I think da Queen is da bees knees, and I'd love ta talk with her about gettin a job at Winsa Casti...Winsa Cas...you know, da place she lives. Dat would be great! Thanks Light Woikas!
Dat sounds real nice iDom ya know 'cause I happens to have heard they do that in the catacombs beneath Vatican City, which, if you happens to see my page, is where I'm's from. Check out da video thingys I added...dis nice lady talks about dis stuff, wo-wo-wo-wo-wo, I hopes MI-6 doesn't pull a Princess Di on me!
Wo-wo-wo-wo-wo! The Illuminati, to be behind somethin' that sacrifices poiple, to create a desired reaction? You been readin' too much Icke...or NOT ENOUGH!