Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

New Maps of Heaven: Primitive Conceptual Tools? By Steve Beckow

New Maps of Heaven:
Primitive Conceptual Tools?
By Steve Beckow

I finally “got” Jesus’ relationship to Sananda today and it led me as well to an interesting – and familiar – quandary.

I’d gotten his relationship intellectually already, but I now got it deeper.

You know how you keep reading accounts until the penny drops? It dropped for me in this passage from (St.) Matthew Ward:

“I shall tell you from whence Jesus came. The soul that eons later embodied as Jesus originated in the Christed realm, the cosmic realm closest to Creator, where the first souls, the archangels, came into being. At some point, they made the next angelic realm and the highest gods and goddesses.

“These souls were given the choice to remain as the pure love-light energy essence of Creator—that was the choice of the Supreme Being of this universe that many call God—or to incarnate. One of the souls that chose the latter is known in this universe as Sananda. This soul has had lifetimes in civilizations throughout the cosmos and is the ‘parent,’ or more properly, the cumulative soul of the person you know as Jesus.” (1)

OK, I get it now. Jesus is like the hand and Sananda is the body. Sananda is like the father of many children and Jesus is one of them. Something inside now clicked....+@

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