Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello all people keeping up on my post I'm glad to keep you all informed on the strange occuratces of my life.

your likely going to be lost please read part 1 and 2 (you can link to 1 from 2) if you haven't already

Well sorry to disappoint this post may not be as fantastical as my last two. Last Friday I was posting on SoE when my spirit guide Ame decided that she wanted to try it too. Quite taken aback form her request I asked her again and she enthusiastically confirmed. So though the wonders of telepathic channeling and a laptop computer I made her an email at yahoo and singed her up for SoE.

However the whole process didn't go as smoothly as one might think; you see both yahoo and ning like to keep their date of birth options in line with this current century so making an account for some one who died 248 years ago is kind of tricky. Maybe one day age discrimination will be a thing of the past.

Moving along after settleing on a false birth date of 1909, (that's as far back as it went) we decided to start posting. The first subject was of course an introduction. After saying Hi to every one Ame decided to ask brad to expand the date of birth options (she is kind of stubborn) after this was demeaned impossible we were asked a constant series of questions. Every one wanted to know about Ame and for a while it was fun for her, she got to answer questions about herself and her life as well as her opinion on the people of the site and her channeler, me.

This also didn't go as smoothly as one would expect. You see Ame is a spirit who died about 250 years ago and she isn't caught up with all of the new age vocabulary that one may use. Nearly every question asked had to be reworded or made simpler. Terms like ascension, dimension, densities, and the other terms we use to day can be quite confusing to a new comer to the forum even if she has passed on and has seen things form an other perspective.

Then as one would expect the skeptics came into the chat, which don't get me wrong is really a good thing, but I felt that they could of been nicer about it. Some of (and not all of the skeptics) called Ame names and said some really nasty things to her. seriously I'm the first person to understand why some people may be weary of someone channeling a spirit in a chat room live but please don't insult the spirit (as for the channeler I'm fine with being called a nut case to my face).

Any way after the live chat Ame got sort of upset and has refused to post anything on saviors of the earth since.

that's it for part 3, as always thanks for reading

Special thanks to SoE member paradigm Shift for being a skeptic but being cool about it.

Ame says hi to SoE members Reb chan, paradigm shit, and Dana

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Comment by H.R. Pufnstuf on January 21, 2009 at 5:50pm
thanks for the links :)
Comment by Alex on January 21, 2009 at 12:55pm
She may in the future it's up to her
Comment by RL on January 20, 2009 at 10:14pm
ame-chan is cool to want to try out stuff of our age. lol
hope she comes back and shares more

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