Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - February 10th , ...11th, ...12th,... 2015

John Smallman, February 10, 2015

World Peace by John Smallman
Dear All, There is talk of WORLD PEACE being achieved by Valentine's Day. I don't know how many of you are open to this kind of prognostication, so if you find it unsettling, not "your cup of tea" forgive me for sending it to you. Arch Angel Michael, through the channel Linda Dillon, talked about this today, which you can listen to on the link below (it runs about 1 hour) and includes a guided meditation. I think World Peace is long overdue, I AM hopeful that it can be achieved because each one of us, each human, if we CHOOSE, holds and extends an enormo... more »

A Vision for Healing with Indigenous People

*The Vision Alignment Project* *Today's Vision comes to you from Carol Manetta, the Executive Director of Reentry and Preparedness, Inc in Arizona. Carol says: *
I send this to you with Love and Light. This Vision is for our healing with indigenous people on Planet Earth: We envision together a healed atmosphere and Earth where all people of all races, including those who are identified as indigenous, are One in spirit and in practice. We see all ranges of grass and tundras lovingly cared for as envisioned ages ago by the Keepers of the Harmony of Earth. We envision together our ch... more »

Focus — Your Access to the Greater Spirit Network --

*Teacher Ophelius*Received by Chris MaurusMichigan, USA, February 1, 2015. *Teacher Ophelius:*
“Today we would like to speak to you students on the path about something that affects each one of you and that is your ability to maintain spiritual focus. Each of you has a connection to your Indwelling Spirit, the Thought Adjuster, yet you all maintain a different level of awareness and spiritual focus, which is your ability to maintain a conscious connection. Your ability to focus and expand your awareness of the Father’s Presence helps you to strengthen your spiritual connection to t... more »

Ask The Masters, 10 February 2015

Polar oppositesBy Celestial Voices 10 February 2015 [image:]
An American woman asks about her clairvoyant abilities, and whether shutting them down some time ago might have caused the physical difficulties she is experiencing. The Masters concur that she is very sensitive and explain that, with practice, she will develop the ability to regulate her receptors without permanently interfering with her energy flow. They also suggest that she may decide to use her sensitivity to... more »

Failure Isn’t Failure Until We Give Up -- Wes Annac

Failure Isn’t Failure Until We Give Up Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Failure is an illusion we’ve convinced ourselves is reality, and we’ll have to be willing to fail a few times before we achieve any kind of success. Failure isn’t meant to stop us from doing the things we fail at – it’s meant to help us realize and overcome our shortcomings so we can learn, grow and refine our creativity. When we feel like we’ve failed at something, the first thing we usually want to do is give up. The impulse is there to just stop; to quit doing the things we have so much ... more » .

Marc Moore: On Love

On Love Written by Marc Moore, Contributor for The Culture of Awareness, February 9, 2015
Love is the most powerful force in the world or universe, if we call it a force. Love is everything and nothing. There is nothing that is created that is not seeking a connection towards love or some form of love. Grace is the abundance that is tied to love. Love is expansive. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is both. Love evolves into truth. Truth into Peace. Peace into freedom. Freedom into justice. Justice into righteousness, righteousness into the conscious love of all, or ... more »

Altering your Brainwaves: The Secret to Personal Transformation -- ...

Altering your Brainwaves The Secret to Personal Transformation Written by Gilbert Ross, The Mind Unleashed, February 7, 2015 [image:]
The short end of the stick is that all inner change or personal transformation happens at a deeper level of consciousness. No matter how brilliant our thoughts and ideas are, they are not sufficient to bring about real change. When it comes down to making powerful and positive shifts in our life, knowledge by itself is superfluous. That means that you can conceptually and rat... more »

A Little Spiritual Boost -- Wes Annac

Wisdom with Wes A Little Spiritual Boost by Wes Annac
We’ll benefit from having little periods of time throughout the day where we can take a few deep breaths and let the meditative vibrations fill our perception. It’s easy to keep ourselves busy all day in the name of spirit, but if we don’t remember to actually feel or align with spirit, we’ll find in the end that we aren’t really working for anything. What value does our work to bring the world into the light have if we don’t take time out to fill ourselves with the spirit? It’s easy to work hard in the name of certain spiri... more »

3 Reasons Why Some People Still Suck at Manifesting - Jason Demakis

3 Reasons Why Some People Still Suck at Manifesting Written by Jason Demakis, Expanded Consciousness, February 7, 2015
In similar fashion to my ever-so-popular article 5 Reasons Why The Law of Attraction isn’t Working for You, I’m going to dive even deeper into the LoA phenomena and discuss some of the aspects which tend to get glossed over, marginalized, or undervalued. The article title says it all on this one (and there’s lots to say), so let’s get to it! 3. You’re Misunderstanding The Meaning of The Word “Manifest”/Your Definition of The Word “Manifest” is Inaccurate to ... more »

Ukraine’s Economy is Collapsing, Currency Drops 50 Percent in 48 Hours

Ukraine’s Economy is Collapsing, Currency Drops 50 Percent in 48 Hours Written by Joseph Lemiuex, The Anti Media, February 9, 2015
(ANTIMEDIA) Ukraine has been going through its trials and tribulations lately. The past three days being its biggest trouble in an already uphill battle. Not only is Ukraine’s government in Kiev battling with its shaky legitimacy, but the economy is now tanking on an epic scale. Ukraine is essentially broke, and barely had an economy to begin with. It’s already been talking with the IMF about a $15 billion bailout as its reserves have dwindled down to... more »

Dreaming Big - Steve Beckow:

Dreaming Big Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, February 9, 2015 Courtesy: Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Productions
What are we creating here? Well, we’re dreaming big: that’s for sure. But what’s the tangible, targetable form of our dreams and what’s their significance? The tangible dream is “Peace on Earth” and the targetable deadline is Valentine’s Day, 2015. There are many aspects to what that ambitious move entails and what benefits it brings. First of all, what are the benefits that accrue from aligning with “Peace on Earth by Valentine’s Day, 2015”?... more »

10 Foods that Throw Your Body Out of Balance

The Alternative Daily 10 Foods that Throw Your Body Out of BalanceThe Alternative Daily, February 9, 2015
Have you ever noticed how our bodies operate under the principle of balance? In order for us to enjoy optimal wellness, all of our systems must be in harmony, both within themselves, and as part of the entire system – our body. Sorry to use a cliche, but, “we are what we eat.” The foods we take in greatly affect how we feel, and how well or poorly our bodies work. When we eat whole, nourishing foods, in an ideal variety, we thrive. In contrast, if we dine on unhealthy foods...more »

The Mechanics of Consciousness and Intention -- Brandon West

The Mechanics of Consciousness and Intention Written by Brandon West, Contributor for *Waking Times, * February 9, 2015 [image: Consciousnes Art] *Editor’s Note:* This is part I of *Personal Transformation through the Cultivation of One Practice, *by Brandon West.
*The most direct way to make a profound and lasting change in your life is to cultivate a singular daily practice.* Pick one practice to work on every day, one habit to establish, and make it your absolute intention to do that one thing each day, without looking beyond this one day. Just say to yourself, ‘If I can do ... more »

Indiana Proposes Yet Another GMO Labeling Bill for Food Freedoms --...

Indiana Proposes Yet Another GMO Labeling Bill for Food Freedoms Written by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, February 9, 2015 [image: food_grocery_shop_gmo_735_350]
*As Oregon, Washington, California, Maui, and Vermont have all struggled against the biotech behemoths to get GMO labeling laws to pass, each with varying success, a surprising advocate for the cause has turned up in Indiana. Here is yet another state that may soon represent the people who want to know what they’re eating. * Under the newly proposed legislation, which was introduced by Sen. Dennis Kruse, R-Auburn... more »

John Oliver Exposes The Outrageous Practices Of Big Pharmaceutical ...

