Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Magenta Pixie's Blog – April 2009 Archive (4)

Bird Flu - The Nine's Response

There are many that are in fear of the bird flu virus, can you please talk about this and is it a threat to us?

We have spoken many times on the power of thought leading to manifestation, that which you know as "the law of attraction" it is this very real concept that is at play here for those we would call darkworkers are aware that thought leads to manifestation. Fear is the emotion they aim to create en masse for fear and all it's derivatives are emotions that block the raising of… Continue

Added by Magenta Pixie on April 16, 2009 at 6:19pm — 2 Comments

Profound Wisdom and Truth


On an individual level we are learning to love and respect others, while also learning to love and respect ourselves. Developing and maintaining healthy boundaries, while still loving the people who accuse us of ‘ego’ for standing up for ourselves.

It is learning to confidently and politely say ‘no’ when someone wants to manipulate and control you, while simultaneously avoiding sarcasm, anger and victim consciousness in favor… Continue

Added by Magenta Pixie on April 16, 2009 at 9:22am — 2 Comments

Into the mind- beyond the Christ Vibration?

Added by Magenta Pixie on April 13, 2009 at 8:54pm — No Comments

David Wilcock reading 1999

Friday 8 / 13 / 99 — 7:30 a.m.

D: I am wondering what topic we could do today that would be for the highest good of all involved. Would you please scan my mind complex and the things that I have been through, and / or the things going on in society at large, and let us have that as the topic of discussion.

A very aptly worded appraisal of our own at times hidden agenda, David.

The plunge that your people are all about to make is unprecedented in any known… Continue

Added by Magenta Pixie on April 6, 2009 at 8:12pm — 1 Comment

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