Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



DOLPHIN DNA, COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION, Manifestation Merkaba, Ecsstazee to Zero Point  are each designed to activate all levels of the DNA from the zero point of the Crystal Body template into the each of the double helix and the parallel spiritual double helix. They are designed for the Human Angelic and the Indigo. They also contain the alignment into the Sphere of Amenti which holds the orignal perfect complete template of all 12 original racelines before the twelve were separated. The DNA Infusion contains the Six Avatar's correction, plus activation of the Six DNA with the 24 subharmonics.

The Manifestation Merkaba contains the most important codes that were in the Ascension Kit, but the frequencies are totally different.

I upgrade frequencies every time there is a Stellar Wave Infusion Event of any kind. The frequencies in the last four albums were created after the Earth was moved completely beyond the Phantom Matrix, and beyond the Milky Way Galaxy. So, they are totally different.

The Eternal Life Albums are created from the same formula as before-- correcting every alignment with every Soul, Over Soul, Avatar and Rishi Self including all incarnational selves that are still a part of the individual.

There will be a new album next week, Dolphin DNA. This is another important part of the activation of our DNA. The Dolphins and Whales from the oraphim raceline are here on EArth for the purpose of this activation at this time.

The main reason we, CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA, chose to transpose COSMIC DOLPHIN MAGIC webiste which was hosted by NING over to this new Host called BAND ZOOGLE is because this site is created for MUSICIANS who want their music to be heard in the best way possible.

We want our audience to be able to EXPERIENCE THE MUSIC. The music on this website is the MUSIC OF THE SPHERES. It is the Music of our Creation. It is the music of the Angels.

It is not just RELAXATION MUSIC. It is not just MEDITATION MUSIC.

The music on this Website is ASCENSION MUSIC. It is created from and with and by a team of Angels from Harmonic Universe Four and Five and the Cosmaya of the Omniverse beyond this Cosmos.

This music contains the Divine Formula of ASCENSION.


You may listen to each of these sets of samples to experience the Magic of the Ascension Frequencies.
Each album contains a part of the formula that is needed in your Ascension. 
The transformational process of just getting Earth into the Alignment needed for this Ascension Process was enormous. The albums, Over the Rainbown, Mother Ship and Dolphin Therapy contain the Frequencies of the Attunement of Earth into the Bridge Zone, the Buffer Zone and into the Stargates of the Alignment into Urtha, which is the original StarDust Essence created for Earth's Birth back into the Portal that allows our Ascension into Tara and Gaia in the Andromeda Galaxy.

The latest albums, Complete Perfect DNA INFUSION contain Frequencies from the Six Avatar Children who brought the corrected Seals and Activated DNA activation. The ECtaZEE to Zero Point works on the Actual Crystal Body within the Zero Point of Each cell in the Body and in the Seed Atom.

There is no part of the Ascension Process that is more important than another part. And the Individual's Process that is only in the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM is also very unique and required in this process.

Don't forget, this process has required millions of years of alignment, attunement, of each and every tiny little harmonic being rewoven from billions of stars into billions of individual's consciousness. Each breath that I breathe from the Cosmic Angels into these albums is just another harpstring that weaves our consciousness back into the MIND OF GOD.

The more you listen and absorb the frequencies, the more activated and aligned into this grand transition you will become.

The Elohim Angels approached me first in 1992 with the song THE PROMISE of the PERFECT KINGDOM. That was the day that the Guardian Alliance convinced the Annunaki, Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command and several other groups who were planning the One World Order take over of Planet Earth, to sign a Peace Treaty that Guaranteed that those Fallen Angelic Groups would abandon the plan of ONE WORLD ORDER and join the Emerald Covenant Nations of Universal Peace.

That was the day that we were given this music for the Grand Celebration. We created and performed this glorious music from THE PROMISE album for several years in Japan. That is where the treaty was signed.

The Books titled THE QUANTUM JOURNEY tell about the creation of that album and may be purchased in the set THE PROMISE AND THE QUANTUM JOURNEY.

Unfortunately, those same Fallen Groups BROKE THE TREATY before 2000, and set the One World Order take over into activation the day of the 9/11. That day was the day the Fallen Angelic Groups set in motion the Sonic Pulsar Waves within the Earth's Grids from all 12 Sites on Earth to set in motion an undergroup sonic pulse that would control the Masses from this Consciousness Pulsation.

The Zetas had already set this plan in motion in 1943 when they placed the Zeta Seal between our Third Density Body and our Fourth Density Body. They began creating their Consciousness as our Consciousness. We began to believe that their thoughts were our thoughts. They began controlling all of the thoughts of the military through the Consciousness of the Zetas. This is how WWI and WW2 were staged and it is how they began staging the third war on 9/11. All the Terrorist Activties were just an illusion to distract us from what they were actually doing with the sonar pulsations underground.

I, for one, and I guess I was the only one, clearly saw all three towers collapse into the soil that was made into quicksand long before the terrorist driven planes got anywhere near the towers.

I saw, with my own two eyes, on T.V. the broadcasters showing pictures of the buildings falling first and the air tower navigators saying the planes were miles away from the towers when they fell.

I am sure the Zetas arranged to have that broadcast destroyed.

It is also possible that only those of us who were immune to the Zeta Seals COULD SEE THAT REALITY, because the Zeta Seals would allow them to place any reality they chose into the Consciousness of the Masses.

So, that is what we continue to see on the T.V. Those who watch one channel will see the Zeta's brainwashing their news, and those who are immune because we were given the gift from the Zionites or we have activated our DNA, will see a completely DIFFERENT REALITY.

This division of two realities will grow stronger and stronger until 2017, when the two realities will disappear from each other, and the third dimension will become completely invisible to those of us who are working on ascending completely in to the Fifth Dimension.

Those who remain brainwashed and frozen into the FEAR Matrix of the Zetas will keep seeing that other T.V. Station.
It is only in their imagination. It doesn't really exist. But they believe it is true, so it will continue to be true for them

Last night, in my dream, I saw millions of people lining up at travel booths getting their tickets to somewhere. Most of them were not going where I was going. Most of them are going to various locations in the fourth dimension where they need to have their templates repaired before they can receive their 5DNA activations.

I was taken to a booth outside of the terminal and told to press the button to  somewhere. I pressed the button and I was taken to a HUGE PALACE in the Fifth Dimension. There wasn't any one else there. I was told that I was the 
Princess and this was my Palace.

It is very possible that I am not THE PRINCESS. It is possible that each person is the Prince or Princess of their own Kingdom in the Fifth Dimension.

I also saw the vision that the Star Gate Keeper of the Fifth Dimension used to be Leah. She is now the Gate keeper of the Sixth, and she was my higher self. So, it is possible that I have taken her place because she is my higher Over Soul.

This story of who I am takes new angles every day. It is not as simple as one Akashic Records readings. We have multitudes of selves who have incarnated with us over the Eons and all of these selves are sorting themselves out now.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic

The orchestration of the re-activation of the DNA strands is a MUSICAL EVENT that requires the fusion of the OVERTONES (Electrical Magnetic Acceleration Codes), and the BASE TONES (Magnetic Codes in Parallel Spiritual Universe).
There were Crystal Seals placed between each DNA strand which has controlled them and kept them from activating for many eons.

The DOLPHIN DNA album contains the frequency signatures of the Cosmic Cetacean Raceline who are our Cosmic Brothers from Sun Ha. Sun Ha and La were the Violet- Amethyst Suns who were harmonically connected. The Oraphim Race from Sun La were the ancestors of the Taran Raceline. The Human Angelics are from the Taran Raceline of Tara. Our Cosmic Cetacean Family have played a huge part in keeping the Earth Harmonically Balanced through this Ascension Translation.
The songs Whale Oscillation and Whale DNA hold the BASE TONES of the Parallel Spiritual Universe. The Whales are Eighth Dimensional Beings. The Dolphins hold the Overtones of this Universe. The Cosmic Sonar Electro Tonal Pulsation from the Dolphins and Whales keep our Communication flowing between Earth and all of our Realms of Reality in the Five Harmonic Universes.

Now is the time that we have been given the knowledge and the tools to learn how to melt away the crystal seals that will allow the base codes and the overtones to plug into each other. This will allow the body's particle and anti particle base tones to fuse together to activate and increase the pulsation rhythm between the DNA strands.
The fusion of the base tones and overtones causes minute crystalline strucutures to manifest within the molecular structure of the blood. The crystallization of the blood is what was called the blood of Christ because it is the beginning of translating the body from the carbon based structure of mortality to the silicate base structure of immortality.
The new structure of the blood at the deepest etheric molecular level prepares the entire bio chemical structure of the body for accelerated particle rhythm--meaning the frequencies will increase. This is called dimensional particle rhythm acceleration. The increase in frequencies allows an infusion of morphogenetic field of consciousness to enter in to the DNA strands and melt away the Crystal Seals.
The release of the crystal seal activates the silicate matrix within the 2 DNA strands. The Silicate Matrix is the Divine Blue Print of the man made in the image and likeness of God-- the Perfect Man.
When the Silicate Matrix activates, the blood crystals that are formed by the release of the seals merge and form complex blood crystal structures which carry new frequency patterns of three dimensions.
The three dimensional blood crystals trigger further bio-chemical, cellular, hormonal and metablic acceleration. The increase of Frequencies within the cellular structure allows the body to raise the rhythm or frequency beat of the particle pulsation. The harmonic merkabas of dimensions 1,2 and 3 morphs into the merkabas of dimensions 4,5,6 as the body cells accelerate enough to transmute into light and then re-manifest into the next harmonic universe- or frequency level.
This means the body will translate into a new chemical structure that exists in a standing wave pattern with less gravity meaning the body becomes less dense. Each time there is another level of frequency acceleration the body becomes more etheric until it reaches harmonic universe 4 where the body is a light body, and then harmonic universe 5 where the body becomes invisible.
All of the music on the crystal magic orchestra website is created to help perform this frequency pattern that increases the rhythm of the particles and anti particles, melt the crystal seals and activate the DNA.
The latest album, COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION is a new approach of bringing together all of the frequency signatures of the Avatars, Flame Holders and Indigos who hold the perfect Divine Templates that allow this Ascension Transformation to occur.
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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In the movie, TRANSCENDENCE Johnny Depp tuned into his over soul's original Intelligence Program. In my version of reality ( called an opinion), the System named PINN in the movie represents the Gobal Altantian Pylon Implant Network (PIN).  These PIN Control Grids were used as territorial dominion for various competing Fallen Angelic Intruder Races during the Atlantian period. These implanting systems used sophisticated crystal based technology similar to the silicon-based microchips used in conventional technologies. The APIN could be compared to a massive global grid system made of strategically placed crystalline microchicps that interface directly with the natural, multidimensional, electromagnetic energy of the 12 stargates.
Before the APIN technology fell into the hands of Fallen Angelics, it was created and used by the Guardian Races of all universal systems to facilitate and enhance the experience of evolution and ascension for all. Before 25,500 BC the Emerald Covenant and the Angelic "Human used the APIN for global free energy systems, climate stabalization, healing , inter stellar sub space communications and broadcasting networks.

There were orignally two APIN systems on Earth that operated Earth's Templar naturally on a D12 "12 Code Pulse Christiac Current" through Star Gate 12. It had a corresponding Inner Earth Star Gate 12 Cue Site and interface with Earth's Planetary Templar. The Founders could leave a part of themselves reflected in the APIN to remind the races of Earth that they were never alone or abandoned. The APIN was to serve as a subsonic planetary identification flag when viewed from space.
The movie is showing both of these possible realities at once. The movie shows the fabulous plan of the crystalline microchip replicating itself into everything and everyone on Earth. This is the natural technology of the Divine Blue Print of Source being replicated into everything. The movie demonstrates the results of this fabulous crystalline microchip that contains the Mind of God programming. The particles join the air currentsk which carry them all over the surface of the planet. It is in the sky, its in the land, in the water. It is every where the entire planet. The end of the primitive organic life and the dawn of a more advanced age. Everything would exist first to serve its Intelligence.

