Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Google Lyraen to find out for yourself.

Also, Ethathani are the offspring of the Annunaki.

Taken from one of the sites:
There are NO space brothers coming to save us. This is Illuminati new age disinformation designed to make "new agers" sit and wait for alien or extraterrestrial group(s) to come and save you so that you do not interfere with the NWO agenda. There are no benevolent alien or extraterrestrial groups that will come and save or interfere directly with an evolving species like ourselves. If they did we would not learn from the experience, history would repeat itself, and we would attract tyrants all over again. We have to save ourselves to evolve from this. Advanced beings understand the species mind-pattern and how evolution works, that is why they will not get directly involved, and it is also why the only aliens that are directly involved on this planet are malevolent in nature and working with the government.

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I'll email you :)

Steve Atreides said:
good for you if this is your own truth where is the proof of this? whatever your truth or others channelers truth or just whatever else is on the internet you have free wills to believe what you want! there is no proof anywhere just trust your souls
Well I don't know much about this information just that it paints a new picture of the Lyraens and other aliens entities being contacted by people on this site. I think we need to keep an open mind to the possibility that they could be deceiving us and question everything that is being told :)

Martin 2012 said:
good for you if this is your own truth where is the proof of this? whatever your truth or others channelers truth or just whatever else is on the internet you have free wills to believe what you want! there is no proof anywhere just trust your souls
I just think it's good we keep asking questions about motives at least.

Steve Atreides said:
I definitely think much of this just doesn't ring true to me.
Kerrie, but why would they assist us? I think letting us grow and evolve ourselves to we learn the lessons (ourselves), as that text I pasted said, is what makes sense. If we never learn the lessons needed in this life, we will be doomed to repeat it. What do you think?

Kerrie said:
As FOL say this is a huge shift never before experienced on such a scale, many great and respected minds are confirming that, not to mention many native tribes, not also to forget our own inner knowing which can be accessed through the soul communication area the heart. Galaxies ascended Masters, Angelic Realms, Star beings, us are all ascending therefore as is the Divine plan and as is the energy of Divine (love) it assists those that help others to ascend there in is one motive. However when one reaches 5th dimension or more it is the nature of that vibration to assist, it may not be how we perceive assistance but rest assured the soul growth is what is desired and it is free will that dictates the experience, however light energy is quickening our manifestations be them perceived good or bad so we can AWAKEN quickly (planet will not take much more)

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
I just think it's good we keep asking questions about motives at least.

Steve Atreides said:
I definitely think much of this just doesn't ring true to me.
I see what you are saying :) I think you got woken up because that seed was already in you. From a divine source I can accept, from another source like the FoL I am not sure of. I still would not believe them if they said it. If God said that, yes!

Kerrie said:
Because that is the Devine intervention why did I get woken up because I needed to or else I would not ascend the way I was going, same thing we NEED TO ascend we will just have to hurry up and learn (remember) really quickly only 4 yrs left this planet is already in the 5th dimension.
We ascend with our body or not .The thing is let go of fear dont feel that you have to ascend or die or your not ascending!!!
We ARE being helped.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Kerrie, but why would they assist us? I think letting us grow and evolve ourselves to we learn the lessons (ourselves), as that text I pasted said, is what makes sense. If we never learn the lessons needed in this life, we will be doomed to repeat it. What do you think?

Kerrie said:
As FOL say this is a huge shift never before experienced on such a scale, many great and respected minds are confirming that, not to mention many native tribes, not also to forget our own inner knowing which can be accessed through the soul communication area the heart. Galaxies ascended Masters, Angelic Realms, Star beings, us are all ascending therefore as is the Divine plan and as is the energy of Divine (love) it assists those that help others to ascend there in is one motive. However when one reaches 5th dimension or more it is the nature of that vibration to assist, it may not be how we perceive assistance but rest assured the soul growth is what is desired and it is free will that dictates the experience, however light energy is quickening our manifestations be them perceived good or bad so we can AWAKEN quickly (planet will not take much more)

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
I just think it's good we keep asking questions about motives at least.

