Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Lots of things to report in world events - by David Wilcock


I find it unfortunate how many people are still being taken in by the virulently negative material in the conspiracy media. For the record, I do not consider Obama a saint nor a savior. I consider him the first President since Kennedy who is actually doing his job and trying to make things better for our planet.

As I’ve said before, the conspiracy media is saturated with propaganda to an unheard-of extreme. I have undeniable proof of this which I have not yet released, saving it for the right time, but I have decided that I will do so within a very short timeframe after returning from Canada — not more than two weeks.

This proof shows how it’s done, the enormous money being spent on it, what they write, who does it, and includes a whistleblower statement from someone who was actually hired on one of these jobs during the election. It is shocking.


Unfortunately, the hate is so thick in the Internet world that it has become like a religion. Some of the followers are becoming violent and it may be inevitable that Obama will be assassinated.

I certainly hope not, but no one can guarantee anything at this point, given the sheer number of people who want it, including all the old guard whom are being attacked and dismantled by the new administration.

The points I bring up, which require reading through multiple past entries of David’s Blog to understand, are ignored or brushed aside by almost every critic who comes to us.

Almost everyone who writes me and criticizes the administration brings up the exact same arguments. It’s largely an emotional decision and no one can really argue or dispute the facts I include — they must simply be ignored or diverted back to the same old arguments. I’ve already given many more pieces of data that show a side completely counter to those arguments.


This is far from a perfect situation. The old guard still infects the system. It is far from over and simple fear and threats have undoubtedly stopped certain things from happening as fast as they otherwise would.

You cannot attack this situation with a ‘wish list’ of every change you want to see and then get upset when many of them have not happened yet. The scope of change that must occur is enormous, and will take time to complete even under the best of circumstances. Nor is it my job to address people’s individual letters of attack.

I am nonetheless shocked to see how the entire conspiracy media has completely condemned this administration, thanks to the propaganda they read as gospel truth, and must increasingly ignore and overlook very reliable data to maintain their opinions.

How do you get someone who hates that deeply to open their mind? Unfortunately, you often don’t. Personally and professionally I will continue sharing what I see and feel, but I do not feel responsible to attempt to convince the many who do not want to be convinced, and therefore do not choose to see an alternative perspective.

The degree of propaganda in the alternative conspiracy media is extremely severe. People who think they are very smart, and right on the cutting edge, are getting their information straight from the Pentagon and the NSA, and the leaders of this movement aren’t even aware of it. In time we will see the humor and tragedy in all of this.

They key, of course, is that hate begets hate. You don’t paint people in black-and-white portraits. No one is truly a good person or truly a bad person. No situation is All Bad nor All Good. We grow in steps. This administration is taking us many steps forward.

The majority of people who ARE inside these negative groups actively want to get out and turn a new leaf. Yet the hatred has risen to such an extreme that if anyone dared try to get out, and do the right thing for humanity, they would be killed. I consider this to be pathetic and tragic to an extreme.


I have basically disengaged from the conspiracy media. I do not want, nor need, to read so many people who all adopt the same sarcastic, victimized, hopeless, doom-and-gloom, mad-as-hell viewpoint. I do not need to feel like I’m the member of some elite group that has gotten that way by knowing who to hate. Or thinking they know.

I now find that the best data is coming in from sources like Huffington Post and There you have people who still have an objective view because they are not inundating themselves with the propaganda-infected conspiracy media.

There you actually read facts that are not simply the hand-picked choices that focus on the negative, using ‘psychic driving’ to repeat the same lies and slanderous accusations until they become Truths in the reader’s mind.


Another important thing to realize is that Obama’s people are playing a political field that is very delicate and complex. It is increasingly obvious that they must mobilize sufficient public intensity to build up to changes that they cannot directly suggest on their own.

Hence, statements will be made that are obviously false, in the hopes that enough people who know the truth will get pissed off and mobilize to do something about it. A recent example is when Obama said "Al-Queda killed 3000 people on 9/11" in his address to the Muslim world.

If enough people KNOW it’s not true, then they get upset, create an uprising, and the truth comes out. That’s how the game MUST be played. Otherwise you will be eaten alive by the opposition. Look at the ridiculous attempts of Sarah Palin to try to take down David Letterman, one of the great American comics, over a single joke that was in poor taste.

Don’t forget that Obama met with two 9/11 widows in private. You can bet that the rooms in the White House are tapped, and the opposition recorded and documented whatever they discussed.

It’s very likely that they were planning on re-opening 9/11 hearings and bringing out undeniable evidence that it was not simply Muslim terrorists. These two women took a plane flight together a week later and the plane then went down under very suspicious circumstances. Past entries of David’s Blog made the case convincingly.

Air France was a similar ‘hit,’ it would seem, and I will spell out exactly who appears to have done it and why. It appears to be a direct hit against France by the British Illuminati, in response to the ‘snub’ of Queen Elizabeth from attending D-Day festivities. The bright flash of light that was reported is consistent with technology that can destroy electronics.

I wanted to get that out this week, but simply ran out of time — and I will probably be in an Internet blackout for the next week once I get to our final destination.


It is increasingly obvious that Obama is actively working to take down and dismantle the Federal Reserve, which is at the root of the problem. This will complete what Kennedy started — and it does seem that the same forces that were behind Kennedy are now behind Obama.

The conspiracy media is now starting to circulate propaganda that tells a great deal of the truth about what is going to be done, and how, but is then trying to spin it so as to make people terrified that whatever would come in the Fed’s aftermath would be even worse. That works well if you’ve already built them up to hate the man and see him as the Antichrist.

Thus, we are starting to see a last-ditch effort to get people to believe "Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know." Intriguingly, in order to fool people, quality information must be released amidst the spin. And this is also going to be quite an eye-opener once I have time to properly write it up.


I do hope to see Obama live long enough to complete this valuable part of his mission. I do not wish to see an assassination. It would be a shame for so many people to only realize what we had after he’s gone. I am not sure the timelines are fixed on this issue, one way or another.

Nonetheless, I have already given up trying to convince most people who are fans of the conspiracy sites. No matter how clearly you spell it out, they see what they want to see and attack you viciously for thinking otherwise.

If you disagree, you must be One of Them. This is the purest essence of why religion has failed humanity, and it’s exactly the same problem with the conspiracy media.

I trust the facts, and my own reliable intuitive guidance, and will continue reporting them as they become clearer.


It is also clear that we are heading towards some degree of formal disclosure of the UFO phenomenon. The signs are very evident, including Fox News, of all networks, building up to it. For all I know, my testimony may well be a part of it… and a lot could happen after mid-November in that department.

These are very interesting times to say the least.

Many blessings to you on your journey. I am certainly looking forward to what lies ahead!

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