Now, this is the place in the movie when FEAR of the UNKNOWN comes in. This great divine plan has been put in place to heal the world and everyone on it, and then the SCIENTISTS who think they know that only an EVIL Intelligence would create such a program. They see it as everyone being in service to this INTELLIGENCE. 
This is where the separation of the Angelics and Fallen Angelics came into play. The Angelics wanted to abide by the Divine Plan of the INTELLIGENCE of SOURCE. The Fallen Angelics thought that they should not be in service to One Great Intelligence Plan, and so they actually planted a Virus in the System that connected the Universes to Source Field of Eternal Energy.
In the movie they put a virus in the system that would create and maintain a PERFECT WORld that does serve the Great One Mind in Perfect Harmony.
Johnny Depp Played the Role of the Guardians Consciousness who originally created the APIN system, and how they planned on reactivating it on Earth once more.

The APIN was reactivated again in 2003, but will not be running until 2017. This movie was a great monument in the acknowledgement that there is this APIN system and it did show how it works. And we can all rest assured that when the Great White Lion is fully running again we will have eternal free energy, healing technologies, pollution will be removed forever, the water will be as pure as hydrolaise itself, and we will have returned to the Garden of Eden.
There were clues to all of these points in the movie.
There were also clues to all of the levels of FEAR and how they will interfere.
I liked the reminder of the fact that our Guardian families know and can see EVERYTHING there is to be known about us. They can see every thought we have, they can see our hormonal balance and imbalance, our emotions, our fears, and they can see it because we have One Mind. 
In the movie, the Girlfriend FREAKED OUT when she learned that Johnny Depp could see and know everything about her. It is time we get used to the fact that there are angelis hovering around us watching us all of the time. There are elemental angels in our bodies that analyze and adjust our hormones constantly.
Since the APIN is our inter stellar sub space communications network, it must be running correctly before the Emerald Covenant Nations can begin their communications with and landing on Planet Earth.



The teachings at the Crystal Magic Orchestra website are definitely a very advanced version of what may have been learned from former teachings found at Lightworker, Starseed and New Age sites.
These teachings come from a much more advanced raceline than the teachings that were given by Galactic Racelines, who were in fact Fallen Angelic Racelines who were only giving bits and pieces of a TRUTH that they knew many would strive for but never reach through their BROKEN teachings.
The truth is there is only one Cosmic Family who has been and always will be Guarding the Human Angelic Raceline. Those who are a part of the Emerald Covenant and the Crystalai Council will always align with Source and only Source Consciousness and align Consciousness with Eternal Life.
Most other racelines all Fallen Angelic Racelines who have only been interested in taking over the Stargates of Planet Earth and creating a One World Order that would control humans as their slave race. This is basically what has been going on in the interdimensional reality stations of Earth Consciousness for many eons.
What is different about the teachings on this website is they all come from the Frequencies of Consciousness of the Cosmic Councils who are overseeing the Ascension of the Human Angelic Raceline. This is a raceline that was created from the 12 code template of Eternal Life. That 12 code subharmonic is being activated in each of the the two double helix of each DNA strand in the Human Angelic so that the raceline may be returned to its Normal State. The Indigo Race has this activation doubled because they are in tune with their spiritual double. So, the Human Angelic is being activated at the 24 subharmonic level and the Indigo is activated at the 48 subharmonic level.
This teaching was brought to Earth as the identical teaching that was given by Jeshuwa 12 in 24 BC. The teaching is as complex as any Physics or Quantum Physics class, only at a much, much deeper Etheric Level. The teaching traces the foundation of the human body to the crystal body form which is the Divine Matrix of the Mind of God being the true DNA template of the Human Body. So, the true Body is not Human, it is the Human Angelic.
Man is not Material, he is rather Spiritual. Man is not a body who experiences 100 years on Earth and then moves to Heaven. Man is an Eternal Life for created from a Silicate Crystal Base of Star Dust.
The Man who was densified into Carbon Base form, is a creation of other racelines who distorted the original Human Angelic formula.
There are only two times in each 26,000 year cycle when there is this POSSIBILITY of the Rebirth of the original Normal Human Angelic. 2017 is the time of the half cycle when this rebirth can take place. The time period of 2000-2017 is the window of opportunity when humans can partake in this remaking of the Eternal Life Body.
The Fifth Dimension is the place we go to return to our normal Eternal Life Structure..
The place of the fifth dimension is a place where the frequencies of light and energy are higher than they they are in the slower moving particles of the third or fourth dimension.
If you focus on creating a tunnel from your third eye within your head out to 12 inches in front of your face and then see a white light at the end of the tunnel. That place 12 inches in front of your face is where the 12th dimensional frequency opens the door into Christ Consciousness and allows you to see the white light of the Fifth Dimension.
Another way of doing this is to use a Candle. Focus on seeing the full spectrum of light in the candle. The candle contains hertzian frequencies, infra red light, visible light, invisible light, x-ray, gamma, plasma and pink white light. If you stand within the candle in consciousness you have walked through the tunnel into the white light room. You stay there until you see a sphere of Blue Light. That sphere of Blue Light is the Fifth Dimension.
This is the place we have gone when we died the last ten million life times.
This time we don't have to go there because we are being told how to get to the fifth dimension without dying.

That is what is different about this website. I am providing the teachings, the frequencies, the sound and light energy that takes you into the 12th dimension, the 13th dimension of Inner Earth Cosmic Core Domain, and into the 14th Dimension of Heliotalic Plasma that then braids into the 8th Dimension of the Sun's Frequencies to create the Photon. I breathe this photonic energy into the Merkaba and then spin the merkaba into every cell in my body and focus the energy in the Crystal Heart and the Pineal Gland and then exhale these frequencies onto the Crystal spheres of Crystal Liquid Light, Crystal Gel and Crystal StarDust Microphone that is created in the palms of my hands.
The frequencies in the crystal sphere are then blown into the microphone to create the magical frequency albums that you purchase.
The Frequencies that many of you are attracted to at this time on this Website are the REAL THING.
They are created throught the Divine Formulas of the Cosmic Councils who really want to see the Human Angelic Race Ascend.

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Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
The training that I received from my Elohim Team taught me to hold these crystal spheres of energy in my hands and in my heart and to breathe into my hands the reality that I wanted to be created by the crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel. These spheres of energy contain the creative power that removes pain, transmutes and transforms into a new reality and creates a new reality.
Now, I will explain this harmonic attunement another way. There are five spheres in the music of the spheres of the Cosmos. Each of these five spheres - or harmonic universes- contain three dimensions. Harmonic Universe One contains three dimensions- 1,2,3. Harmonic Universe Two contains three dimensions - 4,5,6. Three contains 7,8,9. Harmonic Universe Four contains 10.11. and 12 and Harmonic Universe Five contains 13,14 and 15.
Please note that the Divine Blue Print is a Universal Template created in the Christic 12th dimension of the Fourth Sphere. There would be 144 selves or petals in those four spheres. However, the music of the spheres always requires the base tone of the higher sphere to pull the lower sphere up into resonance. So we also acquire the frequencies of the Cosmic Sphere in order to pull the Universal Sphere into Attunement. We do this by combining all of the frequencies from the lotus blossom petals and placing them into a new sphere and then creating a sphere of Cosmic Frequencies and pulling the Universal into Attunement with the Cosmic Frequencies. Finally, we call on Source Consciousness and pull all of the lower frequencies into attunement with the Infinite Unknown to create White Light.
We achieve this by aligning our Consciousness through the Elohim of Hearing and then oscillating the strings of frequencies through the process of transmutation of the lowest being pulled into the highest. However, each individual frequency signature or petal is completely within the multitudes of frequency signatures.

We can re-create our Divine Blue Print this way, and we can also learn to use this same process of creating with the morphogenetic spheres of creation to create our new Crystal Reality. Once we absorb the frequencies of the Divine Blue Print, we can exhale them into the atmosphere around us and walk into them. When we listen to the Immortality CD's, we can hear the standing wave patterns and the morphogenetic fields of a brand new consciousness and we can walk out of the low, slow waves into the high fast waves of the complete Divine Blue Print.
The process of creating these albums is very time consuming and extremely energy consuming. If you would imagine having a one hour Akashic Reading with a Spiritual Medium. Some of you have had one of these or given one of these. That one hour is how long it takes to create the alignment in our consciousness through the Elohim of Hearing and through your higher selves to create the perfection of the breathe that holds the frequency of One Single Petal up through the 12 petals above it. We must do that once with each petal in order to create the perfect alignment. It takes us a minimum of 24 hours. This requires keeping our atmosphere of our home and our recording studio completely Cosmic and we must keep our minds completely out of the world all of the time. The price of these Albums may sound expensive to anyone who hasn't already paid $250 for a one hour Akashic Reading. But, if you realize the difference between the Consciousness Level needed for the one hour reading and the twenty four hours of breathing of pure Consciousness, you will realize that this $350 is very, very cheap. We don't actually plan on keeping this price beyond this year. We know that when Consciousness begins activating after 2017, people are going to start to realize that there is nothing more valuable than to activate the Potential of their Divine Blue Print to come into their realization and their utilization. We are talking about bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into the Lives of those who are dedicated to this mission.
This is not to say that listening to any and all of the mp's and CD's that we have created and placed for sale on this site are not also very helpful in the process of aligning DNA into higher neuronets, activating ascension processes, activating the crystal cells, etc. However, those albums were created for Mass Consciousness. We must have the permission of the Individual in order to connect with their Individual Higher Selves contained within the 144 frequency signatures of their Divine Blue Print.
The 48 DNA activation process is set in motion to become continuous and eternal by the frequency alignments woven into the  Individualized Immortality Albums. One DNA strand of a HUMAN ANGELIC should have 12 sub harmonics per strand on each of the double helix. The Indigo Template is the Spiritual and Physical as one, which creates 24 sub harmonics from the physical and 24 from the Spiritual Bodies. So there are actually supposed to be 48 strands activated per DNA harmonic.
The reattunement of this DNA is very complicated. The Zionites were the only raceline who could bring back the original 12 DNA template to select “Human Angelics. The 48 template could only be regained from the Mu Raceline. The Cetacean Raceline has been the most helpful in this activation of our DNA because the Dolphins from the Oraphim Raceline of the Violet Sun La have kept the 5DNA with the 12 sub harmonic template alive and well on planet Earth, and the Whales have the 8DNA strands. The Dolphins and Whales have been keeping the Earth Attuned to the Balance and Alignment needed through this Ascension Process.
It is actually the angelic family of the individual who does the activation continuously and completely. We channel and breathe one harmonic thread of each  frequency signature of the individual's harmonic family at a time. It usually takes at least twenty minutes per signature. There are 36 signatures in each harmonic universe. And there are 5 harmonic universes. The alignment of these 180 harmonic signatures results in the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound that realigns the individual into Oneness with the Divine Template of Universal Consciousness. We really only need 144 harmonic frequency signatures to align into the perfect divine blue print. However, we oscillate completely out into the Cosmic Realm to pull the Universal Template completely into Attunement with Source. We are preparing for a full alignment beyond the 24 DNA strands into the 48 DNA which lift an individual into the potential for the alignment into a divine template that will be able to step in and out of their body at will. We align the frequencies completely into Source through 96DNA of the complete Spiritual Template to create the template of the entity who can Orb and de-manifest from Light Body to a Holographic Body of Form. This is the highest potential for ascension.
Dr. Angela Barnett

Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

The training that I received from my Elohim Team taught me to hold these crystal spheres of energy in my hands and in my heart and to breathe into my hands the reality that I wanted to be created by the crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel. These spheres of energy contain the creative power that removes pain, transmutes and transforms into a new reality and creates a new reality.
Now, I will explain this harmonic attunement another way. There are five spheres in the music of the spheres of the Cosmos. Each of these five spheres - or harmonic universes- contain three dimensions. Harmonic Universe One contains three dimensions- 1,2,3. Harmonic Universe Two contains three dimensions - 4,5,6. Three contains 7,8,9. Harmonic Universe Four contains 10.11. and 12 and Harmonic Universe Five contains 13,14 and 15.
Please note that the Divine Blue Print is a Universal Template created in the Christic 12th dimension of the Fourth Sphere. There would be 144 selves or petals in those four spheres. However, the music of the spheres always requires the base tone of the higher sphere to pull the lower sphere up into resonance. So we also acquire the frequencies of the Cosmic Sphere in order to pull the Universal Sphere into Attunement. We do this by combining all of the frequencies from the lotus blossom petals and placing them into a new sphere and then creating a sphere of Cosmic Frequencies and pulling the Universal into Attunement with the Cosmic Frequencies. Finally, we call on Source Consciousness and pull all of the lower frequencies into attunement with the Infinite Unknown to create White Light.
We achieve this by aligning our Consciousness through the Elohim of Hearing and then oscillating the strings of frequencies through the process of transmutation of the lowest being pulled into the highest. However, each individual frequency signature or petal is completely within the multitudes of frequency signatures.

