Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Alex's Blog (7)

I think I may of just figured out the basic prniciple of psychokinesis

Hello every one, It's been a very long time since I actually posted something; any way I have been doing experiments lately and I believe to may have made a break through; When attempting to move something with your mind imagining it or willing to happen isn't enough, but If you draw energy form what your trying to move, and allow the flow of cosmic energy to come though you and into what your trying to move you will have success, I know I just did, I only move an empty soda bottle, a pen, and… Continue

Added by Alex on January 30, 2010 at 4:29am — 7 Comments

Computer questions?

Ok, this may be a little off topic for S.O.E. but since I see about 20+ new videos posted daily I wanted to ask some of the people here, knowledgeable people only, their opinions about video editing and rendering equipment. I am currently building an new computer to edit video and run 3D animation apps and high resolution photo editing soft ware. The target programs I'm looking to run are as follows.

maya, 3D max 7, soft image, Flash (ok, yeah I don't need a lot of… Continue

Added by Alex on June 4, 2009 at 9:28pm — No Comments

Astral projection tips?

Hello every one I have been out of my body about 8-9 times now and I have no idea as to control it.How I can learn to actively use or control this ability. I would appreciate it if any one would post tips on how to use this ability. please be extremely detailed in your techniques.

Added by Alex on April 26, 2009 at 3:24am — No Comments

sorry for droping out of chat

Hey I have been kicked out of live chat a few times by my internet connection and I wanted to apologize to any SoE members that may of thought I was ignoring them. It's not personal I'm just sort of borrowing a wifi connection

Added by Alex on March 3, 2009 at 11:31pm — No Comments

My crazy life part 4

Hello every one who still bothers to read this blog.

As always I'm including a link to past blogs

Any way I'm going to get right to the point here some really crazy stuff happened to me over the past couple of days.

The first and the most mundane of these events would be various shifts in my energy field. For about a week I have been experiencing flew like symptoms along with many other saviors… Continue

Added by Alex on February 5, 2009 at 4:11am — 2 Comments

Warning to All SoE menbers

Hey every one you really should listen to what I have to say. earlier to day I was dragged out of body by somebody and attacked.

It all started when I went to take a nap, I thought I couldn't fall asleep so I looked at my cell phone to see the time and the the phone didn't work, the screen was also pitch black and marked with an unrecognizable symbol. Every material object in my room was like this too. So I started to get very confused and when I started to wonder if I was dreaming… Continue

Added by Alex on January 21, 2009 at 10:25pm — 9 Comments

My crazy life part 3

Hello all people keeping up on my post I'm glad to keep you all informed on the strange occuratces of my life.

your likely going to be lost please read part 1 and 2 (you can link to 1 from 2) if you haven't already

Well sorry to disappoint this post may not be as fantastical as my last two. Last Friday I was posting on SoE when my… Continue

Added by Alex on January 20, 2009 at 9:48pm — 3 Comments

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