Steve Atreides said:
I definitely think much of this just doesn't ring true to me.
You are free to post whatever you like about intentions of the NWO agenda. Just know what you're posting has to be researched and sought out by what you truly believe. But truth is, the human race is by far one of the most complex species of "Aliens" in the Universe which is why this race is being "watched" and has been watched for eons. What happens on Earth effects the Universe. End of story. Now, what the human race has is an opprotunity to shift their consciousness in full gear and become mature, responsbile benevolent beings themselves so they can take their rightful place amogst the stars. This is the 1 of the reasons why life is what it is. I don't know about you H.R. but many millions of people would love to take part of the grand scheme of life. No NWO or Illuminati in the Universe can take hold of divine plan for this to transpire. It's inevitable. You have stated some truth here as far as malevolent beings are working with the governenment. There's many reasons behind this. 1 is because the human race has been lacking in maturity, these beings don't believe in welcoming the human race in space because of their duality behavior. You can understand that. It's like taking an infant into an adult film, they are not ready to handle that type of movie yet & they do nothing but cry during the whole film. When you grasp the big picture you can finally see why this planet is under quarantine. Humans are advanced alright, just not advanced enough to understand the totality of why they're here. And besides ETs are not coming to save the human race, they are the human race, waiting patiently for them to wake up before they blow themselves up & disrupt the harmony of the Universe up. The fact is there are beings out in the Universe who have no concept of warfare, you think they need Earth humans out there messing with the equalibirum. No one wants to come off making the Earth humans look bad, it's just pointing out what is truth and seeing where you should go from there. End of story.

Your life is very much a classroom and I'm 1 of the teachers. You will not find compromise with me, what you see is what you get. I'm not here to tell you what you want to hear but rather show you the way. During our exchanges you will find humour but my intentions are clear as should yours be while you're in the classroom. Let's face the facts, your judgements were & are poor and without help they would have continued to be. What you can expect from me is honesty and directness. Some people need to be treated gently and some people can take being hit over the head with a frying pan over & over again. Right now you have to ask yourself which one are you. I have no problem rattling people's cages. That's why I'm here in physical form. I have no investment as to what people think of me. I am free to be a teacher not a politician. I have no need to be popular or look to be accepted by the physical world which is the main reason why I have not presented any more physical photos of myself thus far. My condition is one of peace and my message is firm. Take it or leave it.
You are infinate & eternal love,light,peace,awareness,unity, and silence with all that is.

Thank you for such a thoughtful response. I will need to think about it some more :)

Ascended LightAngel said:
You are free to post whatever you like about intentions of the NWO agenda. Just know what you're posting has to be researched and sought out by what you truly believe. But truth is, the human race is by far one of the most complex species of "Aliens" in the Universe which is why this race is being "watched" and has been watched for eons. What happens on Earth effects the Universe. End of story. Now, what the human race has is an opprotunity to shift their consciousness in full gear and become mature, responsbile benevolent beings themselves so they can take their rightful place amogst the stars. This is the 1 of the reasons why life is what it is. I don't know about you H.R. but many millions of people would love to take part of the grand scheme of life. No NWO or Illuminati in the Universe can take hold of divine plan for this to transpire. It's inevitable. You have stated some truth here as far as malevolent beings are working with the governenment. There's many reasons behind this. 1 is because the human race has been lacking in maturity, these beings don't believe in welcoming the human race in space because of their duality behavior. You can understand that. It's like taking an infant into an adult film, they are not ready to handle that type of movie yet & they do nothing but cry during the whole film. When you grasp the big picture you can finally see why this planet is under quarantine. Humans are advanced alright, just not advanced enough to understand the totality of why they're here. And besides ETs are not coming to save the human race, they are the human race, waiting patiently for them to wake up before they blow themselves up & disrupt the harmony of the Universe up. The fact is there are beings out in the Universe who have no concept of warfare, you think they need Earth humans out there messing with the equalibirum. No one wants to come off making the Earth humans look bad, it's just pointing out what is truth and seeing where you should go from there. End of story.

