The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Dr. Angela Barnett
Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council
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Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
I'm writing this preview of what is about to happen over the next two months beginning November 2012. This is the count down to what our Founders Racelines have waited 250 billion years for. This is also the count down to the end of all wars on Earth. Those who are still focusing on wars, building underground bunkers, and preparing for masses to die because of world take over plans should only be the Illuminati and those vehicle bodies for Fallen Races, because the rest of the population should be focusing on their futures of Immortal Bliss. If you are still focusing on the first agenda, stopping that focus will transform your outcome.
INVADER RACES plan was to pull us down into the Black Hole by activating the wormholes on Earth that will block our stargates from opening.
OUR PLAN is opening the StarGates--most of them are already opened-- the completion will take place December 21st. Our stargates will all open, the spark and flame that was kept in the Heart of Mother Earth will reignite, our DNA template will begin its triggering of chromosones one strand at a time. All of those chromosones will trigger the soma of the DNA to send a brand new perception out into our fields of consciousness. A new perception that we have not been aligned with before. The magical creation of our original Creation Races.
THEIR PLAN will activate as they plan it to-- BUT THE JOKE IS ON THEM --WE WON'T BE THERE.
THEY will so kindly take with them dimensional reality fields 1-4 and leave us with dimensional reality fields of 5 and beyond
We will be moved, transported in time to a new time matrix. It will be like they are throwing a baseball over the plate that will cause the Earth to get knocked out in the field. But at the same time, the plate will be moved about 4000 years north of their aim. We must be moved in time and space in order to escape their plan. We will be lifted and transported into a different angle of rotation from where their plan exists.
The wars, the government control, the horrific crimes being committed continuously by those that were given the right to protect and govern us would be very difficult to comprehend if we didn't know that those rulers are in those positions because they are in fact the very vehicles for the Grey Zetas, Draconians, and other Fallen Races ( this would be a page long list) of mass destruction. The final formula was set in motion when Hitler made a deal with the Dark Eyed Grey Zetas from Orion to utilize nuclear weapons, more interdimensional technology was brought to all leaders of the world by Zetas and others. The original deals made with American leaders were actually for the seeming good of the whole; however, once a few good fallen races were given entry in their entire race of dark ones gained entry to our system and created the BEAST machine that would eventually cause the Earth to implode.
Once the government leaders signed their souls over to the devil, so to speak, there was no turning back. They became mind controlled vehicles that provided bodies for dark races to breed with and bring their seed to Earth. The main reason that abortions were fought against so hard was because most unwanted children came from rape or other abuse of fallen races planting their seeds to be born on Earth at this time. That breeding of the Fallen Races with the Human Angelics was the greatest victory ever for the Dark Ones. However, the end result will be the highest level fallen races that could possibly be created. That creation was for the final victory and take over of the Fallen Races, whom the Annunaki agreed to assist in pulling the Earth's matrix into the Phantom Matrix and then into the Wesadrak Fallen Matrix of Eternal Imprisonment.
So, why do world leaders seem like they are doing everything wrong, and they don't actually care about the people. What is more questionable is how they are able to hide the true horrible realities of who they really are and what they are really doing while the majorities just continue to believe what they read in the newspaper.
The war of 2011 was the galactic war that was fought to keep fallen angelic races from landing on our planet. If that war hadn't been fought for us, we would be living in a place that would look just like those movies where space ships were taking over Los Angeles, and all of those other end of the world movies. We were saved from that agenda. There were millions of space ships in our skies. There were quite a few pictures taken of them over the past few years. They were transmutted by the light of the Angelic Space Ships. Angelic Space ships are pure light. If a space ship is within your perception, you probably should run as fast as you can. Only Fallen Angelics have to use space ships that are made of physical materials. True Angelics ride within their own Light Orbs, Crystal Ships, and are mostly invisible.
We will be allowed to see everything in its total reality; but this can only happen after the Phantom Matrix is removed. This is imperative. The timing of knowing can not be until that time when we will no longer be in danger of Fallen Angelic Invasions, and we will no longer be tricked by Fallen Angelics whom New Agers have been channeling. Those Star Buddies that have been guiding the New Age Movement are mostly the bad guys. Their plan was to land on Earth in 2011 and claim that they had come to save us from our governments, and that they would give us lots of money and pretend to be our great saving star family. We have been saved from that agenda ever happening. We had millions of Light Ships transmutting those ships out of the solar system. The light guys even took out a couple of our own government's nuclear missiles during that war. I watched the youtube of a missle disappearing instantly. The military, who are not in the low levels of the knowing, are still trying to figure that one out.
It is true that if those governments who plan to rule the world were going to suceed, we should all be very worried. And that isn't even what we should be worried about. If that plan were to suceed, it would mean that the entire Human Angelic Race that has been in the Creator's Mind for 250 billion years would be obliterated from the entire Cosmic Matrix forever. It would mean that we would go into pole shift, there would be mass destruction, and the world really would come to an End.
Well, the world is going to come to an end this year. But, not that way. You see, this world was created by the Illuminati and their Fallen Angelic directors. Everything that they have created including the social, religious, financial, educational, political, military, etc. systems are man made agendas instigated by fallen angelics. Every last one of them. That world is going to end on December 21, 2012.
The reason that the world will end quickly is because our Founders Races and Source will not allow the total obliteration of a race. And that is what would happen if we were not going to be removed from this time matrix at the exact same moment that the Fallen Angelics planned our destruction. There would be a pole shift and NASA does know that. The truth that they are giving the world - their claim that there will be no pole shift is also true because that reality will also exist simultaneously.
There will finally be a news report warning us of a problem with the sun and the world will become frightened and the government will take advantage of the situation in a bad way. We don't have to participate in any of these fear agendas or dis information plots. The truth is this : The Phantom Matrix will carry those ideas and fallen angelics who do not wish to be saved into the Matrix of the Wesadraks. That is a Fallen System that cannot be saved. It is a place where fallen angelics feed off of the energy of their imprisoned. That is their plan and they will succeed. But, we have a different plan, and we are going to a new harmonic universe where that reality doesn't exist.
We are going to be doing something different while they are riding their BEAST machine to Hell. We are going to be getting our 12 DNA restored and shifted into a time matrix of harmonic universe two where the Fifth World will begin. The dimensions one through four will go with the Phantom Matrix and we will be in dimension five.
How can we be moved to a new time matrix and how can our 12 DNA be repaired so quickly? Those are the questions that I needed to have answered in my mind before I could stop focusing on the world's agenda of mass destruction. And you can believe that my sources were extremely credible, even though you probably can't see them or hear them yet. There is a very sold, analytical structured plan and design to the System of Source Consciousness that can be explained in such great detail that not one iota of disbelief is possible. I have been through 12 years of training at a Cosmic Level that has allowed me to understand this process and to understand that it is absolutely impossible for this reality not to take place.
We are all victims of our background knowledge. If I wasn't fortunate enough to have my earliest foundations of truth given to me when I was four years old, I may have been brainwashable by the society just like everyone else. But, I was given the reality that man was made in the image and likeness of God and that likeness can and will be restored through the removal of error. I have witnessed that reality all of my life. When error was removed - meaning ideas of the world creating flus, sickness, relationship problems and even educational problems- when the error of belief was removed, the reality of Source's plan always shined through as the new reality.
Well that was just a Divine Comforter Plan until the real Error could be removed. The errors were angular rotation of particle spins and seals placed within our chakra templates that would block our Mother Stream of Consciousness so that it could never enter into our realm of reality. That error will be removed on December 21, 2012, and the Divine Reality will be able to be seen and experienced for the first time by the Angelic Races on this Planet. This is all because of the Starseeds and Indigos who have come at this time to bring their frequencies and their codes that will allow us to shift back into proper alignment with our Mother Stream of Crystal Liquid Light and Sound.
This complete transformation can only happen during Starburst and that could only happen when all of our stargates were opened, and that could only happen if starseeds who held the codes for each of the 12 stargates were on Earth. The Indigos and Starseeds have been actively aligning the Earth's Grids back into the Khristic Grids. The Jehovian Seals connected Earth's Grids to False Khristic Coding that would block the flow of Source Consciousness to Earth, and those upon her. Those Jehovian Seals will leave with the Phantom Matrix.Those Seals were created to serve as the wormholes that would suck Earth into a pole shift and then into the Black Hole. Those same Jehovian Seals are the areas on the planet where the great climactic problems, earthquakes, wars, hurricanes, etc. take place. One of those Seals was placed off the coast of Japan. That affects the entire Pacific. The Solomon Shield was placed over the Pacific by the Guardian Races to protect us from those Seals. The Fallen Angelics took over that shield during August 2011. That began the next great war in heaven at the Cosmic Level.
On December 21, 2012 the entire universe will shift forward into a new time matrix, a new Cosmic Template, a new Omniversal Reality. We are entering a time when our re-alignment into Source Consciousness will create a new perfect reality of the Divine Blue Print of Divine Reality. How can that happen? An angular rotation of particle spin of 23 degrees is basically all it will take to correct a vast problem.
There are twelve universes in the original omniversal Structure of this Cosmos. This universe fell out of its original Divinity when there were Electric Wars created against the very creators of the Omni universe. That was 250 billion years ago. The creators of this Universe System have been trying to bring back the original Divine Angelic Human form that they created 450 billion years ago. This original perfect IDEA, created in the Divine Image and Likeness of Source, was destroyed.
This is a Huge Story which takes a Huge Mind to understand. The story of the Consciousness being at One with or Returning to Oneness or ATUNEMENT with Source has been told over and over again in Metaphysical Teachings. Over the past ten years, the true quantum physics that creates that reality has been returned to Earth.
The true understanding of that reality and how it is performed has been given to the children of God Source. That understanding was completely scrambled through the stories told by the churches. There were originally seven Legions of Truth. Those Legions were made into ReLigions. That meant the re-write of the Truth scrambled into stories that changed the meaning of and the reality of everything that has happened since the breath of Source created the Idea of our Universes. Now is the time that the Promise of the Perfect Kingdom will be returned. That is the one sentence in the Bible that is very useful at this time. The other sentences that remain unchanged are You Shall do Greater Works than these and I and My Father are One - meaning You and the Mind of God Source are ONE. Jesus was saying that about all of us- not just himself. That is why he kept saying you shall do greater works than the ones you have seen him do.
Besides that- most of the Bible was re-written for total confusion. Who was it written by? The Fallen Angelics who created the Phantom Matrix so that they could become the Gods of the Universe. When did it all begin? Long before Rome. Long before Atlantis. It began before the Electric wars 5.5 million years ago. It happened during the War of the Rays 250 Billion years ago in Sun Ra.
If you think this isn't a big deal, you must have had your mind removed. Well, most of us have had our minds removed. Most of us don't want to be bothered with trivial matters such as galactic wars and cosmic wars and realignments of harmonic universes because we are busy paying our mortgage, deciding what the latest hair fashion is, deciding which Music Group to listen to or spending time being brainwashed in a classroom. Or the most popular reason is because the preacher of your Church will tell you that I am crazy.
The only way to get your attention is to tell you that you will have instant manifestation abilities returned to you if you listen to what I am telling you in this book instead of what your preacher is telling you at Church. There is one school of Enlightened Teaching that was set up using this exact advertisement technique. We really do have the ability to manifest instantly anything we desire. There actually is a formula for doing this. The last piece of the puzzle is the realignment of our 12 DNA template and the removal of the Phantom Matrix.
