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Hi Patrick! I certainly appreciate your answer. Sounds about right to me. I posted an answer to the question from Michael Horn, that he'd received from Billy about this, but as usual, Billy and his team are being sarcastic again. Gets to the point that I don't know if or not I should ask Billy for anything.
Hope the day finds you well...and if you find out anymore insight to this, let me know. I am aware of one thing though, they've clouded the skies so heavily here, (ON PURPOSE) so we cannot see, I would appreciate any pics of the event I could get my hands on. It's certain NASA will NOT put them up without their usual airbrushing. :>) Right now I'm just very angry. Everywhere I turn I'm finding out about more and more government LIES; not just us, but from all over. Problem is, we don't have the resources of the elite, who are paying for this for THEMSELVES, although they've done very well at STEALING everyone elses money to add to their pile. I think it's time WE call it quits for them. Agreed? :>)
Another thing I'm really concerned about is NASA striving to KILL the life that is there. And IF there is retaliation by whomever colonizes there, I hope they KNOW where to direct their descenting blows.
I've also heard from Drunvalo Melchizedek that 'something' (an event) he stated was supposed to happen on or around the 15th of this month. Shoot, all the bad news I'm getting is for events on my birthday. Well, good or bad, I'm waiting to see. He had been told that by the Mayan and Hopi elders, and what it is exactly he didn't say. I guess we'll just have to wait to find out. I wonder if it would be repercussions from what they're going to do. It might takes that long for whomever to put it all together. I know one thing for sure...they're gonna 'piss off the pope' up there. YOU KNOW the other ETs are gonna freak...unless they can stop it.
I have found Anna Hayes to have an exceptional level of recall...ones which most closely resonates with my own. Would love your feedback on her series.
Love & Light Always,
Azlinn ;)
Thank you, i fully intend to get well as soon as possible. In my mind and heart I am already well...this has indeed overjoyed to be here on such a cosmic majestic occasion, thank you once again for your support.
Jul 15, 2009
Lea Anna Cooper
Hope the day finds you well...and if you find out anymore insight to this, let me know. I am aware of one thing though, they've clouded the skies so heavily here, (ON PURPOSE) so we cannot see, I would appreciate any pics of the event I could get my hands on. It's certain NASA will NOT put them up without their usual airbrushing. :>) Right now I'm just very angry. Everywhere I turn I'm finding out about more and more government LIES; not just us, but from all over. Problem is, we don't have the resources of the elite, who are paying for this for THEMSELVES, although they've done very well at STEALING everyone elses money to add to their pile. I think it's time WE call it quits for them. Agreed? :>)
Oct 8, 2009
Lea Anna Cooper
I've also heard from Drunvalo Melchizedek that 'something' (an event) he stated was supposed to happen on or around the 15th of this month. Shoot, all the bad news I'm getting is for events on my birthday. Well, good or bad, I'm waiting to see. He had been told that by the Mayan and Hopi elders, and what it is exactly he didn't say. I guess we'll just have to wait to find out. I wonder if it would be repercussions from what they're going to do. It might takes that long for whomever to put it all together. I know one thing for sure...they're gonna 'piss off the pope' up there. YOU KNOW the other ETs are gonna freak...unless they can stop it.
Oct 8, 2009
Alex of New Human New Earth
I have found Anna Hayes to have an exceptional level of recall...ones which most closely resonates with my own. Would love your feedback on her series.
Love & Light Always,
Azlinn ;)
Jan 8, 2010
Alex of New Human New Earth
Jan 27, 2010
Love & Peace
Dec 20, 2010
Thank you, i fully intend to get well as soon as possible. In my mind and heart I am already well...this has indeed overjoyed to be here on such a cosmic majestic occasion, thank you once again for your support.
in oneness,
Dec 28, 2010
Alex of New Human New Earth
Dec 29, 2010
Happy New Year Patrick ~ Much Peace Love and Harmony in 2011 ! :p)
Jan 1, 2011
Alex of New Human New Earth
Jan 11, 2011
Just saw this patrick and I thought Maybe You might EnJoy watching it :))))
Peace Love and Harmony xox
Mar 29, 2011