Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



The GREAT ILLUSION (the pact)

AN ILLUSION it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.

Those who see it will be thought of as insane.

We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.

We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.

Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves.

This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.

We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the Absolute.

We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy.

Death will come to he who speaks.

We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds.

We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.

We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.

Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.

When they give birth we will inject poison into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help.

We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.

When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.

When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create yet more medicine.

We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so the many never connect with their inner self.

We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it All.

Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say.

If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind–altering technology into their lives.

We will us fear as our weapon.

We will establish their governments and establish opposites within.

We will own both sides.

We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.

They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.

Our families will never mix with theirs.

Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way.

We will make them kill each other when it suits us.

We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.

We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.

We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.

We will foment animosity between them through our factions.

When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.

We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children.

We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.

The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.

They will be busy killing each other.

They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.

We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.

We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.

We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished.

We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds.

We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.

The tools will be provided by their labor.

We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.

We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one.

This they must never know!

They must never know that color is an illusion; they must always think they are not equal.

Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal.

We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them.

We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.

We will establish a monetary system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.

When they shall band together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.

When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that.

They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.

We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us.

The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms.

Members of these groups (Editor’s Note: the illuminati) will think they are one with us never knowing the truth.

They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us.

For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars.

They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment.

This they will never know.

The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it’s too late.

Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.

When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them.

This reality will be their prison.

They will live in self-delusion.

When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin (New World Order).

Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.

But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then.

This they must never know.

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.

They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen.

Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.

This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans.

This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood.

We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.

This covenant must never, ever be know to exist.

It must never, ever be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the prime creator upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.



: "If one portrays authority or power, it is as good as
: actually having the power being portrayed"

: "When one tells of their evil plans to another, the karma
: of carrying out the evil plan is lifted from the one who
: carries out the evil plan."

: "All leaders who are selected by us, will be of
: questionable character and criminal background. That leader
: will be easily controlled to do our bidding, or face our
: retribution of exposing their sordid habits to the rest of
: the Goyim."

: "We must destroy God".

: "We will destroy God".

: "We will forbid Christ to exist".

: "We will undermine and destroy all the authority and
: influence of Kings of Earth, and destroy their bloodlines.
: We will destroy the authority of all governments of the
: Goyim, at which time we will step in to take their place,
: and we will rule over the stupid Goyim who will submit to
: us in order to gain the peace they long for."

: Many who have previously studied this document, in full or in
: part in part, understand the inherent evil behind it.

: There is no use in debating the legitimacy of this document -
: this blueprint for total, full spectrum domination of
: planet Earth.

: One has only to look around them.

: Video: Audio Book (3 Hrs 21 Minutes) - The Protocols of the
: Learned Elders of Zion (Complete)

: Audio book of - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
: (Complete)




: Published on Jul 21, 2012 By LIQUID OCELOT

: The book protocols of the learned elders of zion the complete
: edition.


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,",,,,,if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then.

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action."

that's what they fear...

Carolyn The Pleiadien said:

Very painful to read..sombering..but accurate and extremely neccessary. As a starseed I'm doing my part...everything i can to make sure their control grid comes down in my lifetime. The worst threat to our planet is that somebody else will save it. Unity and self empowerment is the key to liberation

This IS their formula. I call it the Annunaki "Recipe" We generate incredible wealth for them,. all they do is take and take and take yet most of humanity still hasn't noticed



Carolyn The Pleiadien said:

Protocols 5-11- The Slaughter of the Lambs

July 10, 2017

wolf-in-sheeps-clothing-31.jpg"The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?" 