John Oliver Exposes The Outrageous Practices Of Big Pharmaceutical Companies Wow.
Last Week Tonight’s second season debuted with John Oliver taking on one of the most powerful industries on Earth: Big Pharma. This segment exposes the dark side of pharmaceutical marketing and points a light on companies whose goals are clearly to make money, not help people recover from illness. “Drug companies are a bit like high school boyfriends,” Oliver says. “They’re much more concerned with getting inside you than being effective once they’re in there.” Additionally, Oliver talks about how ... more »

We Mean To Tell You That You Are Members In Good Standing Of These ...

The Council We Mean To Tell You That You Are Members In Good Standing Of These Councils, Channeled through Ron Head, Oracles and Healers, February 4, 2015
We have determined that it is now time to explore for and with you, as you read or hear this message, your purpose and chosen journey from this council to your current incarnate state. You often hear this mentioned in one way or another, but seldom do many of you allow yourselves to truly understand the magnitude of the thing you have chosen to do. After all, you are just another in a long line of billions of personalities in ... more »

The Light of God is Shining on You -- Heavenletters via Gloria Wend...

Heavenletters The Light of God is Shining on You. Channeled through Gloria Wendroff,, February 9, 2015
God said: Open your ears, and open your heart. Sometimes all you listen to is yourself. Sometimes, it is a full-time job to tune in to someone sitting across from you, for your mind thinks it knows everything. Your mind knows only what it thinks it knows or is used to. In this life, you want to go deeper and wider. It is for you to get out of old ways of thinking. Even when old ideas are not propitious for you, you may still like to hold on to them for old ti... more »

Matthew Ward - February 8, 2015

Message from Matthew Through Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked if the Illuminati have any role in the fighting going on in Ukraine and what ISIS is doing. Yes, major roles in both, but since they are “behind the scene,” so to say, they aren’t historically or currently attributed to the Illuminati. The unrest in Ukraine stems from wars they initiated long ago to form new national borders without any regard for the differing cultures and history of the affected peoples, and ISIS’ goal of creating an Islamic State h... more »

Montague Keen - February 8, 2015

Through Veronica Keen
The crisis that is being deliberately created in your world is also exposing those who do not have humanity's best interests at heart. There is no mistaking now, who is in the pay of the dark cabal. They are demanding war. I did tell you in the past that the cabal cannot exist without war. You can now plainly see how desperate they are, as they rush from one country to another, pleading for war. Now that you are awake, you can see exactly what is happening. This scares them, as they have not had to deal with such dissent before. They do not just want war; the... more »

Activate Your New 12 Chakra System, A Michael via Annette

Activate Your New 12 Chakra System, so That You Can Experience Your Ascension With Ease, Joy and Love Archangel Michael channelled by Annette Sassou Asara, February 7th, 2014
One More Independent Confirmation of the Pivotal Date February 11th by GEORGI STANKOV posted on FEBRUARY 8, Below I have one further confirmation of the importance of the coming date February 11thfrom an independent source. Carla has just received this message from Annette Sassou ~Asara~ trance-channeller for Adama of Telos and recently also for Archangel Michael. Carla is in cont...more »

EN: Violet Flame

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Listening to Your Body -- P'taah via Jani

*Message from P'taah * * February 2015* *Listening to Your Body* *Through Jani King*
Q: I would like to talk about addiction. One of my concerns is over-eating and I don't want to actually go on another diet or something like that. I just want to get to a point where I listen to my body and how it actually feels and do what it requires and care for it and love it. Then all of a sudden there is all this chocolate around! P'taah: Beloved, you know, you have quite a terror of chocolate. (Laughter) P'taah: So, chocolate is very beautiful, indeed. When listening to the body, n... more »

Jesus through John Smallman -- Let go of Fear

Today’s message, therefore, is: Let go of Fear. Jesus(1) through John Smallman Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday February 11th
God Is . . . The life force that flows through every spark of consciousness ever created is God's Love for His creation, and it flows eternally, unceasingly, and abundantly. Every spark of consciousness – every human without any exceptions at all is a divine spark of consciousness – is of inestimable value. There is nothing created that is “worthless.” What God creates is of eternal and infinite value, and nothing never moves out of that state. There is no ... more »

The Power of Prayer — Not a Catch 22.

*Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. *Received by George Barnard.llawarra District, Australia, February 4, 2015. *Teacher Samuel:*
“Good morning all. This is your Teacher Samuel of Panoptia bringing you my greetings and the greetings from Elaine’s Teacher, Aaron of Urantia, as well. Teacher Aaron was the bearer of the all-important papyrus scrolls of Moses’ time. I was an agricultural technician during the early Light and Life stages on Panoptia’s well-watered southern half of the twin continents. We, former mortals, are both honored to be allowed to keep our fusion on hold to teach for ... more »

Archangel Sandalphon, 9 Feb 2015 via Gülçin

Archangel Sandalphon Message for 9-15 Feb 2015 Through Gülçin Önel
Take a deep breath, turn down the volume of whatever it is that is arising from within, just for a while, and leave yourselves to the silence. Then, listen to what is downing out of that silence, notice where the real sounds were lost, what melodies are rising, what kind of a music is your day adorned with, and how harmonious are you with the music that is rising from within you? Lately you have been progressing constantly, rapidly. Sometimes during this phase, you forget to taste it, see the beauty of the paths yo... more »

Why Take Creativity So Seriously? -- Wes Annac

Why Take Creativity So Seriously? Written by Wes Annac,
The Culture of Awareness Credit: I’ve written a lot about my passion for music, and like a lot of people, I think it’s the language of the soul. It connects us with the spiritual realms in a direct and intense way, and playing it is one of the best ways to stay in touch with our essence; the aspect of our consciousness that’s constantly connected with the higher realms. I don’t think I could ever stop playing music, but I recently decided to make it more of a hobby than something I pursue full-time. It’s a talen... more »

Manipulations & Mind Games: The Secret Battle to Control Ho...

Manipulations & Mind Games The Secret Battle to Control How We Think Written by Kingsley Dennis, *New Dawn*, The Mind Unleashed, February 11, 2015 [image:]
Throughout history the mechanisms of persuasion and influence have always been manipulated by those in power as a means to maintain authority and legitimacy. In more recent times the overall manipulation of the mass public mind has become less about overt spectacles of fear and obedience, and more about subtle forms of media propaganda. The manufacturing ... more »

Gallup CEO Says He Might “Suddenly Disappear” After Calling Unemplo...

Gallup CEO Says He Might “Suddenly Disappear” After Calling Unemployment Stats A LieWritten by John Vibes, The Anti Media, February 10, 2014
*(ANTIMEDIA) *The unemployment numbers that are offered by the mainstream media and in government statistics are without a doubt fabricated, on the very basis of their criteria alone. The official unemployment numbers actually only include people who are currently on government unemployment assistance. This number does not include people who were denied or those who didn’t file for government assistance. This number also does not include ... more »

Attitude of Gratitude -- Natalija Jelicic

Attitude of Gratitude Written by Natalija Jelicic, The Master Shift, Febraary 10, 2015
“Gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive” Predominantly, psychology has traditionally been focused on understanding distress. Following an experience of trauma and negative events, our bodies and souls foster many distorted energies that can consume too many facets of our being. I trust it can be beneficial in feeling, expressing and acknowledging all those intense emotions, whether they comprise of ... more »

Archangel Gabriel, 2.10.2015 -- via Shelly Young

Archangel Gabriel Daily Message Through Shelly Young Trinity Esoterics, February 10, 2015
Thanks to The Galactic Free Press. We have spoken about the attributes to look for in new relationships, but what if you wish to improve a relationship you are already in? We would like to discuss that today. Many people lose their balance in their relationship by placing all of their focus on what their partner is doing. We remind you that the only thing you ever have control over is yourself. By taking your focus back, you step back into your authentic power. Then, by practicing self ... more »

Unifying The Global Peace Movement – Challenges and Solutions -- An...