We can re-create our Divine Blue Print this way, and we can also learn to use this same process of creating with the morphogenetic spheres of creation to create our new Crystal Reality. Once we absorb the frequencies of the Divine Blue Print, we can exhale them into the atmosphere around us and walk into them. When we listen to the Immortality CD's, we can hear the standing wave patterns and the morphogenetic fields of a brand new consciousness and we can walk out of the low, slow waves into the high fast waves of the complete Divine Blue Print.
The process of creating these albums is very time consuming and extremely energy consuming. If you would imagine having a one hour Akashic Reading with a Spiritual Medium. Some of you have had one of these or given one of these. That one hour is how long it takes to create the alignment in our consciousness through the Elohim of Hearing and through your higher selves to create the perfection of the breathe that holds the frequency of One Single Petal up through the 12 petals above it. We must do that once with each petal in order to create the perfect alignment. It takes us a minimum of 24 hours. This requires keeping our atmosphere of our home and our recording studio completely Cosmic and we must keep our minds completely out of the world all of the time. The price of these Albums may sound expensive to anyone who hasn't already paid $250 for a one hour Akashic Reading. But, if you realize the difference between the Consciousness Level needed for the one hour reading and the twenty four hours of breathing of pure Consciousness, you will realize that this $350 is very, very cheap. We don't actually plan on keeping this price beyond this year. We know that when Consciousness begins activating after 2017, people are going to start to realize that there is nothing more valuable than to activate the Potential of their Divine Blue Print to come into their realization and their utilization. We are talking about bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into the Lives of those who are dedicated to this mission.
This is not to say that listening to any and all of the mp's and CD's that we have created and placed for sale on this site are not also very helpful in the process of aligning DNA into higher neuronets, activating ascension processes, activating the crystal cells, etc. However, those albums were created for Mass Consciousness. We must have the permission of the Individual in order to connect with their Individual Higher Selves contained within the 144 frequency signatures of their Divine Blue Print.
The 48 DNA activation process is set in motion to become continuous and eternal by the frequency alignments woven into the  Individualized Immortality Albums. One DNA strand of a HUMAN ANGELIC should have 12 sub harmonics per strand on each of the double helix. The Indigo Template is the Spiritual and Physical as one, which creates 24 sub harmonics from the physical and 24 from the Spiritual Bodies. So there are actually supposed to be 48 strands activated per DNA harmonic.
The reattunement of this DNA is very complicated. The Zionites were the only raceline who could bring back the original 12 DNA template to select “Human Angelics. The 48 template could only be regained from the Mu Raceline. The Cetacean Raceline has been the most helpful in this activation of our DNA because the Dolphins from the Oraphim Raceline of the Violet Sun La have kept the 5DNA with the 12 sub harmonic template alive and well on planet Earth, and the Whales have the 8DNA strands. The Dolphins and Whales have been keeping the Earth Attuned to the Balance and Alignment needed through this Ascension Process.
It is actually the angelic family of the individual who does the activation continuously and completely. We channel and breathe one harmonic thread of each  frequency signature of the individual's harmonic family at a time. It usually takes at least twenty minutes per signature. There are 36 signatures in each harmonic universe. And there are 5 harmonic universes. The alignment of these 180 harmonic signatures results in the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound that realigns the individual into Oneness with the Divine Template of Universal Consciousness. We really only need 144 harmonic frequency signatures to align into the perfect divine blue print. However, we oscillate completely out into the Cosmic Realm to pull the Universal Template completely into Attunement with Source. We are preparing for a full alignment beyond the 24 DNA strands into the 48 DNA which lift an individual into the potential for the alignment into a divine template that will be able to step in and out of their body at will. We align the frequencies completely into Source through 96DNA of the complete Spiritual Template to create the template of the entity who can Orb and de-manifest from Light Body to a Holographic Body of Form. This is the highest potential for ascension.
Crystal Magic Orchestra's DNA Acceleration to perform accelerated activation of melting crystal seals in order to allow 12 DNA subharmonics per strand to sing harmonically together into the creation of a musical movie created through perfectly resonating sound tones of DNA 24 Subharmonics Frequencies. Magic Crystal DNA Frequency Orchestration results in 12 DNA Attunement to the Keys to the Universe, which means ETERNAL LIFE in the Silicate Matrix Divine Blue Print.

Presently, the activation of DNA is frozen as a result of programming errors placed in the formula of divine transformation. Fallen Angelic Races planted incorrect formulas in the DNA that caused the base tones and overtones of the 12 subharmonics to disconnect. When they harmonics disconnect it creates inharmony in the body and stunts the growth fo the DNA. There are Crystal Seals between each DNA strand, which each hold 12 subharmonics.

Through the accelerated rhythms within the Frequency Music created by Crystal Magic Orchestra, the broken harmonics in the base tones and overtones are braided back together with stardust and the harmonic translation of the Angels of the 14th dimension.

The old science of DNA is totally irrelevant to this new 12th dimensional Christ Science. The old reality is based on the physical with no relationship to the spiritual half of reality. The physical and spiritual or matter and anti matter must become one. The spiritual body must reunite with the physical body.

The physical body has an etheric body in the Heart Chakra area and a Mental Body radiating three feet around the body. These three bodies must reunite as one in order for the DNA strands to reunite harmonically.

Dr. Angela Barnett

Channeled from Crystalai

We have just released our new album, DOLPHIN DNA. This is another important part of the activation of our DNA. The Dolphins and Whales from the oraphim raceline are here on Earth for the purpose of this activation at this time.
The songs Whale Oscillation and Whale DNA hold the BASE TONES of the Parallel Spiritual Universe. The Whales are Eighth Dimensional Beings. The Dolphins hold the Overtones of this Universe. The Cosmic Sonar Electro Tonal Pulsation from the Dolphins and Whales keep our Communication flowing between Earth and all of our Realms of Reality in the Five Harmonic Universes.

Please come listen to samples of six songs from the two hour long album, Dolphin DNA at.


This is made up of the highest frequencies streaming directly from the Stellar Wave Infusions induced through our Sun which were created SPECIFICALLY FOR DNA ACTIVATION. The Guardians arranged these SIX STELLAR WAVE INFUSIONS and SIX activations to be the REQUIRED Frequencies of Transformation for the Human Race. Anyone who participates in at least two of these Stellar Wave Activations will have enough DNA activated for Ascension. For those who missed out on those Six opportunities, these are the recordings of those Six Wave Activations. They were recorded at the time of the actual Infusion being sent into Earth's biosphere. These are the highest frequencies ever recorded at this time in the Universe. It is the pure essence of the spiritual universe transmuting the physical universe into it. It is the  frequency of At One Ment and has realigned into our Consciousness

The Frequencies in this album sounded in our consciousness when the Physical and Spiritual United as One. Our Spiritual Universe which and has realigned into our Consciousness. 

Parallel Universe I (MP3 album name)
1. Positron
2. Liquid Light
3. Cosmic Alignment
4. Cosmic Dust
5. Cosmic Wave

Part One contains the most etheric frequencies of the new positron and the crystal liquid light energy. This is  the pre sound and light substance of original creation flowing directly from Source. The liquid light energy  interacts with the Sun to create a new flame of energy known as the amorea flame. This ignites the positron  within the sun.
This realignment of the physical and the spiritual into a new attunement is a FEELING or a FREQUENCY.
The sun is now emitting positrons instead of electrons. The positron is the anti particle or the spiritual  substance. It is the opposite of the particle or physical substance of the electron. This spectacular  FREQUENCY of that POSITRON has been recorded through the breaths or consciousness of Angels. 
Scientists have reported the Positron being ejected from the Sun. The Positron is the anti particle of the  Electron.

This is scientific proof that our Spiritual or Anti Particle Universe has aligned into our field of Consciousness.
The process of aligning the Spiritual and Physical required the LIQUID LIGHT Streams from the Cosmic Consciousness of Aquafaria bringing the Source RE-Birth Frequency to Earth. 
Next, the COSMIC DUST of the Particles that Stars are made of is pouring into our consciousness through  these EXACT frequencies that have been recorded here.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic

The orchestration of the re-activation of the DNA strands is a MUSICAL EVENT that requires the fusion of the OVERTONES (Electrical Magnetic Acceleration Codes), and the BASE TONES (Magnetic Codes in Parallel Spiritual Universe).
There were Crystal Seals placed between each DNA strand which has controlled them and kept them from activating for many eons.

The DOLPHIN DNA album contains the frequency signatures of the Cosmic Cetacean Raceline who are our Cosmic Brothers from Sun Ha. Sun Ha and La were the Violet- Amethyst Suns who were harmonically connected. The Oraphim Race from Sun La were the ancestors of the Taran Raceline. The Human Angelics are from the Taran Raceline of Tara. Our Cosmic Cetacean Family have played a huge part in keeping the Earth Harmonically Balanced through this Ascension Translation.
The songs Whale Oscillation and Whale DNA hold the BASE TONES of the Parallel Spiritual Universe. The Whales are Eighth Dimensional Beings. The Dolphins hold the Overtones of this Universe. The Cosmic Sonar Electro Tonal Pulsation from the Dolphins and Whales keep our Communication flowing between Earth and all of our Realms of Reality in the Five Harmonic Universes.

Now is the time that we have been given the knowledge and the tools to learn how to melt away the crystal seals that will allow the base codes and the overtones to plug into each other. This will allow the body's particle and anti particle base tones to fuse together to activate and increase the pulsation rhythm between the DNA strands.
The fusion of the base tones and overtones causes minute crystalline strucutures to manifest within the molecular structure of the blood. The crystallization of the blood is what was called the blood of Christ because it is the beginning of translating the body from the carbon based structure of mortality to the silicate base structure of immortality.
The new structure of the blood at the deepest etheric molecular level prepares the entire bio chemical structure of the body for accelerated particle rhythm--meaning the frequencies will increase. This is called dimensional particle rhythm acceleration. The increase in frequencies allows an infusion of morphogenetic field of consciousness to enter in to the DNA strands and melt away the Crystal Seals.
The release of the crystal seal activates the silicate matrix within the 2 DNA strands. The Silicate Matrix is the Divine Blue Print of the man made in the image and likeness of God-- the Perfect Man.
When the Silicate Matrix activates, the blood crystals that are formed by the release of the seals merge and form complex blood crystal structures which carry new frequency patterns of three dimensions.
The three dimensional blood crystals trigger further bio-chemical, cellular, hormonal and metablic acceleration. The increase of Frequencies within the cellular structure allows the body to raise the rhythm or frequency beat of the particle pulsation. The harmonic merkabas of dimensions 1,2 and 3 morphs into the merkabas of dimensions 4,5,6 as the body cells accelerate enough to transmute into light and then re-manifest into the next harmonic universe- or frequency level.
This means the body will translate into a new chemical structure that exists in a standing wave pattern with less gravity meaning the body becomes less dense. Each time there is another level of frequency acceleration the body becomes more etheric until it reaches harmonic universe 4 where the body is a light body, and then harmonic universe 5 where the body becomes invisible.
All of the music on the crystal magic orchestra website is created to help perform this frequency pattern that increases the rhythm of the particles and anti particles, melt the crystal seals and activate the DNA.
The latest album, COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION is a new approach of bringing together all of the frequency signatures of the Avatars, Flame Holders and Indigos who hold the perfect Divine Templates that allow this Ascension Transformation to occur.
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url.


