Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

~ Earthbridge Newsletter~ The Divine Plan ~ Part 1

Earthbridge Newsletter

News of Truth, Justice, Freedom, Love, Peace on Earth, and Ascension
Issue 84 – December 2011
Highlights of this issue:
* The Divine Plan now calls for the long stasis to be started.
   There will be no mini-stasis as previously expected.
   Incoming cosmic energies will be too strong for humans to withstand.
* Inner Earth people are being evacuated first, in conscious form to one large mother craft,
  their plants and animals are placed in stasis form within the inner Earth cities.
* Surface populations will mostly be placed  in stasis next, before going to shuttle craft and then to mother ships.
* The Wave from Creator Source will now be intensified and partially change the molecular structure
  of the planet to a crystalline form.
* The other main reason for the new direction is that the dark forces continue to plan diabolical wars
  and other disruptions to our civilisation. There is no point in allowing this situation to continue.
* Creator Source and all parties of the Light have agreed to this major change in the Divine Plan.
   There will be no world war, nor Armageddon.
* Machiventa Melchizedek, Joint Planetary Prince, has announced the start of the Great Shift.
* Mohammed has said he will walk the planet with his soulmate, 
  the one we knew as Benazir Bhutto.
CM/Johan;  Mohammed/Johan;  Creator Source/Hazel (3); 
Machiventa/Johan;  Creator Source/Johan (3);  
Esu/Jess;  Nebadonia/Hazel;  Thoth/Leonette; 
CM/Kibo;  Adama/Eve;  Candace Teaching on GLP   
This newsletter includes relevant information from global and higher realms as major positive changes
to Earth and humanity unfold in these prophesied end times.
We are co-creating a new Golden Age,
connecting once more to the physical and non-physical universes
through the process of Ascension, with assistance from our galactic brothers and sisters.
Suppressed truth is surfacing rapidly, and indeed shall set us free.
Earthbridge Newsletter is produced by Tony Wicks, PO Box 453, Drayton North,
Qld 4350, Australia.
Phone (07) 4613 6912, mobile 0408 877 835, email /font>>.
Current hard copy subscription list in Australia is $2.50 per issue,
cash or postal order sent to above address.
No new subscriptions are available.
Free Internet copy appears at
For a summary of near-future events, see “Our New Direction”, also at this site.
To be placed on the newsletter email list, please contact Peter /font>>
Well, after very little news being made available officially during the last few months,
the AbundantHope site now reveals messages that point to the long stasis being implemented ASAP.
In the last few days it has been revealed that the whole planet population (with exceptions)
is to be evacuated to craft!!
There will be no mini-stasis nor any following teaching period on television or radio apparently.
The inner Earth people are leaving first, followed by designated surface populations
who will either eventually return to the planet for the new society,
OR go to other destinations, either in current bodies or in soul/spiritual form.
Most of these designated people will go into stasis first,
before being taken to shuttles, then mother craft.
Dark forces will be held separately for trial.
A few robotoids (ones without souls) will also go to craft.
The remaining robotoids and clones will stay on the planet in suspended animation.
Timing for all this MAY be before Christmas this year,
but as usual, we await the decision of our Creator,
Christ Michael, on when everything is put into play. Good luck everyone!!
Now one of the most bizzare incidents in October was the slaying of of lightworker Moammar Gaddafi,
who had instigated much good in Libya, not as portrayed in the main media.
Here are some points from a Wayne Marsden interview:
"Madsen - Gaddafi Flying White Flag When Killed - by Kurt Nimmo, InfoWars - October 24, 2011
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen
said his sources in Libya provided information revealing Moammar Gaddafi
was set-up in an assassination plot.
Early on October 19, Twitter messages from Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte reported the presence
of white flags across the devastated town.
Flags were reported at multiple locations in the town,
leaving some to believe the rebels were surrendering.
The use of white flags to signal surrender is an ancient tradition going back to the
Eastern Han dynasty in China and the Roman Empire.
Violating the widely accept convention is considered an act of extreme treachery.
Madsen’s sources said Gaddafi was told to surrender to the al-Qaeda rebels besieging Sirte
before morning prayers at 5 am,
but that it was decided to surrender after the sun was well up in the sky
so the white flags would be clearly visible. 
It also appears likely the arrival of Secretary of State Clinton in Libya
may have played into the plot and convinced Gaddafi to surrender.
According to official accounts,
however, Gaddafi was attempting to flee Sirte and avoid capture.
He was wounded in a predator drone attack and subsequently killed by crossfire,
either from from the rebels or Gaddafi supporters.
Video footage released hours after the attack, however,
clearly reveals a seriously wounded Gaddafi abused by a crowd of rebels.
A choppy cell phone video then shows the body of the deposed leader.
Both Madsen and Jones said the official cover story does not make sense.
If Gaddafi wanted to escape Sirte, why didn’t he do it under the cover of darkness?
It makes little sense to attempt an escape convoy in broad daylight in rebel territory
with U.S. predator drones likely on constant patrol.
Madsen’s information reveals that Gaddafi was set-up for a double-cross and execution.
Dead men, as they say, tell no tales."
So, much karma is owned by those who attacked Libya.
In the meantime, prepare to kiss this civilisation goodbye.
Why not make last minute peace with those whom you haven't had contact with for some time,
or finish some jobs you haven't done? I might actually clean out more of my garage!
Tony Wicks  December 5, 2011
Galactic and World News (Edited)
(The Time Has Come To Cross That Finish Line)
I went on to ask for communication with CMAton if there was anything different from the given directive
that he wanted me to do or focus on and he asked me to come and sit at the computer,
excercise the Oneness Principle,
while being in meditative state and in the Christ Consciousness and write:
We have warned, we have explained, we are monitoring, but once the dominoes fall,
there will be no stopping anymore. 
One series of dominoes of one category of life will influence a series of dominoes of another category,
because when the fundamentals of your society swing and sway and fall,
the rest will collapse like the Twin Towers in NewYork.
All is meant to go that way, as it was organised by the dark, yet used by us now as a momentum,
necessary to prepare the world population to see for themselves.
Ignoring still, will be impossible, yet a choice that many will make out of fear,
and attract more to be revealed in very uncomfortable ways. 

