Saviors of Earth is a Free of Charge Website,and a Free & Happy place to Be. - (as long as You bring Your Love & Understanding here with You ) :) , ....but by being part of this community, you must agree to the following: As a member of Saviors of Earth you will agree to keep all your opinions, perspectives and dialogues to that of respectability,cause any breach of for mentioned agreements may result in membership loss or deletion of posts without prior warning :) . This is because we want to keep some Sanity here . Please type ''Yes'' into the box below to accept these terms. Your request to join SoE will be denied or prolonged until You agree. Do you wanna accept these terms,Dear :) ?
On behalf of the Administraion Team, welcome to Saviors Of Earth. We hope you enjoy your stay here at SoE. The following link will take you to the new member area.
The link takes you to the Terms Of Service governing membership here at SOE along with a word upfront from the administration team. Please familiarise yourself with these rules as all members are governed by them. You will also find a link redirecting you to the A-Z index to help further navigate through the content here at SOE.
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I know it can be hard losing a loved one, but don't let it get you down, always try to stay positive and realise that they never really leave us, they just ascend to a higher level to watch over and help guide us, and i feel that even though we might not see it or understand it right away, it was meant to be. I lost my dad last July and i think he was just needed for a higher purpose, i dream about him all the time and he seems to be trying to tell me something, and im sure he leaves me signs that i notice a lot. Our loved ones will always be with us NO MATTER WHAT. So keep a smile on your face and think of the good things. :)
I have gone through much of the same... losing so many loved ones within the past few years.. it just seems crazy.. The night my aunt died in 08 was the night i 1st logged on this site and joined, not even a year before that her dad died, the year before that her mom died, and the year before that her grandma died. and then my dad which i had already mentioned... but theres nothing i can really do besides remain positive and try and get closer and and stay close with my remaining family. We ALL need to think about or loved ones and remain Happy in these tough times and help others out along the way. You have been very kind as well, and im happy to have met you. :)
awe keep strong.. And you know you will see him again..xoxo... And don't push your self to get rid or sell anything that your not ready too.. You will do this in your own time
much love sister
The link takes you to the Terms Of Service governing membership here at SOE along with a word upfront from the administration team. Please familiarise yourself with these rules as all members are governed by them. You will also find a link redirecting you to the A-Z index to help further navigate through the content here at SOE.
This welcome message along with the starting point for new members is under construction.
If you have any comments to improve our service to new members please let us know by posting a suggestion in the following discussion group;
To add a suggestion click on the +add discussion tab just above (to the right) of the discussion group name.
On behalf of the administration team,
Feb 18, 2010

Hey Sherry :):):) Lovely sister.Welcome Home to Lightworkers. A beautiful placefor open-minded people of Love & Light. Namaste and Enjoy .
Feb 19, 2010
Feb 19, 2010
Feb 19, 2010
Feb 19, 2010
Lisa Trudell
Feb 20, 2010
Feb 20, 2010
Feb 22, 2010
your welcome.
A lot of sunshine....
Feb 22, 2010
Feb 22, 2010
ૐ Daisy ૐ
much love sister
Feb 24, 2010
Feb 24, 2010
"Happy Birthday!"
Aug 10, 2012
"Happy Birthday!"
Aug 10, 2013
"Happy Birthday!"
Aug 10, 2015