The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
By: Samoiya Shelley Yates
Subject: Fire the Grid 11/11/11 (3:11 AM Pacific)
Fire the Grid I : The Plan
“Carve out your role and reach for the heavens
All you can be, what you have dreamed
Know that the sky will deliver.” - Bradfield
As many of you already know, in November 2002, my then 4 year old son
and I drove into a flooded marsh in Nova Scotia, Canada and drowned.
During my near death experience I was visited by great Beings of Light who shared with me
ancient wisdom and truths of who we are as humans and what our true potential is on this planet.
They shared with me the knowledge and understanding of our true energy body
and how we can use this energy for healing and a better life.
The instructions they shared brought my son back to me even though he had
been submerged in water for over 27 minutes.
He had been declared brain dead but following the instructions given to me by
these great Beings of Light, my son is now 12 happy and healthy.
They instructed me in the use of energy for his recovery then 6 months later
they came again with further instructions.
They said “what you did with a dying boy and a small group of people
you can do for a dying planet and a large group of people.”
Once again I followed the instructions.
Then on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT, the world’s largest mass meditation was held
with an estimated several million people in over 80 countries participating in a timed meditation
to bring our human energy of love to the planet for the healing of our world.
Who are these great Beings of Light?
They wish for us to know them as just that, Beings of Light.
They are the essence of all life in our universe, the essence of the great prophets,
angels all other Beings that have come to earth with messages of hope for a better future.
In fact they are the essence of you and me.
For within us, we are these great Beings of Light.
We too are of the same energy as these beautiful Beings and we hold tremendous power,
the power the change ourselves and our world. Collectively,
we hold the power to manifest what we need and desire to create a world of joy and abundance for us all.
We have been learning about this through various forms over the past ten years.
Now is the time to unite ourselves to manifest with intention not just for ourselves
but for the collective whole of this planet.
The first meditation we were to become conduits for an energy
coming from the Brilliant Infinity, our Source and our Creator.
We moved the energy through our human bodies through the use of our energy bodies,
channeling it through us and into the earth.
The energy descended into the water table, circulating around the earth for one year
before coming to rest in a massive crystal bed under Brazil.
Upon completion of its journey, we became transmitters as the energy
in Fire the Grid II and facilitated return to Source.
A collective mass of humans participated, in moving energy as one conscious,
loving heart and mind with the a healing intention for all life on earth.
These Light Beings have come again with further and final instructions to assist humanity
in healing ourselves and our planet.
This human event is to be known as Fire the Grid I.
As you see it has been a countdown for us : III, II and I.
Each Fire the Grid event has come from a place of higher knowledge and the instructions
are meant to assist us with the great shift that is happening on earth at this time.
We are entering a new time which humanity has not yet seen.
There is a transition that has been happening and will continue to happen during these next few years.
These great Beings of Light wish to assist us with that transition.
Not unlike a parent holding the hand of its child while it endeavors something new,
these Beings wish to hold our hand as we transition into what we have always known
in our hearts to be true.
They wish to hold our hands as we become our greatest selves.
Once again the instructions involve coming together as a whole.
They have told me to share with you that we must “unite in our similarities
or we shall disintegrate in our differences.” I have been given the third and final date :
November 11, 2011. The time of day of the great gathering will be 11:11 GMT.
The instructions tell us to come together for one hour as one people with great love in our hearts,
with one collective mind to become one great force.
That great force will then charge the earth field and we will become
great programmers of a new time.
I will explain. We are entering a field of energy in our cosmos heretofore never seen.
That field of energy is completely programmable and will be programmed
whether we participate consciously in its programming or not.
For whatever human energy field is most prominent on the day for that hour
will be the set point of where we begin the next phase of our evolution as humans.
The energy is actually available for us to use and program for 28 hours
beginning at 19:00 GMT November 10 and running through to 23:00 GMT November 11.
However the most influential time during that time will take place November 11 at 11:11 GMT.
During that time the field we are entering will close in behind us
and we will be encapsulated in the new field.
No matter what human energy we hold at that time will dictate the permanent charge
of the new earth field and will be our starting point as we journey into a new time.
I will explain further. Imagine you throw an egg into semi set gelatine.
As the egg journeys into the center of the gelatine, the density of the gelatine will close in behind
the egg and the egg will be set completely immersed in that new field.
We are like the egg entering a new plasma field.
That new plasma field is like the gelatine. It is a different density then the earth field we live in now,
just as the air from which the egg leaves is different then the density of the gelatine.
As the field encompasses the earth we will be set in that new field.
That new field has never been charged, it is pure and free of set patterns which exist in our current field.
It is a great opportunity for us as humans to program the field and get a jump start
for the next stage of humanity.
We cannot sustain the current field we live in as the density
has reached a critical mass and there is much unrest.
It is showing itself in the unrest of the planet and its inhabitants.
Luckily for us, a new field is presenting itself at this key moment
and we have a fresh chance to make it right.
An opportunity to make that new field what we choose it to be.
As I have stated, the field will be programmed whether we consciously participate or not.
That is to say if we do nothing, the new energy field will be charged with
whatever the most prominent energy the earth is holding at that very moment.