Unifying The Global Peace Movement Challenges and Solutions Written by Andreas Toupadakis, PhD,
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World, February 11, 2015 Taking the Peace Movement from the Classes to the Masses “Disobedience to be civil must be sincere, respectful, restrained, must be based upon some well-understood principle, must not be capricious and, above all, must have no ill will or hatred behind it.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi During a successful career in industrial and classified-government positions, I quit my role maintaining nuclear weaponry, realizing that government scienti... more »

10 Reasons Cannabis Is Much Safer Than Alcohol -- Marco Torres

10 Reasons Cannabis Is Much Safer Than Alcohol Written by Marco Torres, Prevent Disease, Waking Times, February 10, 2015
Both cannabis (marijuana) and alcohol have very different and complex actions on the brain. The long term effects of both are often quite different from their short term effects. We have been led to believe that cannabis is a dangerous and addictive drug that has destroyed the lives of countless teens and adults. We have also been encouraged to accept through poorly designed scientific studies, that cannabis causes lung cancer and is a “gateway” to harder dr...more »

GMO Labeling Sweeping Nation: Arizona May Soon Enforce Labels -- Ch...

GMO Labeling Sweeping Nation Arizona May Soon Enforce Labels Written by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, February 10, 2015
State representatives in Arizona have proposed a measure that would require food manufacturers to label some genetically modified foods. Similar to Minnesota, Rhode Island, Indiana, and other states, at least Arizona lawmakers are listening to the people’s choice to have their food labeled as genetically modified when it contains biotech-altered ingredients. Heading the effort is representative, Juan Mendez, a Democrat from Tempe, Arizona. He argues: ... more »

Who Craves for Peace? -- Steve Beckow.

Who Craves for Peace? Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, February 10, 2015
I’m fond of telling the story of Lao Tzu, sitting at a corner in the imperial highway, weak-meat soup simmering in his pot. Across from him is a busy noodle stand, steaming and warm, with travellers sipping drinks and trading news of what’s up and down the road. No one pays any attention to Lao Tzu and his weak-meat soup. What is his weak-meat soup? Peace. Ultimate emptiness. Non-attachment. We’re an awfully busy world. Who has time for peace? And what good is it anyways? Does it sel... more »

Equinox with an Eclipse. Oh My! -- Aluna Joy

Equinox with an Eclipse. Oh My!By Aluna Joy
We have been hunkered down these last few weeks with some major reboots and realignments, losses and liberations. We celebrated a sweet energy release valve from intense energy, in mid to the end of December. We had expected this and spent this time in glorious Palenque, Mexico in the days of the Goddess Guadalupe with a very special group. Little did we know at the time that we would need the energy vacation as even more transformation was coming; Lots more! 2015 entered like a rocket ship and for about a week the ride was so, so ... more »

Cobra - Solar System Situation Update - 02.09.2015

Solar System Situation Update By Cobra 02.09.2015
Breakthrough phase means that the Light forces are no longer focused only on opposing the Chimera and the Cabal, but are gathering momentum for the final breakthrough instead. During the breakthrough phase, the Veil is slowly being dissolved and the quarantine slowly being lifted. There are operations underway to arrange Disclosure leaks through mainstream media by high levels sources in India and Russia. Those leaks are expected to occur when the Chimera group will lose enough power over the military in the aforementioned countries.... more »

Benjamin Fulford - February 9, 2015

Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia By Benjamin Fulford - 02.09.2015
The defeat of the international Zionazi* crime cabal is now inevitable due to rapidly unfolding events around the world, most notably in the Middle East and the Ukraine. The arrest by Germany last week (as reported in this blog) of a US government official carrying billions of dollars in forged US $100 bills destined for the Ukraine has had enormous and ongoing repercussions. The Pentagon contacted this writer to say this was “actionable intelli...more »

Latest Update on the Ukrainian War -- Georgi Stankov

Latest Update on the Ukrainian War by Georgi Stankov, February 8, 2015
There are only a few scanty pieces of information what Merkel and Hollande have actually discussed with Putin in Moscow. As Mercouris points out in his analysis, the two European leaders preferred to be alone with Putin without any of their advisers as they can no longer trust anybody because the big CIA brother is watching all of them and Kremlin is the only place in the world where they cannot be eavesdropped. On the eve of the planned ‘Normandy Four’ meeting that may be held in t... more »

Russian Aggression - THE BIG LIE Blasted Worldwide Ad Nauseam

Russian Aggression THE BIG LIE Blasted Worldwide Ad Nauseam The last question the author of this piece asks, "CAN WORLD WAR III BE STOPPED?" Good question. If "history" is an indicator, the answer is yes it can, but the reality is, no it won't. We shall see. By Stephen Lendman 2-8-15 Try imagining one dollar for each time Western officials and presstitute media scoundrels screamed "Russian aggression" daily since US planned, directed and implemented Kiev aggression on Donbas began last April. Easily enough for round-trip first class travel from any point of departure to any des... more »

Aisha's short update on the energies - February 10, 2015

Constant CompanionsA short update on the energies By Aisha North February 10, 2015 By now, most of you have discerned that the forward momentum has yet again been increased, and this time, it is not by a small increment either. Rather, the surge is such, it is apt to sweep more than a few of you off your feet. And when we say this, it is not to imply that this will be detrimental in any way, simply to say that whether you like it or not, this time you will all be literally swept up in this oncoming surge of light, and it will serve to pry loose many a grasping hand still trying s... more »

When Nightmares Come True - GEORGI STANKOV - FEBRUARY 5, 2015

When Nightmares Come True *by Georgi Stankov, February 5, 2015*
I read this article three times and checked all the references very carefully. Many of them have already been published on this website, others are brand new. But everything that is stated below makes a lot of sense, especially when we bear in mind that we are in the End of the End Time and that anything can happen anytime as the dark western cabal are desperate now and their suicidal behavior can break loose any moment. I also consulted my HS and was told that this may be a likely scenari... more »

Solar System Situation Update

Solar System Situation UpdateMonday, February 9, 2015
Breakthrough phase means that the Light forces are no longer focused only on opposing the Chimera and the Cabal, but are gathering momentum for the final breakthrough instead. During the breakthrough phase, the Veil is slowly being dissolved and the quarantine slowly being lifted. There are operations underway to arrange Disclosure leaks through mainstream media by high levels sources in India and Russia. Those leaks are expected to occur when the Chimera group will lose enough power over the military in the aforementioned count... more »

The Cabal Leaves, and BEWARE Who You Blame for Earth's Troubles!

The Cabal Leaves, and BEWARE Who You Blame for Earth's Troubles! Sanat Kumara and Sananda/Jesus Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, February 9, 2015, New York
*Sanat:* I am contacting you from my position as participant observer in the affairs of Planet Earth. I am at an Inner Earth meeting of the Intergalactic Council of One. It is a large gathering of representatives from all the cosmos who are intimately involved in the preparations for the final removal of the cabal from Planet Earth. This solemn ceremony will occur on Wednesday evening at 8 EST, at which time all remaining dark c... more »

Illuminati Jews Plotting World War Three?

Illuminati Jews Plotting World War Three? February 9, 2015 *
(On Jan 22, the Journal of Atomic Scientists moved the Doomsday Clock from five to three minutes before midnight.) * *The chances of winning the Powerball lottery are greater than nine Jews overthrowing Ukraine's President and promoting Armageddon* NATO top commander in Europe says 'military option' possible in Ukr... Putin says Russia will never succumb to unipolar world order *Cabalist Doctrine of Creative Destruction Behind War (and Terror) * US Officials Compare Talking to Putin with Appeasing Hitler *Their gr... more »

Valentines Day Live iTV Heart Activation We Are A Planet of Love!