The difference with people guided, inspired, and in the knowing is that they can
prepare themselves physically, emotionally, mentally,
and spiritually because of their spiritual secure connection, and daily meditations,
and be of help to others who panic.
This my starseeds and Lightworkers is the phase we are entering.
Panic will bring many to their knees and they will look up for any help possible.
Being there as human and as loving as possible will serve the best, but stay vigilant;
although protected, do not follow unrational and illogical paths.
No time for heroes, but for balanced leaders and people
who trust their inner and higher guidance blindly,
while standing for what you know and have been informed about. 

You are all where you are supposed to be, so do not travel in panic, this will not help anybody,
but trust that you are where you are supposed to be as guidance has brought you there.
Even if news breaks that danger is underway, you will be taken car of if need be,
as we are on standby and full alert, as things might change quickly and all will run its perfect course.
Go with your inner flow in trust and faith and demonstrate
what you are made of to the best of your abilities.
Know that your inner and higher self is never in danger,
and we are in control of that, if you let us .

Ask in each meditation and moment of reflection and contemplation what it is you need to know, 
as you have been well prepared, and trust that what comes as answer is more valid and solid then gold.
As the level of anxiety is rising everywhere, and as nobody sees good fortune in the near
and mid-term future, your balance and determination to do good unto others, to help out,
and to serve will outweigh all fear, all negativity, all questions,
and will open your lines of higher assistance beyond words.
The time has come to cross that finish line.
I do not come to panic you, to say stuff is about to hit the fan in the hours to come,
but all is possible from now on. 
It is happening already, but impossible for you to see and know all at the same time, so remain vigilant,
your twice-a-day and noon inner moments will prove to be of enormous help to you now. 
I am proud of those who stood their ground even when things become more fluid then ever.
 Salu, this is Christ Michael Aton opening the lines of communications to all of you Lightworkers
even more clearly now and let Love be your banner and your trademark. 
(From  as are other messages)
(October 12, 2011)  MOHAMMED THROUGH JOHAN:  (Still Business As Usual)
My dear ones, I am Mohammed speaking.
Where two come together in my name, but where two speak about me, there I want to be too (humour).
It is long time overdue to pay a visit to my beloved Second Coming family,
AH and greetings to Candace.

