The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
By Steve Beckow
Bren-Ton from Andromeda sends out this job posting to lightworkers. Just as the Andromedans have been anchoring light and love on the planet for the last 70 years, so they now invite lightworkers to join them from the surface of the planet.
According to them: “By performing this love-based task, you will also help to further transform your own physical bodies into ascended beings of light.”
Dust off your resumes and ask from the heart. Only the earnest need apply.
Notice as well Bren-Ton’s allegation that the rising light energies have banished all dark aliens from the planet. Thanks to Bill, OC.
Welcome to Athabantian, a starship from Andromeda. The galaxy Andromeda, with over a trillion star systems, many of which contain planets nurturing various forms of sentient life, is the galaxy nearest your Milky Way galaxy. Our galaxy is of approximately the same age as your own, and embraces beings in many stages of evolvement.
Aboard Athabantian are quasi-physical beings whose planets have recently transitioned from the influence of the dark energy, plus beings who have progressed along the path of evolvement to where they no longer occupy any type of physical bodies, and celestials from around the universe. All aboard Athabantian are at One with the God of this universe and the many other beings who are focused on the transformation of Earth and her humans.
Athabantian is a gigantic vessel, many miles in diameter. She was materialized by the collective energies of over a million Andromedans working in harmony with all. Athabantian is a living being who communicates with everyone and everything on-board. Athabantian has a soul. She also has free will and volunteered for her current undertaking.
Athabantian is currently positioned in geosynchronous orbit about your planet, but one quite different from that occupied by your communications satellites. When we lower our cloaking shield, you may glimpse us as a very bright object in the night sky — more about that another time.
We wish to thank Mark Kimmel for his dedication these past months to receiving and publishing our messages, and for agreeing to post these new messages. Words such as Athabantian have been provided to Mark, as have our names; all are a close approximation to the way in which we might pronounce them for your ears were we to communicate face-to-face with you. Events are moving very fast, so we have changed our format of communicating with you.
One purpose of the messages at this site is to keep you appraised of events as we see them unfolding from our vantage point high above you, and from intelligence gleaned by our space brothers and sisters who walk among you. We will have more to say about these and other important disclosures in future messages.
When I say we, I refer to the more than 7,900 Andromedans aboard this starship, and am not including the numerous celestials and other beings aboard. This number fluctuates with the comings and goings of people from our galaxy as well as celestials and the other beings. Our starship, along with some of us who are aboard, has been in your star system for over 70 years. Our major function had been to beam light and love energies to Earth, and to you, Earth’s humans.
Along with other starships we have driven the last remnants of the dark energy from your planet and raised the intrinsic energy of Earth from a darkness borne of fear to an acceptable level of light. We are now focusing our energies more specifically on you, Earth’s human inhabitants, as you undergo your personal transformations. This is a cooperative endeavor along with the many starships from around this universe. The energies of our starships are combined with those of the celestials and with energies, both physical and spiritual, directed to your star system from other sources.
When we came to this star system many years ago, it immediately became apparent that we would not be able of our own accord to provide all the energies that Earth required for her resuscitation. Our brothers and sisters from other star systems who had arrived at about the same time awakened to this same realization. Therefore we called on the God of this universe for assistance.
Enormous energies of light and love were provided; we in turn became receivers, broadcasters, and living examples of living in the light, and directed the energies toward Earth. Thus Athabantian, along with other star ships, became anchors for the light and love. Our active participation as anchors ensured that the energies would be most effectively received and utilized. Without our participation, Earth would not have recovered to where she is now — transitioning to a sphere of light and love. It was because we unconditionally love you, as sisters and brothers, and because we volunteered to become anchors, that we have been here carrying out this mission.
We, your brothers and sisters from around the galaxy, are now, in turn, seeking anchors among you, anchors who will perform a similar task for your brothers and sisters on the surface of your planet. We will reach more and with greater intensity if we have a ground crew to receive and redistribute the energies we are transmitting. By performing this love-based task, you will also help to further transform your own physical bodies into ascended beings of light.
This is a request that we have held out ever since we came to your star system, but as yet, only a few Earth humans have grasped it. So we repeat our request. Tell us if you are willing to work with us to anchor the energies of light and love. In a quiet moment respond to us by saying, “I am willing to work with you in love and Oneness to help transform my brothers and sisters of this planet.” Each response, whether directed toward those aboard Athabantian, or any of the over one thousand starships, will be graciously accepted. Please, for the sake of your brothers and sisters who inhabit Earth, let us know of your willingness to partner with us to assist this grand transformation of humanity.
Be aware that it is necessary to have a high level of heart consciousness in order to receive and transmit these energies of love and light. There are a number of ways you may prepare yourself for this. We would encourage you to achieve this state as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. We will have more to say to those of you who volunteer to become receivers, broadcasters, and living examples of the light.
When I say “we” I refer to the Andromedan collective that functions as one aboard this vessel, and is in close cooperation with the over one thousand other starships in this star system. When I say we I refer to those of us who are the spokespersons for the Andromedan collective. When I say spokespersons I refer to myself, Bren-Ton, and to Moraine, Justine and Ro-Tan, all from Andromeda — who have communicated with you in the past. I also refer to Adrial, a celestial of this universe, and others who have previously communicated with you. In the future we will be even more involved with the transformation from your current density to the lighter densities.
As you experience your transformation to inhabitants of a planet of light and love, please remember that we hold you, each of you, in unconditional love — for we recognize that you volunteered to come to Earth to experience this lower density, and to be a vital participant in this the unique transformation of humanity. You are indeed precious in our eyes and in the eyes of the entire universe.
Until we communicate next time, I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda.
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