The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Beloved hearts, we enter into a new celestial dance of Cosmic Christ Consciousness expansion through the “Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse” on April 8th, with the eclipse pathway commencing along Mexico’s Pacific coast, and traveling through Texas and 14 other US states, before culminating over Canada. This is the first full Solar Eclipse crossing North America since August 2017, which at that time, created some of the biggest shifts many of us as awakened Souls experienced in the expansion of our Soul Light and Service work to this sacred earth.
This Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees offers a pathway of initiation through the New Earth Diamond Grids as well as Chiron, the wounded healer, positioned too in alignment at 19 degrees Aries, and exactly conjunct with the Sun and Moon. This not only brings up remnants of old patterns, ego allurements and addictions, particularly around abuse and misuse of power, to truly clear these old cellular imprinting’s, traumas and false beliefs, but assists us to experience the Diamond Light Codes or Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness.
In this glorious Celestial event, the Diamond Light Codes of Divinity, Purity and Love ignite and activate along the Pathway of the Solar Eclipse, and into the Diamond Light Clusters and Crystal Clusters within Mother Earth. With this, all Life is lifted into the next octave of Cosmic Christ Consciousness as we experience deepening levels of Soul embodiment in Diamond White Photonic Light through our Antakarana, our Rainbow Bridge of Light.
Essentially the Diamond Light Code Templates carry the frequency of the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Higher Light of all awakened Souls, as well as the Divinity of our Beloved I Am Presence. As we deepen into our Divinity through Soul embodiment and express ourselves through our Open Hearts in Divine Love, we bring into our Loving Hearts all aspects of ourselves needing Compassion, Understanding, Forgiveness and Love.
Video Link: Ring Of Fire Solar Eclipse - April 8, 2024
This powerful Now moment amplified through this Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse brings through the next seven-year cycle for many an awakened Soul, lifts the veils of illusion and takes us deeper into the embrace of the Divine Masculine, a focus for this year.
As the Solar Eclipse sweeps through the US and energetically around the Globe, the Golden Dragon Mother and Golden Dragons of the Angelic Realms expands the Diamond Light Clusters and Crystalline Solar Light through Mother Earth’s Sacred Heart to ignite the Kundalini of Mother Earth.
As the kundalini further ignites within our own bodies, each cell spins in increased Light. Through the chakras and cells, and the DNA activations, we open up to new Light Codes to facilitate the shift of cellular programming from carbon to silica to crystalline consciousness.
Adding to this powerful Solar eclipse in Aries, is the passing by of a Hale-Bopp type comet, the ‘Mother of Dragons’ Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, which occurs approx. every 71 years. This powerful comet, which can shine as brightly as a star, brings forth an influx of the celestial Diamond Light frequencies galactically to expand the Light of God upon this sacred earth.
Aligned with the Inner Earth Sun, the Golden Sun within our Loving Hearts, the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, we bring forth the expansion of these Diamond Light Codes, our Divinity and Purity, as the I Am Avatar Race, as we assist in expanding the Diamond Light Grid around this sacred earth as the Physical Vessels of Light and Flames of Divinity We Are.
As the Solar Eclipse pathway activates, we experience the Diamond Light codes anchoring and activating through the Soul Star Chakra, approximately 15-30 centimeters above the Crown Chakra, through the Antakarana, through the Crown Chakra, down the Spine, out the Perineum Chakra and out into the Earth Star Chakra. With this, our Inner Golden Sun activates and within our Golden Heart, we activate the Diamond Octahedron, as we deepen into the Stillness of the Loving Heart.
In the Silence, we visualize this Diamond Octahedron within our Loving Hearts, spinning counterclockwise to clear out all that no longer needs to be experienced and then clockwise to bring through the radiance of the Diamond Light Codes.
This Diamond Octahedron then expands from our Loving Hearts around our Bodies and into the Soul Star and Earth Star Chakras, as we breathe deep into the body.