Your life is very much a classroom and I'm 1 of the teachers. You will not find compromise with me, what you see is what you get. I'm not here to tell you what you want to hear but rather show you the way. During our exchanges you will find humour but my intentions are clear as should yours be while you're in the classroom. Let's face the facts, your judgements were & are poor and without help they would have continued to be. What you can expect from me is honesty and directness. Some people need to be treated gently and some people can take being hit over the head with a frying pan over & over again. Right now you have to ask yourself which one are you. I have no problem rattling people's cages. That's why I'm here in physical form. I have no investment as to what people think of me. I am free to be a teacher not a politician. I have no need to be popular or look to be accepted by the physical world which is the main reason why I have not presented any more physical photos of myself thus far. My condition is one of peace and my message is firm. Take it or leave it.
You are infinate & eternal love,light,peace,awareness,unity, and silence with all that is.

You are welcome. Happy that we're friends in such a transitional time. Believe in yourself and trust your fellow man. Remember the innocence you had when you were 7, still strong but always believed in the goodness of people. This is the rebirth of your return to innocence and strength.

Lots of love <3

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Thank you for such a thoughtful response. I will need to think about it some more :)

Ascended LightAngel said:
You are free to post whatever you like about intentions of the NWO agenda. Just know what you're posting has to be researched and sought out by what you truly believe. But truth is, the human race is by far one of the most complex species of "Aliens" in the Universe which is why this race is being "watched" and has been watched for eons. What happens on Earth effects the Universe. End of story. Now, what the human race has is an opprotunity to shift their consciousness in full gear and become mature, responsbile benevolent beings themselves so they can take their rightful place amogst the stars. This is the 1 of the reasons why life is what it is. I don't know about you H.R. but many millions of people would love to take part of the grand scheme of life. No NWO or Illuminati in the Universe can take hold of divine plan for this to transpire. It's inevitable. You have stated some truth here as far as malevolent beings are working with the governenment. There's many reasons behind this. 1 is because the human race has been lacking in maturity, these beings don't believe in welcoming the human race in space because of their duality behavior. You can understand that. It's like taking an infant into an adult film, they are not ready to handle that type of movie yet & they do nothing but cry during the whole film. When you grasp the big picture you can finally see why this planet is under quarantine. Humans are advanced alright, just not advanced enough to understand the totality of why they're here. And besides ETs are not coming to save the human race, they are the human race, waiting patiently for them to wake up before they blow themselves up & disrupt the harmony of the Universe up. The fact is there are beings out in the Universe who have no concept of warfare, you think they need Earth humans out there messing with the equalibirum. No one wants to come off making the Earth humans look bad, it's just pointing out what is truth and seeing where you should go from there. End of story.

Your life is very much a classroom and I'm 1 of the teachers. You will not find compromise with me, what you see is what you get. I'm not here to tell you what you want to hear but rather show you the way. During our exchanges you will find humour but my intentions are clear as should yours be while you're in the classroom. Let's face the facts, your judgements were & are poor and without help they would have continued to be. What you can expect from me is honesty and directness. Some people need to be treated gently and some people can take being hit over the head with a frying pan over & over again. Right now you have to ask yourself which one are you. I have no problem rattling people's cages. That's why I'm here in physical form. I have no investment as to what people think of me. I am free to be a teacher not a politician. I have no need to be popular or look to be accepted by the physical world which is the main reason why I have not presented any more physical photos of myself thus far. My condition is one of peace and my message is firm. Take it or leave it.
You are infinate & eternal love,light,peace,awareness,unity, and silence with all that is.


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