Iconoclastic Insight
5/19/09 -- An earthquake analyst has communicated noteworthy observations (below) to the Iconoclast. The data about recent earthquake activity is accurate. Homeland Security and Northern Command -- two ominous agencies created after 9/11 to enable dictatorship in the wake of a "catastrophic event," have routinely simulated geo-catastrophes on the US Pacific coast. Among these have been volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis.
Iconoclast publisher W. Leon Smith -- internationally renowned for venturing where the milksop mainstream media fears to tread -- published a critical editorial in 2006, the very headline of which asked the central question that the US government refuses to answer:
Earthquakes: Global Warming or HAARP?http://lonestaricon.com/AbsoluteNM/anmviewer.asp?a=331
The editorial uses US Geological Survey statistics to make short work of any claim that nothing unusual is going on with the Earth's crust. We are clearly experiencing an unprecedented increase in earthquake frequency and intensity, and it's beyond curious that government and media entities pretend not to notice it.
We remark with sorrow that the Italian earthquake of last month had been predicted weeks in advance by a scientist who published his findings on the Internet. He was suppressed by official sources for alarming the public. After the tragic quake occurred, he was dismissed by an international monopoly media embarrassed by his results.
Whether the information below indicates an impending earthquake event -- created by either natural or man-made forces -- is a question that no one can definitely answer. But in this strange post-9/11 world we should definitely ask the question.
Suspicious Seismologist
Recently I have become concerned about a spike in earthquake activity:
May 15th - several quakes, Kodiak Island, Alaska
May 15th - 3.3 quake, New York state
May 16th - 6.5 quake, Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
May 17th - 3.9 quake, Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming
May 18th - 4.7 quake, Los Angeles, California
-- LSI note, just in:
May 19th - 4.1 quake, Los Angeles, California
Please let the Iconoclast know if any of you out there have done any seismic mapping today. I have tried to map the L.A. quakes and as soon as I click to zoom in, Google Earth disappears completely and I have to restart. This has happened several times. Why would that be? I don't remember this happening before.
Captain's Corroboration
Record-setting earthquakes have become so common since 9/11 that many people of faith have come to believe that they are millennial miracles, although my study leads me to believe that they are diabolical deceptions.
A year ago -- just after the Myanmar cyclone and the Chinese earthquake -- I wrote a widely read Iconoclast article about these strange phenomena:
Storms and Quakes -- Weapons of War?http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/08/05/26/may.htm
In researching my article, I came across surprising quotes by top US officials (including George W. Bush) that strongly supported my conclusions that geological and meteorological warfare were being waged against populations at home and abroad.
I included a description of a bizarre energy eruption, probably intended to simulate a nuclear explosion, which was employed above Texas City on July 28, 2005. It occurred a month before Hurricane Katrina, followed a month later by Hurricane Rita, followed a month later by the Pakistani earthquake..., followed a month later by Hurricane Wilma.
I always assumed that all of these phenomena were caused by the top-secret HAARP Star Wars program based in Alaska. Informed colleagues, though, have pointed out to me that the Texas City event happened only two days after the NASA Space Shuttle Discovery went into orbit in the first post-Columbia shuttle mission. They are convinced that what I observed -- and discussed with area police and intelligence officers who saw the same thing -- was a NASA shuttle weapon creating a terrifying spectacle above the target just 10 miles to the south of NASA's Houston headquarters.
The interested reader can draw his or her own conclusions, since I broadcast the event live via Canadian radio:
The Simulated Nuking of Texas City, Texas
In keeping with the report of Google gremlins from our seismologist source above, after Texas City I found the Internet "scrubbed" of all US-based alternative media records of the event. It will come as no great surprise to most readers that the mainstream media information about it was sparse and without many specifics. My guess would be that the NSA, FBI, NASA and Northcom demonstrated a bit of the US government's cyber-war capacity in covering up such a spectacle.
In light of my own experience and report, it's worth noting that the seismological data from our source in this article comes from May 15-19. This time period is within the still-ongoing 11-day mission of the Space Shuttle Atlantis, which began on 5/11 and will conclude on 5/22. Many of us will be watching the earthquake reports carefully for the rest of the week.
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PS: Just before posting this article, I checked the AP headlines and found:
Another earthquake felt in downtown Los Angeles
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