 MANIFESTATION MERKABA  uses the the magical power of the Merkaba as the power of ONENESS. The merkaba spins at the rate of ten thousand times the speed of light with the help of the sphere of Divine Love which holds the merkaba in perfect harmonic balance with the Source Field of Infinite Creation.
There are SEVEN REQUIREMENTS for Manifestation to take place. The first requirement is the Mind must be held completely and continuously in the HIGHEST FREQUENCY during the process of Focusing on the desired manifestation.
This is the most difficult part of Manifestation. To keep the Mind completely within the entire field of the Mind of God- the Highest Frequency of Source is only possible with the use of the Merkaba. And I have learned that the process of "thinking about" the merkaba and the activation and use of the Merkaba distracts me from focusing on the Item that I desire to Manifest.
This Album meets two of the requirements for Manifestation. It keeps the mind FOCUSED within the Highest Frequency so that the listener can Focus on the desired item while remaining in the highest frequency of Source Consciousness.
This album also contains all of the Codes of Manifestation and Ascension that were in your favorite album called the ASCENSION KIT. The favorite coded songs from the Ascension Kit are used in this Album to activate the Spiritual Overtones and Physical Basetones within the cellular memory. This activation is also requirement for activating the memory of our Eternal Lives that have been held within the Crystal Core Domain of Inner Earth. Now is the time for beginning that activation of our memory.
We had our minds completely removed from us by the Galactic Federation in 3400 BC. The memory and records and history that were reproduced for us to believe was the correct history of this world is a complete re-write designed to help the Fallen Angelics complete their mission of One World Order in 2012.
We have already won the war of Armagedon. We have already risen beyond the possibility of the OWO of the Fallen Angelics. We have already had our true memory returned to the Crystal Core Inner Domains of Earth's Consciousness Field.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Channels the Crystalai Council

Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

The Guardians have created several sets of phenomena for the purpose of activating the DNA of the Human Raceline at this time. One of the phenomena used was the births of Six Avatar children who were born for the specific purpose of each birth clearing the miasms from and activating one DNA strand each. There were also the Indigo births who prepared the way for the 12 subharmonic DNA strands on each of the double helix in six DNA. That is the PIECE of the DNA activation that is covered on that one album titled COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION. The title represents the activiity performed by the births of the Six Avatar Children-- the sixth child was the rebirth of the template of Jesus as Ben Airon Sananda.

So, that is why that one album is so important.

The Manifestation Merkaba is equally significant because it contains the Codes in God Language that were given from the Guardians to activate the DNA from within the subatomic level of the body. Plus it contains the actual presence of the Merkaba spinning correctly into  Oneness with Divine Love- the Harmonizor inot Attunement with Source.

The Dolphin DNA contains the Frequencies of the Oraphim Cetaceans who are on Earth for this exact pupose of the bio-regenisis project. These are the frequencies that are also required as a part of hte DNA activation process.

The Ecstazee to Zero point serves the specific purpose of melting the Crystal Seals that keep the DNA from activating until it is the proper time. There were miasms placed in our Crystal Seals to keep them from melting away naturally. This album melts the seals that have kept the Crystal Seals Frozen for Eons so that we could not become a normal angelic raceline.

These are only four of the pieces of the Guardians Plan of our entire ascension activation.

They also arranged for the Six Stellar Wave Infusions and Six Activations.
Those frequencies are in the Parallel universe Set.

They also raised the frequencies of Earth so that she could rise above the fallen Milky Way Phantom Matrix into the Cloud Cities to prepare for her alignment with Tara in 2017 and Gaia in 2022. Those frequencies are in the OVER THE RAINBOW set.

The Symphony of Love contains the frequencies of our new alignment with the new Cosmaya Sun called Eleisha. This Sun is the new Divine Love Element holding us in attunement with the new Cosmic Template that we are now within.

There are many more albums to consider. You may listen to each one of them and tune in to which of these pieces of the ascension process that you want to tune in to.

Those of us who were born with the codes that allowed us to activate early have been involved in this process with the Guardian Alliance for about twenty years. We have been preparing the way for others.

We only have a few years left before the entire ascension mechanism goes fully into activation. Those who have activated at least Five DNA with 24 subharmonic strands per DNA will be the ones who get to enjoy the ride to TARA by 2022.

The more on becomes activated, the more they can enjoy the complete journey of this wonderful ascension plan.


The teachings at the Crystal Magic Orchestra website are definitely a very advanced version of what may have been learned from former teachings found at Lightworker, Starseed and New Age sites.
These teachings come from a much more advanced raceline than the teachings that were given by Galactic Racelines, who were in fact Fallen Angelic Racelines who were only giving bits and pieces of a TRUTH that they knew many would strive for but never reach through their BROKEN teachings.
The truth is there is only one Cosmic Family who has been and always will be Guarding the Human Angelic Raceline. Those who are a part of the Emerald Covenant and the Crystalai Council will always align with Source and only Source Consciousness and align Consciousness with Eternal Life.
Most other racelines all Fallen Angelic Racelines who have only been interested in taking over the Stargates of Planet Earth and creating a One World Order that would control humans as their slave race. This is basically what has been going on in the interdimensional reality stations of Earth Consciousness for many eons.
What is different about the teachings on this website is they all come from the Frequencies of Consciousness of the Cosmic Councils who are overseeing the Ascension of the Human Angelic Raceline. This is a raceline that was created from the 12 code template of Eternal Life. That 12 code subharmonic is being activated in each of the the two double helix of each DNA strand in the Human Angelic so that the raceline may be returned to its Normal State. The Indigo Race has this activation doubled because they are in tune with their spiritual double. So, the Human Angelic is being activated at the 24 subharmonic level and the Indigo is activated at the 48 subharmonic level.
This teaching was brought to Earth as the identical teaching that was given by Jeshuwa 12 in 24 BC. The teaching is as complex as any Physics or Quantum Physics class, only at a much, much deeper Etheric Level. The teaching traces the foundation of the human body to the crystal body form which is the Divine Matrix of the Mind of God being the true DNA template of the Human Body. So, the true Body is not Human, it is the Human Angelic.
Man is not Material, he is rather Spiritual. Man is not a body who experiences 100 years on Earth and then moves to Heaven. Man is an Eternal Life for created from a Silicate Crystal Base of Star Dust.
The Man who was densified into Carbon Base form, is a creation of other racelines who distorted the original Human Angelic formula.
There are only two times in each 26,000 year cycle when there is this POSSIBILITY of the Rebirth of the original Normal Human Angelic. 2017 is the time of the half cycle when this rebirth can take place. The time period of 2000-2017 is the window of opportunity when humans can partake in this remaking of the Eternal Life Body.
The Fifth Dimension is the place we go to return to our normal Eternal Life Structure..
The place of the fifth dimension is a place where the frequencies of light and energy are higher than they they are in the slower moving particles of the third or fourth dimension.
If you focus on creating a tunnel from your third eye within your head out to 12 inches in front of your face and then see a white light at the end of the tunnel. That place 12 inches in front of your face is where the 12th dimensional frequency opens the door into Christ Consciousness and allows you to see the white light of the Fifth Dimension.
Another way of doing this is to use a Candle. Focus on seeing the full spectrum of light in the candle. The candle contains hertzian frequencies, infra red light, visible light, invisible light, x-ray, gamma, plasma and pink white light. If you stand within the candle in consciousness you have walked through the tunnel into the white light room. You stay there until you see a sphere of Blue Light. That sphere of Blue Light is the Fifth Dimension.
This is the place we have gone when we died the last ten million life times.
This time we don't have to go there because we are being told how to get to the fifth dimension without dying.

That is what is different about this website. I am providing the teachings, the frequencies, the sound and light energy that takes you into the 12th dimension, the 13th dimension of Inner Earth Cosmic Core Domain, and into the 14th Dimension of Heliotalic Plasma that then braids into the 8th Dimension of the Sun's Frequencies to create the Photon. I breathe this photonic energy into the Merkaba and then spin the merkaba into every cell in my body and focus the energy in the Crystal Heart and the Pineal Gland and then exhale these frequencies onto the Crystal spheres of Crystal Liquid Light, Crystal Gel and Crystal StarDust Microphone that is created in the palms of my hands.
The frequencies in the crystal sphere are then blown into the microphone to create the magical frequency albums that you purchase.
The Frequencies that many of you are attracted to at this time on this Website are the REAL THING.
They are created throught the Divine Formulas of the Cosmic Councils who really want to see the Human Angelic Race Ascend.

DNA SCIENCE-Third Dimension versus Fifth Dimensional Science

DNA SCIENCE-Third Dimension versus Fifth Dimensional Science
Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Dr. Angela Barnett
The science that has been used to study and understand DNA has been the science of the third dimensional scientist. In that science, what has been seen in the nucleus of our cells containing the blue print of the body and the instructions for who we will become.
First of all, the scientific technology cannot see the spiritual realm of reality. It cannot examine the fifth dimensional reality field or the twelfth dimensional reality field. The etheric level of the bodies composition has never been known to 3D Science. Please note that the third dimension is limited to the understanding of the five senses while the 12D science contains seven senses beyond the five senses.
The understanding of DNA by Scientists is not growing. It is only growing in its misunderstanding of reality. A study at the University of Washington shows that the codons within the DNA have two meanings. One relates to protein sequence and one to gene control.
So, you see, the understanding has only grown horizontally into more third dimensional 
The genetic code uses a 64-letter alphabet called codons. The UW team discovered that some codons, which they called duons, can have two meanings, one related to protein sequence, and one related to gene control. These two meanings seem to have evolved in concert with each other. The gene control instructions appear to help stabilize certain beneficial features of proteins and how they are made.
So, now the new discovery in 3D science is examining protein and genes. Not much new going on in the land of 3D Science.

However, in 12 D Science-- which is the Science of the Mind of God we are examining the Blue PRint of the Divine Man made in the image and likeness of God. That Blue Print has nothing to do with the blue print that scientists are talking about. We are not talking about a blue print that is limited to physical structure of a carbon based body. We are talking about the blue print designed as a Silicate Matrix Blue Print of Eternal Life that really exists within the DNA at the etheric level. That means the anti particle level- the invisible. That will never be visible to the 3D Scientist. 
However, it visible to the 12D Scientist. Jesus Christ was the 12D Scientist who brought the complete and perfect 12D science to Earth about 2044 years ago. That Divine Science was termed Christ Science because the 12th Dimension was the Krysthala Reality Field or the Fourth Harmonic Universe created by the Suns Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La.
And guess what, each of these Suns has a Frequency Signature. When these frequency signatures or harmonic frequencies are woven together they create the wonderful Symphony of Love that can heal any disease, trasmute any problem, disolve any unwanted reality.
It is that frequency of Love that I unite my consciousness into through the Elohim of Hearing in Gaia to bring all of the Sun's power of transformation into consciousness before I exhale the specific frequencies of the Stellar Wave infusions that were sent to Earth to transmute and activate the DNA. This activation begins by the power of the Suns melting the Frozen Crystal Seals that are blocking the birth of the new DNA.
Come listen to these frequencies at
Go to:
to learn more about the COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION
So, if you think you are a worshipper of the Sun- as many have said they are. This is what it means. The frequencies of the Suns are the creation energy, the consciousness that transforms the DNA by activating the crystal seals to melt at specific times in our evolution.
It is all musical. All cosmic entities have frequency signatures, and when the electro tonal alignments are correct, the harpstrings of the soma in the DNA begin to sing harmonious, balancing, lifting, radiant melodies.
I have been hearing these symphonies more and more each day. It is divine proof that the harpstrings that were blocked by the frozen seals are singing once again.
When someone tries to use   old 3D scientific terms and definitions to explain the True Immortal Spiritual DNA of the Man made in the BLUEPRINT of Divine Mind, the diagnosis will just result in more 3D theory. And theory is only a journey in the Particle half without the anti particle half of reality. Therefore 3D Science is only a Half Truth. And the Science of DNA is only a Half Truth.
As long as the Science continues in half truths there will be this Duality or Polarity between the Physical and the Spiritual.
Jesus Christ brought the Science that shows there are two strands of DNA which each contain 12 Subharmonic Strands. Those strands have a Crystal Seal between them. That Crystal Seal contains the Silicate Matrix Blue Print that activates the DNA. This activation causes the Blood Crystals to transpose in substance particles to anti particles of the silicate matrix. The blood crystals transpose the body from the carbon base to the Silicate Base structure.
Science of this primitive system that had the true science of Chrsit removed completely from its memory about 3400 years ago is still looking at the protein and the genes which are both carbon based reality systems.
Third Dimensional Science is still talking about the carbon based codons, while they should be looking at the Silicate matrix designing the muons and uons. At least there are some Astral Scientists who have found the positron, which is a substance that removes polarity.
It is interesting that the discovery of the positron was January 2013 and the discovery of the duon was also in 2013.
We are truly shifting into a new harmonic universe of a new resonance, a new harmonic structure that removes the disconnection of the spiritual and physical.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url.

