analyzed the DNA of the bloodstains. Head of the Center Victor Tryon confirmed that was human genetic material. It was divided into several samples and sent to different laboratories for further analysis.

No results of the research have been published yet but there are certainly some. Dr. Leoncio A. Garza-Valdes, one of the few researchers allowed to touch the shroud of Turin is working on his book that will have a shocking name, The DNA of God.

The very abbreviation DNA seemed to be rather common for majority of people a couple of years ago. But today it is a serious cause for anxiety. Indeed, DNA gives researchers an opportunity to produce clones, a copy of any creature whose DNA is available for experiments. Experiments of this type have been already made public: Dolly the sheep became an absolute cloned copy of a sheep whose genetic material, DNA, was available.

Soon, it became clear that cloning humans was also possible. Professor Richard Seed declared he would solve the human cloning problem by the end of the millennium. He said he was seeking a fitting candidate for cloning. Finally, researchers supposed that blood found on the shroud of Turin might be used as genetic material for cloning.

Last year, in an interview to The Time Dr. Leoncio A. Garza-Valdes summed up the decade-long dispute about the authenticity of the shroud of Turin. The researcher said he had no doubts that the shroud of Turin had been Christ’ burial cloth and that it was his blood that stained the cloth.

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Comment by Vaddix on May 21, 2009 at 2:50pm
regardless of weather he is the antichrist or not, he will still be regarded as the clone of Jesus. and will be given absolute power. Another way for the chirastian church to rule supreme. even if he doesnt have the powers jesus had. im sure theyd easily be able to fake it.

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