Will we have instant manifest abilities just because we exist? I don't know. I do know that if we follow the steps of using the principles given to us that we will be able to engage instant manifestation, light travel, levitation and all of those things they used to teach in Mystery Schools. Just so you know, most of those Mystery Schools only had a small speck of the original Freedom Teachings left in them and most of them were Re-Written just like the Re Ligions.
Those Re-writings were instigated by the same Fallen Angelic Groups who are helping create the Phantom Matrix of our obliteration. Those same Fallen Angelic Groups are the ones who have allowed channeled messages from Fallen Matrixes to create the New Age Movement on Earth. Those same teachings have been re named and called something else while still having the same fallen Angelic utilize human angelics light and energy to help them bring in the Metatronic Spins through Metatronic Teachings including all of the Flower of Life Teachings from Thoth's teachings, all Metatronic Sound Teachings, GF, AAM, all Golden Mean teachings, Fabronacci, all Astrological Charts, Solstice Circles, etc, etc.
The dedication to the leadership of the fallen angelics by the New Age Movement is most obvious at this time in history. We are supposed to be working on shedding the Phantom Matrix by aligning out of the Metatronic Spin rate while the majority of New Age teachings are busy at work teaching Metatronics, Golden Mean, Fabronacci, and not mentioning one word about how our 12 DNA will be recreated in less than a nano second. Why is that? Why is it if those channelers are speaking with Angelics that they don't know how their 12 DNA will be created in a nano second? Why do they think the GF and AAM will be saving them, when in fact those are the leaders of the Fallen Angelic groups leading the Phantom Matrix Team? They have all been brainwashed.
Why can't I release this book to be published until after December 21, 2012? Because there would be a mob of New Agers trying to destroy me, and they would be helped by a troup of demonic interdimensionals that they don't even know exist .BEEN THERE DONE THAT -- No Thank you. We already had one demonic take over during our Ascension Portal Creation Workshop. We already went through the demonic possession, death, rebirth into a Braided Soul Walk In. I had the exact same death and braided soul walk in back in 1986 after being confronted face to face by a group of dark eyed grey Zetas. The similarity of both me and my Cosmic Twin was that we were both confronted personally by the demons themself and then directed by our Spirit Guides to listen to every word they said very carefully right before our Souls left our bodies. My first walk in was in 1972. We both have contracts of Star Seeds who contain coding for major stargates. That is why we have gone into hiding at this time.
Our Creation families tried over and over again to reseed our original divine likeness onto the original Essence of Tara.Tara was the Divine Entity created in the Divine Image and Likeness of Source. She was a Star who was blown up by fallen angelics who wanted to become creators separate from Source Consciousness. This planet Earth contains a piece of Tara. The divine essence of Tara was maintained within the Crystal Core Divine Domains of inner Earth. The Consciousness of our Etheric Creators also maintain their presence deep within the Inner Earth which exists at a different angular rotation of particle spin than our present perception allows us to see.
December 21, 2012 is the date that the Consciousness of Earth shifts into the Christ return cycle when Consciousness becomes more and more in At One with Source. On this same date, the level of Consciousness rises on all five harmonic universes, including fifteen dimensions of Consciousness. This date allows the alignment of all five harmonic universes to align at the exact same moment into the original spark and flame from Source Consciousness. Eventhough our Harmonic Universe One is Rising into Harmonic Universe Two, we will actually become In Tune with our Consciousness in all Twelve Harmonic Universes, including Cosmic Consciousness and Source Consciousness. In other words, we will regain our Multidimensional Consciousness of all that we are.
We will be able to tune in to our Souls, OverSouls, Avatar Selves and Rishi Selves from all fifteen dimensions. This means we will have access to the Infinite Intelligence and Instant Manifestation of that Multidimesional Consciousness Field.This Universal System will reunite into Oneness with all Twelve Universal Systems. This magnificent realignment will be created as twelve Cosmic Structures reconnect to create a thirteenth new Cosmic Reality.
The key to experiencing the moment of transfiguration into our new immortal bodies, our new instant manifestation templates, and our new atunement with Source Consciousness is the creation of this alignment of atonement with Source Consciousness through the ascension portal of Inner Earth into the Cosmic Light Fields and into the Primal Sound Fileds allowing a new Light Body to appear through the breath of the Breath of Creation as the spheres of Crystal Liquid Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel re-manifest our new form of Eternal Life Body and Eternal Manifestation Template.
I was given this gift of the three Crystal Spheres of Manifestation over a decade ago along with the instructions for creating all that is in the Mind of God, from our Mashayana Creation team who created us 450 billion years ago. All Creation is created in the Source Field through the Breath of God. That breath containing the highest frequency of all creation is the exact same reality as all that exists in all other dimensional realities, whether they be etheric, crystal, hertzian or infa red. A manifestation of a hertzian form in this three dimensional reality is actually the invisible idea that is contained in Source Consciousness before the breath of its creation. It is always this zero point of creation, where the perfect idea from Source is exhaled into all dimensionality of form, that a new idea is created.
This divine moment in December 21, 2012 allows this breath of Source to become created and manifested in all fifteen dimensions of reality at the same time. This is the beginning of this fabulous mystery of the invisible divine creation of any idea that each one of us desires to create through the alignment of our consciousness into the breathe of creation through the spheres of crystal liquid light, crystal dust and crystal gel. The understanding of and use of these three spheres of creation has been my divine mission for most of my life. I realized I had been getting prepared for this understanding for ten years before it was given to me. Those three spheres of manifestation will become a common understanding on Future Earth.
The new Consciousness that will appear on Future Earth, as we shift to the new time matrix of 4230 A.D. will be the Christ Consciousness who co-creates everything through the Mind of God. The new Human Angelic will learn how to use their crystal heart and breath of Source to create anything their heart's desires. Our shift in Consciousness will be a shift into a new time matrix, a new body that is not carbon based, a new direct dream stream into the Mind of God which allows us to create dreams when we are awake and when we are asleep. Our Mashayana Creation Family are the Wizards who would like to teach us all to be the grand new creators of this new universe. The Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse was formed to allow the teachings of our Cosmic Creation Families to teach us co-creation techniques as they show us how their original creation of the most supreme Angelic Human was meant to be. They would like us to learn how they would like education to take place. They would like this reality that was meant to be manifest on this Earth for the past 250 billion years to return at this time.
The reason that this reality has not been able to come forth until now is simple. This Earth has been controlled by a metatronic field of energy that has blocked our consciousness from the Christ Fields of Consciousness that allow continuous manifestation through the Mind of God. As a result of the destruction of the Divine Race, and the millions of years of interbreeding with various fallen angelic groups, the Angelic Human is presently made of one third Christic Frequencies and two thirds Metatronic frequencies. The two thirds Metatronic Frequencies will be removed from this Earth on December 21, 2012. The Zeta Draconian, Annunaki Dracos, Illuminati and Levithians who choose to continue carrying these metatronic frequencies, will be removed from our New Earth. Our New Earth will actually be shifted into a new time matrix from the old Earth for this reason of breaking away from the old Phantom Earth created by those fallen angelics through their metatronic frequency implants.
We will be reconnected to a field of Consciousness that Normally co-creates through the Mind of God. This activity will become common place activity on Future Earth because it is the Divine Right of all Christic Races. Those of us who already know how to manifest our desires instantly through the activity of frequency alignment of the frequency specific brain into our Illuminary and Etheric Bodies and our atunement with our Higher Selves, will spend the next few months co-creating through the Mind of God. We will experience any and every imaginable dream come true. We can manifest a new body, a new age, a new house. We can manifest new flowers, new trees that grow anything we can imagine. We were once the creators of the Universe. We were once the greatest co-creators of the Cosmos. We had that divine reality removed from us by fallen angelics who wanted to control this time matrix. The only way it .
Our ascension is our move into the new time matrix that removes all past concepts from our reality feild. Even those who spend every minute of every day keeping their mind stayed on God to raise their frequencies into the state that allows instant manifestation cannot be completely successful until after 2012 because every thing we do is affected by the entire time matrix that we live in.
Our Guardian Races have prepared a bridge zone where those who are still perceiving the third dimensional realities will be removed from the phantom matrix that is controlled by the fallen angelics, while being given more time to grow into the fifth dimensional realities. There will be many who remain in the bridge zone and who will be healed by our Maharaji and Eiyani Race Families from Inner Earth. There will be many who morph directly into Tara, as their light bodies allow them. Others will be given light bodies later by our Inner Earth Families.
Our new future earth will vaguely resemble this third dimensional world until we learn to see more clearly within higher dimensions. Those who are training their consciousness to raise frequencies into alignment with the highest frequencies of the primal sound field will morph into a new reality where the invisible is as much of a true reality as the visible. The third dimensional mind can only conceive of the visible realm. When me move into the fifth world, December of 2012, we will shift our consciousness into realms that have been unknown and invisible to us before. We will be able to see our Guardian and Creator Races who have been our families for millions of years.
How will this shift into a new time matrix occur that moves us 2218 years in the future? We will spin through multiple reality fields that will remain invisible to one another, as we break free from old illusions planted in harmonic universe one (our planetary, third dimensional field of reality) and morph into oneness with our Spiritual Harmonic Universe Two (our fifth dimensional reality field, that creates our connection into multidimensionality). We will then unfold into Future Earth, stationed in harmonic universe two.
The invisible will become as real as the visible, as the Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and our Universal memory is transmitted through the Earth's grids. We will be living in a time that is 2,218 years more advanced than the one we are living in now. We will be regaining our Divine Blue Print that makes us able to manifest anything we want, any time we want. We will become the race who creates light and energy through their own bio fields. We will become creators of new realities such as apple trees that grow lemon pies -- or any idea we come up with.
As we move onto Future Earth, our bodies will go through a light transfiguration process transforming our atomic structure. This change will happen instantly -- not gradually. The carbon based structure of the mortal body will be changed into the crystal based eternal life chemical and biological forms. This will be our first pull into the future, as our particles spin faster and faster through the angular rotation of particle spin that rearranges our biology, chemistry and scenery.
Our pituitary gland will blossom and open our third eye to gain the spiritual vision of the Mind of God. When the pituitary blossoms, the Mind of God begins its continuous dream stream between what we desire to create in our dreams to blossom into full manifestation in any of the multidimensional reality fields. The new seventh level man will regain the ability to manifest visible reality through the invisible, spiritual substance.
The invisible will become as real as the visible as the Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and our Universal memory is transmitted through the Earth's grids. That fifth dimensional reality of the invisible and the visible will become the new reality on our Future Earth.
We will be reborn into a new reality of our complete Divine Blue Print allowing us to continue the activation of DNA strands into the Universal 12DNA and beyond. Our Consciousness will be transformed into a higher frequency that merges into the all knowing Source, who creates a brand new idea with each breath.