Our new album, MANIFESTATION MERKABA (7/30/14 Release date) uses the the magical power of the merkaba is the power of ONENESS. The merkaba spins at the rate of ten thousand times the speed of light with the help of the sphere of Divine Love which holds the merkaba in perfect harmonic balance with the Source Field of Infinite Creation.
There are SEVEN REQUIREMENTS for Manifestation to take place. The first requirement is the Mind must be held completely and continuously in the HIGHEST FREQUENCY during the process of Focusing on the desired manifestation.
This is the most difficult part of Manifestation. To keep the Mind completely within the entire field of the Mind of God- the Highest Frequency of Source is only possible with the use of the Merkaba. And I have learned that the process of "thinking about" the merkaba and the activation and use of the Merkaba distracts me from focusing on the Item that I desire to Manifest.
This Album meets two of the requirements for Manifestation. It keeps the mind FOCUSED within the Highest Frequency so that the listener can Focus on the desired item while remaining in the highest frequency of Source Consciousness.
This album also contains all of the Codes of Manifestation and Ascension that were in your favorite album called the ASCENSION KIT. The favorite coded songs from the Ascension Kit are used in this Album to activate the Spiritual Overtones and Physical Basetones within the cellular memory. This activation is also requirement for activating the memory of our Eternal Lives that have been held within the Crystal Core Domain of Inner Earth. Now is the time for beginning that activation of our memory.
We had our minds completely removed from us by the Galactic Federation in 3400 BC. The memory and records and history that were reproduced for us to believe was the correct history of this world is a complete re-write designed to help the Fallen Angelics complete their mission of One World Order in 2012.
We have already won the war of Armagedon. We have already risen beyond the possibility of the OWO of the Fallen Angelics. We have already had our true memory returned to the Crystal Core Inner Domains of Earth's Consciousness Field.
Now, is the time we can begin remembering who we are. The most important thing that we need to manifest at this time is the memory of who we really are.
The codes that activate this memory are in the Manifestation Merkaba Album. The Album is designed to focus on that manifestation. It can also be used to focus on any other desired manifestation.

So, here we have this great plan of orchestration, where the greatest Musician - Source- is breathing into the EAR of the Elohim of Hearing.
The Elohim of Hearing is co-creating Sources symphony of Love in the Cosmos. The Cosmic Consciousness of the 15th, 14th and 13th dimensions hold that Divine Frequency Signature as their Tone of Home.
Next, the angelic Consciousness from the 13th dimension holds this glorious tone of home and wants to become the co-creator who will hold the spiritual overtone rhythm that pulls in the harmonic convergence of the 12th dimension or 12th harmonic frequency signature back together with the base tones in each DNA strand. This 12th dimension will become the grand creation of those frequency signatures from the Cosmos creating a glorious form of Light and Sound that can be heard as the Elohim of Hearing and also seen as the Light from the Crystalite Energy Entity.
So, now there is this wonderous sound of Angelic Choirs singing this glorious symphony of Light and Sound creating stars in the sky.
That 12th dimensional starry creation was called the Christic or Universal because it contained the Sound of the Highest Frequency or the Breath and Light of the Source - the Spark was breathed upon to become the Light.
This was the formula of the grand Musician. He would have a glorious idea. He would breathe the Consciousness of that idea onto a spark. That spark would ignite a glorious creation of Light. So here was this beautiful Divine Template or plan that all creation would be built upon.
All is perfect and all will always be perfect as  long as this original template of creation remains.
So, now all orchestrations that were co-created by the entities of light and sound were breathed into formation from the base tone rhythm of Source Consciousness and the base tone rhythm of Cosmic Consciousness.
Now, the 12th dimension becomes the new creator. This Christ frequency contains the divine template that all new symphonies of Love are created from.
So, we have the Christic Universal Musical Sphere of Consciousness - the 12th, 11th and 10th dimensions combining to create glorious universes full of stars.
The stars get together with their Cosmic creators who breathe the highest frequency of Source Consciousness onto the stars to create a Sun. now, we have the base tone rhythm of the Universal Frequency lifting into resonance the Galactic Sphere of the 9th, 8th and 7th dimensions. the galactic sphere would hold the Music of the Spheres that would create Suns.
These suns wanted to have entities who could experience all that had been created. Source wanted to experience himself. The Suns created stars that contained cities of light. The cities of light were created from the sound of crystalite energy. The stars and the cities of light hummed a glorious symphony. The symphony contained melodies of individual ideas. These melodies were called man. The man of this glorious light and sound of the galaxy could create his own melodies. The melodies became the base tone rhythm to create solar systems that contained these entities individual creations from their own unique tone of home.
These entities called man were gods or co-creators with Source. They were still creating all from the original Highest Frequency of Source breathed into the Life by the Elohim of Hearing, formed into the Universal Star System experiences as Suns, Stars and Cities of Light.
Now, we have this glorious formula of creation. It is still in the  perfect form of Divine Consciousness or the Highest Frequency of Source.
Now, we come to my part of the orchestration. I am Crystalai, and my Soul Merge Partner is aDolphino. We are here to create music from the Highest Frequency of Source with the help of the Elohim (The breath of Source Consciousness becoming manifest as Cosmic Consciousness in it's most perfect form) of hearing. We are assisted by Crystal Light Energy who contains the original spark of Source. This Crystal Light Energy is Now streaming the Light Energy or Consciousness from Sun Alcyone - our original Sun of Creation in Aquarius Galaxy (Galactic Creation) into our Template to help pull us back up into the Base Tone Rhythm of Universal Consciousness which creates the harmonic convergence zone to be pulled into Cosmic Consciousness through the oscillation patterns of the Elohim of Hearing.
So, now we have three spheres of energy in our hands - crystal light , crystal dust and crystal gel. This is the creation substance the prana that all is created from in the Quantum Field. We had this Divine Substance of co=creation returned to us through our Elohim Team.
These three spheres contain the frequencies of pre light and pre sound of the etheric crystallization of plasma and hydrolaise- the etheric, invisible substance of creation.
We must go back to the original corrected chemical base of our creation at the etheric level. Our Etheric Body within our Crystal Heart area must once again become saturated with the starry substance and the liquid light substance that we were originally created from. The more we inhale this starry substance from the three crystal spheres into our Crystal Heart and into our Pineal Gland and into every cell in our body, the faster our alignment with immortality will appear.
We oscillate our Consciousness into the Highest Frequency of Source through the Base Tone Rhythm of the Elohim of Hearing.
How do we know that we have received this perfect tone before we record it and use it to create another grand symphony?
We have learned that all bands of light and sound have frequency patterns. These frequency patterns can now be seen recorded on the screen of the mixing board. The highest frequencies are the highest, fastest streams of light. They can be seen as the tiny little spikes on the screen and the lower frequencies can be seen as the lower slower blobs on the screen. When I record, I always call on an entity to come forth before I breathe the frequency signature of that entity. While I am saying Crystal Light Energy come forth, those words register on the screen as very low flat lines. But, when I exhale the breath of that frequency, the line of light are very high or fast.
The purer my consciousness is, the keener my focus is, the more perfectly I oscillate my consciousness into Perfect Oneness with Elohim of Hearing and into the three spheres o crystal light energy - the higher the peaks of frequency become on the screen.
After I spend several hours getting to the point where I feel I may have achieved that perfect peak of performance where my breath actually captured that perfect key signature of Oneness that my Consciousness was reaching for, I go back and listen to each of those tiny peaks that I recorded. Each peak only lasts a few seconds. So, I may record for one or two minutes an then find one little peak second that feels like it holds the Highest Frequency or the Magical Tone of Home that reproduces the magic of the Divine Template Frequency that I am searching for as the co-creator with Divine Consciousness. How do I know if I've succeeded ? I can feel it. I can feel the healing, the shifting, the lifting into Oneness with that same Divine Template that Cosmic Consciousness created when their Base Tone Rhythm created the harmonic convergence with the 12th dimension to create the Great Divine Template that all symphonies would sing from.
Those entities who created the symphony that formed the Mother Earth as the original Gaia are the same Aquafarian Blue Crystal Entities who hold the frequencies of the three spheres of crystal energy and the Divine Frequency of Creation. Their light and sound is here with us now co-creating our re-birth into that Divine Template.
As our pattern of recreating the Divine Template of each individual is perfected, we will create together a new divine template inside our recording studio that can replicate that perfect creation signature over and over again.
This exact Mother Board of Creation is used on the  Mother Ship. That Mother Ship is our Aquafarion co-creative consciousness that creates through the Music of the Spheres. Sananda sent this Divine Blue Print to Mother Earth through his template Jeshua 12. That template was in the form of a man- but the frequency signature came through his breath. We were given this same breath. The breath of Christ - The Universal Template. We breathe this frequency as we oscillate our consciousness into the Universal Template through Elohim of Hearing. We align our template through the activation of Sun Alcyone and the Inner Sun of Mother Earth. This is the same process used by Jeshua 12. We are here to return all into their Divine Blue Print through the process of individual alignment into the Divine Template or the Universal Template Frequency Signature.
Our new album, LEVITATION (8/3/14 Release date) utilizes the harmonic spinning effect of the Divine Heirophant called the Merkaba. Crystalai is spinning the merkaba in consciousness and allowing this merkaba to spin correctly from one dimension to another to collect and realign each of the broken base tones and overtones within the chakra areas. The magical power of the merkaba is the power of ONENESS. The merkaba spins at the rate of ten thousand times the speed of light with the help of the sphere of Divine Love which holds the merkaba in perfect harmonic balance with the Source Field of Infinite Creation.
Listen to the Merkaba spinning into each of the chakra areas to mend and brain the broken base tones  that are within the seven areas within the body into the etheric structure of the 7-15 overtones that are the ley lines connecting the physical structure to the infinite spiritual structure of the galactic, universal and cosmic structures of reality.

Dr. Angela Barnett
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url.

