Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ian's Blog (18)

Riding With the 12 O’Clock Boys

"A group of dirt bike riders in Baltimore have been called reckless. But to them, riding their bikes provides a sense of escape. Find more New York Times videos on Yahoo Screen."

Added by ian on December 11, 2013 at 2:54am — No Comments

Judge: Google must give user info to FBI

Judge: Google must give user info to FBI


Added by ian on June 1, 2013 at 3:43pm — 1 Comment

Something happening below Tokyo now

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Something happening below Tokyo now
Someone just pointed this out on another board. Significant disturbance currently taking place. Kanto Basin.


Added by ian on February 20, 2013 at 4:11am — 1 Comment

NEW INFO ADDED TO FIRST POST* ZaZa Hotel in Houston just had their 322 room accidentally stumbled into. A conspiracy theorist's wet dream

*NEW INFO ADDED TO FIRST POST* ZaZa Hotel in Houston just had their 322 room accidentally stumbled into. A conspiracy theorist's wet dream

The story:

"stay here frequently when on business. Hotel was booked solid and my colleague managed to score a room unplanned. We all had normal ZaZa style rooms (swanky) and he ended up in this goth dungeon closet.

Seriously- the room had a chain holding the…


Added by ian on February 20, 2013 at 3:38am — 2 Comments

Obama has private lunch with Mitt

Very strange, a private lunch with no media.

Added by ian on November 28, 2012 at 2:32pm — 1 Comment

Has anyone seen this? T-man on the inside?

I have been reading this guys blog since it started, he gives inside info and he says some crazy things sometimes.  Turns out he showed up on a Camelot interview and he says some crazy information is coming out soon.  I am not sure if this guy is a fraud or not but he has some interesting things to say.

Camelot video:

His blog:…


Added by ian on October 25, 2012 at 3:43am — No Comments

Moving to Miami, Does anyone else live in Miami by chance?

Does anyone happen to Live in or have lived in Miami Fl for some period and know a lot about the area.  My girlfriend and I are moving there in a month and are looking at living in downtown Miami, Kendel, Coral Gables and Brickel.  Does anyone know a good part to live in near the subway or a good apartment complex or condo/housing community to look at for $1200 or less for base rent.  Taking a shot in the dark but if anyone can be of any help that would be great.  We are going down there…


Added by ian on May 22, 2012 at 4:46pm — No Comments

Thanks everyone here at SOE

I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for all of their posts.  It takes time to find stuff frequently and keep posting so all of us can learn and make our own conclusions.   I don't care if the information is about ascension, NWO or end of the world stuff.   I look at it all and try to figure what the hell is going on on this poor planet of ours.  


No matter what any of us believe in i think we can all agree that the world is in a state it should not be in and the…


Added by ian on April 3, 2011 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

This is strange lol

"Leaving Earth to touch the cosmos is an experience few have ever known, but many have often dreamed of. Celestis makes it possible to honor the dream and memory of your departed loved one by launching a symbolic portion of cremated remains into Earth orbit, onto the lunar surface or into deep space. Missions into space that return the cremated remains to Earth are also available.

Join us…


Added by ian on February 15, 2011 at 1:57pm — 3 Comments

OMG Ads are annoying!!!

Wow, new ads suck eh?

Added by ian on October 24, 2010 at 2:05am — 7 Comments

1977 Alien tv broadcast

This really happened. It would have been very difficult for an amateur to do this at that time. I know we are not alone in the universe and this is the best proof to me of alien life.

Added by ian on July 23, 2010 at 3:43am — 5 Comments

Possible important Information

Hey guys I hope everyone is doing well. I have some information that may be important or it may not. I usually don't post stuff like this because i do not buy into the doom and gloom story and I do not think about it because this earth is a wonderful place and I am doing my best to change it. My mother and I are very close and what she told me frightens me somewhat because she does not do this often if at all. Either way I am going to share it because I care about you all and the

rest of… Continue

Added by ian on June 17, 2010 at 5:00pm — 11 Comments

The lost symbol

Has anyone read the book "The Lost symbol" by Dan Brown? It is a book you all would find very interesting. I find it ironic he decided to write it at this time. There may be some truth about the universe and life in this book. The thing I am having trouble figuring out is which side he is on. He makes the masons look like the protectors of the earth and of the universe.

I have done a lot of research on the masons way before this book came out and it is hard to decide what to believe.… Continue

Added by ian on April 25, 2010 at 2:17am — 7 Comments

Need help and advice with something.

Did anyone else or is anyone else going to "forget" to fill out their census form? Because of my own beliefs I really don't want to fill it out and send it in but it says it is required by law. What will happen if I "forget"?

Added by ian on March 24, 2010 at 3:49pm — 6 Comments

Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller

I am still not sure what I think about Benjamin. He has credentials and in this interview he made one of the most evil people in the world feel very uncomfortable. I read a lot of stuff from Benjamin and can not tell if he is putting out disinfo?

Added by ian on January 25, 2010 at 3:19pm — No Comments

UFO seen where I live over Kings dominion

Here is a possible ufo seen over an amusement park near where I live in Richmond Va. I am a bar tender and A lot of people were talking about it. A few people i talked too were actually there and they said they saw it themselves and there is no way it was a smoke ring. Not sure what to think but check it out for yourself. Figures it had to be over an amusement park :br/>

Added by ian on June 17, 2009 at 12:42am — 7 Comments

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