Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

To get yourself to awake is nothing more than fighting an inner battle against yourself, not one to regain, but to actually gain your very first experience of consciousness.

Pretty bizarre, still more than worthwhile for any seeker to engage into.

It’s important to realize, you can put your entire energy in trying to cross a huge wall to get to the other side of this obstacle in order to catch a glimpse, while ignoring you will only find yourself trying the exact same thing on the other side.

We ignore being both sides of the same coin! We carry much fear to acknowledge and accept, because we believe to be limited, while we are not!

We believe to be unworthy, while we are all worthy!

We are our biggest enemy, defeat it inside and you will be free!

To permit change in your beliefs is essential in order to allow yourself to let go of the old beliefs, it’s a fight, whenever one is won, a strange realization, like a shift, makes one to understand there was absolutely nothing to fear in the first place!

From the moment we enter this world, we are conditioned to feel guilty in various ways, guilt is one of the building stones of that invisible prison created around our identity and being.

To break this prison down is an amazing adventure to engage in, especially when lingering upon a path of self-discovery.

Spirituality is nothing more than a form of self education, only taking what you need, while only giving what you can, is the best attitude in order to make good progress inside your own self education.

To learn about the truth we cannot kill ourselves, to explore your own blueprint is blissful, therefore it is important to create and allow that inner understanding we are infinite to manifest, even when judgmental limitation holds you back in restrain, tackle it over and over again, until in this or the next, we are all to join as One in freedom!

Your own self is your friend and your own self is your enemy!

Thanks for reading and commenting, to inspire and trigger one another is the only thing which matters,

Whether some like it or not, kindergarten will eventually be over and done with, lol

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Comment by Christophe on January 20, 2011 at 4:23pm

A fight between old and new believes occurs when a sudden new believe is overriding one’s personal reality, this can be a awesome moment of cheer joy, it is far more easily recognized or understood whenever fear kicks in.


That’s where the fight kicks in. One needs to overcome its fear to let go of an old (believe) in order to accept the new (believe). Reality that is...

These believes while i rather use the word understandings or insights, involve everything which might bring you to become a subject of ridicule and worse if ever you would share the new you experienced on any social platform, be it your parents or best friends, regardless whomever.

Most individuals chose the easy path because they are consumed by guild and desire, therefore not responding to stimuli, most amongst become numb along the path or more common venture/hide behind a wall of socially accepted denial while easily condemn upon all those who don’t linger amongst.

One can believe in reincarnation, even try to believe it, create a fantasy about it, still, to try and figure out why this word exists is way better an approach to gain insight and understanding.

It’s not that much confronting old habits, rather accepting what has and is while deal with the guild. Guild is a disease, a give/receive cancer which affect each and every aspect of our being. To lose it is important in order to allow change to kick in.

There is no need to find ways to express oneself, to understand the true nature of oneself is way more blissful a lifestyle to pursue.   



Comment by torkel on March 12, 2009 at 5:48pm
I guess the fight between old and new believes as you referer to is a consequence of raising once awareness. You get aware of your attitude, believes and opinion on different subjects, old feelings are raised to the surface so you can confront them and make new choices. This is an essential process in getting capable of expressing us as we truly are, we need to confront old habits to aknowledge what they are and what is changing in our believes.

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