Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Something Exciting is Going on With Dan Burish and Crew-Well, in the history of Eagles Disobey, there has never been an announcement like what's coming.

Note from Rayelan:

I have been pestering the poor folks at Eagles Disobey for days now. I finally have something I can post.

It seems that Dan and Marci are just fine... maybe even BETTER than fine!!

Keep them in your prayers!!


We know people are wondering. Since the "rumbles" started on Eagles Disobey on May 13, we have received over 40,000 emails wondering what is happening?

We are allowed to tell everyone that the music is a "celebration" and that everyone is just fine- Dan, Marci, and the whole team! The ongoing events are a culmination to a struggle which, to today, has lasted every day for the last 17 years 11 months 5 days. Victory in that struggle is just days away.

Due to an arrangement with the Administrator of the Golden Thread, Nodstar* will be the one posting an explanation to a short video that will presented on Eagles Disobey within a few days. Dan and Marci have called this time (from June 16, 1991 to now) the "War for Everything." They have called it that for a very good reason, which will be understood shortly. It goes to the heart of why Eagles Disobey came into being in the first place, although it has morphed into some wonderful things since. (And Eagles Disobey will continue LONG AFTER this announcment is done!)

Since May 13, every day a new youtube tune (plus the "So long and thanks for all the fish" song) has been playing on the website. It is a countdown to a wonderful announcement, a victory, proof that some of the things most of us learned as children, can come true, if one never loses faith and never gives up! I can tell you that a few investigators (most would know them from ufology) will be descending on Las Vegas very soon. Once the victory has occurred, and Nodstar* sees that the front of Eagles Disobey ( has turned to a single video, playing a single tune - she will post the behind the scenes meaning to what should be pretty plain up front in the video.

She will post it in the News thread on the Golden Thread.

I'd tell you but the entire team is under an embargo. People are reacting because they haven't seen the team this quiet...........EVER! Well, in the history of Eagles Disobey, there has never been an announcement like what's coming.

I am permitted to say that not only will this announcement NOT negatively affect Dan's and Marci's honest account, it will give great depth and meaning to much of what has happened over the years. It will help people place more pieces together to this extraordinary real-life and truthful saga, and will show Dan and Marci as the kind of people who they truly are. The words "EAGLES DISOBEY" will gain a whole new and deeper meaning in the next few days.

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Comment by Andy (UK) on May 21, 2009 at 6:11pm
looks like we may still be on doomsday timeline.
thats if the words to the second video they have posted on their website!!!!
listen to the words closely on the second video (so long and thanks for all the fish)
Comment by Andy (UK) on May 21, 2009 at 6:04pm
are they to announce we are now on a new timeline????
Comment by Martin on May 21, 2009 at 3:20pm
I dont get it and dont understand!! sorry
Comment by Kihanyaking on May 21, 2009 at 1:06am
LOLOLOL. The feeling is mutual bud.

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