We have conversed for a good while some time ago and since Candace was not available at this moment,
and I found this scribe in good standing with CMAton, talking about me,
actually the lady talking about me to him, to be correct,
and this was as good as any moment to bring my greetings to this wonderful group of people
who still do not fully know who they are, despite all hints and higher self contacts through your meditation.
Big problem, still business as usual and in the clutches of the BBB&G's through mind control.

As you have heard lately, that comes to an end as we speak, and if I am proud about one thing
versus the pain of my mission going down the drain when walking this Earth,
then it must be that I gladly say to all ladies reading, your days of oppression, of sexual abuse,
and accusations of inferiority are numbered.
As I mentioned in this previous message that my soulmate was here on Earth as proud reincarnation
of one of my women I took under my wings a long time ago.
Well unfortunately I can mention her name,
since her standing tall and progressive nature was not accepted by the terrible man
and war mongering mentality in many Moslem countries,
which serves as perfect excuse for the same despots from the west
to attack those in the fake name of democracy, a 'mocracy' indeed.
She was Benazir Bhutto who stands beside me now,
and will be walking this Earth once again in service to the one.

May I use this opportunity to point out again that sitting on the fence will earn you no points,
nor respect, as many of you still do not dare to speak the truth out loud.
We understand you only discover the difference between the many lies and truth,
but by now you know the Way, the Truth and Eternal Life enough now to find your own Truth,
and yet you hesitate to stand with it.
So you will become foot soldiers after stasis, no rank of importance... loved,
but no advancement made.

What is going on with Mother Earth could and should have been over and done with Earthly years ago,
and we know the tremendous overshadowing and mind control from the old block of vultures,
yet you made it so easy for them.
Especially the lack of hunger to know, the lack of enthusiasm to make a difference in, 
by lack of knowing what was, the good direction. 
It was heart-wrenching to see, but the process was necessary for as many as possible to see and wake up,
which still has not reached the masses.
Some protests going on show some signs of standing up,
but will be crushed and controlled in the usual manner if no more support comes quickly.
As we are exchanging these thoughts, and I allowed this scribe to attend to some other matters on his computer,
we saw the same usual type of plot unravelling before our very eyes.
A false flag attack on the Saudi Ambassador of course blamed on an Iranian citizen as a forced
and fake excuse to gather support to attack his country.
That war machine is still running hard, as it did in my days, even in my name.
When you have no foundations to stand on anymore, since all good values have been crushed,
then only the path of destruction can keep you going for a while,
until that comes around and destroys the destroyers.
Christ Michael Aton only knows what he will allow to happen,
but perhaps the hen will come home to roost in very unexpected ways.
Remember this scribe's reminder of now is the time to give heed to food,
water and toilet paper!

I prefer to be the bringer of good news, but reality must be faced, as I have learned the hard way.
Only the truth will keep standing and only the ones hungry to know will advance
as history repeats itself unless lessons are learned.
Here is only a school, here is nothing real, except for who you are.
And that is worthwhile knowing since your body may return to Earth,
but your soul can soar very high this time, and accept this from me,
that is what you agreed to come and do here. 

