Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Switching of the Brain, interview with Dr. Manfred Doepp. (translate by Google)

Dr Manfred Doepp begins to tell that people can not understand that their brains are switched. He explains that no communication is observed between our left and right brain, in other words, there is no contact between our thinking and feeling. The feel is the decoupling of two brain to include in our subconscious as a result the ethical and moral decay that has become increasingly clear in this society. "If you want to understand the universe thinking in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

The impact of electro smog is no longer able to communicate with his emotion and feelings, we live our ratio. Our ratio is only capable of reasoning and to enrich the intellectual life. Unilaterally by the ratio to live without awareness of our emotions we function only as robots. We are easily manipulated from the outside through these unconscious emotions. We do not know because we are disconnected and a superficial life as a sheep following the herd. Dr. Doepp says that man being manipulated like that happened with voodoo. The electro-magnetic smog makes people unconsciously and influenced by switching the brains.

The strongest part of our brains is the reptile brain and is the oldest and most brutal part. The reptile brain wants to fight with others. This part of the brains has no connection with feelings of the divine in ourselves. The reptile brain holds competition pressure and wants to manipulate and lie. In society we see even stronger than the selfishness arise. Emotions are more and more to the dark unconscious repressed. As we see more and more perversion arising in society. The morality and ethics are disappearing. Throughout history, this is reflected in the Roman time, during play in the arena people were slaughtered for the pleasure of the public. This behavior will only worsen as more people get out of balance by radiation and switching of the brains. Hence computer to shoot and kill the idea of self to survive in battle, which is typical reptile behavior.

Switched people are no longer significantly associated with themselves, they know themselves anymore, they follow their intuition no more. Only the lower part instinctive, survival anxiety will dominate. The male part of the brains, the ratio is easily manipulated by the right, the female part of our brains. Even women are more likely to use GSM male-oriented thinking and action by the dominance of reason and intellect. Life is superficial and they think only of cars, lots of money, one night stands, career and status as criteria for a living.

There is something in the soul. As they say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. There is an aura, an inspiration to see non-switched people in their eyes. People switched their eyes seem more at zombies, it is not life more and be empty inside. People in a state of switching to, can not accept or understand that they are disconnected from themselves.

The fysionomiek of a face of such a person, this is sometimes seen by the left and right side of the face differently shaped like two different-looking eyes, a crooked mouth or nose, etc.
There are neuroses, schizophrenia, depression and agitation or fluctuate between apathy and depression and euphoric agitated. These varying moods are very scattered and it can not focus and concentrate. Hence the increase in the use of medicines. There seems to be a very strong correlation with increased use of drugs and the increase of electromagnetic pollution in this society.

There is also a link with electromagnetic radiation and astral energies. The astral energies are enhanced by the vibrations of EM fields and wireless technologies. The autonomous nervous system and the solar plexus by EM fields bombed. The solar plexus cramped to defend themselves when attacked by negative energies and influences. Some people experience this by a cramped heart or sinus rhythm.

Headaches at the edges, it feels harder and it feels as if the energy at that location will pulsate. The thickened skin that, because the aura is to defend. A wireless society is separated from our divine soul and that is what the Antichrist wants to achieve through manipulation of our brain and the aura. Astrale our energies can easily be influenced by a weakened aura and unprocessed emotions to the unconscious is repressed and even turned to trauma ghosts. Entities, local entities and black magic, voodoo, therefore easier access to the aura of man.

This can cause a hidden weapon for mind control, to the human flock, society in the harness it. By restriction or distortion of the brain to balance life as a constant voodoo zombies as if they applied. The brains pick these manipulations through the mind. People can still only survive and have no hope of a future. It is known that manipulation of thoughts and feelings in the fueled by a large HAARP transmitting antenna installation area in Alaska. HAARP transmitting radiation in the ionosphere and reaches across the world inhabited areas. By HAARP our brain suppressed and active. You can see the effects of HAARP created in unnatural patterns waffle or grid lines in the clouds. Using HAARP, we are bombarded with negative influences.

Most people are only to consume, and zombies live without purpose. Our life purpose is not to consume and pay off your house, but to be creative and just mean as a person as a part of a larger whole. Self-realization is the true life purpose. Our personal opportunities facing our soul, we have been programmed to take. If everyone follows the same sheep mentality or the same superficial lives today, we are all misled and we will never successfully finding a life purpose. We are disabled and disconnected to real life purpose to find.

Dr. Manfredd Doepp demonstrates in an exercise video that is ideally suited to the rationale and the intellect to separate and return to be more intuitive. Brain Parts that have been disconnected or no longer communication are again synchronized. The exercise takes three minutes and is repeated twice a day. A switched brains do not have to be defined switches, it has an aversion for. It is difficult because it seems as if it has become addicted to this situation. People who defined switches are "are" more like themselves.

Electro-Smog is a kind of prison for the spirit and home. Men living with a false sense of security by the use of many devices and technology. It is as if the ratio is afraid for the content of the soul. The electrosmog in a wireless society, such as GSM radiation makes you a prisoner of your own life. There are even people who have a beautiful house in the remote nature possess full of all devices such as computer, mobile phone and TV and never managed to discover the silence around in their environment.

The state of inner resistance to switching to cure yourself of a general state of resistance to change. They hold themselves in a state of passivity, apatisch and are apathetic. They feel disconnected from what we really want and use your own intuition and life purpose. They live outside of themselves and it is no longer capable of honest self-projection and instead be projected aggressive feelings to the outside world and the next man. Switching or feelings of disconnection is not a state of awareness in the here and now to be.