On December 21, 2012 the entire universe will shift forward into a new time matrix, a new Cosmic Template, a new Omniversal Reality. We are entering a time when a Zero Point alignment into Source Consciousness will create a new perfect reality of the Divine Blue Print of Divine Reality. There are twelve universes in the original Ekashic and Ecoushic Structure of this Cosmos. This universe fell out of its original Divinity when there were Electric Wars created against the very creators of the universe. That was 250 billion years ago. That war was fought within Sun Ra. The Rays that chose to fall away from Source at that time once again declared war upon Ra on August 2011. Because of their declaration of war, the highest level of Primordial Sound will once again be released from Source to remanifest the entire Cosmic Matrix back into the Image and Likeness of God Source Infinite Eternal Life Stream.
The date of December 21, 2012 was chosen by our Guardian and Creation Families over 22,000 years ago. This date is three fold. First, it is the date when the most perfect alignment of all of the original planetary bodies that were the original pieces of the ajAho template of the first idea creation of the Suns Gaia and Tara. That happened when the Star Ajaho was blown up by experimentation and help from Fallen Angelic Races within and outside of its matrix.
The second reason for this date is it is the date that the Fallen Angelics have been planning the creation of a massive anti Khristic 55 Metatronic Merkaba that would pull into its shield the Milky Way Galaxy and its Parallel and transport them into the Black Hole of the Galaxy. That event would be triggered through the worm holes, Jehovian Seals, Anti Khristic Grids they have placed throughout planet Earth that block our stargates that we need to connect us back into our complete reality. The events that have been seen on Planet Earth since 2000 are all a reflection of the plans going on interdimensionally.
The reasons for the confusion between races and governments is the result of all of the races who have ever occupied planet Earth over the past ten million years are back together once again waiting to have all of the messes that they have created together finally transmutted, removed and woven back into the Source Field. The races that were on Earth during both the Annunaki creation periods and the Annunaki destruction periods are all here on Earth once again. Those who originally created the false grids called Jehovian Seals were a Jehovian Race Line- not one person called Jehova. Those race lines, Leviathins, Fallen Elohims, together with many others who were involved with the complete destruction of the Angelic Human Race line by making that race line their slave race that they used to produce Celestelline Blue Powder that they used as a drug that would allow them to become the immortal race --temporarily. As the Angelic Humans had all of their DNA creation fluids sucked out of the race line, the entire race was ready to become completely extinct from the universe.
That is the reason why the Founders races of the Angelic Human placed our immortal DNA out of the reach of the Fallen Races about 22,000 years ago. That was the time when our original ascension was planned to happen before the Annunaki and Jehovians began their counter plan.
The plan of Ascension and the plan of annhilation have been running parallel in our system for a very long time. Right at this very moment, FEMA is creating prison camps, torture chambers, billions of coffins, an entire system called a SECURITY SYSTEM for the home land, which is the disguise for the Illuminati helping the Zetas and Draconians 55 Metatronic BEAST system creating a pole shift that will allow them to take the entire galaxy into the Black Hole for their easy digestion. Yes, that is all we have ever been to them - their dinner.
Why have the Illuminati Governments of our world known to create these underground bunkers for such a long time? Because they have been planning this for thousands of years. Why are they helping the Zetas and Draconians? Some of them are these Races in disguise. Some of them are brain washed by these races. Some of them know that if they don't do what they are told to do they will die and their families will be tortured. Most of the Illuminati Governments are helping in the massive One World take over because they have it in their genes- in their codes- in their soul memories of who they were in the life times before. They were always the fallen angelics who came to this world to eat human angelics. They have been doing this for billions of years.
How do we win the war against the One World Government? We must align our Consciousness into the Christ Grids of the Eternal Source Fields. We must spin our Christic Merkabas from the 12th Dimensional frequency aligned into the 13,14 and 15 dimensions through our original seed atom that has been stored for us in the 13th dimension of Mother Earth's Womb. That seed atom ofthe original plasma flame Light Ion contains the flame of the original Idea created by the spark of Source. Through that original spark we will once again return to that original God Sourcre Idea that is Eternally in Tune with the Music of the Spheres.
THEIR PLAN is to pull us down into the Black Hole by activating the wormholes on Earth that will block our stargates from opening.
OUR PLAN is opening the StarGates--most of them are already opened-- the completion will take place December 21st. Our stargates will all open, the spark and flame that was kept in the Heart of Mother Earth will reignite, our DNA template will begin its triggering of chromosones one strand at a time. All of those chromosones will trigger the soma of the DNA to send a brand new perception out into our fields of consciousness. A new perception that we have not been aligned with before. The magical creation of our original Creation Races.
THEIR PLAN will activate as they plan it to-- BUT THE JOKE IS ON THEM --WE WON't BE THERE.
THEY will so kindly take with them dimensional reality fields 1-4 and leave us with dimensional reality fields of 5 and beyond
We will be moved, transported in time to a new time matrix. It will be like they are throwing a baseball over the plate that will cause the Earth to get knocked out in the field, But at the same time, the plate will be moved about 4000 years into the future. We must be moved in time and space in order to escape their plan.
Our DNA must be moved into the 12 DNA Divine Blue Print in order to move into harmonic universe two. The 12 DNA template is activated by the starburst itself. That is the only time that there is enough celestilline (stardust powder) present to cause the particles and antiparcles to merge into oneness .It is this magical cellestilline pre matter substance from the premordial sound field that causes the metamorphasis.
How long does it take? About a millionth of a nano second.
The creators of this universe have been trying to bring back the original Divine Angelic Human form that they created billions of years ago. This original perfect Christic entity who was created in the Divine Image and Likeness of Source was destroyed. And yet, at a higher understanding of reality, in Divine Consciousness, this Image and Likeness cannot ever be destroyed. It did in fact, only have a veil placed over it just like an error in a computer program that could be removed and corrected.
Our Creation families tried over and over again to reseed our original divine likeness onto the original Essence of Tara.Tara was the Divine Entity created in the Divine Image and Likeness of Source. She was a Star who was blown up by fallen angelics who wanted to become creators separate from Source Consciousness. This planet Earth contains a piece of Tara. The piece of Tara is a Frequency Field of scalar wave patterns. Those Frequency fields can be reactivated within our Consciousness because they are always there. That is the reason we can still communicate with entities in other time matrix frequency fields. If we raise our frequencies into alignment with theirs, we can be in atunement with their cosmic voices.
This gift of atunement was given to me as I learned how to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through the Music of the Spheres. The angelic voices always project their frequency fields through the music of the spheres which can be atuned to most easily by allowing them to sing through ones consciousness. My families of Aquafarian Consciousness in the third stargate that aligns Earth back into her original birthing zone of Andromeda M31, and many other Entities from crystal water gate mission alignments have been singing their frequencies through me since 1993.
The divine essence of Tara was maintained within the Crystal Core Divine Domains of Inner Earth. The Consciousness of our Etheric Creators also maintain their presence deep within the Inner Earth which exists at a different angular rotation of particle spin than our present perception allows us to see.
December 21, 2012 is the date that the Consciousness of Earth shifts into the Universal return cycle when Consciousness becomes more and more in At One with Source. On this same date, the level of Consciousness rises on all five harmonic universes, including fifteen dimensions of Consciousness within the Earth's Matrix. This date allows the Zero Point alignment of all five harmonic universes to align at the exact same moment into the Zero Point of Source Consciousness. Eventhough our Harmonic Universe One is Rising into Harmonic Universe Two, we will actually become In Tune with our Consciousness in all Five Harmonic Universes, including Cosmic Consciousness and Source Consciousness. In other words, we will regain our Multidimensional Consciousness of all that we are.
We will be able to tune in to our Souls, OverSouls, Avatar Selves and Rishi Selves from all fifteen dimensions. This means we will have access to the Infinite Intelligence and Instant Manifestation of that Multidimesional Consciousness Field.This Universal System will reunite into Oneness with all Twleve Universal Systems. This magnificent realignment will be created as twelve Cosmic Structures reconnect to create a thirteenth new Cosmic Reality.
The key to experiencing the moment of transfiguration into our new immortal bodies, our new instant manifestation templates, and our new atunement with Source Consciousness is the creation of this zero point alignment of atonement with Source Consciousness through the ascension portal of Inner Earth into the Cosmic Light Fields and into the Primal Sound Fileds allowing a new Light Body to appear through the breath of the Crystal Liquid Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel of our new form of Eternal Life Body and Eternal Manifestation Template.
The last war - the war of Armagedon. That war has been going on for billions of years at a galactic level and universal level, and the final cosmic war began in 2011.
The translation of that war onto this present world system can be seen in all of the uprisings in the mid East. The other wars going on upon this planet are a part of the Illuminati's plan of total world domination. This plan is a part of all Fallen Angelic Races who are participating in creating the Metatronic Reversed Merkaba 55 spin that is wrapping the Milky Way Galaxy and its parallel into a Phantom Field that will utilize the pole shift to suck the entire Milky Way into the Phantom Matrix Black Hole. That has been their plan for millions of years. They are still planning on their plan working. But, I can assure you that it cannot work and will not work. Our Gaurdian Races have been fighting these wars in the heavens for us for billions of years. The last war is a war of Light. Light always wins over Darkness. This is how we know that the Angelics will win.
The wars of Earth will all end in 2012 because there will no longer be any consciousness available to instigate them. The Phantom Matrix will be removed from Earth. That Phantom Matrix is the exact same Electromagnetic Light Field that present day scientists believe is holding the Earth stable and keeping it from flipping into a pole shift. Just the opposite is true. The present electromagnetic field is locking Earth into a Phantom Matrix. That matrix will be removed from Earth because Earth is shifting into a time space harmonic universe that is out of alignment with the Phantom Matrix. That Phantom Matrix will continue on into the Blackhole without us. The phantom matrix will take with it the Density One dimensions one through four, as the Ascending Earth translates into a new Time Space Coordinate of the Fifth World.
Both realities will be riding within a Merkaba Field of Electro Magnetic Shields. The Phantom Merkaba is using the Metatronic 55 Reverse Spin and the Future Earth is using the Correct Khristic Merkaba Spin rate. One Merkaba is spinning away from the Source Field and one Merkaba will spin us right back into the Source Field where we are supposed to be. We have been held within this prison of this BEAST machine of the Metatronic Reverse Spin Merkaba for millions of years. This freedom from that prison is what our Universal Families of our Omniverse is celebrating at this time. That Black Hole Machine would had finalized the complete obliteration of the entire Human Angelic Race Line. Our Guardian Angelic Races and Source have had a plan in place to stop that catastrophy in place for over 22,000 years.
Presently there are 48 Crystal Ray Ships Enveloping Earth and her entire Matrix. Those Crystal Ships are our Families of Consciousness at the Highest Level - the Pre Sound Light Field beyond the Cosmic Level of this Matrix. These Crystal Ships are aligning us completely out of this Matrix into the Source Field where we will be pulled completely back into our 12 DNA Christic Light Bodies of Co-Creation.
Our 12 DNA will be reset in our bodies in less than a nano second. We will go through a metamorphesis. The comparison of what will happen to us has been likened to a cacoon changing into a butterfly. The way I see it is more like a huge Christmas Tree that is being plugged back into a socket that didn't work for billions of years, and when the socket is plugged in the lower layer of lights turn on which in turn cause the second layer of lights to turn on, and that layer causes the third layer of lights to turn on until all 12 layers of lights are turned on and we look like a huge Christmas Tree. The Christmas Tree will actually be the stars in the sky as we return to being the starseeds who turn into Stardust as we enter into the Source Field and the Primal Pre Light Field and then the Plasma Field and then turn into Blue Light which transforms our bodies into an Eternal Life through the Infinity of Consciousness of all of our Infinite Families of Light who occupy our Universal Consciousness fields.
