Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on December 18, 2009 at 5:30am —
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Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on December 12, 2009 at 3:52am —
what is hinting at....not just about the water?....i mean come on, what excites a NASA scientist more then water on the moon?....coming in the months ahead.
take it one step at a time....cant blow the minds of society now.
probably microbial life, that is found in extreme environments here on…
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on November 24, 2009 at 8:00pm —
1 Comment
As you may know of the 27th Disclosure with the supposed announcement on all networks. But, this is where it gets interesting.
I was watching foxnews this morning and they where talking about obamas announcement to his decision for more troops in Afghanistan. Which the foxnews correspondent was at the white house talking...But what caught my ear was that the white house is going to tell all networks for his national decision. In a week in advance.
but I cannot find any…
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on November 24, 2009 at 5:39pm —
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on October 25, 2009 at 12:09am —
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on October 14, 2009 at 7:05am —
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WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is speeding up delivery of a colossal bomb designed to destroy hidden weapons bunkers buried underground and shielded by 10,000 pounds of reinforced concrete.
Call it Plan B for dealing with Iran, which recently revealed a long-suspected nuclear site deep inside a mountain near the holy city of Qom.
The 15-ton…
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on October 13, 2009 at 2:05am —
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Not UFOs! Bright lights expected in Arizona sky tonight
PHOENIX – Military officials are advising Arizona residents to be prepared for bright lights in the night sky on Thursday.
The U.S. Air Force will be conducting a training exercise at 8 p.m. that will involve bright flares being dropped…
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on October 8, 2009 at 8:00pm —
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"Heads up! Reality Change Ahead!
in running our MOM (model of modelspace) cleanup of the lexicon prior to tuning, it became apparent that October 25 turn in emotions globally will be dominated by a [lock down/implosion] of the [planetary financial/banking system]. The data suggests that such things a [currency trading] and [commodities trading] as well as many other [digital trading forms] will…
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on October 3, 2009 at 10:42pm —
Link...Hopefully it stays like that....But I get the feeling that it will get shut down out of nowhere....
.Interesting read here guys...all files been posted January 15th 2009
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on June 18, 2009 at 4:30am —
Selamat Jarin! We come before you again with more to discuss. In the past, we talked about the changes, both hidden and overt, happening on your world and throughout your reality. These changes are merely mirroring the needs of your global population. Everywhere the perception grows of just how inadequate the policies of government are to the basic requirements of the people. This lack of consensus between government and people is reaching a breaking point. Besides this escalating discrepancy…
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on June 3, 2009 at 3:45am —
1 Comment
More....VERY Interesting stuff...
Selamat Balik! We come again with more to talk about on a variety of topics. As you move toward full consciousness, you are able to see more easily the occasional flashes of light that reveal the entrance into this reality of entities from much higher realms of existence. Each instance of each day is marked by Heaven thus blessing your reality by sending forth a special living bundle of Light.…
Added by TONY/GOTZEUS on May 27, 2009 at 2:20am —