There was a study called REFLEX and was sponsored by the European Union and Motorola. Very odd, it was completely silent after 12 significant results came out in 2003 in the study of DNA damage. It is clear that investigations were not recognized by governments and that even there is a hidden agenda. Truth is not important says Dr. Doepp because the industries that organize and pay for the investigations, only to their advantage to publish results. They "overcome" the public interest above the well-being. This is precisely because they are caught in the reptile brain behavior. The science should be concerned with awareness what is not yet known, scientists instead of "win".

And just as ethics is very important to be in this era, which also shows the wisdom of the Mayan calendar.
The need for a wireless company is obviously very significant. But hidden behind what appears to be a sinister and evil "agenda. It is the first large Profits earned by the wireless technologies. We have created a new cold war because there is no need in producing nuclear weapons. There is now something many of us closer and creates electromagnetic disharmony on.

The U.S. army, navy and airforce now uses for HAARP waves in the ionosphere in order to send them back to earth bounce. These are the silent weapons where many people suffer and even be life threatening. But here again wins the ratio of the reason. Our 5 senses are beyond the ability for the radiation hazard to note. Just as in the era of Atlantis for the same reason which is lost through the abuse of power, frequency and vibration.

Some people will not understand if we talk about manipulation and mind control, because most people are switched. That you suddenly have to go that an unethical government would withhold this information and only interest is in our consumer behavior and that they drive us via electromagnetic impulses. If we are not aware this is an ideal situation for them to oppress us and keep an electromagnetic prison.

Dr. Manfred Doepp says are not the devices that people are addicted, but the electrosmog and negative influences that are linked. And this is an influence of a luciferiaanse energy. This energy resoneert on the frequencies of the body. Negative energy plus the appropriate frequency creates manipulation. Most universities never accept the principles of resonance when the whole universe it is based.

Resonance means communicating and following an information flow and this is how evolution takes place. The plot behind a wireless society is still one last attempt to stop our progress by switching the brains and the disconnection of human feelings. It brings people to the wrong path of evolution. It seems as if someone wants to stop the evolution from luciferiaanse intentions. This hidden agenda will take us prisoners held in the five senses. It is for our spiritual connection with ourselves to break so that we forget who we are and where we live. Our true potential to prevent that every person is able to serve and the society to a higher level.

The luciferiaanse energy is an astral energy that is present in the fourth dimension. Currently we are in transition from the third to the higher fifth dimension through the fourth dimension. It is unique in the history of mankind that this evolution step. In this apocalyptic struggle breaks open the consciousness as if we liberate ourselves from an egg-shell and on the point of a higher reality experience to experienced.

Governments and militaries hold knowledge back and use technologies for the wrong purpose. NASA has very ultimate secret knowledge about this technology. If they would use this knowledge for positive goals we would have a paradise on earth. But earlier it luciferiaanse energy to the brains to switschen and hell on earth to create. The information that can save the earth from destruction is suppressed to an unconscious level and is used for an opposite purpose.

This secret knowledge was previously known by Nikola Tesla and was used at the time of the Atlantic civilization eventually is destroyed by technology in the wrong hands. The scientist Nikola Tesla was also much in terms of resonatie. His statement was, "If you want to understand the universe thinking in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

The principle of resonance and information which is also known in homeopathy, used very little energy to high frequency ranges. From this principle, many contemporary problems. But there are powerful people on earth who do not wish that any problems are resolved. Rather, they need to increase problems for their own interests. They demand it from this chaos because chaos a new world order sheep. Science has difficulty subtle energies or resonatie to understand or investigate.

They use only measurable values such as gigahertz or terrawat etc. They can not see that behind matter and a higher subtantieenergie behind information. Matter is in fact of a lower order than energy, and energy is again of lower order than information. Information, vibration and resonatie are very close to each other linked. This one uses the wrong principle, and it is not to results which are important for humanity. And it's important now that science is moving towards an ethical basis.

When we talk about is the vibration wetenschap's'mens to esotericism and thinks that this has to do with faith and so it is not knowledge. However, shaking a strong base in the earth and cosmic energy. In the cosmos, three waves. A vacuum wave, a wave and a meta information wave or wave energy. These three are linked. These three waves organize the entire universe. All relationships between planets and solar systems are organized according to these universal laws and rhythmic measurements. These are all very logical things that are known and are explained. The fact that we are unable to vibration can be observed, does not mean that it does not exist but rather that our perception of it is limited.

"Science is what everyone can see and think that nobody has thought." Albert Szent - Gyorgi Russian Nobel Prize Winner.
The brains do not store any information when someone in a state of Switching is because the ratio has no consciousness. However, aggressive images or saved. We are disconnected from the field of unity and connectedness with others. There is a collective unit or morphogenetic field that living beings are connected to and this has been scientifically discovered by the biologist Rupert Scheld Rake. Live connection to others is distorted by various wireless technologies and electromagnetic networks in our society.

The prevailing religions contribute to the decoupling of the man with his intuition and connection with his divine essence. There is an alternate in the world appointed as a representative between man and God. We listen to your intuition rather than to someone who carries the word of God. This man is disconnected with the unity with God. It opened in the current world only fanaticism, terrorism and Satanism says Dr. Doepp.

It is only through the ratio ideology imposed. When people connect with God individually experienced inside is pure enthusiasm. The man knows naturally what is good and bad. It is very risky in your opinion, that religion prior to switching initiated, because the fear because it offered a list of not watching or not contradictory. It makes people unconscious and keep them in dualism. It relies on intuition and inner guidance but it is in fear and lower energy pious faith. This is the ideal way to manipulate through religion or religion if you have a hidden agenda.


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Comment by mlp on August 27, 2009 at 8:49am
This is fascinating, thanks so much for posting it dear Trudy! :) love, light & cheers, mlp
Comment by Magica on August 22, 2009 at 8:49pm
Very interesting. I will try it every day and see what happens.

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