Why It’s So Important to Be at Ease With Discomfort
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/08/why-its-so-important-to-be-at-ease-with.htmlBeing at ease with discomfort fulfills the need for safety, security and connection.
Embracing pain and growing your capacity to be at ease with discomfort opens possibilities you wouldn’t have expected because you’re no longer braced against the discomfort or trying to avoid it.
Welcoming the discomfort helps you surrender to the Divine, as it opens your heart to life.
A client recently shared that she feels calm and grounded when she welcomes her uneasy feelings. Despite the turbulence, raw emotions, and health challenges in her life, she sees recognizes that her presence in the world has value.
With her permission, I am sharing a message she sent me that expresses the rich beauty that comes with the willingness to feel and sense more and ultimately be present with discomfort in all areas of one’s life.
I remember the first time I spoke to you on the phone, four years ago. I was walking up and down my alley, declaring what I wanted and needed, asking you and the Universe to help me walk through a door I didn’t know existed. I was so broken and void of hope, believing I had lost my greatest love. I could never have imagined being who I am today, committed to a journey that has
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