Once again I shall direct mainly the followers of Islam as will other teachers walk and address their groups,
and bring together what religion and politics and military and financial mongers
have divided, separated for profit only.
Poor souls, yet part of the universe and its ways for all to see,
to learn and to practise if strong enough to stand.
That is why we will come and help you, those who stay with Gaia,
but the work and the hunger and the practice, will and must, be yours, always has been, always will be.
Christ Michael  gives you the most comprehensive example what you later will understand,
by walking unfamiliar territory on a very high level,
yet standing by the truth and divine love also at the highest level, so accept his guidance,
my beloveds, as so much joy will be yours.
It might have taken longer, but the advantages he offers to all of his Creation of Nebadon
are almost unimaginable, even for us who know so much more.
Know and trust that you are in good ihands, if you make the good decisions,
and I need not explain this in a picture, you know or should know by now by your own choice.
The baby-sitting is over, responsibility is here and your world will soon show
just how much the Golden Rule still works.
The Laws of Balance work, the One God works. 
I come to testify to that and guarantee you once more very soon,
but if you do not make the effort to get to know that for yourself through experience, 
it will be a much longer school time again.
Yet time is of no matter here. One day, you will all catch the good Gods train,
and your God is so merciful, he wants to lose none,
even that you will one day understand and respect. 

My time is up for now, but I will be back, since Gaia and all of you, my beloveds,
are near and dear to my heart.
Be vigilant indeed, watch for the signs which you already know will manifest more of the same,
until the tide turns against those who kept choosing the other, their own train.
Stand tall by what you know inside to be true.
There is no other way. Salu and Namaste, I am Mohammed.
Reference to Mohammed' last message through Candace in 2005:
(Knowledge is the Beginning of Wisdom)
I am the Source of all knowledge. I am the repository of the golden chalice,
the keeper of the knowledge needed for mankind to sustain
on their evolutionary journey back to the Source.

The lessons learned through the experiences in mortal incarnation provide the conduit
to acquire this knowledge;
for each experience is rendered that man becomes re-acquainted with his Source
by seeking illumination for the imponderables of the experience
and a higher understanding of its creation.
Man needs to appreciate why the experience was created so that he can overcome the liability
and understand himself more.
I am poised in the midst of the experience as the goal of the lesson.
Yet many are unable as of yet to see as far ahead as the goal when their eyes are cast
on the immediate consequences of the experience.
That which is immediate always captures man’s attention.
He seeks understanding through analysis and supposition.
He remains perplexed and confused in his inability to truly comprehend.
Each experience bears a lesson upon which knowledge is hinged;
and if man can come into that knowledge he will be taking baby steps towards his ultimate graduation.
I am the one who can anoint man with that knowledge.

All knowledge is sacred. It is distant yet near, capitalized in your presence.
The acquisition of knowledge is a choice.
Always must you deliberately and by design seek it.
From each cycle of life’s experiences, you must ask of the lessons- what knowledge can I gain
that will take me to a place of higher understanding and enable me to graduate
from this experience richer than before.
Beloveds, knowledge is equated to higher understanding.

What man refers to as knowledge is seldom more than information garnered from various sources.
When you have knowledge of something you know it and it is indisputable.
Knowledge is not something that is subjective in the sense that it is peculiar to one or some persons.
Knowledge is universal and distinct in its feature.
Knowledge conveys certainty in understanding and beggars belief.
It is not opinion based but provable. Knowledge cannot be held but known.

Yet the proof may not always lie in the explanation but in the discovery through an
inherent knowing that is certain, when you can tap into the ultimate Source of the resource.
Information can become knowledge if validated by the Source as truth.

Where knowledge resides, doubt is absent.
Those who are in the knowing are not excited by fear but remain steadfast in the Cause.
Inimitable faith is that which will continuously open the doors to higher knowledge.
This is because faith is open to truth and truth is founded on the assurance of knowledge.
Divine knowledge is cosmic and all of creation is cosmic in origin
and therefore all knowledge has a cosmic base.
If you seek to know a thing you are seeking a cosmic understanding.
Man has assigned a limited understanding to the word knowledge.
I am teaching you that you are cosmic in origin and you must therefore in the interest of your graduation
to higher frequency endorse a higher understanding to the word.

