Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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An ancient knowledge holds the key to mankinds true potential.

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Saviors of Earth is a Free of Charge Website,and a Free & Happy place to Be. - (as long as You bring Your Love & Understanding here with You ) :) , ....but by being part of this community, you must agree to the following: As a member of Saviors of Earth you will agree to keep all your opinions, perspectives and dialogues to that of respectability,cause any breach of for mentioned agreements may result in membership loss or deletion of posts without prior warning :) . This is because we want to keep some Sanity here . Please type ''Yes'' into the box below to accept these terms. Your request to join SoE will be denied or prolonged until You agree. Do you wanna accept these terms,Dear :) ?

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Magnetic field manipulation is an ancient knowledge which may point to the source of biblical supernatural manifestations and divine power. It was used to open a window through the very fabric of space leading to a central infinate source of energy that is responsible for all creation. It was, and still is possible to physically create a magnetic vortex (black hole) which allows access to this source of energy. The fact that black holes exist and are coincidently located at the center of every galaxy is proof that this concept is sound as galaxies are in fact vortex's that contain a central source of energy known as the singularity.

All matter in the universe is radiated into existance. Matter is not solid. All matter is made up of atoms. At a quantum level atoms are comprised of 99.999% empty space. Electromagnetic fields emitted by the electrons in these atoms create the effect of solidity. When you touch another object the negative charge of these fields creates a repelling force as other electrons with the same charge come into contact. If these magnetic fields were somehow switched off you would literally become a ghost. You would no longer be bound by gravity and essentially be able to walk through walls. A testament to this concept can be found in the "Philadelphia Experiment" where supposedly, high levels of electromagnetic current were used to make an entire naval ship dissapear by "switching off" these charged particles. The legend states that when the ship reappeared, some of its crewmembers became fused with the ship itself. The only way this would be possible is if the negative polarity of thier electrons were "reversed" causing an attractive force to other objects with a negative charge. This is true for masonry as well, if you could turn off the electrons in a stone block even the slightest bit it would become soft and grow increasingly lighter, which explains how ancient civilizations were able to move large blocks and seemlessly mold them together. This concept also sheds some light on stories of alien abductions in which the abductee reports being floated through solid surfaces such as windows and walls.

Magnetic field manipulation is the key to antigravity, free energy, deep space travel, teleportation, cloaking, and divine manifestation. The ark of the covenant contained a magnetic vortex generator which produced large amounts of radiation which in effect resulted in the horrific tales of radiation sickness reported in biblical texts. It is my understanding that Moses stole the device from the Egyptians and used its electromagnetic radial properties to part the red sea which effectively destroyed the Egyptian army. The "Pillar Of Cloud" that Moses followed was in fact a burst of electromagnetic energy emminating from the generator, and is strikingly similar to the radiation pillars emitted by black holes.

The strong mysterious force that holds atoms together is a quantumized magnetic vortex (black hole). The vortex itself is a negative contracting force that contracts to singularity, which is why negatively charged electrons are repelled away from it's center while positive charged protons are attracted to it. The resulting contractive torque of the vortex overpowers the like charge of the protons causing them to seemingly stick together. The fact that we can see these particles at all is the effect of electromagnetic radiation created by the singularity which escapes back up through the vortex and excites or radiates the particles magnetic field with energy. The balance of the two dynamic forces creates equalized particles, called neutrons.

The earth itself is a finate boundary created by a central black hole. The outer crust became radiated and then cooled very quickly to create the solid land we stand on. Some radial samples taken from decaying isotopes show evidence that some types of granite deep in the earth were formed in a matter of minutes. These findings were naturally suppressed by the scientific community because it reportedly coincided with creation theory and nullified all other theories of planetary formation. All life and atmospheric conditions on the planet stem from expanding electromagnetic vortex's which manifest centrally and move outward. The negatively charged magnetic fields emitted from the electrons of our bodies makes us solid and keeps us on the surface. Hurricanes, tornadoes, plants, oceanic waves are all the result of magnetic field vortex's that manipulate our environment. All particles on earth were created by the earth. Water does not come from comets. It comes from within the planet itself. Hydogen atoms are created by earths central black hole and when they mix with oxygen atoms near the surface they form water. The great flood reported in the bible may have been caused by an opening of a magnetic vortex on the surface of the planet. Which in a sense opened a floodgate of hydrogen atoms. If everything I've said is true then this would make sense.

Magnetism is what holds us together and sometimes keeps us apart, It is the foundation of all that exists and the most misunderstood property in the universe. The true form of what we are and who or what created us rests within the defining of the nature of magnetic fields. Not only is there empowerment in mental meditation but there is evidence of historical physical empowerment as well. I truly believe the "Forbidden Knowledge" of creation is a usable, tangible, and fully accesable physical power, a power that would literaly change the course of human evolution.

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At 6:14pm on February 12, 2019, Venus E. Rose said…

I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.

At 10:56pm on July 14, 2010, jose v said…
welcome home
At 8:22pm on July 13, 2010, Lydia said…
Thanks for accepting and that stands for G ~ gratitude ~ does look like a 9 though
~ which is a number of Completion ~
here is the website that it Originates from ~ Gratitude org ~ I think you might EnJoy it ;0)
At 8:00pm on July 13, 2010, Lydia said…

At 1:46pm on July 13, 2010, projectmoses said…
At 12:41pm on July 12, 2010, projectmoses said…
At 11:12am on July 11, 2010, projectmoses said…
At 9:59pm on July 10, 2010, projectmoses said…
Sharp eyed robins can see magnetic fields.

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