As our kundalini channels then activate, we take this Diamond Octahedron into each of our New Earth Chakras. We then connect to the Golden Dragon Mother and Golden Dragons as Mother Earth’s kundalini activates. Additionally, we visualize this Diamond Octahedron positioned around Mother Earth, connected to her North and South Poles.
From here, we ignite the Diamond Light Codes for all Life upon this sacred earth to know ourselves as Love using the energy of the Solar Eclipse.
So let us get ourselves comfortably relaxed as we experience this beautiful Invocation for this powerful Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse.
Video Link: Eclipse Gateway Golden Stargate Activation
You now state:
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, and my Beloved I Am Presence, as I align with this Divine Light of Who I Am.
I now call upon all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,
along with the Golden Dragon Mother and Golden Dragons,
and all who are assisting in expanding this Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse upon this sacred earth and through the Diamond Light Codes,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
and the Beloved I Am Presence of every man, woman, and child upon this sacred earth,
Surrounded in the Diamond Light of my Beloved I Am Presence,
I connect into the Unity Grid of Divine Love as the Light of God I Am,
sharing my Light Codes and receiving all that is needed from within the Unity Grid,
while deepening into my Adam Kadmon Blueprint of Light,
my Divinity, my Purity, my Innocence,
through the Patterns of Perfection and original Divine Blueprinting.
As I expand my Light and Love quotient in deep rhythmic breaths,
I ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
feeling the energy of the Divine Mother,
as I draw upon the Diamond Light Clusters, Crystal and Andara Clusters through Mother Earth's Light Body,
whilst expanding ever deeper into the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
and now the Diamond Light Grid of New Earth,
breathing in Love, breathing out Love.
As my heart chakra expands ever deeper to the frequencies of the sacred geometries, sounds, colors, energies, and Light of New Earth through the heart of Gaia,
I connect to the Light Workers, Starseeded One, and all the Beings of Light from On High,
assisting in this celestial event, this Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse.
As the Solar Eclipse now travels the pathway along Mexico’s Pacific coast, then into Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and into Newfoundland coast near Gander, Canada,
I breathe deep into my body,
breathing in Love and breathing out Love,
as I release, let go and energetically move beyond old Earth,
clearing lower density vibrations and frequencies,
and collapsing and dissolving lower timelines,
as I expand into my Loving Heart.
I now bring a focus to the Golden Sun sphere that expands from within my Loving Heart.
I breathe in Love, hold my breath, and then breathe out, as I expand the frequency of my Loving Heart.
I now repeat this breath seven times,
and with each breath, the Golden Sun expands around my body and energy field,
whilst taking me into Zero Point, the Infinite, Eternal, Ever Present, Now moment,
as I breathe in Love, hold my breath and breathe out Love.
This Golden Sun Sphere now expands,
connecting into a Diamond Light sphere 54 feet in diameter around me,
and within this now, a beautiful Golden Flower of Life activates.
I now align into the inner Earth Sun, the Sun within my Loving Heart, the Sun, the Central Sun, and the Great Central Sun,
as I receive from my Universe the Resurrection and Diamond Light Codes that are activating through this Solar Eclipse,
anchor and activate through my Soul Star Chakra, approximately 15-30 centimeters (6-12 inches) above my Crown Chakra in a beautiful Diamond White Light.
This Diamond White Light of Photonic Infusion now enters through my Antakarana, my fluorescent Tube of Light,
through the Crown Chakra, down the spine, through the Perineum Center and into the Earth Star Chakra, 15-30 centimeters below my body,
as I breathe in Love and breathe out Love,
whilst becoming more and more my Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence upon this sacred earth.
And now, a Diamond Octahedron ignites from within the Stillness of my Loving Heart.
As this Diamond Octahedron spins initially in a counterclockwise direction,
I bring into my Loving Heart all that is clearing and collapsing, dissolving and releasing,
and with Compassion and Love,
I observe, Love, and let go, as I embrace each sub-personality in the Divinity and Light of God I Am.
I pause for a moment with my breath and focus upon my Loving Heart, simply stating: I Am. I Am. I Am.
I Am the Light of God. The Light of God I Am.
I Am. I Am. I Am.