Higher knowledge is a necessity for any civilization to mature and evolve in alignment with Divine Will.
Man must direct his efforts to achieving this knowledge.
He must chart his course to the discovery of what is needed for a fulfilling life.
I can dispense that knowledge to him. I can bestow upon him the knowledge of God
in a most intimate way if only he would seek me.
It is through seeking that he will find his truth, the wisdom that comes with knowing me.
I will be the fountain from which he can drink tirelessly that he may come into
the knowledge to generate and regenerate an understanding of himself and his journey.

I am the Source of all knowledge.
I do not offer you experiments or broken puzzles that you must piece together
before you come into understanding.
I offer you truth, whole heart, pure and pertinent that your purpose on earth may be clear.
When you taste of divine knowledge you will forever dwell in the plane of inspiration
which allows you to hear the voice of wisdom through your higher mind.
The voice of God can be heard within you if you ask and render your mind attune
to a frequency un-besmirched by lower frequency. Perseverance is the key.

Remember that the opposite of knowledge is ignorance.
Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness.
Yet ignorance has nothing to do with being uneducated in contemporaneous earthly understanding.
Ignorance is lack of knowing of the truth by choice or design.

A knowing man can be uneducated in worldly terms but knowledgeable of himself and his Source,
wise in his demeanour and conduct and aligned with higher truth.

A knowing man may be impecunious in material wealth but inordinately wealthy spiritually.

A knowing man may be poorly travelled and experienced in the places of your world
but is well travelled and coursed in the inner terrain of his god mind.

A knowing man is not curtailed by beliefs but expanded in his search for higher truth.

A knowing man is humble in his knowledge, sharing always what he knows
with his fellow men and showing them the way and path to true knowledge.

A knowing man is a wise man; for his knowledge is the beginning of his wisdom.
His wisdom becomes his radiance which captures the attention of others who become drawn to
that which they search for themselves.

What does it profit a man to derive worldly benefits from intellectual and material pursuits
if it fails to bestow upon him inner peace, enduring joy
and most importantly knowledge of his true purpose which lies in self discovery?
Self discovery is an inner journey that outer experiences prompt.
The knowledge that I offer to you will bring certainty in understanding and provide you
with the foundation from which you can grow.
I AM not concerned with the physical but with the spiritual for you are first and foremost a spiritual being.
Knowledge is your inheritance; your superlative power.
Knowledge leads to enlightenment and illumination of your inner self.

Knowledge is the soul’s privilege of being birthed by me.
It is the recipe for wisdom which is the charm of your immortal soul.
Wisdom is your cushion that enables you to remain in comfort amidst the exigencies
of your outer world; for wisdom is the interpreter of the outer experience
in keeping with higher understanding.
Wisdom is a divine attribute available to all who seek or possess it
and must be used to fashion an existence that is founded on moral fortitude and divine character.

Your journeys through time and space may be an adventure but there is a specific purpose behind it.
You require knowledge to glean what that purpose is.
You require knowledge to understand the poetry or your origin and the mechanics of creation.
You cannot know why, when or how without knowledge.
Only I can give you that knowledge or validate the truth or untruth of what you may believe.

Knowledge is its own comfort. It is serene and restful. It is not blatant or arrogant.
It is not condescending of beliefs and cannot be attacked, only questioned.
It is rare and original; full of beauty and truth.
It cannot be moulded to fit into one’s understanding but must be known
through divine encounter as your mind merges with mine.
(October 24, 2011)  MACHIVENTA THROUGH JOHAN:  (Start of the Great Shift)
I am Machiventa Melchizedek.
Today I prefer to come forth as joint Planetary Princeof Urantia,
together with Esu Sananda and inform you again of the current movement
or start of the Great Shift towards the Oneness with God or the energy of the One,
that is about to rule your mother Earth or Gaia.

Many Light Beings have taken leave from their homes to help Christ Michael of Nebadon
in this Great Time of Transition or the Great Divine Shift as I called it before.
Many Light workers woke up only recently to their tasks,
as indeed great changes will and are befalling you.