We will be so in tune with our Cosmic Families of Consciousness that we will finally be able to see them and meet them. Our Universal Families are Celebrating this Christmas 2012 the final Victory of a very long awaited Family Reunion. They have waited 5.5 million years for the realignment at a galactic level and they have waited 250 billion years for the alignment at the universal and cosmic level. They have waited a very long time for the entire completion of this Divine Plan that will be completed by Christmas of 2012. Those on Earth are the lucky ones because they have been given amnesia after each of their ten million lifetimes on Earth. Those of higher consciousness have watched us repeat the same mistakes over and over again for a very long time.
Personally, I think this calls for the greatest Christmas Celebration that could be imagined at the level of our present undersanding multiplied by the magic of the realities that we will be aligned into by the date of Christmas. We have been working with our Universal and Cosmic Planning Committes for the past ten years in planning this wonderful Christmas celebration that will take place with our Founding Races in our Crystal Palace in Aquafaria. We have been inviting our friends and family who will be there. Our magical fairy friends have been decorating our palace and making sure there are enough mansions within every room for the entire universe of friends to attend. This will just be one of the Victory Celebrations within our Omniverse. The Universes of this time matrix have waited 250 billion years for this FREEDOM PARTY where we are no longer attached to the Phantom Matrix which has been blocking our Source Fields of Consciousness by blocking our Mother Stream of crystal liquid light, gel, dust, spiritual substance, which is the substance which all things are formed from.
Those who complete the 12 DNA strand activation by Christmas will easily find their way to this party. The star route is found by riding your Khrist Star 12th dimensional merkaba through the Earth's shields into the Light Ion Fields in the 13th dimension, loop around Earth up into two universes beyond to collect the coordinates to re-enter Earth's star field at a level beyond the phatom matrix pull. Next dive into the Crystal Water fall high above Earth's Van Allen Belt --beyond 10,000 feet. The Crystal River is the flow between our Aquafarian families and Earth Consciousness fields. Dive into that water fall while riding in your crystal star merkaba vehicle and you will land in a huge pool of water that looks like an ocean. It will be a new type of water that is H20 H3. A helium based light water that is holding our new reality within it. Our palace will be seen sitting on top of this ocean. Just walk on the water until you get near the mote around the palace. Dive down and you will be met by entities who appear to be dolphins and mermaids. They will pull you down into the passages that will allow you to enter the palace.
This place is Aquafaria. This place holds the frequency fields of the Aquarius Galaxy within the light fields of Tara and Gaia and the Higher Earth Fields of the Middle and the Inner Domains. This is the Consciousness field that my Cosmic Flame and I plan to move to in December. Remember that all is in Consciousness. The first step to slide into the new reality is to see it first in your mind, align to the frequencies of the reality and then allow your body to follow. Your Consciousness is the Real you. Don't worry if your body follows or not at this point in time. You will be given a new body when you enter our palace.
All Creation is created in the Source Field through the Breath of God. That breath containing the highest frequency of all creation is the exact same reality as all that exists in all other dimensional realities, whether they be etheric, crystal, hertzian or infra red. A manifestation of a hertzian form in this three dimensional reality is actually the invisible idea that is contained in Source Consciousness before the breath of its creation. It is always this zero point of creation, where the perfect idea from Source is exhaled into all dimensionality of form, that a new idea is created.
This divine moment in December 21, 2012 allows this breath of Source to become created and manifested in all fifteen dimensions of reality at the same time. This is the beginning of this fabulous mystery of the invisible divine creation of any idea that each one of us desires to create through the alignment of our consciousness into the ascension portal of zero point to breathe into creation through the spheres of crystal liquid light, crystal dust and crystal gel. The understanding of and use of these three spheres of creation has been my divine mission for most of my life. I realized I had been getting prepared for this understanding for ten years before it was given to me. Those three spheres of manifestation will become a common understanding on Future Earth.
The new Consciousness that will appear on Future Earth, as we shift to the new time matrix of 4230 A.D. will be the Christ Consciousness who co-creates everything through the Mind of God. The new Human Angelic will learn how to use their crystal heart and breath of Source to create anything their heart's desires. Our shift in Consciousness will be a shift into a new time matrix, a new body that is not carbon based, a new direct dream stream into the Mind of God which allows us to create dreams when we are awake and when we are asleep. Our Mashayana Creation Family are the Wizards who would like to teach us all to be the grand new creators of this new universe.
The Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse was formed to allow the teachings of our Cosmic Creation Families to teach us co-creation techniques as they show us how their original creation of the most supreme Angelic Human was meant to be. They would like us to learn how they would like education to take place. They would like this reality that was meant to be manifest on this Earth for the past 250 billion years to return at this time.
The CMSO is located right next door to our palace in Aquafaria. The school is on the RAyas Island of Light in the 15th dimensional bridge to the premordial light field. All ideas are created within this Ajal bubble of consciousness that realigns all that is known in the mind of Source into our Cosmic Consciousness and is then translated into any level of experience that you would like to take it to. The light translations are first heard in songs that you will allow to sing with the Angels.Once you have been tuned into the music of the spheres you will hear angelic voices singing beautiful tunes every where you go. You will first hear it in fans and heaters and then your computer and then the flowers and trees will start singing to you. When all communication ends except through wonderful angelic singing, you know that you have arrived.
The original plan was to have CMSO classes at the Goddess Temple above Chico, California. That plan was changed because I am aiming for a different set of coordinates when the starburst happens and allows our 12 DNA template to engage. During this magical transition stage is when we are allowed to attach to our light body that allows us to orb into any and all other dimensional reality fields. We must create this alignment in consciousness NOW. If we create the alignment to be in Chico, California instead of in Aquafaria or Aquarius or beyond the Eka Veka System of this Matrix, our consciousness will not change. Our window of full light body activation and translation out of harmonic universe one is between December 21 and January 31. We are aiming at our palace in Aquafaria as our first stop. From there we can ride in our orb bodies any place in the Cosmos and beyond into the God Worlds of the Source Fields.
The Bridge Zone will be activated to slide back and forth between Earth and Aquafaria. That is the time in which classes will begin on Earth. The classes will be for the purpose of learning to orb the light body to Aquafaria. Presently, the Goddess Temple is being shut down by Illuminati County Supervisors. It will re open once the Consciousness fields have shifted beyond the phantom matrix control.
The reason that this reality has not been able to come forth until now is simple. This Earth has been controlled by a metatronic field of energy that has blocked our consciousness from the Christ Fields of Consciousness that allow continuous manifestation through the Mind of God. As a result of the destruction of the Divine Race, and the millions of years of interbreeding with various fallen angelic groups, the Angelic Human is presently made of one third Christic Frequencies and two thirds Metatronic frequencies. The Star Seeds on Earth at this time are here to hold the one third Christic Frequencies until the moment they are repaired by removing the seals between the second and third chakras that are blocking the mother stream. Also the seal that looks like a snake that was placed in the bottom of the back bone must be transmutted. Since it is a red seal it can most easily be removed by the use of green crystal light energy. When that light transforms into a blue violet light, our mind of God can once again be engaged.
That will be the beginning step of allowing the 12 DNA template to turn on. The seals within the pineal, specifically the amygdala gland will be transmuted. The nineth chakra at the lower cerebellum between skull and top of tail bone will become the sounding board for the mind of God to transmit through the mid brain and third eye. The perception will change dramatically because the new movie channel will be playing God's Movie.
The two thirds Metatronic Frequencies will be removed from this Earth on December 21, 20012. The Zeta Draconian, Annunaki Dracos, Illuminati and Levithians who still carry these metatronic frequencies will be removed from our New Earth with their phantom matrix. Our New Earth will actually be shifted into a new time matrix from the old Earth for this reason of breaking away from the old Phantom Earth created by those fallen angelics through their metatronic frequency implants.
We will be reconnected to a field of Consciousness that Normally co-creates through the Mind of God. This activity will become common place activity on Future Earth because it is the Divine Right of all Christic Races. Those of us who already know how to manifest our desires instantly through the activity of frequency alignment of the frequency specific brain into our Illuminary and Etheric Bodies and our atunement with our Higher Selves, will spend the next few months co-creating through the Mind of God. We will experience any and every imaginable dream come true. We can manifest a new body, a new age, a new house. We can manifest new flowers, new trees that grow anything we can imagine. We were once the creators of the Universe. We were once the greatest co-creators of the Cosmos. We had that divine reality removed from us by fallen angelics who wanted to control this time matrix.
Our ascension is our move into the new time matrix that removes all past concepts from our reality feild. Even those who spend every minute of every day keeping their mind stayed on God to raise their frequencies into the state that allows instant manifestation cannot be completely successful until after 2012 because every thing we do is affected by the entire time matrix that we live in.
Our Guardian Races have prepared a bridge zone where those who are still perceiving the third dimensional realities will be removed from the phantom matrix that is controlled by the fallen angelics, while being given more time to grow into the fifth dimensional realities. There will be many who remain in the bridge zone and who will be healed by our Maharaji and Eiyani Race Families from Inner Earth. There will be many who morph directly into Tara, as their light bodies allow them. Others will be given light bodies later by our Inner Earth Families. Our targeted destination is Aquafaria. However, it is possible that we turn to light and blip all the way back to Sun Ra. These possibilities exist because those of us who are Star Seed Walk Ins left our light bodies in other dimensional fields already. My Cosmic Flame and I are both Braided Soul Walk Ins. This means we actually died in an accident in order for a higher level soul self to walk in to our bodies in order to hold the needed frequencies on Earth at this time. I've died twice and my mate died once.
I was given this gift of the three Crystal Spheres of Manifestation over a decade ago along with the instructions for creating all that is in the Mind of God, from our Mashayana Creation team who created us 450 billion years ago. All Creation is created in the Source Field through the Breath of God. That breath containing the highest frequency of all creation is the exact same reality as all that exists in all other dimensional realities, whether they be etheric, crystal, hertzian or infa red. A manifestation of a hertzian form in this three dimensional reality is actually the invisible idea that is contained in Source Consciousness before the breath of its creation. It is always this breath and spark, where the perfect idea from Source is exhaled into all dimensionality of form, that a new idea is created.
When consciousness is aligned into atunement with the mind of God Source we can exhale the new manifestation into being. I have had the wonderful experience of participating in co-creation with the mind of God as the highest frequencies and the codes of creation were breathed through me onto a Cosmic microphone that allowed the Songs of Aquafarians to come through my breath without my giving any thought to the process. This exact formula of the manifestation of songs will be used to manifest anything, including new born children once we move beyond this matrix. Yes, that is correct. Children will be created through a breath of creation. And we have the choice to create with a partner or not. The male and female, electro and magnetic, Adonai and Eiyeini, Adori and Atori will no longer be opposites that attract. The particles and antiparticles will be melted into a union of oneness. The spiritual and physical will become one. The Adonai and Eiyeini will reunite into their Cosmic Flame. All will become At One.
And then we have the re birth of a brand new reality system created by the infinite intelligence of all that has been known within this omniversal matrix.
