Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Christophe's Blog (4)

The fight between old and new believes

Well, the thing is to shift whatever awareness one can perceive into a new truth.

New truth hence new believes.

Our ego doesn’t like situations which it cannot understand or relate too, because it means trouble depending in what situation one might find himself in, a protection mechanism triggers to keep our emotional balance within set boundaries, this to protect us from going crazy or simply do stupid things which might embarrass or even get us killed.

Our ego… Continue

Added by Christophe on March 12, 2009 at 7:38pm — No Comments

Fighting an inner battle...

To get yourself to awake is nothing more than fighting an inner battle against yourself, not one to regain, but to actually gain your very first experience of consciousness.

Pretty bizarre, still more than worthwhile for any seeker to engage into.

It’s important to realize, you can put your entire energy in trying to cross a huge wall to get to the other side of this obstacle in order to catch a glimpse, while ignoring you will only find yourself trying the exact same… Continue

Added by Christophe on March 5, 2009 at 10:41am — 2 Comments


In my second blog post I would like to share some insight upon how I experienced my enlightened state and the way I went along with it.

One amazing aspect which I will never forget, is the clarity of mind which accompanies that constant presence and manifestation of being in the now.

It’s like one being released from a Capacete one had unwarily worn all his/her life, while never realizing the amount of pressure it resembled, not knowing any better and unaware the size… Continue

Added by Christophe on March 3, 2009 at 7:30pm — 10 Comments

Why I have joined this platform...

This is my First blog in which I will try to explain why I have joined this platform.

Try, because my native language is not English, so please don’t mind the grammar or way I build my sentences.

I believe the title or name of this website represents already enough a reason, for all those around this globe which are somewhat sane in the brain to join.

By joining, I believe we are all becoming part of filling in a global need in order to trigger what`s necessary… Continue

Added by Christophe on February 27, 2009 at 11:36am — 5 Comments

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