As you are aware, your Sun is part of the divine process to increase the frequency or vibration of Gaia.
Next to cosmic rays, the Waves mentioned to you, all is partaking of the Divine Will
to prepare this Christ Michael Bestowal Planet on its journey to the Light and Life status.
All life will recognise and live by the Laws of One,
by knowing their inherited divinity and act and live accordingly.
This is not possible outside of the hearts and minds of all, yet prevented by a dark veil
that refuses to lift and give up its faked and forced dominion.
Nevertheless, this WILL and IS resulting in its own demise by the higher frequency
and Light and divine energy that starts to prevail and prevents lesser energy to stay.

When you experience negative vibes or heavy emotional roller coasters,
then such may be the entities and lower energies still trapped or hanging on,
now fleeing the scene which we can clearly see en masse.
As one of the four and twenty directors, I take it upon me to bring you glad tidings of the great changes
you have entered upon.
I came by a few times through the one I called my child, near and dear to me,
to encourage you to stay the course and work diligently until such time where you can stand tall
and be proud of the level of divinity you discovered and exhibited within and without.

Well, such time has arrived. Mother Earth has stood her ground, with much pain inflicted,
but with too much at stake to give up.
She is warming up, expanding with and by, even stronger charges
and cosmic divine stimulation underway as we speak.
I must however say, this is not to scare you, on the contrary,
to encourage you to make the same changes; yours towards raising the frequency,
through Love and Light service, so that the divine river dormant in you can become a torrent of Light.

As you see the old and greedy empires crumbling under their own dark self inflicted weight,
you lift up Gaia with your Light and Love and spreading Truth.
As you see the volcanoes darkening the skies, you brighten your neighbourhood
with any needs others may be found with.
Even if you doubt or do not understand now,
any sincere need through your pure intent to help, will somehow be met.
As you see or experience the Earth to shake, or the seas to roar and bring big waves unto shore,
you stand your ground, firm in Godly determination

Oh yes, great changes you have entered upon,
but the greatest will be the transformation towards Gaia in Light and Life;
which will see your dormant Light to rise and shine like daylight at sunrise;
and will be you claiming your divine heritance in full.