CONTINUATION (of above) :
I'm writing this preview of what is about to happen over the next two months beginning November 2012. This is the count down to what our Founders Racelines have waited 250 billion years for. This is also the count down to the end of all wars on Earth. Those who are still focusing on wars, building underground bunkers, and preparing for masses to die because of world take over plans should only be the Illuminati and those vehicle bodies for Fallen Races, because the rest of the population should be focusing on their futures of Immortal Bliss. If you are still focusing on the first agenda, stopping that focus will transform your outcome.
INVADER RACES plan was to pull us down into the Black Hole by activating the wormholes on Earth that will block our stargates from opening.
OUR PLAN is opening the StarGates--most of them are already opened-- the completion will take place December 21st. Our stargates will all open, the spark and flame that was kept in the Heart of Mother Earth will reignite, our DNA template will begin its triggering of chromosones one strand at a time. All of those chromosones will trigger the soma of the DNA to send a brand new perception out into our fields of consciousness. A new perception that we have not been aligned with before. The magical creation of our original Creation Races.
THEIR PLAN will activate as they plan it to-- BUT THE JOKE IS ON THEM --WE WON'T BE THERE.
THEY will so kindly take with them dimensional reality fields 1-4 and leave us with dimensional reality fields of 5 and beyond
We will be moved, transported in time to a new time matrix. It will be like they are throwing a baseball over the plate that will cause the Earth to get knocked out in the field. But at the same time, the plate will be moved about 4000 years north of their aim. We must be moved in time and space in order to escape their plan. We will be lifted and transported into a different angle of rotation from where their plan exists.
The wars, the government control, the horrific crimes being committed continuously by those that were given the right to protect and govern us would be very difficult to comprehend if we didn't know that those rulers are in those positions because they are in fact the very vehicles for the Grey Zetas, Draconians, and other Fallen Races ( this would be a page long list) of mass destruction. The final formula was set in motion when Hitler made a deal with the Dark Eyed Grey Zetas from Orion to utilize nuclear weapons, more interdimensional technology was brought to all leaders of the world by Zetas and others. The original deals made with American leaders were actually for the seeming good of the whole; however, once a few good fallen races were given entry in their entire race of dark ones gained entry to our system and created the BEAST machine that would eventually cause the Earth to implode.
Once the government leaders signed their souls over to the devil, so to speak, there was no turning back. They became mind controlled vehicles that provided bodies for dark races to breed with and bring their seed to Earth. The main reason that abortions were fought against so hard was because most unwanted children came from rape or other abuse of fallen races planting their seeds to be born on Earth at this time. That breeding of the Fallen Races with the Human Angelics was the greatest victory ever for the Dark Ones. However, the end result will be the highest level fallen races that could possibly be created. That creation was for the final victory and take over of the Fallen Races, whom the Annunaki agreed to assist in pulling the Earth's matrix into the Phantom Matrix and then into the Wesadrak Fallen Matrix of Eternal Imprisonment.
So, why do world leaders seem like they are doing everything wrong, and they don't actually care about the people. What is more questionable is how they are able to hide the true horrible realities of who they really are and what they are really doing while the majorities just continue to believe what they read in the newspaper.
The war of 2011 was the galactic war that was fought to keep fallen angelic races from landing on our planet. If that war hadn't been fought for us, we would be living in a place that would look just like those movies where space ships were taking over Los Angeles, and all of those other end of the world movies. We were saved from that agenda. There were millions of space ships in our skies. There were quite a few pictures taken of them over the past few years. They were transmutted by the light of the Angelic Space Ships. Angelic Space ships are pure light. If a space ship is within your perception, you probably should run as fast as you can. Only Fallen Angelics have to use space ships that are made of physical materials. True Angelics ride within their own Light Orbs, Crystal Ships, and are mostly invisible.
We will be allowed to see everything in its total reality; but this can only happen after the Phantom Matrix is removed. This is imperative. The timing of knowing can not be until that time when we will no longer be in danger of Fallen Angelic Invasions, and we will no longer be tricked by Fallen Angelics whom New Agers have been channeling. Those Star Buddies that have been guiding the New Age Movement are mostly the bad guys. Their plan was to land on Earth in 2011 and claim that they had come to save us from our governments, and that they would give us lots of money and pretend to be our great saving star family. We have been saved from that agenda ever happening. We had millions of Light Ships transmutting those ships out of the solar system. The light guys even took out a couple of our own government's nuclear missiles during that war. I watched the youtube of a missle disappearing instantly. The military, who are not in the low levels of the knowing, are still trying to figure that one out.
It is true that if those governments who plan to rule the world were going to suceed, we should all be very worried. And that isn't even what we should be worried about. If that plan were to suceed, it would mean that the entire Human Angelic Race that has been in the Creator's Mind for 250 billion years would be obliterated from the entire Cosmic Matrix forever. It would mean that we would go into pole shift, there would be mass destruction, and the world really would come to an End.
Well, the world is going to come to an end this year. But, not that way. You see, this world was created by the Illuminati and their Fallen Angelic directors. Everything that they have created including the social, religious, financial, educational, political, military, etc. systems are man made agendas instigated by fallen angelics. Every last one of them. That world is going to end on December 21, 2012.
The reason that the world will end quickly is because our Founders Races and Source will not allow the total obliteration of a race. And that is what would happen if we were not going to be removed from this time matrix at the exact same moment that the Fallen Angelics planned our destruction. There would be a pole shift and NASA does know that. The truth that they are giving the world - their claim that there will be no pole shift is also true because that reality will also exist simultaneously.
There will finally be a news report warning us of a problem with the sun and the world will become frightened and the government will take advantage of the situation in a bad way. We don't have to participate in any of these fear agendas or dis information plots. The truth is this : The Phantom Matrix will carry those ideas and fallen angelics who do not wish to be saved into the Matrix of the Wesadraks. That is a Fallen System that cannot be saved. It is a place where fallen angelics feed off of the energy of their imprisoned. That is their plan and they will succeed. But, we have a different plan, and we are going to a new harmonic universe where that reality doesn't exist.
We are going to be doing something different while they are riding their BEAST machine to Hell. We are going to be getting our 12 DNA restored and shifted into a time matrix of harmonic universe two where the Fifth World will begin. The dimensions one through four will go with the Phantom Matrix and we will be in dimension five.
How can we be moved to a new time matrix and how can our 12 DNA be repaired so quickly? Those are the questions that I needed to have answered in my mind before I could stop focusing on the world's agenda of mass destruction. And you can believe that my sources were extremely credible, even though you probably can't see them or hear them yet. There is a very sold, analytical structured plan and design to the System of Source Consciousness that can be explained in such great detail that not one iota of disbelief is possible. I have been through 12 years of training at a Cosmic Level that has allowed me to understand this process and to understand that it is absolutely impossible for this reality not to take place.
We are all victims of our background knowledge. If I wasn't fortunate enough to have my earliest foundations of truth given to me when I was four years old, I may have been brainwashable by the society just like everyone else. But, I was given the reality that man was made in the image and likeness of God and that likeness can and will be restored through the removal of error. I have witnessed that reality all of my life. When error was removed - meaning ideas of the world creating flus, sickness, relationship problems and even educational problems- when the error of belief was removed, the reality of Source's plan always shined through as the new reality.
Well that was just a Divine Comforter Plan until the real Error could be removed. The errors were angular rotation of particle spins and seals placed within our chakra templates that would block our Mother Stream of Consciousness so that it could never enter into our realm of reality. That error will be removed on December 21, 2012, and the Divine Reality will be able to be seen and experienced for the first time by the Angelic Races on this Planet. This is all because of the Starseeds and Indigos who have come at this time to bring their frequencies and their codes that will allow us to shift back into proper alignment with our Mother Stream of Crystal Liquid Light and Sound.
This complete transformation can only happen during Starburst and that could only happen when all of our stargates were opened, and that could only happen if starseeds who held the codes for each of the 12 stargates were on Earth. The Indigos and Starseeds have been actively aligning the Earth's Grids back into the Khristic Grids. The Jehovian Seals connected Earth's Grids to False Khristic Coding that would block the flow of Source Consciousness to Earth, and those upon her. Those Jehovian Seals will leave with the Phantom Matrix.Those Seals were created to serve as the wormholes that would suck Earth into a pole shift and then into the Black Hole. Those same Jehovian Seals are the areas on the planet where the great climactic problems, earthquakes, wars, hurricanes, etc. take place. One of those Seals was placed off the coast of Japan. That affects the entire Pacific. The Solomon Shield was placed over the Pacific by the Guardian Races to protect us from those Seals. The Fallen Angelics took over that shield during August 2011. That began the next great war in heaven at the Cosmic Level.
On December 21, 2012 the entire universe will shift forward into a new time matrix, a new Cosmic Template, a new Omniversal Reality. We are entering a time when our re-alignment into Source Consciousness will create a new perfect reality of the Divine Blue Print of Divine Reality. How can that happen? An angular rotation of particle spin of 23 degrees is basically all it will take to correct a vast problem.
There are twelve universes in the original omniversal Structure of this Cosmos. This universe fell out of its original Divinity when there were Electric Wars created against the very creators of the Omni universe. That was 250 billion years ago. The creators of this Universe System have been trying to bring back the original Divine Angelic Human form that they created 450 billion years ago. This original perfect IDEA, created in the Divine Image and Likeness of Source, was destroyed.
This is a Huge Story which takes a Huge Mind to understand. The story of the Consciousness being at One with or Returning to Oneness or ATUNEMENT with Source has been told over and over again in Metaphysical Teachings. Over the past ten years, the true quantum physics that creates that reality has been returned to Earth.
The true understanding of that reality and how it is performed has been given to the children of God Source. That understanding was completely scrambled through the stories told by the churches. There were originally seven Legions of Truth. Those Legions were made into ReLigions. That meant the re-write of the Truth scrambled into stories that changed the meaning of and the reality of everything that has happened since the breath of Source created the Idea of our Universes. Now is the time that the Promise of the Perfect Kingdom will be returned. That is the one sentence in the Bible that is very useful at this time. The other sentences that remain unchaged are You Shall do Greater Works than these and I and My Father are One - meaning You and the Mind of God Source are ONE. Jesus was saying that about all of us- not just himself. That is why he kept saying you shall do greater works than the ones you have seen him do.
Besides that- most of the Bible was re-written for total confusion. Who was it written by? The Fallen Angelics who created the Phantom Matrix so that they could become the Gods of the Universe. When did it all begin? Long before Rome. Long before Atlantis. It began before the Electric wars 5.5 million years ago. It happened during the War of the Rays 250 Billion years ago in Sun Ra.
If you think this isn't a big deal, you must have had your mind removed. Well, most of us have had our minds removed. Most of us don't want to be bothered with trivial matters such as galactic wars and cosmic wars and realignments of harmonic universes because we are busy paying our mortgage, deciding what the latest hair fashion is, deciding which Music Group to listen to or spending time being brainwashed in a classroom. Or the most popular reason is because the preacher of your Church will tell you that I am crazy.
The only way to get your attention is to tell you that you will have instant manifestation abilities returned to you if you listen to what I am telling you in this book instead of what your preacher is telling you at Church. There is one school of Enlightened Teaching that was set up using this exact advertisement technique. We really do have the ability to manifest instantly anything we desire. There actually is a formula for doing this. The last piece of the puzzle is the realignment of our 12 DNA template and the removal of the Phantom Matrix.
