Anyone has some advice to progress more quicker in meditation i am doing this like only 8 months! and i wanna know if anyone has more advice to progress more quicker! i can't sit in the lotus position coz i have knee problems and it hurt soo i have to lay down flat on my back in my bed ! thanks in advance Martin
in some meditations the eyes are kept open,the idea being to be in the place while not if you know what i mean, people could meditate for years keeping it separate from their everyday lives and see no effect,when you apply your practice in a stressful or chalengeing moment,its instantly effective,focusing on the breath is the best way to keep your mind from thinking other thoughts,just keep coming back to the breath,and ill tell you from the bottom of my heart,my life IS one big medaitation,walking,working,playing music,i live subconsiously because where do we react from? where do ideas come from? who therefore is truly in control? the subconsious