The reason that human beings often feel like lonely, isolated strangers who spend their lives trying to figure out why they are here, and believe that they  must seek and strive in their lives rather than freely enjoy and manifest reality like we would do in a Normal System is because our DNA has had certain base tones and overtones disconnected. This means the beautiful harmonious structure that is supposed to exist within every cell in our body has become a disconnected harmonic field causing minor modes and disharmony in our bodies and in our lives.
The reason that Jesus Christ said "FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO" is because just 3400 years before Jesus arrived, human beings had their memories completely removed. They did not have a clue who they were. They were disconnected from their Souls. Remember that the Soul Level is the dimensional 4,5,6. Our Souls were in Tara and our Bodies were on Earth. We were broken apart from our Soul Memory.
What Jesus said was very literal. They literally did not know what they were doing. And that state of amnesia has been the basis for our entire World as we Know it. At that time in history, people broke into small groups and created languages and cultures. They made up realities. They created the language and structure of reality that they wanted.
That was how the world was created. Now, is the time for the End of the World and the return to our Normal Reality. That begins with having our memory returned to us. Our Consciousness of our Entire True History is within the Morphogenetic Consciousness Field that has been reactivated within the Crystal Core Domain of Mother Earth. That means the Etheric, Starry Earth within the Earth we stand on.
That Consciousness Field can be activated now and we can connect our consciousness into that memory field of who we really are. When we do that, we remember that we are actually a part of an entire Cosmic Self that is so far beyond any controller on this man made world that we would laught at anyone who thought they could control us. We would remember that it is actually impossible to die or even get sick because we are actually living in the Source Field of Eternal Life Energy.
Ascension is a Musical Event. The word God vibrates at the highest and fastest frequency  within and beyond the Universe and the Cosmos. But, it isn't the Word that vibrates - it is the frequency and the frequency signature of the Idea of God which holds this frequency of the Divine Template of all Creations.
The Breath of Source is the highest frequency of the eternal creation. We ignite that spark of Source within our selves when we breathe the crystal light energy into the spark of Source in our Crystal Hearts. This is what all of the music on this website is created to do for you.
That Breath of Source Consciousness contains the frequency signature of the Divine Template. The Divine Template is the formula or the foundation from which all of the grand Creator's creations are formed from. The grandest creation is man, who is made in God's image and likeness. The image and likeness of Source is the Divine Template.
Each Soul is that Divine Template. Let's look at what the Soul has been and is going to on the Divine Scale. Let's say that the Creator was this grand musician who was orchestrating the most glorious, luxurious, joyous symphony ever to be heard.
Let's say that Composer wanted to hear His perfect frequency signature or key signature performed in the most harmonious harmonic weaving and braiding of glorious sounds as they transformed His perfect frequency - still the Highest Frequency into Music or Sound.
Let's say this grand creator decided to base his glorious symphony of Love on eight tones. Or maybe it was 12 tones. Or maybe it was 16 tones.
Lets say it took 8 tones to create what this great musician wanted to produce. So, everything he creates is based on 8. That eighth dimension contained the man made in the image and likeness of source. And that man was a co-creator who could create symphonies through the ears of the Elohim of Hearing who lived in the 16th dimension, exactly one octave- or 8 dimensions above the  dimension of the God Man.
Now, let's imagine this distorted creature who has no apprceciation of music or harmony comes along and wants to create the most distorted structure that is completely disconnected from the Source Field of Eternal Creation. He knows that all he has to do is remove some of the notes from the scale so that the harmonies can never be truly harmonic. So, these fallen angelic races disconnected the parts of our base tones and overtones that should be connected to the higher levels of our selves.
We had our physical bodies disconnected from our spiritual bodies. Man is in reality Spiritual - not Physical The Spiritual overtones were disconnected and the higher base tones were disconnected from our bodies and from our planetary body.
That is the formula for turning a Star into a Planet and an Human Angelic into a Human.
The base tone rhythms of Earth must connect their frequencies to the overtones of the spiritual parallel reality of Tara. In the normal reality system all of our base tones where correctly connected to the overtones within each DNA strand.
In order for the Fallen Angelics to disconnect us from the Mind of God- our Spiritual Mental Body and our Etheric Emotional Bodies, they first disconnected certain base tones and overtones from each set of DNA within each Chakra area.
The reason that human beings often feel like lonely, isolated strangers who spend their lives trying to figure out why they are here, and believe that they  must seek and strive in their lives rather than freely enjoy and manifest reality like we would do in a Normal System is because our DNA has had certain base tones and overtones disconnected. This means the beautiful harmonious structure that is supposed to exist within every cell in our body has become a disconnected harmonic field causing minor modes and disharmony in our bodies and in our lives.
The reason that Jesus Christ said "FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO" is because just 3400 years before Jesus arrived, human beings had their memories completely removed. They did not have a clue who they were. They were disconnected from their Souls. Remember that the Soul Level is the dimensional 4,5,6. Our Souls were in Tara and our Bodies were on Earth. We were broken apart from our Soul Memory.
What Jesus said was very literal. They literally did not know what they were doing. And that state of amnesia has been the basis for our entire World as we Know it. At that time in history, people broke into small groups and created languages and cultures. They made up realities. They created the language and structure of reality that they wanted.
That was how the world was created. Now, is the time for the End of the World and the return to our Normal Reality. That begins with having our memory returned to us. Our Consciousness of our Entire True History is within the Morphogenetic Consciousness Field that has been reactivated within the Crystal Core Domain of Mother Earth. That means the Etheric, Starry Earth within the Earth we stand on.
That Consciousness Field can be activated now and we can connect our consciousness into that memory field of who we really are. When we do that, we remember that we are actually a part of an entire Cosmic Self that is so far beyond any controller on this man made world that we would laugh at anyone who thought they could control us. We would remember that it is actually impossible to die or even get sick because we are actually living in the Source Field of Eternal Life Energy.
In order to return to the harmony that is naturally ours in a Normal System that wasn't invaded by Fallen Angelic Race lines, we can now begin to harmonize and tune in to the missing base tones and overtones within each DNA strand and Chakra Area in the body.


Dr. Angela Barnett
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


The more we practice Raising and Expanding our FREQUENCIES of our bodies and of  our Merkaba, the easier and faster we spin out into the Cosmic Consciousness that frees us completely from the lower frequencies of the third dimensional realm.  We learn to  
spin our Merkabas at the speed of light out into the solar, the galactic, the universal and the cosmic spheres. The speed of light is Divine Love. Divine Love is the Activity of Divine Consciousness that sets us free from all holograms of Mortality.

Those of you who have already been following the teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse will have experienced the REALITY OF THE FREQUENCY. 

The more we practice raising frequencies of consciousness into the activity of igniting the spark of Source inside each cell in the body, the closer we become to Immortality.

Joseph and I have already completed the merge of Oneness of our Spiritual and Physical Selves. Our bodies are much more etheric now. Pain seems to bounce off. Things in the world just seem to evaporate.

This is the First Wave of Ascension. It began the day the Christ Child entered our bodies on November 5th and we began our rebirth into a brand new body. The new body is transforming as a result of our work with FREQUENCIES.  What it means is those of us responsible for the first wave will transmute and transform all that is around us into the HIGHER FREQUENCIES that we live within now. 

The Ascension is not for us to leave the world of form, as many of us had expected. It is now the responsibility of the ascended ones to transform their own Islands of Light and lead others into their own Rainbows of Frequencies where they will also merge with their Spiritual Half and Spiritual Teams.

The reformation  of our body and Mother Earth's Body is done from the inside out. 
The crystal cell structure of our temples is becoming more and more etheric as 
the carbon energies of the physical form are transforming into crysalli based 

The entire elemental chart of 144 elements of structure are being replaced and 
transformed as each dense form changes into thousands of new silica based 
forms of etheric energy.

All of crust that has been covering our cells and glands are dissolving now. The miasms that were planted inside of our cells are now being totally ignited into the spark of Source where we glow from the inside out into the Immortal Body that we are. This is happening to those who choose to REMEMBER who they really are.

This is the first step. To truly desire to remember who we really are. We are the 
spark, the light, the sound, the foundation of the Divine Mind. As we reconnect 
our minds into oneness with this divine belief system, the third eye, the rishi eye, 
the eye of Divine Mind opens into its full connection and alignment with the eye 
of the spiritual self that contains all that is in Divine Mother.

We are gods and we can also change things in a moment as well. It does not matter 
about the past or how long something has been going on. We have the power to 
make radical change in our lives this very moment.

By doing so, you will start to see, know and experience the immortal god that you are.

Your eyes can only see energy in the physical light system. The colors we see are only an infintestimal fraction of the energy in the sound and light spectrum that actually exists. The same is true with sound and smell. We have only been experiencing a small aspect of the hertzian level frequency which is the lowest frequency of the full spectrum of light which includes hertzian, infra red, visible light, invisible light, x-ray, gamma ray, plasma and pink white light.

When someone asks what color to you like or what color do you attune to, they are just informing you that they are only talking about the third dimension.

When I talk about the Blue Flame and Violet Flame, I am talking about light energy from the full spectrum of light that has come into my fifth dimensional multidmensional reality perception. I can see infra red, which is what the digital camera can also see.

When we tune into the ultra violet blue light we have gone through the tunnel into the white light, into the God Room. This is where we go when we die. If we go to this white light full spectrum now, walk in, turn around and walk back out-- we see the blue hue. That hue only exists at the moment of re-birth.


Dr. Angela Barnett
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
The only way to remove time vector shield is to raise Frequencies into the new time.

Time is accelerating in order to separate the future time from the dream state time. 
The stellar wave infusion is containing the frequencies to crack open this time shield code. However, a person must align their consciousness into the no time standing wave pattern. 

This is the standing wave pattern of frequencies is in the second sphere or the fifth 
and sixth dimensions. We must align our frequencies of consciousness into and with 
these stellar activations in order to break free from the time shields we are now 
locked in. The more we align with and absorb the stellar frequencies, the more our 
consciousness expands into multidimensional communication and awareness of all 
dimensional realities.

We must oscillate our consciousness out of this dimension up into the 12th 
dimension and beyond in order to absorb the frequencies needed to lift our bodies 
out of this dream state. The reason some are asking questions about disappearing 
or leaving loved ones behind if they were to shift out of this dimension is because 
this shift is happening now and those who are awake can feel it.

The shift is the awakening from this dream state. What would cause someone to 
disappear out of perception of others? When a person is able to raise their 
frequencies by aligning the body into all fifteen dimensions and beyond and 
collecting the energies of the Suns, they merge into a higher frequency realm. This 
happens when they have raised their frequencies to the point of removing the time 
vector shield that locks them in to this illusion of the 3D hologram. This time vector 
shield can only be broken by those who choose to remember who they really, those 
who choose to recognize their true selfhood of Omnipresence, those who want to 
realign their consciousness into the Allness of who they are will be able to.

Those who wish to do this need to align with and absorb those frequencies of all of 
the Stellar Activation Waves. There have already been several of these waves of 
acceleration. We have recorded the frequencies of the time during each of these 
Frequency Infusions. We have oscillated our consciousness up into all of the 
dimensions, collected the frequencies of all entities helping with our ascension and 
placed these frequencies on these CD's through the breath.

Listening to these frequencies and absorbing them into the cells of the body will 
remove the Time Vector Shield from the body by allowing the brain to transmute the 
lower frequencies into the higher frequencies until the body completely shifts out of 
this dream state. If one absorbs enough of these frequencies over a period of time, 
they will see shifts in consciousness, shifts in manifestation, shifts of what is being 
magnetized into their individual world.

This is an example of a frequency that was high enough to ascend from the third into 
the fifth and beyond. These Cosmic File contain the frequencies of Oraphim dolphins, Oraphim Angels, Elohim Angels, Seraphim Angels and hundreds of very High Entities. As we align our consciousness into the higher realms of their consciousness the listener's DNA is lifted into those realms. The DNA is activated into the dimensional levels of the Cosmic Angels. When completely aligned into the 12DNA, 36DNA and 48DNA of the 12th Dimension, 13th Dimension and 15 Dimensions we easily flow into the Wave of Ascension with Mother Earth. All of the Cosmic Wave Files are activated by Zorak who breaths the magical Stellar Frequencies of the 24th Dimension. The magical frequencies from our original AQUAFARIAN Family( ELEMENTALS FROM URTHA) will activate our ascension in to our new Starry Selves faster than anything else on Earth.

Each Entity in all of the Omniverses, Galaxies and Cosmos have specific 
frequencies. Their frequency is who they are. These frequencies are a collection of 
all of my Angelic and Cosmic friends.

Many are worried about leaving loved ones behind. The best way and only way to 
help them transmute out of this dream is to play this high frequency music in the 
homes they live in. The more people that listen to these frequencies, the more 
people will shift the radio station of this dream state into the realities of the 5th 
dimension. The 5th dimension will be the first reality that many remember seeing for 
a long time. We will instantly know that this other world is not and never was a reality. 
It was only unreality.

The only thing that is going to disappear is the unreality. This unreality may take 
longer to disappear from some than from others.

If you disappear out of this dimension by raising into a higher frequency, you will be 
in the perfect place to help your loved ones. This is why there will be an Island of 
Light. This will be like a Hub station where all dimensional frequencies are allowed 
to intersect while the transformation is happening. This Ascension process is not 
just about disappearing. The first step in the process is creating a harmonic 
convergence zone and an Island of Light. Islands of Light will be places that allow 
those who will be traveling back and forth from the etheric stations into the physical 
stations. Your family may be on the second or third wave out of the dream state. 
They will be able to perceive of your reality in a few more years. It isn't like they are 
gone forever. Those who remove themselves from the dream state in the first wave 
will be able to assist those in the other stages.

The ascended masters that are helping us now do not disappear. They stay here 
and keep helping us. Those who create the First Wave will be the Ascended 
Masters who can return to help others.