Will we have instant manifest abilities just because we exist? I don't know. I do know that if we follow the steps of using the principles given to us that we will be able to engage instant manifestation, light travel, levitation and all of those things they used to teach in Mystery Schools. Just so you know, most of those Mystery Schools only had a small speck of the original Freedom Teachings left in them and most of them were Re-Written just like the Re Ligions.
Those Re-writings were instigated by the same Fallen Angelic Groups who are helping create the Phantom Matrix of our obliteration. Those same Fallen Angelic Groups are the ones who have allowed channeled messages from Fallen Matrixes to create the New Age Movement on Earth. Those same teachings have been re named and called something else while still having the same fallen Angelic utilize human angelics light and energy to help them bring in the Metatronic Spins through Metatronic Teachings including all of the Flower of Life Teachings from Thoth's teachings, all Metatronic Sound Teachings, GF, AAM, all Golden Mean teachings, Fabronacci, all Astrological Charts, Solstice Circles, etc, etc.
The dedication to the leadership of the fallen angelics by the New Age Movement is most obvious at this time in history. We are supposed to be working on shedding the Phantom Matrix by aligning out of the Metatronic Spin rate while the majority of New Age teachings are busy at work teaching Metatronics, Golden Mean, Fabronacci, and not mentioning one word about how our 12 DNA will be recreated in less than a nano second. Why is that? Why is it if those channelers are speaking with Angelics that they don't know how their 12 DNA will be created in a nano second? Why do they think the GF and AAM will be saving them, when in fact those are the leaders of the Fallen Angelic groups leading the Phantom Matrix Team? They have all been brainwashed.
Why can't I release this book to be published until after December 21, 2012? Because there would be a mob of New Agers trying to destroy me, and they would be helped by a troup of demonic interdimensionals that they don't even know exist .BEEN THERE DONE THAT -- No Thank you. We already had one demonic take over during our Ascension Portal Creation Workshop. We already went through the demonic possession, death, rebirth into a Braided Soul Walk In. I had the exact same death and braided soul walk in back in 1986 after being confronted face to face by a group of dark eyed grey Zetas. The similarity of both me and my Cosmic Twin was that we were both confronted personally by the demons themself and then directed by our Spirit Guides to listen to every word they said very carefully right before our Souls left our bodies. My first walk in was in 1972. We both have contracts of Star Seeds who contain coding for major stargates. That is why we have gone into hiding at this time.
Our Creation families tried over and over again to reseed our original divine likeness onto the original Essence of Tara.Tara was the Divine Entity created in the Divine Image and Likeness of Source. She was a Star who was blown up by fallen angelics who wanted to become creators separate from Source Consciousness. This planet Earth contains a piece of Tara. The divine essence of Tara was maintained within the Crystal Core Divine Domains of inner Earth. The Consciousness of our Etheric Creators also maintain their presence deep within the Inner Earth which exists at a different angular rotation of particle spin than our present perception allows us to see.
December 21, 2012 is the date that the Consciousness of Earth shifts into the Christ return cycle when Consciousness becomes more and more in At One with Source. On this same date, the level of Consciousness rises on all five harmonic universes, including fifteen dimensions of Consciousness. This date allows the alignment of all five harmonic universes to align at the exact same moment into the original spark and flame from Source Consciousness. Eventhough our Harmonic Universe One is Rising into Harmonic Universe Two, we will actually become In Tune with our Consciousness in all Twelve Harmonic Universes, including Cosmic Consciousness and Source Consciousness. In other words, we will regain our Multidimensional Consciousness of all that we are.
We will be able to tune in to our Souls, OverSouls, Avatar Selves and Rishi Selves from all fifteen dimensions. This means we will have access to the Infinite Intelligence and Instant Manifestation of that Multidimesional Consciousness Field.This Universal System will reunite into Oneness with all Twelve Universal Systems. This magnificent realignment will be created as twelve Cosmic Structures reconnect to create a thirteenth new Cosmic Reality.
CONTINUATION (of above 2 ) :
The key to experiencing the moment of transfiguration into our new immortal bodies, our new instant manifestation templates, and our new atunement with Source Consciousness is the creation of this alignment of atonement with Source Consciousness through the ascension portal of Inner Earth into the Cosmic Light Fields and into the Primal Sound Fileds allowing a new Light Body to appear through the breath of the Breath of Creation as the spheres of Crystal Liquid Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel re-manifest our new form of Eternal Life Body and Eternal Manifestation Template.
I was given this gift of the three Crystal Spheres of Manifestation over a decade ago along with the instructions for creating all that is in the Mind of God, from our Mashayana Creation team who created us 450 billion years ago. All Creation is created in the Source Field through the Breath of God. That breath containing the highest frequency of all creation is the exact same reality as all that exists in all other dimensional realities, whether they be etheric, crystal, hertzian or infa red. A manifestation of a hertzian form in this three dimensional reality is actually the invisible idea that is contained in Source Consciousness before the breath of its creation. It is always this zero point of creation, where the perfect idea from Source is exhaled into all dimensionality of form, that a new idea is created.
This divine moment in December 21, 2012 allows this breath of Source to become created and manifested in all fifteen dimensions of reality at the same time. This is the beginning of this fabulous mystery of the invisible divine creation of any idea that each one of us desires to create through the alignment of our consciousness into the breathe of creation through the spheres of crystal liquid light, crystal dust and crystal gel. The understanding of and use of these three spheres of creation has been my divine mission for most of my life. I realized I had been getting prepared for this understanding for ten years before it was given to me. Those three spheres of manifestation will become a common understanding on Future Earth.
The new Consciousness that will appear on Future Earth, as we shift to the new time matrix of 4230 A.D. will be the Christ Consciousness who co-creates everything through the Mind of God. The new Human Angelic will learn how to use their crystal heart and breath of Source to create anything their heart's desires. Our shift in Consciousness will be a shift into a new time matrix, a new body that is not carbon based, a new direct dream stream into the Mind of God which allows us to create dreams when we are awake and when we are asleep. Our Mashayana Creation Family are the Wizards who would like to teach us all to be the grand new creators of this new universe. The Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse was formed to allow the teachings of our Cosmic Creation Families to teach us co-creation techniques as they show us how their original creation of the most supreme Angelic Human was meant to be. They would like us to learn how they would like education to take place. They would like this reality that was meant to be manifest on this Earth for the past 250 billion years to return at this time.
The reason that this reality has not been able to come forth until now is simple. This Earth has been controlled by a metatronic field of energy that has blocked our consciousness from the Christ Fields of Consciousness that allow continuous manifestation through the Mind of God. As a result of the destruction of the Divine Race, and the millions of years of interbreeding with various fallen angelic groups, the Angelic Human is presently made of one third Christic Frequencies and two thirds Metatronic frequencies. The two thirds Metatronic Frequencies will be removed from this Earth on December 21, 2012. The Zeta Draconian, Annunaki Dracos, Illuminati and Levithians who choose to continue carrying these metatronic frequencies, will be removed from our New Earth. Our New Earth will actually be shifted into a new time matrix from the old Earth for this reason of breaking away from the old Phantom Earth created by those fallen angelics through their metatronic frequency implants.
We will be reconnected to a field of Consciousness that Normally co-creates through the Mind of God. This activity will become common place activity on Future Earth because it is the Divine Right of all Christic Races. Those of us who already know how to manifest our desires instantly through the activity of frequency alignment of the frequency specific brain into our Illuminary and Etheric Bodies and our atunement with our Higher Selves, will spend the next few months co-creating through the Mind of God. We will experience any and every imaginable dream come true. We can manifest a new body, a new age, a new house. We can manifest new flowers, new trees that grow anything we can imagine. We were once the creators of the Universe. We were once the greatest co-creators of the Cosmos. We had that divine reality removed from us by fallen angelics who wanted to control this time matrix. The only way it .
Our ascension is our move into the new time matrix that removes all past concepts from our reality feild. Even those who spend every minute of every day keeping their mind stayed on God to raise their frequencies into the state that allows instant manifestation cannot be completely successful until after 2012 because every thing we do is affected by the entire time matrix that we live in.
Our Guardian Races have prepared a bridge zone where those who are still perceiving the third dimensional realities will be removed from the phantom matrix that is controlled by the fallen angelics, while being given more time to grow into the fifth dimensional realities. There will be many who remain in the bridge zone and who will be healed by our Maharaji and Eiyani Race Families from Inner Earth. There will be many who morph directly into Tara, as their light bodies allow them. Others will be given light bodies later by our Inner Earth Families.
Our new future earth will vaguely resemble this third dimensional world until we learn to see more clearly within higher dimensions. Those who are training their consciousness to raise frequencies into alignment with the highest frequencies of the primal sound field will morph into a new reality where the invisible is as much of a true reality as the visible. The third dimensional mind can only conceive of the visible realm. When me move into the fifth world, December of 2012, we will shift our consciousness into realms that have been unknown and invisible to us before. We will be able to see our Guardian and Creator Races who have been our families for millions of years.
How will this shift into a new time matrix occur that moves us 2218 years in the future? We will spin through multiple reality fields that will remain invisible to one another, as we break free from old illusions planted in harmonic universe one (our planetary, third dimensional field of reality) and morph into oneness with our Spiritual Harmonic Universe Two (our fifth dimensional reality field, that creates our connection into multidimensionality). We will then unfold into Future Earth, stationed in harmonic universe two.
The invisible will become as real as the visible, as the Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and our Universal memory is transmitted through the Earth's grids. We will be living in a time that is 2,218 years more advanced than the one we are living in now. We will be regaining our Divine Blue Print that makes us able to manifest anything we want, any time we want. We will become the race who creates light and energy through their own bio fields. We will become creators of new realities such as apple trees that grow lemon pies -- or any idea we come up with.
As we move onto Future Earth, our bodies will go through a light transfiguration process transforming our atomic structure. This change will happen instantly -- not gradually. The carbon based structure of the mortal body will be changed into the crystal based eternal life chemical and biological forms. This will be our first pull into the future, as our particles spin faster and faster through the angular rotation of particle spin that rearranges our biology, chemistry and scenery.
Our pituitary gland will blossom and open our third eye to gain the spiritual vision of the Mind of God. When the pituitary blossoms, the Mind of God begins its continuous dream stream between what we desire to create in our dreams to blossom into full manifestation in any of the multidimensional reality fields. The new seventh level man will regain the ability to manifest visible reality through the invisible, spiritual substance.
The invisible will become as real as the visible as the Earth's fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and our Universal memory is transmitted through the Earth's grids. That fifth dimensional reality of the invisible and the visible will become the new reality on our Future Earth.
We will be reborn into a new reality of our complete Divine Blue Print allowing us to continue the activation of DNA strands into the Universal 12DNA and beyond. Our Consciousness will be transformed into a higher frequency that merges into the all knowing Source, who creates a brand new idea with each breath.
