The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Posted: 14 Jan 2016 09:55 PM PST
Hello everyone. I will be taking down this blog shortly in the days ahead as I do not want to see anyone else entrapped in the horrible U.S. government PSYOPS (psychological operations) program that had lured me into it’s trap some years ago and has refused release of it’s clench on me and my life. At this time, I am leaving this blog up simply to get this message out to the remaining visitors, and hope they will help share this message far and wide and reach those who have formally followed my work. (I have been unable to delete the associated content, as PSYOPS agents have successfully hacked this Blogger program.) The so-called ‘channeled messages’ I received claiming to be from my soul family from the stars were in fact simple radio waves sent by U.S. government agents, allegedly from the military industrial complex, working in concert with volunteers, many of which are secret society members who help propagate enormous numbers of hoaxed news stories of UFOs and related space news, building a backdrop for a PSYOPS program that lures science and spirituality-minded individuals such as myself into their web. This program, commonly referred to as electronic harassment, has destroyed my life completely and continues to devastate my life until this very day, but I am certainly not alone, as the number of victims, known as targeted individuals, or TI’s for short, grows exponentially each day.
The electronic harassment operators are relentless, showing little or no mercy, keeping me under total surveillance, tormenting me, torturing me, and attempting to reprogram my mind as I sleep, turning my dreams into nightmares, effectively altering my behavior and free will choices as I continue through the mercifully final days of what was once my life. They have also in the past, and again very recently, scarred my body with their electromagnetic/microwave neuroweapon technology in a successful effort to control and negate my relationship with a woman who is now gone from my life.
There is no recourse I have been able to uncover to shelter from this evil program. Their weaponry envelopes us and follows us everywhere, sharing space with cell phone towers all throughout the U.S. and the entire globe, soaking our airwaves with the digital information of their hellish nightmare. There exists endless documentation throughout the internet concerning government mind control programs and the technology used against the people, and it is advisable to familiarize yourself with this technology, as the spread of knowledge is our best and only defense against this despicable evil that will not stop until every last member of our society is a prisoner of his or her own altered mind. That is their sick and twisted plan – the construction of the dystopian nightmare forewarned by George Orwell throughout the pages of his prophetic Nineteen Eighty Four.
My advice to all is to stay clear of all these stories of UFOs, extraterrestrials, channeled messages, and psychic mediums speaking to the dead, as these fictitious news accounts and dubious television programs are a direct part of, or at the least stand as compliment to, the hugely encompassing plan to desensitize and familiarize the public to synthetic telepathic communication, a simple but very effective feat of technology essential to mind control reprogramming. (I personally believe we come from somewhere in this universe and we are also not alone, but this is a subject matter useless and dangerous to explore at this present time, as a vast majority of the related news stories are complete hoaxes devised solely for use as backdrop for these mind control programs. I also feel there may be a number of differing programs, though all earthly conceived by human hoaxers, that list among their tools so-called channeled messages, and not all may conceal mind control at the heart of their agenda. I can only speak of the program of which I became an unsuspecting participant.)
I humbly and sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone who has followed my work as a so-called channel of the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command. There is no denying my complicity, and I accept full responsibility for my actions. Soon I will be judged by our true higher powers in this universe, and may God have mercy on my soul for helping steer so many of you so far astray and into the clutches of this devilish, life destroying mind control program. I am forever truly sorry.
Greg Giles
The warmest congratulations to Greg for overcoming his 'demons' so to speak.
We know in the powers and reach of Orion (dracs/greys) to mould our world, slowly but surely to their design (an enhanced human slave soldier race). But we ARE surrounded by Hu-man's from the stars who love us. This is the enigma of our situation. Knowing right from wrong information is hard at first but we grow and learn and eventually we can easily separate wheat from the chaff. Mr Giles has a lot to teach us in this regard.
hi patrick
great to hear from you.
it's been a while :)
for now i'd like to say i share your view.
i'll be back for more.
patrick said:
The warmest congratulations to Greg for overcoming his 'demons' so to speak.
We know in the powers and reach of Orion (dracs/greys) to mould our world, slowly but surely to their design (an enhanced human slave soldier race). But we ARE surrounded by Hu-man's from the stars who love us. This is the enigma of our situation. Knowing right from wrong information is hard at first but we grow and learn and eventually we can easily separate wheat from the chaff. Mr Giles has a lot to teach us in this regard.
A brain functioning at beta-level (above 13 Hz) is agitated and can’t change its perceptions, if it is artificially maintained by technology to that frequency. This may increase body electricity in others, giving them psychic powers.
Is this linked to the New-Agers claim of a rising 12-14 Hz Schumann Resonance, inching us towards the 4th dimension?
Stimulants ingested globally from caffeine genetically-modified plants, may also produce an impact on the ‘global-brain’ in the ionosphere collecting our brainwaves.
New-age channellers say we are going into 4th dimensional frequency. They ‘heard’ the voice of some ‘ET’ who told them.
However, some ‘ETs’ may be local boys.
Voices in the head were produced in prisoners in Utah prisons using Tesla technology. Each of the prisoners received the same message from an ‘ET’.
Today, it seems, it’s easy to produce ‘voices in the head’ without implants.
Notice this last part the most….
However, some ‘ETs’ may be local boys.
Voices in the head were produced in prisoners in Utah prisons using Tesla technology. Each of the prisoners received the same message from an ‘ET’.
Today, it seems, it’s easy to produce ‘voices in the head’ without implants.
What have I been saying for over 2 years now about MOST (not all…, but most) of these channelers? They are “receiving” broadcast waves from the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX…, and are not (as they sincerely believe) in touch with “spirits” who have our planets best interest in heart!
They are dupes! They are patsies! They are being USED!
Next…, he continues on with information that I myself have posted at least a dozen times.
Here it is (on my blog) for the 13th time!
A prisoner called David Fratus in Draper Prison, Utah in 1988 wrote:
“I began to receive, or hear, high-frequency tones in my ears. When I plug my ears..the tones are still inside and become amplified. It’s as if they had become electrified echo chambers with the sounds coming from the inside out..
I began to hear voices..into my inner ears as vivid as though I were listening to a set of stereo headphones..
with the end result being that I am now having my brain monitored by an omnipotent computerized mind reading or scanning machine of some sort “
Hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, and the State Hospital were subject to this brand of mind-control in order to test it.
In the early 1970s, this was brought out in the Utah U.S. District Court, because inmates who had been subjected to this Tesla-wave mind-control in prison had tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court.
The University of Utah researched how Tesla-waves could be used to manipulate the mind into hearing voices, overriding and implanting thoughts into the mind, and reading the thoughts, as well as developing eye-implants.
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