Valentines Day Live iTV Heart Activation We Are A Planet of Love! By Shift Admin on February 9, 2015 in iTV Show [image: Valentines Day 2015 iTV Broadcast Banner]
Valentine’s Day iTV Broadcast Will You Be Your Own Valentine? FREE Engagement Gift: “*33 Days of I AM Loving MySelf*“ Love is a vibration that is “at the heart of all creation”. We are beings of Light & Love. We are (meant to be) a planet of Love, not a warring planet. Otherwise, why would we have our emotional bodies? Join us for this awesome broadcast, as we discuss the “KEYS” of creation, all sorts of aspects of Love A... more »

Sheldan Nidle, Feb, 10 2015

Atualização feita por Sheldan Nidle da Herarquia Espiritual e da Federação Galática 2 Imix, 19 Yax, 11 Ik (Feb, 10 2015)
Selamat Jalwa! Be joyous! Much is now happening for the better. The ancient families and their earthly allies have brought the dark cabal to its knees! This fact is made known by the simple act of a beginning of a vast transfer of monies by those who serve this most noble cause and its wondrous mission. Over 13 millennia ago, your ancestors started a great adventure, which began with the fall of Atlantis and the overlordship of the Anunnaki. This trail has led yo...more »

EN: Violet Flame

The Power of Prayer — The Prayer.

*Teacher Samuel of Panoptia*Received by George BarnardIllawarra District, Australia, February 4, 2015. *Teacher Samuel:* “We all did as we often do — take a lengthy moment to clear our thoughts from the countless matters that are hiding in the backs of our minds and that urgently wish to present themselves. We are ready to say a short prayer. “Dear Father, Creator of all, we come to You, many of us at this time, to sincerely plead with You about the status quo on our world. There is so much unrest, so much unhappiness, poverty and despair. We ask you, Father, to awaken in the hea... more »

A Vision for Our Worthiness

*The Vision Alignment Project* *Our Vision for today comes from Melissa Urban and it speaks to the heart of so many nowadays. Thank you, Melissa!* I envision a World where everyone knows, without hesitation, what a wondrous divine gift they are. No matter what race, creed, economical, social, or age, YOU have always been worthy of God's (Goddess, Source, Universe, Creator) love. I envision a World where this Truth resides unquestionably within our hearts, allowing each of us to release the judgements and fears we have about ourselves - thus releasing judgements and fears about othe...more »

Archangel Gabriel, February 12, 2015

ARCHANGEL GABRIEL 12/Feb/2015Through Marlene Swetlishoff Image Source February 12, 2015
Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as charity. Charity is the practice of benevolent caring and giving, of being considerate of others and showing compassion for their current state of being. It is also learning about the importance of empathy within self in relation to others, and how this quality of love expressed brings profound joy to both the giver and the receiver. Charity is doing acts out of love without thought for something in return and is beyond... more »

Attune to the Silence - The Voice Within -- Wes Annac

The Voice Within Attune to the Silence by Wes Annac Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2013
As most of you know, the best way to access the music of your soul is to embrace the silence and stillness that come with meditation. If you’re willing to attune to the silence and explore it as you meditate, you’ll find the musical harmony so many of you seek and it’ll inspire you to want to go even deeper; to strive harder to find it in purer and purer ways. Meditation can help you attune to the pure states of consciousness you’re becoming aware of if you practice it routinely or potently en... more »

How Can We Enlighten Ourselves?

How Can We Enlighten Ourselves? Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness Credit:
There are plenty of ways we can find enlightenment, and they all require dedication to the spiritual path. Even though it’ll be worth our effort, enlightenment is probably the hardest thing we’ll ever experience because it requires us to seriously discern what about our life is keeping us from achieving our goal. Some seekers think enlightenment will just happen without any real effort or focus, and unfortunately, this isn’t true. We have to strive for it in a sense, but t... more »

More on Creative Simplicity - Wes Annac

Wisdom with Wes More on Creative Simplicity by Wes Annac [image: Snapshot_20140731_2]
It’s understandable that some of us want to put our time and energy into various creative outlets, but it might help us to find one or two things we enjoy and pour ourselves into them. I’ve probably mentioned this before, because it seems important not to divide our time, energy and attention between so many creative works. We can keep our creativity simple and sweet, and we might makes things easier for ourselves if we do. We aren’t all ‘specialists’, which is a term to describe someone who... more »

How To Create Your Galactic Code Of Discernment -- Michelle Walling

How To Create Your Galactic Code Of Discernment Written by Michelle Walling, CHLC, Staff writer,, February 10, 2015 [image: How To Create Your Galactic Code Of Discernment]
Why are there so many opinions of what is unfolding at this time, and how do I use discernment to decide what is best for me? Depending upon your level of awakening and vibration, your discernment can change based on your level of understanding. Therefore the human level of discernment may not be the same as the galactic level of discernment, and recognizing the difference will help reduce con... more »

6 Things You Should Do For Yourself Before You Get Into A Relations...

6 Things You Should Do For Yourself Before You Get Into A Relationship Taken from Higher Perspective, Author Unknown, February 11, 2015 [image: rl]
Every day I hear about people clamoring to be in a relationship, as if it were the only way to live a happy life. Relationships can be wonderful, fulfilling experiences, but make sure you’ve taken the time to do these 7 things before you land yourself in a long term relationship. *1. Have a rockin’ social life.* The last thing you should ever want is for a relationship to occupy your time. Don’t go into a relationship as a bored, and ... more »

Anti-Media Journalist Facing up to 6 Months in Jail for Filming Police

Anti-Media Journalist Facing up to 6 Months in Jail for Filming Police Written by Sydney Barakat, The Anti Media, February 9, 2015 (ANTIMEDIA)
On January 18th, 2014, protests arose in Fullerton, CA, after the acquittal of Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli – two Fullerton police officers who were put on trial for the beating of Kelly Thomas. Thomas, a 37-year-old homeless man who suffered from schizophrenia, died as a result of the beating. The protests of that day brought together people from different counties, cities, and even states. Hundreds, if not thousands, attended the ... more »

Archangel Gabriel via Shelly Young – 2.11.15

Archangel Gabriel Daily Message Channeled through Shelly Young, Trinity Esoterics, February 11, 2015 [image: c5c8d-archgabriel-bmp]
During this week leading up to your day that celebrates love, some people find it difficult if they are not in a relationship. If you are finding yourself feeling sad or upset, we would like to point out to you that it is likely due to the fact that you are focused on what you consider to be an absence of love. Dear Ones, do not get tripped up over perceived lack this week! There is an abundance of love all around you. Use this week to see the ... more »

8 Reasons Monsanto is Defeating GMO Labeling Initiatives -- Christi...

8 Reasons Monsanto is Defeating GMO Labeling InitiativesWritten by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, February 11, 2015 [image: monsanto_gmo_735_250]
The moneyed corporations running the GMO show certainly don’t make it easy. Now that they have won not one, but four different GMO labeling battles, what makes anyone think we can win against Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Bayer, Cargill, and the GMA, just to name a few Round-Up-Ready giants? Though a difficult food war to overcome, we do have the power and collective voice to win – but we must all know what we’re up against. “If you... more »

Karma: Not The “Mainstream” Version – The Real One -- Arjun Walia

Karma: Not The “Mainstream” Version The Real One Written by Arjun Walia, *Collective-Evolution**, * Waking Times, February 11, 2015 [image: Karma Wheel]
Karma is a concept taught by various cultures throughout human history, and is an idea that dates back thousands of years. Despite its proliferation, the idea of karma seems to be generally misunderstood and frequently tossed around without any real understanding of its true meaning. What is Karma? In the Bhagavad Gita (one text out of many from multiple cultures that speak of karma), there are constant dialogues about how t... more »

Enough! I’ve Had Enough of the Inner War! -- Steve Beckow

Enough! I’ve Had Enough of the Inner War! Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, February 11, 2015 [image: Car 21]
On Heavenly Blessings Tuesday, Archangel Michael offered an update on the bringing of Peace to Earth by Valentine’s Day, 2015. He said that: “The greatest war that is and ever has been waged is the war within you. … It is time, please, we beg you, let this war end. ” (1) We all know the impact of our vasanas, core issues and false grids that spur us on to harm other people. We’ve been working on that for four or five years, it seems to me. Most of ... more »