Until we meet, my dear ones, to make yourself proud
by receiving what you deserve as children of the Most High and God within.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek.
(October 26, 2011)  SIRAYA THROUGH JESS ANTHONY:  (Earth's Inevitable Change)
Siraya, I feel you have comments you want to make.
I ask you to use my written voice to speak to our situation as you see it at this time.
Jess, I can speak to you now. My voice is your voice this evening.
We are watching the developments on Earth and are excited to see the nearness of the completion
of this phase of its evolution.
This has been a period of great confusion, and many have learned lessons to avoid in the future.
A smaller number has awakened to their inner connection
with the spiritual universe that surrounds them.
They each are part of your Creator Michael's vision for how his universe grows and deals with its problems.
Each has a role, and each must accept his or her place in the tapestry
showing the growth and exponential learning of the human collective.
I say we observe because we are overseers for the development of each universe
within our superuniverse of Orvonton.
Each universe has its own purpose, and the working out of each set of issues inherent in its design
is described by the way it develops and addresses its core problems.
Urantia, as Earth is called in our records, has had its share of trickery and persuasion
not to accept its place in Christ Michael's creation.
Lucifer, as you know, turned many against the plans of Christ Michael Aton,
and Urantia was quarantined for the re-education of many of those siding with Lucifer.
The time of Lucifer is over, as you know.
He chose uncreation, and his followers are now without a leader.
They continue to act as if they have a purpose, but their cause is lost.
The negativity this rejection of Christ Michael has caused is immeasurable.
The effect of this reversal is evident today on your planet.
The truth of spiritual unity and compassion has been subverted to a pursuit of individual power
at the expense of the rights of anyone in the way.
Man's understanding of his role in the created universe has been hidden from him intentionally,
and his self perception has been blunted to provide little insight into his spiritual nature.
He has been trained not to think or feel anything but what has been proscribed for him
by those who have obtained power.
This reverse education has made the majority of Earth's inhabitants politically malleable
 and intellectually undiscerning.
This agenda has allowed the few who have wrested control to use the majority of
Earth's population for their personal interests.
Their actions began in opposition to Christ Michael's intent
and have continued their momentum to today.
The global nature of this disruption has eaten away at the spiritual reality of Earth's creation.
Man's attention today is focused more on his surroundings and his perception of position
than it is on his spiritual nature and an existence beyond the details of this incarnation.
He has lost his awareness that he is an eternal part of the universe that has been created
for this stage of his experience.
Earth's state of being was foreseen as a possibility but not projected as the likely direction
Christ Michael's creation would take.
The showplace he created as Earth has become tarnished and almost unrecognisable. 
Man reflects his surroundings because, unfortunately,
he has forgotten his connection to Christ Michael.
The transformation that has been determined for Urantia will restore its original character and nature. 
Man will be awake to his surroundings and the purpose of his existence on this planet.
He will understand the role he has to play.
He will see how it interacts with everyone else who is working to actualise this change.
Man will become a vessel of light and energy.
His purpose will be clear and enlightening for the direction he goes as a physical being.
His actions will be decided with responsibility and an awareness of his function
as part of the spiritual whole.
This state of spiritual enlightenment is not achieved immediately,
even as Christ Michael is shaping the parameters of what may be most open to this new agenda. 
Man is removing himself from the shackles of his overlords,
but his ingrained habits are difficult to erase overnight.
The transformation that has begun will be in phases and is dependent upon
man's willingness to embrace his purpose. 
The scenario Christ Michael has devised will accomplish his intentions
with less disaster than was projected. 
Although his realisation that man needs a shock to his mental system to acknowledge
a paradigm shift in cultural norms, seems to be persuading him that
man should experience some of the results of his uncaring treatment of Earth
by losing many of what are considered his basic needs.
The necessity for him to evaluate and compromise in his interactions with others
will trigger the start of a new way of viewing his place as a part of Urantia's mission.
You ask for details and projections. I cannot give you those.
Your situation on Earth is uniquely yours, and your reality will be what you make it to be.
Spiritual truth means existing within the parameters of your chosen lifestyle
and reconciling those with the intentions and choices of your creator.
Christ Michael Aton designed and constructed his universe of Nebadon to explore aspects
of an incarnation with a triune spirit.
Your existence on Urantia has examined only certain aspects of what is a much grander concept.
These have been focused on the limits of duality and lack of spiritual awareness
that has shaped your recorded history.  
This exploration has run its course, and it is time now for those desiring to continue with
the evolution of Urantia to prepare for its next phase of existence.
The physical form of Urantia will adapt to new waves of energy
and a higher frequency of awareness.
All things connected with the planet will change to accommodate this evolution.
Man, as part of this physical embodiment will also adapt and assume new forms
in keeping with the new levels of energy and information.
I wish I could tell you specific political and economic developments,
but like the energy in your universe, they are in flux and no outcome is fixed
beyond the reality of your planet changing.
The need for restructuring, however, will force existing assumptions to evolve.
Those that cannot or will not change will not be able to continue existing. 
Watch the results of what is happening.
The reportage and the commentaries are misleading, if not downright misinforming. 
These untruths instruct you to accept the conclusions they present without
any individual research or examination.
Accepting interpretations without determining your own opinions is foolhardy.
To survive this inevitable change, man must prepare physically and emotionally.
He must be ready to move if necessary.
He must be sufficiently rested to maintain any degree of stamina.
He must participate willingly and with an idea of obtaining new insights.
This new perception will begin to define man's changing involvement
with his circumstances and those he interacts with.
The changed Urantia will be reflected in the changes in man's behavior and attitudes. 
This entire one unified whole will ascend together.
I speak to you as representative of the Creator Source in Orvonton.
We are pleased with what is happening on your Creator's favoured planet. Siraya.
Part 1

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