Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Clarifying Our Consciousness By Kenneth Schmitt

Clarifying Our Consciousness
By Kenneth Schmitt

As we continue along the path to inner knowing and expanding into universal consciousness, we can seek energetic alignment with the most positive and loving energies that we can imagine participating in. All of life is happening in our own consciousness, and we’re aware of as much of it as we desire and allow ourselves to realize. Every form of energy has its unique vibration. With our power of mental and emotional focus, and our freedom to imagine, as well as our ability to feel and know the energetic patterns that we attract, we are the creators of our lives and experiences.

Our creative ability is permanent and present in every moment. We create the vibratory level of our state of being, which manifests as our energetic signature. This is how we believe ourselves to be and to feel. It attracts the same spectrum of energetic patterns that we inhabit mentally and emotionally....+@

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