Orgasms For the Shift! -- Suzanne Maresca

Orgasms For the Shift! Written by Suzanne Maresca, The Golden Age of Gaia, February 11, 2015 [image: mary-magdelene-239x300]
We now have a record number of over eighty three thousand listens (and counting) to the first Heavenly Blessings show addressing the sacred nature of Human sexuality. I’m thrilled about this because the subject is a vital one in terms of our evolution. Where shall I begin? It’s such a huge topic with threads that run through into many areas of our lives. Our sexual nature lies at the core of our power…the awesome ability we have to create our own expe... more »

Why Is The Buddha Smiling? -- Thanga Bhuvanesh

Why Is The Buddha Smiling?Written by Thanga Bhuvanesh, Taken from The Mind Unleashed. [image:]
Our lives are filled with events and experiences. Some of these bring us happiness and some sadness. There are periods of great turmoil, cycles of success, cycles of failure, periods of illness, periods of great vitality and excitement. Then there are events of great joy such as birth of a child or realization of a life long cherished dream. There are also dreams, which never get realized in our lifetime. We are to...more »

American Medical Association Opposes Mandatory Vaccines -- Mike Adams

American Medical Association Opposes Mandatory Vaccines Medical Ethics Statement Written by Mike Adams, Natural News, February 10, 2015 (NaturalNews)
According to the “Informed Consent” section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics posted at the American Medical Association website, the AMA is fundamentally and unambiguously opposed to mandatory vaccine programs in America. Read the AMA’s Code of Medical Ethics statement here. A mandatory vaccination policy — forced vaccination of unwilling recipients — is, by definition, a medical intervention carried out without the consent of ... more »

The Currents of Cosmic Intervention -- Sandra Walter

The Currents of Cosmic Intervention By Sandra Walter Blessings
Beloved Light Tribe, Thank you for your patience as I completed the Ascension Path upgrades. I AM very pleased with the new videos, meditations, techniques and materials. I welcome all who are guided to participate to register now. I AM honored to serve both your personal journey and our collective evolution in this way. Equinox Floodgates OPEN On January 24, during the last gateway, a giant energetic door was opened. In my visions, it presented like a giant wall of rock splitting open, like the gates of a damn ... more »

Donetsk “Chemical Factory Explosion” was TACTICAL NUKE!

Pro-Russians CONFIRM Donetsk “Chemical Factory Explosion” was TACTICAL NUKE! (Press Conf. Video proof) Submitted by IWB, on February 11th, 2015
This seals it: This Pro-Russian Separatist Spokesman just provided testimony evidence that the missile which blew up in Donestsk yesterday evening was, in fact NUCLEAR TIPPED. He specifically states in this RT News Conference video that the warhead from the missile fragments being displayed is the equivalent of “five hundred TONS... more »

EMF Mind Control Weapons Being Used On The Global Population -- Deb...

EMF Mind Control Weapons Being Used On The Global Population SCARY INFOBy Deborah Tavares
Deborah Tavares reveals how EMF/EM microwave weapons are currently being used on the American people. You soon will see average people acting out with unnatural emotions caused by the use of these frequency weapons. The federal and states governments are corporations who do not serve the people any longer. Mind control weapons are now being used on us. These are startling revelations. Exert from The Power Hour Radio Show ,7-1-2014 Who's Running America and the ...more »

The Legendary Origins of Merlin the Magician

The Legendary Origins of Merlin the Magician
Most people today have heard of Merlin the Magician, as his name has been popularized over the centuries and his story has been dramatized in numerous novels, films, and television programs. The powerful wizard is depicted with many magical powers, including the power of shapeshifting and is well-known in mythology as a tutor and mentor to the legendary King Arthur, ultimately guiding him towards becoming the king of Camelot. While these general tales are well-known, Merlin’s initial appearances were only somewhat linked to Arthur. ... more »

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde dead, probably murdered Update

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde dead, probably murdered Update 10.2.2015 Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde dead, probably murdered Update 10.2. 2015-02-09 Yesterday medical Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde died in her homeland Finland by severe cancer all over her body, her Finnish cousin told White TV today. White TVs Dr. Henning Witte talked to Rauni about ten days ago on telephone in Finland, not knowing it was the last time. She complained about that she suddenly got cancer as a result of beaming technology, mind control scalar waves. Her complications got so severe that sh... more »

EN: Violet Flame

The next six months for you / Being for the feel -- Ashtar via Gabriel

The next six months for you Being for the feel Ashtar - 12.14.2014 Through Gabriel  Translated by Jéssica Braga
Greetings, dear ones! Humanity moves towards new levels of semi-corporeal physical existence. The teachings left by their ancestors become clearer to the heart, because you are acknowledging as they truly are. The Teaching of the Masters is only a reflection of what you have always been. Now you are recognizing as such and, consequently, everything becomes clearer. The Teaching was never complicated. It has always been simple. The difficulty was you do not recogniz... more »

SaLuSa 13 February 2015

Through Mike Quinsey
The Illusion that you live whilst on Earth is of your making, because you were allowed the freedom of choice when experiencing separation from the whole. Naturally those in Spirit accompanying you through your many lives have tried to guide you towards the Light. At this stage the cycle that you are in is ending, and you are being given your last opportunity to reach the stage in your evolution when you no longer have a need to live in the lower vibrations. For as long as you have been in this cycle and for most of you that will be from the beginning some 26,... more »

Healing The Earth Without Government -- Wes Annac

Healing The Earth Without Government Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness Credit: I wrote the following for the 133rd issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, ...
Some people assume that to make any changes or heal the planet in any way, we’ll have to get the attention of the people in power. Unfortunately, these are the very people who continue to hurt the earth, so getting their attention might not be as easy as we think. ... more »

You’re World Changers -- Wes Annac

The Voice Within You’re World Changers by Wes Annac Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2014
Having faith in yourselves is an important part of finding enlightenment (or simply enjoying your lives), and you can’t do anything significant for humanity’s evolution if you don’t have enough faith in yourselves to work (and play) hard. You have to believe in yourselves and the abilities you’ve come to earth to share with the rest of humanity, and until you can do this, you might continue to meet stumbling blocks that you wonder why you can’t seem to surpass. You can surpass them if you l... more »

5 Questions You Might Have About Channeling -- Wes Annac

*5 Questions You Might Have About Channelling* Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
The basic philosophy that underlies channeling and the ‘new age’ community is that there are higher, spiritually refined planes of existence beyond the physical earth. In these realms are believed to exist all kinds of spiritually evolved entities who, in service to Source, attempt to communicate with beings in lower realms. Their objective is to connect with us and help us spiritually evolve, and a lot of different channeled messages glitter the internet these days. There are mess... more »

New Website Exposes Poisons in the Food Supply -- Jonathan Benson

New Website Exposes Poisons in the Food Supply Written by Jonathan Benson, Natural News, February 12, 2015 (NaturalNews)
A new truth resource has hit the web that promises to shake up the food industry and spur more positive change toward improving the quality of the foods that we eat. Melissa Melton of *Ready Nutrition* and *Truthstream Media* recently launched **, a news website that focuses on exposing poisons in the food supply and teaching people how to avoid them. If you’ve followed any of Melton’s work, you may recall her re... more »

Children in Cities Have Increased Risk of Neurological Damage Due t...

