The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
When I looked up SOE on Google this appears
Added by patrick on January 28, 2011 at 11:29pm — 10 Comments
Added by patrick on January 28, 2011 at 4:10pm — 13 Comments
SALT LAKE CITY -- A Utah military base that carries out tests to protect troops against biological attacks was locked down Wednesday to resolve a "serious concern," officials said.…
ContinueAdded by patrick on January 27, 2011 at 5:25am — 3 Comments
Added by patrick on January 26, 2011 at 3:56pm — 4 Comments
In an imaginative last minute twist to the 'hide Nibiru' saga, NASA have decided to pass off an emerging 2nd sun in our skies, as an everyday occurrence called a super - nova. Expect more of this sort of thing in the media.
IT'S the ultimate experience for Star Wars fans - staring forlornly off into the distance as twin suns sink into the horizon.
Yet it's not just a figment of George Lucas's imagination - twin suns are…
ContinueAdded by patrick on January 21, 2011 at 6:04am — 10 Comments
By Steve Beckow
Bren-Ton from Andromeda sends out this job posting to lightworkers. Just as the Andromedans have been anchoring light and love on the planet for the last 70 years, so they now invite lightworkers to join them from the surface of the planet.
According to them: “By performing this love-based task, you will also help to further transform your own physical bodies into ascended beings of light.”
Dust off your resumes and ask from…
ContinueAdded by patrick on January 20, 2011 at 3:18am — No Comments
Uprisings are shaking the authoritarian regimes of Tunisia and Algeria in North Africa.
Protests have raged for more than three weeks in Tunisia.
High youth unemployment, poverty and a rising cost of living—combined with the obscene wealth of the elite and corruption—has led to fury.
President Ben Ali has lost much of his credibility—protesters have burnt the offices of the ruling party.
His government’s response has been…
ContinueRevolution has ousted the corrupt Tunisian leader President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.
This is the first time revolution has overthrown a Middle Eastern leader since the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979. It will have an electric impact across north Africa and the Middle East.
The ruling classes in Algeria, Jordan and Egypt are terrified that the courage and determination of the Tunisian masses will inspire popular revolt elsewhere.
Events in Tunisia show that the power of…
ContinueAdded by patrick on January 16, 2011 at 2:23pm — 3 Comments
Tptb are rolling out commercial biometric scanning devices under the pretence of cyber security. Companies like apple , microsoft, nintendo, are incrementally introducing technologies such as fingerprint and retinal devices for routine home, workplace and business. Consumers are being covertly cajoled into accepting scanning as normal and o.k. Tptb want each person to have a number matched to a biometric 'copy' that a satellite can target and 'inventory'. These are measures the NWO needs to…
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