Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Caro's Blog (6)


Until we stop clinging to the concept of good and evil, the world will continue to manifest as friendly goddesses and harmful demons.

(Pema Chodron)

See demons as demons: that is the danger.

Know that they are powerless: that is the way.

Understand them for what they are: that is deliverance.

Recognise them as your father and mother: that is their end.

Realise that they are creations of the mind: they become its glory.

When these truths are known: all is… Continue

Added by caro on April 9, 2009 at 4:30am — No Comments

My message for 2009

Dear Friends, family, everyone I love or even who I don’t know yet, I ask that you read this with an open mind to and in respect of all I have studied and researched in my life up till now. Please just read the whole thing and make up your own mind from inside yourself.

We are in the end times of the world as we have known it, as pointed to by the mayan calendar, ancient prophecies of indigenous cultures like the Hopi, the Incas, the Kogi, the Aborigines, the Druids among many… Continue

Added by caro on December 31, 2008 at 10:28am — 4 Comments

thanks particles of flowing into ONENESS

Hey I just want to take this opportunity while it is here to thank all of you, Brad for creating this site, and all of you who have contributed and do contribute, with your questioning, your sharing, your offerings and your creativity, not forgetting a laugh here and there. This has developed into a forum for awakening and discussion and light, perceiving many points of view, like a fractal flower, and how all these are part of the ONE. Embracing paradox, but carving a feeling for what is true,… Continue

Added by caro on December 14, 2008 at 7:44am — No Comments


In the face of HAARP, it is important that you are aware of it but that you do not focus too much energy or attention on it otherwise you are feeding that energy. Global meditation is good, but be sure to focus on the our collective Light, and call the forces of Light to your side when you do it: Prime Creator, the Brotherhood of Light and the Galactic Federation of Light, Angels and Guides, and Your Higher Self. Our choice and intention to help the earth is good, but our awareness is not… Continue

Added by caro on November 28, 2008 at 4:59am — 7 Comments

The hippopotamus and the tortoise!

Much of life can never be explained but only witnessed.

NAIROBI (AFP) - A baby hippopotamus that survived the

tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong

bond with a giant male century-old tortoise in an animal

facility in the port city of Mombassa , officials said.

The hippopotamus, nicknamed Owen and weighing about

300 kilograms (650 pounds), was swept down Sabaki

River into the Indian Ocean, then forced back to shore

when tsunami waves… Continue

Added by caro on November 24, 2008 at 6:15pm — No Comments

For women

There are many ways and myriad reasons for women to honor and embrace all that they are. And when any individual woman chooses to do so, all women collectively move closer to becoming what they are truly capable of being. By honoring her experience and being willing to share it with others - both male and female - she teaches as she learns. When she can trust herself and her inner voice, she teaches those around her to trust her as well. Clasping hands with family members and friends, coworkers… Continue

Added by caro on November 22, 2008 at 3:13pm — No Comments

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