Children in Cities Have Increased Risk of Neurological Damage Due to Air Pollution   Snippet from The Environmental News Network.
Pollution in many cities threatens the brain development in children. Findings by University of Montana Professor Dr. Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas, MA, MD, Ph.D., and her team of researchers reveal that children living in megacities are at increased risk for brain inflammation and neurodegenerative changes, including Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Calderón-Garcidueñas’ findings are detailed in a paper titled “Air pollution and children: Neural an...more »

5 Things You Should Know Before Using Essential Oils -- Meghan Toup...

5 Things You Should Know Before Using Essential Oils – A Beginner’s Guide Written by* Meghan Toups* &* Heather Brown, * Expanded Consciousness, February 12, 2015 [image: feature_image_template]
More and more people are wanting to find safe, natural options for boosting their health. And, understandably so! With the state of healthcare, chronic stress and disease, feeling more in control of our health can make us feel empowered and strong. Immune building and alternative ‘get well’ remedies are becoming abundant and easily available. As you begin to delve more into the world of ... more »

A World Without War -- Steve Beckow:

A World Without War Street party in Vancouver. Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia , February 12, 2015 Credit:
Car Free Vancouver Day The part of Vancouver I live in now is gentle, balanced, and tranquil. The part I lived in previously was … well, not so gentle, balanced and tranquil. But whatever the case, I haven’t seen in Vancouver, in the last two years, a fight break out or even so much as two people cursing each other. I live in a city without war, as probably do the vast majority of readers. People thank the bus driver as they get off. Bus riders yield their... more »

Ceasefire Starting February 15, Removal of Heavy Weapons --- Ukrain...

Ukraine Peace Deal Ceasefire Starting February 15, Removal of Heavy Weapons Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia. [image: Putin et al]
*Note from Steve Beckow: Is Putin cooperating with the Company of Heaven? Peace in the Ukraine on Feb. 15: too big a coincidence to be a coincidence. The Ukrainian rebels were one of three groups that Archangel Michael said needed to be reined in. The other two were ISIS(L) and Al Qaeda. Thanks to Geoff West.* Ukraine peace deal: Ceasefire starting February 15, removal of heavy weapons Russia Today, February 12, 2015 more »

Meet The Industry Behind This Staple ‘Health’ Food Fighting GMO Lab...

Meet The Industry Behind This Staple ‘Health’ Food Fighting GMO Labeling Written by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, February 12, 2015 [image: gmo_sguarbeet_735_350]
Once you’ve started drinking Monsanto’s kool-aid, it’s hard to stop. In unfortunate news, the sugar beet industry of Idaho, who has bought Monsanto’s Round-Up Ready sugar beet seeds meant to withstand copious spraying with glyphosate-based herbicide, is putting on hold GMO labeling initiatives in the state. Ignoring piles of scientific studies which have shown that glyphosate causes everything from cancer to altere... more »

There Is a Realm -- Heavenletters via Gloria Wendroff

There Is a Realm HeavenlettersChanneled through Gloria Wendroff,, February 12, 2015 [image: heaven_logo_large] God said:
Of what is man made but of soul? What is man but a soul packaged in a human body? What more is there to say? My children believe in bodies fully yet not quite so much in their own souls which exist in and out of the body. This state of affairs may be called reasoning. Logic is given, yet, isn’t it only an idea that the body exists and the soul can’t exist because you can’t point to where the soul is? Isn’t this thinking out of the realm of ... more »

The Ancient Flower That Heals The Human Soul -- Sayer Ji

The Ancient Flower That Heals The Human Soul Written by Sayer Ji, Contributing Writer for Wake Up World, February 12, 2015
So ancient a love affair exists between humans and saffron, that it can no longer reproduce without our help. Could its antidepressant and health-promoting properties be an example of saffron ‘returning the favor’? “Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.” ~ Luther Burbank A alluring clue to how ancient the love affair between our species and saffron goes is that the plant known in Lat... more »

Incredible New System Can Generate Electricity From Living Plants

Incredible New System Can Generate Electricity From Living Plants Posted by by Wes Annac [image:]
Taken from The Mind Unleashed. According to an article on, *Dutch start-up called Plant-e* has developed a way to use living plants as a continuous source of clean energy – all that’s needed is a light source, carbon dioxide, water, and, of course, a field or patch of plants. The system works best in *wetlands* or watery fields like rice paddies, but it doesn’t matter if the water is brackish or polluted, ... more »

The wingmakers - interview

The wingmakers - interview An interview by Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot with James of
This is an amazing take on Anu, the Annunaki leader's connection with the Atlaneans, human manipulation. He also discusses infinite consciousness v/s the 'Human mind Complex' amongst other: james_wingmakers_sovereign_integral.pdf source: Posted by Rupert Harris on February 13, 2015 *Please respect all credits. * Archives: wingmakers Like this! please bookmark. It is updated da... more »


EN: Violet Flame

Notes from the Ascending Energy Arc -- Meredith Murphy

Sovereign Relationships Notes from the Ascending Energy ArcMeredith Murphy 14 February 2015 Happy Valentine's Day,
 Beautiful! How are you feeling today? Are you celebrating this day focused upon love? Or just living it as any other day? As I remind you it's Valentine's Day, what happens to your focus? Your mood. I remember being young and how much Valentine's Day seemed like a popularity contest. At my grade school you could buy flowers for people. So of course, whoever go the most flowers was clearly the most popular. Ick! I remember having anxiety on these days, going to schoo... more »

The Sweetness of the Soul --- Raphael via Natalie

The Sweetness of the Soul by Archangel Raphael Channelled through Natalie Glasson 13th February 2015 [image: Image]
I, Archangel Raphael, envelope you in the essence of my love. It is the pure qualities of my angelic love I bring forth to you with the purpose of supporting natural and necessary activations from within your being. With the power of my love supporting I invite you to contemplate keys to your spiritual evolution and natural existence. I first invite you to contemplate your relationship with love. What is your relationship with love, how do you inte... more »

What is Love? -- Jeff Singh

What is Love? Written by Jeff Singh, Awake Free, Submitted via email, February 12, 2015 [image: What is Love]
‘What is Love!? …Baby don’t hurt me… no more!’ as the pop dance song by Haddaway goes. Haha, if you know the song, you’re probably hearing it in your head right now. Actually love never hurts, but it is our ideas about love which hurt us in the end. Let’s see if we can dismantle these ideas and notions about love so we can open the way to a more authentic experience. But don’t take these words for it, see what you recognize in your own life. The Idea of Love ... more »

You’re Constantly Connected -- Inner Voice via Wes Annac

The Voice Within You’re Constantly Connected Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2014
However difficult it is to believe you can actually communicate with entities on other levels of existence, it’s the truth and all you need to do to experience the benefits of this truth is open up and explore your abilities. You’re capable of much more than you realize, and you possess the hidden talent to connect with entities in other, higher states of consciousness who want to help you along your growth and evolution back into the realms yo... more »

Life After Death Resembles Life On Earth -- Wes Annac

The Spiritualist ChroniclesLife After Death Resembles Life On Earth The Borderlands probably resemble this. Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
The Spiritualist Chronicles is a series of articles that feature channeled descriptions of the afterlife. Spiritualism’s a religion that thrived in the late 1800s and early to mid-1900s, and it’s commonly associated with mediums and channeling. Like anything that has to do with these subjects, you’re encouraged to use discernment and take only what resonates with you. The sensible descriptions of the afterlife Spiritualism... more » ...

