Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Brian's Blog (6)

Denied Resources

Humanity has always strived in its research to accomplish for itself a comfortable life. Back in time there were two Famous researchers called Thomas Edison and Nicola Tesla. Tomas Edison and Nicola Tesla are famous in scientific history, both for having invented and for having experimented with electricity. This was a promise of future improvement in human commodity. However this precious invention has been exploited by the O.P.E.C. The O.P.E.C or oil producing and exporting countries are… Continue

Added by Brian on January 10, 2010 at 9:03am — No Comments

Hi Guys

"The illuminati beat us and harm us but look on the bright side. When coal is beatin with the pressure it becomes a diamond" - Jessica Mystic. She is an impostor and you are not noticing it. Then i isk Jessica this question "Who is changing THEM into diamonds?"

Added by Brian on June 10, 2009 at 1:54am — 1 Comment

Urgent Message to Saviors of Earth

I’m glad I met this group intent on changing the world via consciousness however as most of you know, this is not enough to stop the sadism of the people who control us. There is a conspiracy in the market place to which we are all subjugated. In recent news I herd about the addition on Melamine in the milk. This is nothing compared to what happens usually around the market place. Picture this….If I have a poisons substance in something I’m manufacturing, what I do in… Continue

Added by Brian on January 3, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

The Norms of Life

My real name is Brian and I hail from Malta. Since my early childhood I always lived with this feeling that there was something very wrong with the society around me. Why is the main argument around me always football? or the main positive label around me was Catholicism. Can a non-catholic be a good person? When I grew older I realized that these things had a definition for them. The norms of life.

When I think of norms I remember a video I saw that was released long ago called “Fiddler… Continue

Added by Brian on December 21, 2008 at 8:29am — No Comments

The Recipe Of Happiness

I can still remember when I was Catholic that I attended a homely which was about this mysterious recipe for happiness. I can still remember how much I pleaded this clergyman to give me this recipe as I was not in a good psychological condition do to my stagnated life. Now I’m much better but not because of my life. I’m better because I understood the way this recipe works for me and this I wish to whoever reads my blogs. I can however share my experience with you. In my opinion the recipe of… Continue

Added by Brian on December 21, 2008 at 7:37am — No Comments

Is the Matrix Real?

Although this question is a very funny one, I must admit, through my studies of sociology that our world is much more of an intricate matrix then we could possibly imagine. People of diverse faiths, back in time have considered this world as only an illusion and there is more about the world we’re living in then the normal human could perceive.

Why is this fact? Lets conceder the scientific aspect of it … What do you see or smell or touch? To all the five senses including speech the answer… Continue

Added by Brian on December 21, 2008 at 7:35am — No Comments

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