Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Be The Nonliars Temüjin aka Genghis Khan through A. S.

Be The Nonliars
Temüjin aka Genghis Khan
through A. S.

My honored brothers and sisters,

It is I, Temüjin, whom you know as Genghis Khan. It is my great pleasure to speak with you.

As you know, your history has been completely falsified. Therefore I ask you to keep an open mind to this message, and to only judge me once you have heard my words. Everyone deserves a chance to be fully heard before he or she is judged.

One of the things I did in my life is to fight against those who would seek to control the entire world, from behind the scenes.

It is my great pleasure that you Lightworkers are continuing this fight. I bow down to the wisdom that you are showing in this struggle.

During my life I physically fought against those who were puppets of the dark controllers. At the time, I thought this was necessary. However, while I did break multiple strongholds of the dark controllers, a lot of suffering was caused. I failed to address the root cause of the disease.

You lightworkers are mainly fighting not physically, but via love and sovereignty and sharing truth. Especially in your time, I...+

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