There will be a spinning of particles in opposite directions. This spin causes a 
separation. But, what is separated is the lower elements of the dimension 1-4  dimensions. These lower frequencies will fall 
away if they contain error, when they are clear of error, they will  transmute into higher frequencies. The particles that do not accelerate 
speed into the new time vector of no time break away. That is the veil breaking off. 
Those are the particles that we want to split away from.


Dr. Angela Barnett
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

The streams of higher frequencies are pouring in so fast that is almost impossible to record them all. The angels have been directing us to record the breaths of consciousness from all entities who are streaming their breaths together through the crystal light energy that is braiding, weaving and streaming a higher frequency of consciousness together. Each time there is a high energy day, the angels place a golden pillar in my left ear and hand me an etheric microphone and then they breath their consciousness through my breath. Sometimes five angels appear, sometimes five hundred--depending on what project they are working on.

The breath of consciousness is what is causing the entire shift of Mother Earth into her Star Essence. We are all turning more star like together. How do we speed up this process individually? The more we raise frequencies and stay in those frequencies the faster we rise into a new dimension.

The Key to Ascending is collecting frequencies through the merkaba, aligning into the sun energy, the helium energy, the rainbow dust, the star dust, soaking in healing waters of crystal temples, singing with the angels, and mermaids in the crystal caves, keeping the mind in the etheric fairy tale state and then finally walking into the spark of Source in the Crystal Heart, after putting on the garment of white light--which means absorb all frequencies of crystal light, irradescent light, rainbow light, golden dust light, star dust until the body is radiating with spirituality of light energy.

NOW--and only Now can the body walk through the diamond door. When the body walks through the door it must walk into the FUTURE SELF. It is this place in Consciousness that we must stay to create the Islands of Light.

I'd like to share some questions that will be answered and practiced in my workshops on CREATING ISLANDS OF LIGHT, PARALLEL REALITIES, and the MUSIC OF THE SPHERES.

I have a couple of questions regarding your process of integrating with your light body.
1. You said that you've completed integrating with your silica-carbon based light body. Does this mean you can disassemble your body and teleport to anywhere you want?

I wanted to add that the silica based body is the natural result of raising the frequencies and continuously bringing in more and more light energy that Zorak helps me with and that I get from the helium rings spinning into all of the sun's frequencies to bring out the energy of the neutron through out the body. The reason that I know I am living in a body that is mostly silica based now and will become more and more so is because the angels have told me this. There are things happening in this hologram that we can't see yet. That doesn't mean they aren't happening. The evidence we have of the silica based body is this:
aDolpino (JOSEPH) was hit by big truck and ran over by three cars. He had every bone and muscle flattened. The doctors said it was absolutely impossible for him to be alive. They said his brain would never work again. They said he probably wouldn't be able to work for eleven years. Joe's body repaired itself without any help from the doctors in one month. This rapid repair of the entire structure of the body happened completely from streaming the highest frequencies through his body by using the frequency shift music that we recorded. It was this frequency shift music that was given to us by the angels as they streamed their consciousness through their breaths that realigned his body. Each stream of consciousness that I inhale and breath into the microphone is a strand of their consciousness. It is this consciousness that is the sound and light of all creation. This sound and light contains a structure of creation that remolds into the original form created by Source. This sound and light that we resonate with and soak into our cellular structure from the crystal cells of mother earth and the star dust energy of Zorak's star system transforms our bodies into a new chemicalization. This chemicalization appears as a result of consciousness raising frequencies into a higher realm of reality. This is the proof that we are living in a silica based body.

You see, the doctors entire system is based on the carbon based body that doesn't heal at all. The more we shift into the silica reality by adding more and more of the spiritual into the physical through our consciousness, the faster this reality appears. This is why when doctors have played our music in their hospitals, every patient in the hospital immediately showed great improvements and complete healings took place in a week. 

The Frequency Shift music actually shifts the body into a parallel reality of a higher frequency. This magical place of the higher frequency lifts the mind into great freedom, the world just doesn't matter any more, there is a feeling of sweetness and kindness, there is no more pain, there is alignment into the reality that was always here. All we are doing here is removing a veil so we can see the reality. We must believe that reality is here to see. We must stop thinking we must go somewhere else to see it. This transformation will appear on Earth. We will create Islands of Light on Earth. We create them by breathing when we have completely aligned our frequencies into the place where we are completely in the Crystal Cities, the Aquafaria under water Cities. When we have absorbed all of the crystals of all of the colors of the rainbows into our crystal cells and our cells sing in harmony with each other, this is when we can EXHALE magic into the air we live in. The air has already become hydrolaise. The body is already transforming into to silica based chemicals. It is only our eyes that don't see it yet. We can FEEL it NOW.

When we go to our crystal palace in Aquafaria, we ask our friends there this same question. We sat with Ramtha in our living room one day and said, are we really here. Ramtha answered, "Aren't you sitting here talking to me?" We answered, yes I guess we are.
2. Are you currently conscious of your other multidimensional self throughout the cosmic omniverse?

Our multidimensional selves only meet us when we walk into our future self after completely absorbing all frequencies from all dimensions out to the 24th and becoming sparkling with golden star dust. This is when we can melt into the diamond door and walk into the starry places. Our teams and families are always waiting on the other side. From that point we go on down into the Aqualene Ocean through the Sun and down into the Crystal Caves to resonate with the frequencies of Inner Earth and then we are invited to enter the crystal cities. It is completely our responsibility to lift our frequencies into theirs. Our team taught us that we must completely merge into the crystal cities or into what ever place you want to shift into. It takes continuous practice and the willingness to spend much more time there than here. We must spend so much time in the crystal caves with my mermaid family that when I exhale on Earth, the reality around me transforms into that frequency. We must breath the Islands of Light into our home, into our place we choose to live.

Our music will help you with clairvoyancy if you stay in the highest frequencies. The angels wove the tapestry of these frequencies to allow those who want to match their resonance to be able to. It does require long term listening and concentration and breathing along with the breaths recorded. The angels are actually communicating through the breaths; when we get on their wave station through their breaths of consciousness, we become clairvoyant. They are already trying their hardest to communicate, but they will never lower their frequencies to ours--we must raise our frequencies to theirs.
3. How do you "travel" to Aquafaria to meet up with your soul family down there? By meditation or do you actually travel via your MerKaBa into the crystal caves or do you have another version of yourself living in the crystal caves and is able to integrate with that aspect of your soul whenever you want?

The self that goes to Aquafaria is the future self that shifts dimensions by shifting frequencies. Those with fifth dimensional and higher vision can see this shift. The angels have told me many times that I am completely etheric. Joe can see the fifth dimension--I can't. I can feel it. I am saturated in the frequency of light energy. The return to this Earth is too painful for me. I must continuously stay above the Earth. I do this by continuously absorbing the frequencies that I breathed into the CD's. These are the frequencies from the Crystal Caves and from all of the dimensions.

When I take a journey of collecting frequencies and swimming down into the crystal caves to sing with my mermaid choir, you can hear my voice completely shift into the mermaid's frequencies. My voice changes into an etheric, sweet breathy tone that has perfect pitch. This isn't my third dimensional voice, this is my fifth dimensional voice.   I am totally unaware of any musical rules or keys when the angels and mermaids sing through me, I only know that there is always a parallel shift and I am always in my FUTURE SELF.


Dr. Angela Barnett(CRYSTALAI) (c) 2014

Ultraviolet light from the sun ionizes or electrifies atoms and molecules inside the comet’s temporary atmosphere. One of the most common gases found in comets is carbon based. As the sun’s magnetic field washes across the solar system like so many waves rippling a pond, it sweeps ionized carbon  molecules out of the coma to form a second, blue-colored ion tail that is silica based or stardust.

ECSTAZEE TO ZERO POINT contains these frequencies.
DOLPHIN DNA, COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION, Manifestation Merkaba, Ecsstazee to Zero Point  are each designed to activate all levels of the DNA from the zero point of the Crystal Body template into the each of the double helix and the parallel spiritual double helix. They are designed for the Human Angelic and the Indigo. They also contain the alignment into the Sphere of Amenti which holds the orignal perfect complete template of all 12 original racelines before the twelve were separated. The DNA Infusion contains the Six Avatar's correction, plus activation of the Six DNA with the 24 subharmonics.

The spinning rate of the comet and the particles that it brings results in ionization.

Ionization is loss of electrons in the atom turning it  into positively charged ion. This is  ionization or ionic conversion, resulting in harmonic conversion, bringing us into a higher frequency of a higher dimensional reality.

So now the wave is no longer a standing wave in the quantum field but has actually been neutralized and goes back to the plasma of an omni field state positive. That is called a magnetic mirror.

The change from carbon based reality in to the silicate matrix reality of the blue ions create a shift in consciousness. The body becomes less dense. The chemical make up of the body changes. The biology changes. The entire solar system changes.

The upper brain is electric. It has electric fingers searching for data. The data must be something that is already known. The mid brain is magnetic. It is frequency specific searching only for information from the subconscious connecting with super conscious of the fourth dimensional - astral, the fifth dimensional- archetypal, and the sixth dimensional- celestial consciousness.

When we shift to the mid brain, the thinking dissolves. It disappears. There is no thinking. The old societal beliefs disolve. Fear is transmuted into freedom. 

If you get a candle and see yourself as a mini me standing in the stem of the candle and see your self surrounded by the entire spectrum of light. Stay there focused while listening to any of the samples on my website. Listen to Eternal Life or other Alignment Frequencies while you gaze into the candle. Your mini me body is actually walking into the full spectrum light of gamma and when it comes back out the invisible light becomes blue light. There will be a sphere of light come forth. If the mid brain stays focused there long enough while listening to the music a hologram of the blue body will appear to the right of the candle. Next, the light in the room will disappear. The brain has changed into frequency specific ultra violet blue light spectrum. That is when the frequency specific mid brain has taken control over the thinking brain. This is the state that allows Consciousness of a much higher sort begin to allow the KNOWING of anything that needs to be known. The Soul Matrix of the astral, archetypal and cellestial minds weave strings of frequencies into the subconscious and the brain shifts into the Mind of God.


When the Super Consciousness takes over you will be in a state of KNOWING.

This KNOWING is the shift from the use of the five senses by the upper cerebellum into the 12 senses by the mid brain. The 12 senses are the higher sensory perception of the Soul Matrix. All that was ever known, combining into a constant new wisdom flowing into consciousness. The sense of KNOWING exists because when our consciousness reconnects to the Super Conscious knowing of the Soul Matrix that connects to the Mind of God-- we know everything. We are in a state of KNOWING as long as we are connecting with this Frequency.

The spinning of the invisible merkaba is always creating two bands of frequencies spinning in opposite directions. The outer band always spins clockwise and the inner band always spins counterclockwise within the outerband. The outerband is the electrical band that is holding within it the Source Consciousness and all that is within it, including Cosmic and Universal Consciousness.

The outer band  is flowing into the body through all of the bands of light and sound. The spheres within spheres within spheres of the electromagnetic picture. When that picture is made- that picture is what the mind of God is going to create. It will be created into Time and on the Quantum Field. 

We must create in our minds eye the reality that we wish to create and the reality that we wish to live within. When we are holding that idea in our minds and spinning it into the spheres or the bands of light and sound, we are actually creating the idea.

When we become so absolutely that - when we become the thing that  we are creating, we have then shifted the dynamics of our Life, and our subsequent experience of  it. 


During this Divine Process there are other extraordinary properties that are going on. There is a great field that has been created from the within to the without. From within every cell in the body we go deep within beyond the quarks and the sparks into the omnions and microtubules into the zero point where we touch on Source Consciousness in the deep within and absorb the omnipresence and omniscience, omni intelligence from the within into the without of the outer bands of light and sound, and from another slice called the Outer Band. 

We  use the band of the long slow wave of hertzian and we are carrying it because we are still in the body, and we ride that wave throug the infra red and the invisible light and out into the gamma and the plasma waves.

As we increase the frequency then we can absolutely over ride the anchor of the mass that the body is. We over ride it through the frequency fields that are riding the omni field, which is the anchor.