Right now the earth field is very dense, charged with the emotions of fear,
distrust, greed, anger, hate and separation.
If we do nothing. those emotions will be the emotions
with which the new field becomes charged.
Or, we can unite for one hour and consciously choose how we wish to charge the field.
The faith of one true believer holds the energy of a thousand and we are mighty in our stand
as there are many of us that wish a new and different world as we enter this new time.
Now is the time to unite and become one field. Unite as one people, one heart and one mind
and with one intention to create a loving sustainable world.
Not only for us now but for us as a species for generations to come.
We must become what we intended ourselves to be when we first came to this planet.
We must become the Light Beings in human form that we intended.
We must remember who we are in order to become those great beings
that will consciously change the world.
I use the word must but in reality there is no must, only desire.
If we choose to do nothing, the world will continue without our loving positive intentions.
However, with our loving heartfelt thoughts, not only are we able to manifest that
which we need to transform the world, we can also insert our personal desire for joy.
What does this mean?
It means once you have intended the essential things for earth such as clean air and water
clean and prosperous earth, ample housing, ample warmth, love, joy and abundance for all,
once you have manifested the best for earth and her inhabitants,
at that point you can add your own flavor.
What brings you joy?
What would you wish to see continue in the next time of humanity?
Bringing your own human joy into the program means that
if you think ice cream is the best joy on the planet,
intend that there be plenty of ice cream available in the next phase of time.
Intend it for all of humanity, not just for yourself,
Remember to make your intentions come from the heart energy
as this is the energy that makes things stick.
Make your greatest human joys available for all
so that we all may fully experience that joy should we so choose. It is all in the choosing.
We currently live in a world of our choosing. We created the systems in which we live.
We manifested the movement of money.
We can unthink the current system and bring abundance to all.
The earth holds enough for all of us.
We must choose to change our minds by opening our hearts in order to choose our new world.
Change comes through positive thoughts as those thoughts take form in our world.
I cannot express enough however that the thoughts we have must also come from the heart
with the greatest intention to manifest that which is best for all.
That which no longer serves us can be changed simply through thought.
We did not create our current situation in a moment nor will we change it in a moment
however the first positive thought will propel us into the next positive thought and so on.
Once we program our new field, it will be easier to create what we need and desire for a better planet.
The new field will open new and wondrous opportunities to each of us.
We simply change the focus of our mind and turn from that which does not serve us.
“See another world, much like an enchanted kingdom, spilling with visions…”,
as Bradfield has written and then “look at yourself from the sky.”
Create that world, all while creating the person you came here to be.
Be the dreamers that dream reality into being.
We as humans have been creating since the dawn of time.
Now it is time to create from a responsible, present and conscious place.
It all begins with charging the earth field as we enter into a new time.
We become one united force field around our earth, emanating Love energy from within each of us.
It takes nothing but your attention and one hour of your time.
There are many ways to share your attention and intention with the world
and I will share these later with you.
Now is the time to gather. Share this information with the world.
Tell your family and friends. You are each great networkers.
You are all great manifesters and great creators. REMEMBER!
The internet and media are your tools. Share the possibility with others.
Become one people, become one field of energy and become the change you have been waiting for.
Now is the time to realize your personal power through our collective power.
Change your mind and you help change the world.
On a human level, just by choosing collectively you can change any single thing.
You have seen it done many times.
Martin Luther King showed the way as did Ghandi, Nelson Mandela and other great men of the truth.
One idea and many minds.
Once the idea was launched it caught hold and moved itself.
Many became involved and collectively insisted on change.
Change happened and together we changed the world.
It has happened many times and the time is upon us once again to collectively choose
and change the world in which we live, change if for yourselves and those that will follow;
our children and the children of those children.
See another world and then become the force of that change.
It all begins with setting that intention on
November 11, 2011 at 11:11 GMT.
[6:11 a.m ET,
5:11 a.m Central,
4:11 a.m. Mountain,
3:11 a.m. Pacific]
No money necessary, no gadgets, no must dos or guilt trips necessary.
Just one collective mind charged with a loving heart, changing the way it thinks
then charging the energy field in which it lives.
“Let the pearl inside reveal what’s real.”
REMEMBER who you are, stand and change the world we live in.
My most loving heart is in this with us all.
Samoiya Shelley Yates
The Remember Code - a 10 minute meditation
Below you will find a link to bring you to a ten minute meditation.
The music and the image are aligned with truth and will bring a sense of peace
and remembering to the experiencer.
Bring to the experience an open heart and a willingness to remember who you are.
This music and image are exactly what I saw in the directions when I was told to share it with humanity.
To engage fully with the experience please make yourself comfortable.
Remove all the daily stress from your mind and open your heart to truth.
Then in knowing that you are entitled, connect to your Divine Source
in any manner you believe in, feel grounded and safe.
Ensure you are connected to the Highest Light for the highest purpose and that it be the best for all.
You must feel safe and comfortable in order to open the human to the truth.
Remember who you are for ten minutes and charge your day with the beauty of knowing it.
This mp3 file is large - it may take a few moments to load depending on the speed of your connection
Proceed to meditation
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