Video Link: Portal Mass Meditation: Please Join to Anchor in 5D Earth Frequencies for All
This Diamond Octahedron spins now in a clockwise direction,
as I now align through all dimensions of Light, into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God,
merging with my Higher Selves, Multidimensional Selves, Future Selves, and now Beloved I Am Presence.
I now experience this beautiful Diamond Octahedron activate around my body and energy field,
with the apex points connecting to my Soul Star Chakra and now Earth Star Chakra,
creating this beautiful Diamond Octahedron, with eight faces of equilateral triangles.
This Diamond Octahedron further activates through each one of my 12 New Earth Chakras within my body,
as I experience an alignment to the Diamond Light Codes to the maximum Cosmic Law can allow.
I have a sense now of the cerebrospinal fluid moving up and down the spine,
the kundalini energy igniting and expanding from chakra to chakra,
I feel and sense this now within Gaia’s Light Body,
and through the Unity Grid of Divine Love and Diamond Light Grid,
feeling and experiencing the Heartbeat of Gaia.
As the Diamond Light Codes continue to activate within Mother Earth’s Light Body,
sacred sites and vortices in this Now moment,
I call upon the Golden Dragon Mother and Golden Dragons of the Angelic Realms,
to assist in expanding the Diamond Light Codes of Divinity, Purity and Love, through this Solar Eclipse and through this beautiful Diamond Octahedron,
as it now activates around Mother Earth’s Light Body,
and into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth choosing the Path of Love.
As One Heart and One Unified Field of Light,
as the Beloved I Am Presence of all awakening and awakened Souls,
we expand into the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love through these Diamond Light Codes and powerful Solar Eclipse,
as the Golden Dragons and Golden Dragon Mother assists in activating the Kundalini of Mother Earth,
clearing distortions and abuse and misuse of power,
lesser than and better than consciousness and all other human miscreation’s
through this Diamond Light of Purity, Divinity and Love,
so all Life can experience the Patterns of Perfection and the original Divine Blueprints of Creation.
I simply hold this focus now as I breathe in Love, and breathe out Love,
Releasing all that is ready to be released in this Now.
I Am. I Am. I Am.
I Am the Light of God, the Light of God I Am.
I see the Divinity within myself and others,
knowing that we are all One.
I am One with God,
I Am One with my emotions,
I Am One with All Life.
I am joined in Heart and Mind with all life on this sacred Earth through the
I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light,
the collective Higher Light of all awakened souls.
I Am an Open Heart in this Golden Age of Light,
creating the Diamond Path for myself and others.
I breathe in Love,
I hold my breath for as long as I can,
and then I breathe out any remnants of separation and fear.
I breathe in Love, I hold my breath,
I breathe out all that needs to be released in this Now.
And now, as the kundalini energy continues to gently rise through my chakras,
I focus once more on the Diamond Octahedron within my Loving Heart, and around my body,
breathing in Love and breathing out Love.
I now focus on the next level of my Service work, and Soul’s Purpose,
as well as the next level of leadership, manifestation and co-creation.
My Beloved I Am Presence now appears before me,
and I merge with this radiant expression of my God Self,
becoming this beautiful Higher Light.
As my Light Body activates and Consciousness expands,
I experience a rebirth, as this Flame of Divinity and Light of God I Am.
I now experience the Heartbeat of Mother Earth,
feeling this Oneness with all Life, feeling this Love for all Life.
I now experience myself as the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
and as this Diamond Light of Purity and Innocence and Love.
I Am the Cosmic Heart and Mind of Mother/Father God,
I Am my Beloved I Am Presence,
I Am a radiant Being of Light,
I Am the Divinity of God,
I Am ONE Unified Diamond Light.
I now find my Self back in my sacred space,
grounding once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
and I choose New Earth,
trusting and surrendering to my Universe,
trusting and surrendering to Life.
I Am All That I Am.
I Am. I Am. I Am.
Anrita Melchizedek
Voices of the Light Tribe
Video Link: I Am The Light Of God - I Am Presence Activation
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