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Saviors of Earth is a Free of Charge Website,and a Free & Happy place to Be. - (as long as You bring Your Love & Understanding here with You ) :) , ....but by being part of this community, you must agree to the following: As a member of Saviors of Earth you will agree to keep all your opinions, perspectives and dialogues to that of respectability,cause any breach of for mentioned agreements may result in membership loss or deletion of posts without prior warning :) . This is because we want to keep some Sanity here . Please type ''Yes'' into the box below to accept these terms. Your request to join SoE will be denied or prolonged until You agree. Do you wanna accept these terms,Dear :) ?
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  • Trudy

    Hi beautiful man how is life ^L^ met mij is het even minder :( ben samen met mijn zoon dakloos geworden, na een intens beleidvoering van twee bewindvoerders afgelopen 3 jr die mij huurschuld gegeven hebben, tja manipulatieve wereld en ik ben er nu de dupe van.. maar we houden vol keeping strong and faithfull .. ik zag dat Besimi nu de SoE leidt how come? alles goed met je lieverd, stuurje veel liefde en voorspoed voor je gezondheid dikke kus en hopelijk gauw tot horens daaag lieve vriend  :*

  • Venus E. Rose

    I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.
  • Ronald Morris

    Good day,
    I have something important to disclose to you,Could you please get back to me on ( details.
    Best regards,
    Ronald Morris.