Tyranny in Place.
The evidence is everywhere.
Globalism is their "Super State."
But it is forbidden to mention the Protocols
in polite company.
This is Part Two in a Synopsis of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Introduction and Part One are here.  This is required reading for anyone who wishes to understand the world in which we live. The Protocols exhibit a pathological hatred for non-Jews, and a desire to undermine and exploit them. The Protocols, which dates from 1903were part of an "initiation" for 33 degree Masonic Jews. Most Jews are unaware of this agenda and therefore are easily manipulated. "Anti-Semitism is indispensable to us in the management of our lesser brethren." (Protocol 9)
Protocols Five  - Stranglehold on personal freedom as in Communist states
The author states that despotism is necessary for the world he is creating, one "where the feelings toward faith and community are obliterated by cosmopolitan convictions."
The following is the rationale behind communism and the war on terror. "We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects with new laws. These laws will withdraw one-by-one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted by the goyim, and our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any goyim who oppose us by word or deed." 
The union of the goyim might have thwarted the Illuminati but "We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the goyim, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries.... We are too strong. There is no evading our power. The nations cannot come to even an inconsiderable private agreement without our secretly having a hand in it." 
"It is through me that nations reign. And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth... The wheels of the machinery of all States are moved by the force of the engine which is in our hands, and that engine is ...Gold. ...Capital ..must be free to establish a monopoly of industry and trade: this is already being put in execution by an unseen hand in all quarters of the world." 
"The principal object of our directorate is... to debase the public mind... lead it away from serious reflection calculated to arouse resistance; to distract the forces of the mind towards a sham fight of empty eloquence." "We shall assume the liberal physiognomy of all parties, of all directions, and we shall give that physiognomy a voice in orators who will speak so much they will exhaust the patience of their hearers..." 
Protocols 6 -- We love the proletariat so much we want all the goyim to join them. 
We are creating "huge monopolies" upon which even the large fortunes of the goyim are dependent so that "they will go to the bottom together with the credit of the states on the day after the political smash..." 
"In every possible way we must develop the significance of our Super Government by representing it as the Protector and Benefactor of all those who voluntarily submit to us." "We want industry to drain off from the land both labour and capital and by means of speculation transfer into our hands all of the money of the world, and thereby throw all the goyim into the ranks of the proletariat. Then the goyim will bow down before us, if for no other reason but to get the right to exist." 
Communism. "In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under an alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes..." 
Protocol 7 -- "We control the press" (and this was 115 years ago or more)
"The increase in police forces [is] essential... besides ourselves there should only be "the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers..."
 "We must compel the government of the goyim" to fall in with our plan "already approaching desired consummation" by requiring them to obey "public opinion" which we control through that great power already in our hands, the Press. 
"In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the government of the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan."
Protocol 8 -- Use blackmailed frontmen. 
"For a time until there will no longer be a risk of entrusting responsible posts in our States to our brother-Jews, we shall put them in the hands of persons whose past and reputation are such that... if they disobey our instructions, must face criminal charges or disappear--this in order to make them defend our interests to their last gasp." 
Protocol 9 --
"De facto we have already wiped out every kind of rule except our own... Nowadays if any States raise a protest against us it is only pro forma at our discretion, and by our direction, for their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us in the management of our lesser brethren." 
"It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service people of all opinions, of all doctrines, restoring monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists and Utopian dreamers of all kinds. Each one of them is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow the all established forms of order... we will not give them peace until [all states] openly acknowledge our international Super-Government, and with submissiveness." 
"In order to carry on a contested [political] struggle, one must have money, and all the money is in our hands." We have taken control of the "institutions of the goyim" using the "chaotic licence of liberalism. We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the press, into the liberty of the person, but principally into education and training as being the corner-stones of a free existence."
 "We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the goyim by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false although it is by us that they have been inculcated." 
Protocol 10 -- "Destroy the family." "Exhaust humanity with discord and corruption."
"How indeed are the goyim to perceive the underlying meaning of things when their representatives give the best of their energies to enjoying themselves?" 
"By inculcating in all a sense of self importance, we shall destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its educational value and remove the possibility of individual minds splitting off, for the mob, handled by us, will not let them come to the front nor even give them a hearing; it is accustomed to listen to us only who pay it for obedience and attention. 
"In this way, we shall create a blind mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents... The people will submit to this regime because it will know that upon these leaders will depend its earnings, gratification and the receipt of all kinds of benefits." 
"When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness--blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony. Liberalism produced Constitutional States which took the place of what was the only safeguard of the goyim, namely Despotism.... 
Then it was that the era of republics became a possibility that could be realized; and then it was that we replaced the ruler by a caricature of a government--by a president, taken from the mob, from the midst of our puppet creatures, our slaves. This is the foundation of the mine we have laid under the goy peoples." 
(Elder of Zion, George Soros) 
"The recognition of our despot ...will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence --a matter which we shall arrange for--of their rulers will clamour, "Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of discords--frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts--who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives." 
Thus we must utterly "exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even to use torture, starvation, the inoculation of disease and want, so that the goyim see no other course open to them than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else. But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive." 
Protocol 11 -- Freemasonry an instrument of Jewish domination.
"By these combinations, I mean the freedom of the Press, the right of association, freedom of science, the voting principle, and many another that must disappear forever from the memory of man..." "The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?" 
"...we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties... It is not worth while discussing how long they will be kept waiting for the return of their liberties..." This program is designed to gain for the Jews in an indirect way what isn't possible otherwise. This has been the basis of our organization of "secret Masonry" a motive unsuspected by the "goy cattle" attracted to the lodges. "God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of the dispersion,' which has "now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world."
Related - Globalism is Communism   by Jon Rappoport 
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",,,,,if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then.

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action."

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