On December 21, 2012 the entire universe will shift forward into a new time matrix, a new Cosmic Template, a new Omniversal Reality. We are entering a time when a Zero Point alignment into Source Consciousness will create a new perfect reality of the Divine Blue Print of Divine Reality. There are twelve universes in the original Ekashic and Ecoushic Structure of this Cosmos. This universe fell out of its original Divinity when there were Electric Wars created against the very creators of the universe. That was 250 billion years ago. That war was fought within Sun Ra. The Rays that chose to fall away from Source at that time once again declared war upon Ra on August 2011. Because of their declaration of war, the highest level of Primordial Sound will once again be released from Source to remanifest the entire Cosmic Matrix back into the Image and Likeness of God Source Infinite Eternal Life Stream.
The date of December 21, 2012 was chosen by our Guardian and Creation Families over 22,000 years ago. This date is three fold. First, it is the date when the most perfect alignment of all of the original planetary bodies that were the original pieces of the ajAho template of the first idea creation of the Suns Gaia and Tara. That happened when the Star Ajaho was blown up by experimentation and help from Fallen Angelic Races within and outside of its matrix.
The second reason for this date is it is the date that the Fallen Angelics have been planning the creation of a massive anti Khristic 55 Metatronic Merkaba that would pull into its shield the Milky Way Galaxy and its Parallel and transport them into the Black Hole of the Galaxy. That event would be triggered through the worm holes, Jehovian Seals, Anti Khristic Grids they have placed throughout planet Earth that block our stargates that we need to connect us back into our complete reality. The events that have been seen on Planet Earth since 2000 are all a reflection of the plans going on interdimensionally.
The reasons for the confusion between races and governments is the result of all of the races who have ever occupied planet Earth over the past ten million years are back together once again waiting to have all of the messes that they have created together finally transmutted, removed and woven back into the Source Field. The races that were on Earth during both the Annunaki creation periods and the Annunaki destruction periods are all here on Earth once again. Those who originally created the false grids called Jehovian Seals were a Jehovian Race Line- not one person called Jehova. Those race lines, Leviathins, Fallen Elohims, together with many others who were involved with the complete destruction of the Angelic Human Race line by making that race line their slave race that they used to produce Celestelline Blue Powder that they used as a drug that would allow them to become the immortal race --temporarily. As the Angelic Humans had all of their DNA creation fluids sucked out of the race line, the entire race was ready to become completely extinct from the universe.
That is the reason why the Founders races of the Angelic Human placed our immortal DNA out of the reach of the Fallen Races about 22,000 years ago. That was the time when our original ascension was planned to happen before the Annunaki and Jehovians began their counter plan.
The plan of Ascension and the plan of annhilation have been running parallel in our system for a very long time. Right at this very moment, FEMA is creating prison camps, torture chambers, billions of coffins, an entire system called a SECURITY SYSTEM for the home land, which is the disguise for the Illuminati helping the Zetas and Draconians 55 Metatronic BEAST system creating a pole shift that will allow them to take the entire galaxy into the Black Hole for their easy digestion. Yes, that is all we have ever been to them - their dinner.
Why have the Illuminati Governments of our world known to create these underground bunkers for such a long time? Because they have been planning this for thousands of years. Why are they helping the Zetas and Draconians? Some of them are these Races in disguise. Some of them are brain washed by these races. Some of them know that if they don't do what they are told to do they will die and their families will be tortured. Most of the Illuminati Governments are helping in the massive One World take over because they have it in their genes- in their codes- in their soul memories of who they were in the life times before. They were always the fallen angelics who came to this world to eat human angelics. They have been doing this for billions of years.
How do we win the war against the One World Government? We must align our Consciousness into the Christ Grids of the Eternal Source Fields. We must spin our Christic Merkabas from the 12th Dimensional frequency aligned into the 13,14 and 15 dimensions through our original seed atom that has been stored for us in the 13th dimension of Mother Earth's Womb. That seed atom ofthe original plasma flame Light Ion contains the flame of the original Idea created by the spark of Source. Through that original spark we will once again return to that original God Sourcre Idea that is Eternally in Tune with the Music of the Spheres.
THEIR PLAN is to pull us down into the Black Hole by activating the wormholes on Earth that will block our stargates from opening.
OUR PLAN is opening the StarGates--most of them are already opened-- the completion will take place December 21st. Our stargates will all open, the spark and flame that was kept in the Heart of Mother Earth will reignite, our DNA template will begin its triggering of chromosones one strand at a time. All of those chromosones will trigger the soma of the DNA to send a brand new perception out into our fields of consciousness. A new perception that we have not been aligned with before. The magical creation of our original Creation Races.
THEIR PLAN will activate as they plan it to-- BUT THE JOKE IS ON THEM --WE WON't BE THERE.
THEY will so kindly take with them dimensional reality fields 1-4 and leave us with dimensional reality fields of 5 and beyond
We will be moved, transported in time to a new time matrix. It will be like they are throwing a baseball over the plate that will cause the Earth to get knocked out in the field, But at the same time, the plate will be moved about 4000 years into the future. We must be moved in time and space in order to escape their plan.
Our DNA must be moved into the 12 DNA Divine Blue Print in order to move into harmonic universe two. The 12 DNA template is activated by the starburst itself. That is the only time that there is enough celestilline (stardust powder) present to cause the particles and antiparcles to merge into oneness .It is this magical cellestilline pre matter substance from the premordial sound field that causes the metamorphasis.
How long does it take? About a millionth of a nano second.
The creators of this universe have been trying to bring back the original Divine Angelic Human form that they created billions of years ago. This original perfect Christic entity who was created in the Divine Image and Likeness of Source was destroyed. And yet, at a higher understanding of reality, in Divine Consciousness, this Image and Likeness cannot ever be destroyed. It did in fact, only have a veil placed over it just like an error in a computer program that could be removed and corrected.
Our Creation families tried over and over again to reseed our original divine likeness onto the original Essence of Tara.Tara was the Divine Entity created in the Divine Image and Likeness of Source. She was a Star who was blown up by fallen angelics who wanted to become creators separate from Source Consciousness. This planet Earth contains a piece of Tara. The piece of Tara is a Frequency Field of scalar wave patterns. Those Frequency fields can be reactivated within our Consciousness because they are always there. That is the reason we can still communicate with entities in other time matrix frequency fields. If we raise our frequencies into alignment with theirs, we can be in atunement with their cosmic voices.
This gift of atunement was given to me as I learned how to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through the Music of the Spheres. The angelic voices always project their frequency fields through the music of the spheres which can be atuned to most easily by allowing them to sing through ones consciousness. My families of Aquafarian Consciousness in the third stargate that aligns Earth back into her original birthing zone of Andromeda M31, and many other Entities from crystal water gate mission alignments have been singing their frequencies through me since 1993.
The divine essence of Tara was maintained within the Crystal Core Divine Domains of Inner Earth. The Consciousness of our Etheric Creators also maintain their presence deep within the Inner Earth which exists at a different angular rotation of particle spin than our present perception allows us to see.
continued from last post
HISTORY of pre 2012 through Forever
December 21, 2012 is the date that the Consciousness of Earth shifts into the Universal return cycle when Consciousness becomes more and more in At One with Source. On this same date, the level of Consciousness rises on all five harmonic universes, including fifteen dimensions of Consciousness within the Earth's Matrix. This date allows the Zero Point alignment of all five harmonic universes to align at the exact same moment into the Zero Point of Source Consciousness. Eventhough our Harmonic Universe One is Rising into Harmonic Universe Two, we will actually become In Tune with our Consciousness in all Five Harmonic Universes, including Cosmic Consciousness and Source Consciousness. In other words, we will regain our Multidimensional Consciousness of all that we are.
We will be able to tune in to our Souls, OverSouls, Avatar Selves and Rishi Selves from all fifteen dimensions. This means we will have access to the Infinite Intelligence and Instant Manifestation of that Multidimesional Consciousness Field.This Universal System will reunite into Oneness with all Twlelve Universal Systems. This magnificent realignment will be created as twelve Cosmic Structures reconnect to create a thirteenth new Cosmic Reality.
The key to experiencing the moment of transfiguration into our new immortal bodies, our new instant manifestation templates, and our new atunement with Source Consciousness is the creation of this zero point alignment of atonement with Source Consciousness through the ascension portal of Inner Earth into the Cosmic Light Fields and into the Primal Sound Fileds allowing a new Light Body to appear through the breath of the Crystal Liquid Light, Crystal Dust and Crystal Gel of our new form of Eternal Life Body and Eternal Manifestation Template.
The last war - the war of Armagedon. That war has been going on for billions of years at a galactic level and universal level, and the final cosmic war began in 2011.
The translation of that war onto this present world system can be seen in all of the uprisings in the mid East. The other wars going on upon this planet are a part of the Illuminati's plan of total world domination. This plan is a part of all Fallen Angelic Races who are participating in creating the Metatronic Reversed Merkaba 55 spin that is wrapping the Milky Way Galaxy and its parallel into a Phantom Field that will utilize the pole shift to suck the entire Milky Way into the Phantom Matrix Black Hole. That has been their plan for millions of years. They are still planning on their plan working. But, I can assure you that it cannot work and will not work. Our Gaurdian Races have been fighting these wars in the heavens for us for billions of years. The last war is a war of Light. Light always wins over Darkness. This is how we know that the Angelics will win.
The wars of Earth will all end in 2012 because there will no longer be any consciousness available to instigate them. The Phantom Matrix will be removed from Earth. That Phantom Matrix is the exact same Electromagnetic Light Field that present day scientists believe is holding the Earth stable and keeping it from flipping into a pole shift. Just the opposite is true. The present electromagnetic field is locking Earth into a Phantom Matrix. That matrix will be removed from Earth because Earth is shifting into a time space harmonic universe that is out of alignment with the Phantom Matrix. That Phantom Matrix will continue on into the Blackhole without us. The phantom matrix will take with it the Density One dimensions one through four, as the Ascending Earth translates into a new Time Space Coordinate of the Fifth World.
Both realities will be riding within a Merkaba Field of Electro Magnetic Shields. The Phantom Merkaba is using the Metatronic 55 Reverse Spin and the Future Earth is using the Correct Khristic Merkaba Spin rate. One Merkaba is spinning away from the Source Field and one Merkaba will spin us right back into the Source Field where we are supposed to be. We have been held within this prison of this BEAST machine of the Metatronic Reverse Spin Merkaba for millions of years. This freedom from that prison is what our Universal Families of our Omniverse is celebrating at this time. That Black Hole Machine would had finalized the complete obliteration of the entire Human Angelic Race Line. Our Guardian Angelic Races and Source have had a plan in place to stop that catastrophy in place for over 22,000 years.
Presently there are 48 Crystal Ray Ships Enveloping Earth and her entire Matrix. Those Crystal Ships are our Families of Consciousness at the Highest Level - the Pre Sound Light Field beyond the Cosmic Level of this Matrix. These Crystal Ships are aligning us completely out of this Matrix into the Source Field where we will be pulled completely back into our 12 DNA Christic Light Bodies of Co-Creation.
Our 12 DNA will be reset in our bodies in less than a nano second. We will go through a metamorphesis. The comparison of what will happen to us has been likened to a cacoon changing into a butterfly. The way I see it is more like a huge Christmas Tree that is being plugged back into a socket that didn't work for billions of years, and when the socket is plugged in the lower layer of lights turn on which in turn cause the second layer of lights to turn on, and that layer causes the third layer of lights to turn on until all 12 layers of lights are turned on and we look like a huge Christmas Tree. The Christmas Tree will actually be the stars in the sky as we return to being the starseeds who turn into Stardust as we enter into the Source Field and the Primal Pre Light Field and then the Plasma Field and then turn into Blue Light which transforms our bodies into an Eternal Life through the Infinity of Consciousness of all of our Infinite Families of Light who occupy our Universal Consciousness fields.