Guess Who’s Leading? -- Ascension Notes via Kara

Ascension Notes Guess Who’s Leading? Channeled through Kara, Soulstice Rising, February 11, 2015
Potentially, where we are is that Soul has taken Its rightful place as leader/creator with the ego being the vehicle for Soul Expression. This is so great, as things will feel more flowing and graceful. Of course, there will still be adjustments and releases, yet we’ve learned to trust that our Higher Selves know the way. Truly, this is what Ascension and the New Earth is all about…Soul leading, ego expressing and Soul-merging, so that everything we say, think and do is all co... more »

No More Distractions -- Wes Annac

Wisdom with Wes No More Distractions by Wes Annac
There are plenty of ways we can attune to spirit and keep our love and creativity flowing, but some of us tend to avoid them in favor of whatever distraction the mind places before us at the time. Like I’ve said before, the mind and ego aren’t inherently ‘bad’ or negative – it’s how we use them that matters. It’s easy to use them to distract ourselves from the things we can do each day to stay spiritually aligned and let our love flow, but we’ll always feel like something’s missing if we do. We have no reason not to do t... more »

Utility Commissioner’s Emails Reveal Smart Meter Conspiracy

Utility Commissioner’s Emails Reveal Smart Meter Conspiracy Posteee by by Wes Annac Source: Activist Post, Thanks to The Anti Media.
FAT CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG: Evidence has now been made public of illegal actions and collusion between former California Public Utilities Commission president Michael Peevey and utility PG&E, as criminal investigations continue. As part of a federal and state investigation into what appears to be systemic corruption involving former senior executives at PG&E and the California Public Utilities Commission, 65,000 emails have been publicly released, ... more »

Play Is Your Lesson Today… And Forevermore -- Brenda Hoffman

lay Is Your Lesson Today… And Forevermore Channeled through Brenda Hoffman, February 12, 2015
Brenda Hoffman Dear Ones, You’ve endured, you’ve rested and now it is time to bask in the sunshine – something you have neglected for so long. It is as if you hid yourself in a very small closet so others could not guess who you really were. You dressed as they dressed. You walked and talked as they did – but you are not them and never have been. You merely pretended to be them for eons on earth. Who are they? Anyone but yourself. But fi... more »

Mindful Thought Management -- Serapis Bey via Julie Miller

Mindful Thought Management Serapis Bey Mindful Thought Management, Channeled through Julie Miller,, February 13, 2015
For many people, and possibly for you as well, your thoughts can easily be described as a mixed up jumbled collection of ideas, choices, observations and intentions that are mainly administrated by external influences and distractions. What this simply means is that your thoughts are derived many times on what is before you, what has stimulated your mental and emotional faculties. This is a normal occurrence and for the most part there is ... more »

McDonald’s Gives Free Vaccines With Happy Meals In Texas -- Anthony...

McDonald’s Gives Free Vaccines With Happy Meals In Texas Written by Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society, February 13, 2015 [image: mcdonalds-vaccines]
Would you like a side of hepatitis A shot with your Happy Meal? As it turns out, your child may just be able to receive a number of significant vaccinations at your local McDonald’s on behalf of the Department of Public Health. I was just as shocked as you are when I heard news from an email tip that one reader’s local McDonald’s was launching a ‘free vaccination’ program alongside their fast food marketing campaign, and I was ... more »

Seeds and Weeds – The Power of Activism -- Zen Gardner

Seeds and Weeds The Power of ActivismWritten by Zen Gardner, *Guest for **Waking Times*, February 13, 2015 [image: johnny_appleseed_d3]
Every day more people connect and learn they are not alone. While the manipulated matrix makes it difficult for the awake and aware to be physically together, the great world wide grid of love and consciously awakened individuals continues to spread like “weeds”. As we sow and grow we’re coming closer together continually. In fact, we’re probably bumping into each other and don’t even realize it. That’s why it’s important to keep communicati... more »

Letting Go – Up Front & Personal -- Linda Dillon

Letting Go Up Front & PersonalWritten by Linda Dillon, The Golden Age of Gaia, February 13, 2015 [image: Linda Dillon 22]
Last night I went on a crying jag. After a pleasant enough evening, I went to bed and the tears started to come – gushers the likes of which I don’t think I had experienced since “Mummy” died. Gasping, gut-wrenching sobs, drenching me and my pillow, a boohoo that wouldn’t stop. At first I didn’t know what I was crying about – I am generally a pretty happy and balanced person. I didn’t think or know I had that much grief stored up inside of me. I cried... more »

The March of the Ages -- Steve Beckow

The March of the Ages Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, February 13, 2015 [image: Peace 123]
The announcement by Vladmir Putin that Sunday, Feb. 15 was the date on which he’d call a ceasefire in the Ukraine and that heavy weapons would be moved back was for me electrifying. I posted it right away. There’s nothing like a major move by a world leader to add substance to what are still at this moment simply big dreams of world peace. Archangel Michael has always said to me that the three obstacles to world peace and the release of the Reval are the Ukrainian rebe... more »

Parent of the New Child -- ‘The Dragon’ via Brian

The New Parent and the Transition.Parent of the New Child. ‘The Dragon' * Channeled through Brian, *, February 13, 2015
Hi everyone, This is the dragon. In past channels of various sources, there was often a lot of focus on the New Children, with labels given. The reasons for discussing the new Children in the past were legitimate and genuine. It helped create the energy, and created understanding. However, there was also a disproportionate focus on these Children because of a social bias towards a concept of a savior or saviors. It is true that Children tod... more »

You Are Not Broken -- Millie Mestril

You Are Not BrokenWritten by Millie Mestril, The Master Shift, February 13, 2015 [image: broken]
I’ve had people in my past constantly telling me how I am in my imperfections: “You are broken. You need to fix this and that about you in order to move forward. You have to figure this out the right way without your nonsense. You have to allow for this and that because you are doing it the wrong way….” For most part of my adult life I happened to believe this Broken Theory and the need to fix, not only me, but others around me so that I didn’t feel broken. The truth is that I am... more »

How To Be Alone Without Feeling Lonely -- Luminita Saviuc

How To Be Alone Without Feeling Lonely Written by: Luminita D. Saviuc, Taken from The Mind Unleashed, February 13, 2015 [image:]
“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.” ~ Wayne Dyer If I have learned something from life is that there is a time for everything. There is a time for being alone with yourself, and a time for being in the company of those you love; a time for facing and healing the darkness, and a time for embracing and becoming one with the light; “a time for being ahead, ... more »

Saul through John Smallman -- February 13th 2015

What you all really want is to be loved, unconditionally. Saul *(Paul)* through John Smallman Saul Audio Blog for Friday February 13th As the energy of the divine field of Love continues to intensify all across the planet, bringing enormous changes to how you perceive one another, expect world peace now! Because more than 95% of humanity most earnestly intend for it to materialize it will come into being. It is your natural state. War and conflict are not, but have enveloped you because your sense of separation has filled you with fear. That fear is lifting because so many of you ... more »

Archangel Gabriel, February 12, 2015

Through Marlene Swetlishoff Image Source February 12, 2015
Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as charity. Charity is the practice of benevolent caring and giving, of being considerate of others and showing compassion for their current state of being. It is also learning about the importance of empathy within self in relation to others, and how this quality of love expressed brings profound joy to both the giver and the receiver. Charity is doing acts out of love without thought for something in return and is beyond mere kindness; it is the p... more »

Saint Germain, February 13, 2015 -- Wake up Call via Nancy

St. Germain, February 13, 2015 Wake up Call Through Nancy Tate
I am here today to speak with you about the coming times. I am St. Germain, and I am a part of what will be progressing around the world in the coming days. As the situation changes around the world in various ways, and with the people who are at present standing in what they consider to be their power, there will be a noticeable change come into being. These ones who consider themselves to have power over the minions will realize that is all in the past. It was a role they were to play. As the positions changed in the ... more »

Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now!

Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now! by John Smallman
Maybe you have already listened to Arch Angel Michael's Plea for Peace through Linda Dillon, but Valentine's Day is upon us, so take 25 minutes and do it again, BECAUSE it is WE who are bringing this about. The link is below, and below that is the link to Golden Age of Gaia and Steve Beckow's transcript of Arch Angel Michael's Declaration of World Peace. We CAN make it happen! with love, John.! more »

True Greatness -- Oscar

*Thought Adjuster*Received by OscarAlabama, US of A, October 6, 2011.
*Thought Adjuster:* “Human beings often consider things that have no eternal value to actually be great. When you consider the value of a person’s life, think about what will be the eternal implications of his or her life? What did he or she do for humanity? How did that person contribute to elevate the spiritual level of his or her peers? This is the main question you should ask when considering someone’s legacy. “Beyond money and material things, a true legacy is something that survives the test of time. The t... more »

EN: Violet Flame

Maintaining Your Driving Force -- Melchizedek via Julie Miller

Maintaining Your Driving Force MelchizedekReceived through Julie Miller,, February 15, 2015
It is well understood that in order to attract good and positive things into your life, you first must cultivate the desire for it. Without having drive or desire, you will not cultivate anything new to come into your life, you will be unable to manifest anything. Before an athlete can become great at what he or she does, they first must have the passion and desire to train, to have an objective or goal and to love what they do enough to become better each day. You se... more »


Preview: The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter 134th Issue

Preview: The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter 134th Issue Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2014
The following are two snippets from the latest issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month. The snippets are from the ‘enlightenment discussion’ and ‘planetary healing’ segments, and you can read the segments in their entirety (along with the introductory segment, the reader’s question segment and the conclusion) by subscribing via the ‘subscribe’ button at the bottom of this post. income from ... more »

Induction Period: the apprenticeship begins February 13, 2015 - Lauren

Induction Period The apprenticeship begins February 13, 2015 by Lauren C. Gorgo
The Sacred Pause preparing for change With so much energy building in preparation for the emergence of so much change, February opened like a punch in the plexus. Alot came to an end and but nothing is really new...yet. Tensions are high, vitality is low, and we are patiently waiting in the void for the green light to take our first official steps in the new world. This fallow period can be likened to the receding waters before a large wave, it is exactly what is needed before manifestation begins, a ... more »

Folding It All Back In - Steve Beckow

Folding It All Back In Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, February 15, 2015 [image: Earth 1]
We’ve now seen our first tangible evidence that events are moving towards peace: Vladimir Putin’s call for a ceasefire today (Sunday). (1) We’ve been told by Archangel Michael that we’ve made tremendous progress towards peace but we’re not entirely there yet. Some people have not lain down arms but they will. What I’d like to do now is to draw in all that we’ve discussed, all that we’ve been through in this whirlwind week of creating peace on the planet and fold it ba... more »

USDA Approves First GMO Apple For Planting -- Anthony Gucciardi

USDA Approves First GMO Apple For Planting Written by Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society, February 14, 2015
Adding another genetically modified food to the growing list of biotech creations, the USDA has now approved the first GMO apple for commercial planting inside the United States. Slated for your dinner table, the new GMO apple is reportedly ‘resistant to turning brown when sliced or bruised.’ Coming just months after the USDA approved the first genetically modified potato, the news reminds us of the USDA’s declaration to give Monsanto and other biotech organizations ‘spe... more »

Freeing Your Mind -- The Ultimate Meditation --- Owen Waters

*Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness * *by Owen K Waters*
When people start practicing meditation, they often find themselves distracted by other thoughts. After a minute or two of meditation, their minds wander off on a tangent that seems so much more interesting. Then they remember why they are there and abruptly focus back on the meditation. The question is, how can you gain enough focus and dedicated attention to go deeper into meditation? As the old joke goes, a young musician once traveled to New York City especially to see the world's top ... more »

Being Aware of Awareness -- Wes Annac

Being Aware of Awareness Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
“If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.” ― Leo Tolstoy (1) A reader recently mentioned an interesting idea, which is that we can be aware of awareness. How can we do this, you ask? From my perspective, the best way is to act on the things we become aware of. Awareness is a concept that doesn’t receive as much attentio... more »

A New Worldview is Consciously Evolving Humanity -- Paul Lenda

A New Worldview is Consciously Evolving Humanity Written by Paul Lenda, Guest Writer for Wake Up World, February 14, 2015
There is a profound shift in consciousness occurring. This shift is part of the intentional evolution of human consciousness by members of the human race far and wide across this planet we call Earth. By being mindful of our thoughts, we are able to shape our reality in a number of different ways. The Buddha said that “we are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” Such statements reflect the reality of fo... more »

That’s What Hollywood Wants in the Secret TPP Deal -- Maira Sutton

That’s What Hollywood Wants in the Secret TPP Deal Written by Maira Sutton, Activist Post, Februrary 14, 2015
The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP) poses massive threats to users in a dizzying number of ways. It will force other TPP signatories to accept the United States’ excessive copyright terms of a minimum of life of the author plus 70 years, while locking the US to the same lengths so it will be harder to shorten them in the future. It contains DRM anti-circumvention provisions that will make it a crime to tinker with, hack, re-sell, preserve, and otherwise contro... more »

A Message of LOVE - Constant Companions via Aisha

The Constant Companions A Message of LOVE Channeled through Aisha North, February 14, 2015
Aisha North And so it is that we return with another message to inoculate you further with another dosage of this love-fest that is currently sweeping over your globe. For today the swirls of energetic passion that anoints you all come in one flavour only, that of love itself, and as such, take this as another layer of this cake that is being offered you on this festive occasion. For today, the dam of joy has burst and will be spewing forth a never ending flood of light that will serve... more »

I AM the World at Peace -- Andrea Scully

I AM the World at Peace Written by Andrea Scully, The Golden Age of Gaia, February 14, 2015 credit:
I AM the world at peace. While I’m looking at what’s happening in the world around me the same way we all are, the swing of my awareness comes back with astounding clarity and power to myself. The questions arise for me, who am I in the ‘peace of the world’? Who am I to declare peace for all beings on this planet? It’s an obvious fact that we share this planet among us, as our sustenance, as our environment, as our point of manifestation in form, as the colle... more »

Is Cancer An Ancient Survival Program Unmasked? -- Sayer Ji

Is Cancer An Ancient Survival Program Unmasked? Written by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info, Waking Times, February 13, 2015
Ever since Richard Nixon declared a war on cancer in 1971 through the signing of the National Cancer Act,[i] over a hundred billion dollars has been spent by our government on research and drug development in an attempt to eradicate the disease, with trillions more spent by the cancer patients themselves, but with disappointing results. Even after four decades of waging full-scale conventional (surgery and chemo) and nuclear (radiotherapy) war against cancer, close... more »

Why Do Things Take So Long to Manifest? -- Jason Demakis

Why Do Things Take So Long to Manifest? Written by Jason Demakis, Expanded Consciousness, February 12, 2015
Short answer: Regardless of what types of goals you’re attempting to achieve, it’s absolutely imperative that you become the type of person who exemplifies the qualities, characteristics, habits, and behaviors of someone who’s already there. Long answer: A very large reason for most of the aggravation people experience when approaching goal setting isn’t due to a faulty plan or strategy. It’s their approach all together. Intentions are Fuel When we say “your thought... more »

The Dial of Your Life -- Heavenletters via Gloria Wendroff

Heavenletters The Dial of Your Life, Channeled through Gloria Wendroff,, February 14, 2015
God said: When life seems to be too much for you, recline, or take a walk. Get your mind off the exigencies of life for a while. Despite your sense of it, life is not urgent. Life goes on. Whether or not you are as you want to be, whether or not life is what you want it to be, life keeps going on and takes you with it. You are never out of life. There is enough life for all. On Earth or in Heaven, you are alive and well regardless of what the world you experience looks l... more »

THE QUANTUM AWAKENING -- FEBRUARY 2015 -- Gillian MacBeth-Louthan,

*THE QUANTUM AWAKENING* *A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,* *A Thought, **A Way** of Life,* *ISSUE #192* *FEBRUARY 2015* *This NEWSLETTER is Electronically sent out ‘FREE’ but you must Subscribe to receive it. Please go and sign up for newsletter or click on link at bottom of this newsletter**. To unsubscribe scroll to bottom and click* *Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted* *With Love and dedication to the Light * *This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millio... more »

Jesus through John Smallman -- 15 February 2015

There are none among you who do not want peace. Jesus(1) through John Smallman Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday February 15th .\
As many are now aware, humanity is in a moment of enormous change, a moment that has been divinely planned – in human terms – for a very long time, and that moment will neither wait, be diverted, nor avoided. It is the most essential and most keenly anticipated moment in all of humanity's long history. To be incarnate now is a magnificent honor. The chaos you see “out there” is truly “within” – as within so without – and realization of that truth is dawning on... more »

EN: Violet Flame

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