Steven McKenna


Clonmellon, Co. Westmeath


Comment Wall:

  • Tony

    On behalf of the Administraion Team, welcome to Saviors Of Earth. We hope you enjoy your stay here at SoE. The following link will take you to the new member area.

    The link takes you to the Terms Of Service governing membership here at SOE along with a word upfront from the administration team. Please familiarise yourself with these rules as all members are governed by them. You will also find a link redirecting you to the A-Z index to help further navigate through the content here at SOE.

    This welcome message along with the starting point for new members is under construction.
    If you have any comments to improve our service to new members please let us know by posting a suggestion in the following discussion group;

    To add a suggestion click on the +add discussion tab just above (to the right) of the discussion group name.

    On behalf of the administration team,
  • Besimi

    Hey Steven :):):) Welcome Home lovely friend.Namaste & Enjoy brother.
  • Deg

    Great to see you Steven, Welcome aboard and hope that you enjoy the journey. Love and Light

  • Clodagh Roche

    Hi Steve, thanks for the add. It was a good night on Saturday with all the group making it out to meet. Hope you had a good time.
  • Clodagh Roche

    Hi Steve, we are all on the same wavelength of energy and enlightment. Once you have reached that stage where you know that you are on a journey, you will learn lots more and enjoy learning. It is a lovely experience and we are all here to support each other and guide each other.
    I'm sure we will have another night out, and I for one will look forward to meeting you all again.
  • Connor Tait

    Whats Up=) I'm sending notices to everyone I can to ask for your help in my Global meditation to manifest Disclosure event that you can read more about in the events section. I'm going to need all the help I can get to pull this off. (P.S. copy & paste and send this to as many people as you can.) Namaste.