We will be so in tune with our Cosmic Families of Consciousness that we will finally be able to see them and meet them. Our Universal Families are Celebrating this Christmas 2012 the final Victory of a very long awaited Family Reunion. They have waited 5.5 million years for the realignment at a galactic level and they have waited 250 billion years for the alignment at the universal and cosmic level. They have waited a very long time for the entire completion of this Divine Plan that will be completed by Christmas of 2012. Those on Earth are the lucky ones because they have been given amnesia after each of their ten million lifetimes on Earth. Those of higher consciousness have watched us repeat the same mistakes over and over again for a very long time.
Personally, I think this calls for the greatest Christmas Celebration that could be imagined at the level of our present undersanding multiplied by the magic of the realities that we will be aligned into by the date of Christmas. We have been working with our Universal and Cosmic Planning Committes for the past ten years in planning this wonderful Christmas celebration that will take place with our Founding Races in our Crystal Palace in Aquafaria. We have been inviting our friends and family who will be there. Our magical fairy friends have been decorating our palace and making sure there are enough mansions within every room for the entire universe of friends to attend. This will just be one of the Victory Celebrations within our Omniverse. The Universes of this time matrix have waited 250 billion years for this FREEDOM PARTY where we are no longer attached to the Phantom Matrix which has been blocking our Source Fields of Consciousness by blocking our Mother Stream of crystal liquid light, gel, dust, spiritual substance, which is the substance which all things are formed from.
Those who complete the 12 DNA strand activation by Christmas will easily find their way to this party. The star route is found by riding your Khrist Star 12th dimensional merkaba through the Earth's shields into the Light Ion Fields in the 13th dimension, loop around Earth up into two universes beyond to collect the coordinates to re-enter Earth's star field at a level beyond the phatom matrix pull. Next dive into the Crystal Water fall high above Earth's Van Allen Belt --beyond 10,000 feet. The Crystal River is the flow between our Aquafarian families and Earth Consciousness fields. Dive into that water fall while riding in your crystal star merkaba vehicle and you will land in a huge pool of water that looks like an ocean. It will be a new type of water that is H20 H3. A helium based light water that is holding our new reality within it. Our palace will be seen sitting on top of this ocean. Just walk on the water until you get near the mote around the palace. Dive down and you will be met by entities who appear to be dolphins and mermaids. They will pull you down into the passages that will allow you to enter the palace.
This place is Aquafaria. This place holds the frequency fields of the Aquarius Galaxy within the light fields of Tara and Gaia and the Higher Earth Fields of the Middle and the Inner Domains. This is the Consciousness field that my Cosmic Flame and I plan to move to in December. Remember that all is in Consciousness. The first step to slide into the new reality is to see it first in your mind, align to the frequencies of the reality and then allow your body to follow. Your Consciousness is the Real you. Don't worry if your body follows or not at this point in time. You will be given a new body when you enter our palace.
All Creation is created in the Source Field through the Breath of God. That breath containing the highest frequency of all creation is the exact same reality as all that exists in all other dimensional realities, whether they be etheric, crystal, hertzian or infra red. A manifestation of a hertzian form in this three dimensional reality is actually the invisible idea that is contained in Source Consciousness before the breath of its creation. It is always this zero point of creation, where the perfect idea from Source is exhaled into all dimensionality of form, that a new idea is created.
This divine moment in December 21, 2012 allows this breath of Source to become created and manifested in all fifteen dimensions of reality at the same time. This is the beginning of this fabulous mystery of the invisible divine creation of any idea that each one of us desires to create through the alignment of our consciousness into the ascension portal of zero point to breathe into creation through the spheres of crystal liquid light, crystal dust and crystal gel. The understanding of and use of these three spheres of creation has been my divine mission for most of my life. I realized I had been getting prepared for this understanding for ten years before it was given to me. Those three spheres of manifestation will become a common understanding on Future Earth.
The new Consciousness that will appear on Future Earth, as we shift to the new time matrix of 4230 A.D. will be the Christ Consciousness who co-creates everything through the Mind of God. The new Human Angelic will learn how to use their crystal heart and breath of Source to create anything their heart's desires. Our shift in Consciousness will be a shift into a new time matrix, a new body that is not carbon based, a new direct dream stream into the Mind of God which allows us to create dreams when we are awake and when we are asleep. Our Mashayana Creation Family are the Wizards who would like to teach us all to be the grand new creators of this new universe.
The Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse was formed to allow the teachings of our Cosmic Creation Families to teach us co-creation techniques as they show us how their original creation of the most supreme Angelic Human was meant to be. They would like us to learn how they would like education to take place. They would like this reality that was meant to be manifest on this Earth for the past 250 billion years to return at this time.
The CMSO is located right next door to our palace in Aquafaria. The school is on the RAyas Island of Light in the 15th dimensional bridge to the premordial light field. All ideas are created within this Ajal bubble of consciousness that realigns all that is known in the mind of Source into our Cosmic Consciousness and is then translated into any level of experience that you would like to take it to. The light translations are first heard in songs that you will allow to sing with the Angels.Once you have been tuned into the music of the spheres you will hear angelic voices singing beautiful tunes every where you go. You will first hear it in fans and heaters and then your computer and then the flowers and trees will start singing to you. When all communication ends except through wonderful angelic singing, you know that you have arrived.
The original plan was to have CMSO classes at the Goddess Temple above Chico, California. That plan was changed because I am aiming for a different set of coordinates when the starburst happens and allows our 12 DNA template to engage. During this magical transition stage is when we are allowed to attach to our light body that allows us to orb into any and all other dimensional reality fields. We must create this alignment in consciousness NOW. If we create the alignment to be in Chico, California instead of in Aquafaria or Aquarius or beyond the Eka Veka System of this Matrix, our consciousness will not change. Our window of full light body activation and translation out of harmonic universe one is between December 21 and January 31. We are aiming at our palace in Aquafaria as our first stop. From there we can ride in our orb bodies any place in the Cosmos and beyond into the God Worlds of the Source Fields.
The Bridge Zone will be activated to slide back and forth between Earth and Aquafaria. That is the time in which classes will begin on Earth. The classes will be for the purpose of learning to orb the light body to Aquafaria. Presently, the Goddess Temple is being shut down by Illuminati County Supervisors. It will re open once the Consciousness fields have shifted beyond the phantom matrix control.
The reason that this reality has not been able to come forth until now is simple. This Earth has been controlled by a metatronic field of energy that has blocked our consciousness from the Christ Fields of Consciousness that allow continuous manifestation through the Mind of God. As a result of the destruction of the Divine Race, and the millions of years of interbreeding with various fallen angelic groups, the Angelic Human is presently made of one third Christic Frequencies and two thirds Metatronic frequencies. The Star Seeds on Earth at this time are here to hold the one third Christic Frequencies until the moment they are repaired by removing the seals between the second and third chakras that are blocking the mother stream. Also the seal that looks like a snake that was placed in the bottom of the back bone must be transmutted. Since it is a red seal it can most easily be removed by the use of green crystal light energy. When that light transforms into a blue violet light, our mind of God can once again be engaged.
That will be the beginning step of allowing the 12 DNA template to turn on. The seals within the pineal, specifically the amygdala gland will be transmuted. The nineth chakra at the lower cerebellum between skull and top of tail bone will become the sounding board for the mind of God to transmit through the mid brain and third eye. The perception will change dramatically because the new movie channel will be playing God's Movie.
The two thirds Metatronic Frequencies will be removed from this Earth on December 21, 20012. The Zeta Draconian, Annunaki Dracos, Illuminati and Levithians who still carry these metatronic frequencies will be removed from our New Earth with their phantom matrix. Our New Earth will actually be shifted into a new time matrix from the old Earth for this reason of breaking away from the old Phantom Earth created by those fallen angelics through their metatronic frequency implants.
We will be reconnected to a field of Consciousness that Normally co-creates through the Mind of God. This activity will become common place activity on Future Earth because it is the Divine Right of all Christic Races. Those of us who already know how to manifest our desires instantly through the activity of frequency alignment of the frequency specific brain into our Illuminary and Etheric Bodies and our atunement with our Higher Selves, will spend the next few months co-creating through the Mind of God. We will experience any and every imaginable dream come true. We can manifest a new body, a new age, a new house. We can manifest new flowers, new trees that grow anything we can imagine. We were once the creators of the Universe. We were once the greatest co-creators of the Cosmos. We had that divine reality removed from us by fallen angelics who wanted to control this time matrix.
Our ascension is our move into the new time matrix that removes all past concepts from our reality feild. Even those who spend every minute of every day keeping their mind stayed on God to raise their frequencies into the state that allows instant manifestation cannot be completely successful until after 2012 because every thing we do is affected by the entire time matrix that we live in.
Our Guardian Races have prepared a bridge zone where those who are still perceiving the third dimensional realities will be removed from the phantom matrix that is controlled by the fallen angelics, while being given more time to grow into the fifth dimensional realities. There will be many who remain in the bridge zone and who will be healed by our Maharaji and Eiyani Race Families from Inner Earth. There will be many who morph directly into Tara, as their light bodies allow them. Others will be given light bodies later by our Inner Earth Families. Our targeted destination is Aquafaria. However, it is possible that we turn to light and blip all the way back to Sun Ra. These possibilities exist because those of us who are Star Seed Walk Ins left our light bodies in other dimensional fields already. My Cosmic Flame and I are both Braided Soul Walk Ins. This means we actually died in an accident in order for a higher level soul self to walk in to our bodies in order to hold the needed frequencies on Earth at this time. I've died twice and my mate died once.
I was given this gift of the three Crystal Spheres of Manifestation over a decade ago along with the instructions for creating all that is in the Mind of God, from our Mashayana Creation team who created us 450 billion years ago. All Creation is created in the Source Field through the Breath of God. That breath containing the highest frequency of all creation is the exact same reality as all that exists in all other dimensional realities, whether they be etheric, crystal, hertzian or infa red. A manifestation of a hertzian form in this three dimensional reality is actually the invisible idea that is contained in Source Consciousness before the breath of its creation. It is always this breath and spark, where the perfect idea from Source is exhaled into all dimensionality of form, that a new idea is created.
When consciousness is aligned into atunement with the mind of God Source we can exhale the new manifestation into being. I have had the wonderful experience of participating in co-creation with the mind of God as the highest frequencies and the codes of creation were breathed through me onto a Cosmic microphone that allowed the Songs of Aquafarians to come through my breath without my giving any thought to the process. This exact formula of the manifestation of songs will be used to manifest anything, including new born children once we move beyond this matrix. Yes, that is correct. Children will be created through a breath of creation. And we have the choice to create with a partner or not. The male and female, electro and magnetic, Adonai and Eiyeini, Adori and Atori will no longer be opposites that attract. The particles and antiparticles will be melted into a union of oneness. The spiritual and physical will become one. The Adonai and Eiyeini will reunite into their Cosmic Flame. All will become At One.
And then we have the re birth of a brand new reality system created by the infinite intelligence of all that has been known within this omniversal matrix.
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