Margaret Mary


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Tony

    On behalf of the Administraion Team, welcome to Saviors Of Earth.
    We hope you enjoy your stay here at SoE.
    There is a Starting point for new members currently under construction to help you navigate through this network;

    In this index you will find a link to the new member area, there you will find a word upfront outlining the approach here at Saviors Of Earth along with a welcome message from the creator of this network Brad Johnson and a link to the rules for this network. Please familiarise yourself with these rules as all members are governed by them.

    This welcome message along with the starting point for new members is under construction.
    If you have any comments to improve our service to new members please let us know by posting a suggestion in the following discussion group;

    To add a suggestion click on the +add discussion tab just above (to the right) of the discussion group name.

    On behalf of the administration team,
  • Besimi

    Hey Margaret :):):) Welcome Home lovely friend.A beautiful Site for open-minded people of Love.Namaste and Enjoy sister.
  • Besimi

    Welcome Margaret Mary :):):) Namaste.
  • Tony

    Welcome once again Mary, yes sorry about that. We lost a lot of content just a while ago. The welcome message has been changed, you are now pointed to ;

    From there you are guided to the a-z index. Enjoy your stay.
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Glitter Graphics

    Happy Birthday Glitter Pictures

    Happy Birthday!! Wish you a journey full of love, light and laughter :)
  • Golden_Angel_K

  • Connor Tait

    Whats Up=) I'm sending notices to everyone I can to ask for your help in my Global meditation to manifest Disclosure event that you can read more about in the events section. I'm going to need all the help I can get(I mean a lot of people) to pull this off. (P.S. copy & paste and send this to as many people as you can.) Namaste.
  • DivineThoughts the Love Goddess


  • Golden_Angel_K

    Have a lovely day...many blessings to you
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Helloooow!...Margaret!...have a blessed day!!
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Hellooo Margaret :-)...have a beautiful day with much love,joy and peace!!
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Hi Margaret M...Thanks for your friendship!!...Brightest blessings to you in all what you need.....
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Have a beautifull Week with abundant blessings of love,light and new inspirations....
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Hellooow :-)...May the Angel of Abundance be with you....
  • Golden_Angel_K

  • Golden_Angel_K

    Wishing you a wonderfull week with love,light,peace,inspirations and divine awakening...
  • Golden_Angel_K

    So thankful to have you in my life...Happy thanksgiving! (E.U. friends)...and for you also (Global friends), as always is an excellent oportunity to give thanks for everything...Lots of blessings your way...
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Sending much abundant blessings of peace,love,enlightement,joy, sparkling moments of imagination...