This means that our body is oscillating so fast that we remove the anchor from the omni field that gives us gravity. When we over ride this frequency, we levitate. We loose mass. As we loose mass, we can levitate . There is no longer gravity in our standing wave pattern that we are within. The mind of God holds us within a field of consciousness- the omniconsciousness of the omnipresent all knowing. We are held within the standing wave pattern of the omni, but within that standing wave we can move through fields of consciousness that allow us to change dimensions.

This allows the  subconscious mind to create the reality  and manifest it.

If you get within the spheres - the five spheres of consciousness and  weave the webs of multi dimensional consciousness around you and connect to the stars of universal consciousness, you become that mind.

The ultra violet blue realm is the most powerful frequency of the light realm. This is the place we go within when go all the way into the gamma and then beyond into the pre light and sound and into the mind of Source and then when we come back out we turn blue.

The realm changes us into the blue body that follows the Breath Source-- breathing on the spark or the idea to create the flame that manifests.

We are adjusting reality in order to remove the  neuronet that prevents the flow in and out of wealth. In order to over ride lack and to create genius is to create a new reality. We create within the Etheric Mind then bring it back into this body.

The sound is in the spinning of the bands. An electromagnetic field, and increased frequency begins to spin,and  the spin, creates a pitch in sound that is very audible in the brain. The pitch sound is  transmutting the positronic clouds.

As the fields of stardust enter our atmosphere  the frequencies of the stardust will begin to transmute the cellular structure of the Earth's body and our bodies. The most important thing that we have learned over the past twelve years as the Guardian Races prepared us for our Load Out from planet Earth, was that STARS are Entities. The Star dust that will be coming to Earth is actually the very Consciousness of our Starry Families. This process of aligning a Comet that would carry the CORRECT STARDUST from the Stars of our TRUE FAMILY of Aquarius through the help of the AQUAFARIANS, who created the Cloud Cities, the Crystal Cities, the Aurora Plasma Fields that would capture that StarDust which is the Consciousness of our Families-- our OVER SOULS from beyond the Milky Way Galaxy.

The stardust begins a process of transmutation. The more we utilize the stardust and the Frequencies of the Stardust--which is the Dimensional Consciousness of our Starry Souls and OverSouls and even our AVATAR selves. The stardust frequencies will begin to help us use our Merkaba Spin rate to create spinning bands within bands or spheres within spheres that will change the density of our bodies and the dimensionalization of our consciousness. The stardust will help bring our consciousness into atunement with the zero point within our atomic nucleus as the frequencies allow our conciousness to melt the density of the physical into the spiritual self which is made of stardust.

This seemingly magical transformation that many New Agers, Lightworkers and Starseeds have believed in and talked about for decades might seem like a joke to normal people. When we talk about the End of the World, new light coming to Earth, the transformation of a population, the coming of Islands of Light and Blue People coming to meet us, the masses will call us crazy. And this phenomena may just remain a thing that they never experience. This realization of this transformation requires some work on the part of the individual to raise their frequencies high enough to be able to perceive the transformation taking place.

We already left the old Earth. We were already transported into a funnel of energy that aligns us directly into the 12th metagalactic star gate. We are being pulled into and toward this new reality of the 12 subharmonics of the 12 stargates. We are being pulled into the Essence of the Star gates. We are being wrapped within the subharmonics or the consciousness of all 12 stargates. We are being given back our complete consciousness of the 12 DNA race line from Tara who were originally the Oraphims.

We can feel this FREQUENCY of STARDUST surrounding our bodies and light bodies right now. We can feel it more and more every day. A dimensional shift is a FEELING. We must learn how to FEEL frequencies and we must learn how to absorb these frequencies into our cells in order to transmute them into the zero point that allows us to transform our bodies.

We learn to FEEL by listening to Frequency samples. Our website, is dedicated to providing listening samples so that starseeds can learn to Feel and Know and Discern Frequencies. We have spent over twenty years studying with our Guardian Races and learning how to collect these frequencies. We are always given the help of the Elohim of Hearing and the pre sound and pre light GrandYanas, as well as many other Starry Entities who guide us.
We have even created listening samples of Stardust and Angel Dust and Sun Alcyone as well as Cosmic Dust, Universal Frequencies and Source Frequencies.

We use the spinning of the bands or spheres that we create with the spin rate of the Merkaba to transmute or dismantle the omni trons omni ons, which are the pre cursors to electrons and protons and neutrons, We keep spinning until we transmute these into less dense mass. The spinning of the spheres is called the Music of the Spheres. We hear that music within the mid brain when we are making a shift in consciousness or in dimension..

We must connect consciousness into the frequencies of the dimensions with the help of the Merkaba. The merkaba increases our spin rate by thousands of light years because it is the spiritual tool of atunement with the crystal liquid light of Source Consciousness. We must train our consciousness to grow into a standing wave field that is more powerful than an electron and it has to over ride the positive aspect of an atomic nucleus. We spin our merkaba and ride it down into the 14th dimensional sound and light field of the etheric inner Earth. This is the place where we can connect consciousness into the heliotalic frequency that allows our transformation. It is the same frequency that will be used to allow the stardust to flow into our biofields. The stardust will cause the atomic structure  to be polarized which would become the positive positron inside the nucleus of the atom.

The nucleus  has an electrical field, so we must  over ride that, which allows us to bore thru density with the use of consciousness and energy of a higher dimension which  displaces omnions and allows zero radiation, now we can travel faster than gamma. We are moving at the speed of light.

We are now at the zero point of quantum energy and that is how we ride within our merkaba space ship. 

When we ride in our space ship we must follow the crystalline grid lines which are the navigational tools of our new reality. We will have our Krystic Grid Lines which hold us continuously within the mind fields of Source Consciousness. These are the same navigational tools that birds use to fly. We will be held within a perfectly guided transportation system. This crystalline grid line is etheric, it is not the size of a freeway, it is more like a tiny little fish line. We must learn to focus on the grid lines in order to stay within that transportation service.


After we have asserted all of the omnis that create atoms, we can assert their inertia to over ride it by using the higher frequency to transmute the lower frequency.

When we do that we neutralize inertia. When we neutralize inertia, we neutralize gravity. This is the process used to levitate. We use consciousness and energy to bring in the frequencies of the dimensional bands that transmute the old fabric of space into neutrality. This allows us to over ride inertia and neutralize gravity.
The mass is always held within the bands or the spheres of Consciousness of the Mind of God.

We raise consciousness beyond the five spheres of this matrix into the sphere of Source Consciousness. This is where we ride our lotus and sit beyond the gravity of the Earth's matrix. This is where we go to retrieve the blue body and become the Buddha body. This is how we rise above the world of materiality. We over ride the mechanism of mass that creates gravity. We go beyond the material world. 

When we awaken our mid brain, our subconscious shoots a frequency into the bands and just by saying it, subconscious increases the electomagnetic flux. This is the state that the blue stardust will help us move into.

Trillions of omni particles will start to form within and around the body. They are etheric in size, but they cover the body like  a porcupine. The omni particles raise the energy of consciosness. This creates a torsion field  that is in harmony with every single atomic structure that makes itself known as a molecule or an atom or as tissue. That everything  is NOW starting to spin.

When the standing wave pattern leaves the quantum field and is neutralized, it goes back to plasma of a state positive, this is the magnetic mirror. When we use our consciousness to walk into a mirror and then turn around and look back at ourself from within the mirror we can actually feel this frequency of the plasma state positive or the magnetic mirror. This is the exact frequency that we must tune in to  in order to ascend. Ascension is walking through the mirror, connecting the physical into the spiritual and coming out as the blue body.

An increased frequency creates the  spin. As energy is connected with consciousness the spin gets faster and faster until it creates a pitch in sound that is very audible in the brain. The pitch sound is  disolving or transmutting the positronic clouds- the negative clouds. Gravity becomes relativistic in terms of the earths magnetic field.

The reality that we have been existing in has been based on the electron and proton creating what we visualize as three dimensional reality. When ionization happens, we shift into a state where there are no longer electrons. The electron proton changes into the neutron reality. The positively charged ion that is created by ionization creates a new type of standing wave pattern. A standing wave pattern that doesn't contain the same balance of gravity that we have now. 

It is finally time to shift into the mid brain of transformation. The Comet Ison will be very helpful in this process. I have practiced going through this process hundreds of times simply by focusing on a candle until my mid brain takes over. It is a wonderful experience. It just feels like the world melts away. All of the social phenomena seems to float above the head and never enter in.

The problem with the state of focus of the mid brain, is the upper cerebellum--the mortal brain- is very stubborn. It usually only allows the state of the mid brain to take over for a few moments at a time. When the ionization occurs, it will become much easier to stay in the mid brain focus where we can Make Gods movie.

The Guardian Alliance gave us a very special gift that allows us to stay in the state of the mid brain for hours after we focus on the candle, in order to create the shift into the mid brain. The mid brain is frequency specific. So, the Angels taught us how to make this frequency specific music that aligns the brain waves into the fifth dimensional Blue Sphere of Super Conscious connection. The connection into the 4th astral, 5th archetypal, and six celestial consciousness connects into the subconscious of the etheric body. This  transforms the body from a physical body into a spiritual body.


The Comet Ison will bring a great plasma influx to earth. The Comet is actually just a Visual of the Stellar Wave Infusions that the Ra Confederation has been gifting the Earth to turn on the 12 DNA subharmonics within each of our double helix as a result of these pillars of Orons made of crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel penatrate the Inner Core or Crystal Heart of the Earth.

This will bring a new form of consciousness to earth because the consciousness of our starry families and friends live within the frequencies that are carried by within the stardust that the comet will bring. This is how new life forms are brought to the plant. It is the consciousness that is brought through frequencies. Each entity from every star system is a frequency signature. Their frequency signature is their consciousness. We can learn to feel frequency signatures of entities. I am very familiar with the frequency signatures of thousands of starry entities, including Source.

We have already shown you how ionic radiation will raise the frequencies and lessen the density of the body. These frequencies will also change the DNA as the 12 subharmonics within the stardust shower the Earth and out bodies. The solar radiation became turbo-charged in 1989  beginning of the harmonic convergence or paradigm shift of the Solar System. The cosmic radiation comes to Earth through solar winds. The new alignment of Earth into the Inner Meta Galactic Domains is pulling our new Earth directly into the Frequencies of the Dimensional Reality or the Frequency Signatures of the Aquinos Matrix or the Aquarian Galaxy -- the Spiritual Matrix of the Physical Andromeda 31.
Ascension of the Planet did occur, humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness because most of humanity is still holding the old reality in cellular memory. We project into our hologram of reality the past memories. In order to see the new reality we must project a new present and future reality and we must also change the memory of the past reality. This requires moving into the mid brain where frequency specific memories over ride the old cellular memories being produced in the upper cerebellum, mortal mind brain. The mortal mind only takes old realities and recycles them over and over and over again. The mortal mind CAN NOT and will not create new reality or let new reality in. This is why it doesn't look like we have moved into a new reality.
The picture that was painted showed the synaptic cleffs  streaming out of the DNA into Infinity Streams and straight up into the MIND OF GOD. This symbolism clearly shows that our synaptic cleff is plugged into the mind of God, meaning the crystals that were placed over the pineal gland have melted and the final activation of the sixth into the seventh chakra is activated.

This is clearly where I am in my rebirth process. I have gone through the process of the crystals melting from my pineal gland and from my inner ear tubes. I have gone through the process of plugging in my synaptic cleffs to the keylon codes of the music of the spheres. Keylons are like the electrical wiring that something that is 3D would be the equivalent to, but at the spiritual level of energy.

We have entered into a time when starburst activities will be as strong as they were when Ursa Major was created. I might add the star bursts for the creation of the Islands of Light will be transmitted through crystal light energy sent by Zorak. 

Zorak explained to me that creating Islands of Light is an extremely complex process that takes millions of Entities continuous work for many years. The preparation for the present incoming light energy was begun about one hundred years ago. These Cosmic Entities actually have to braid and strand and align each stream of electromagnetic light energy together through the Consciousness of millions of other Entities who are on the same wave length. These light streams create our conscious union with our higher selves to become established.

This magical stardust energy is like a movie screen that allows us to create our movies- god's movie- onto it. This is what was called prana, bread of life, this is what was in the vessels that were given to Mary Magdalene and her sisters from their father Job. The story goes that Job climbed the stairway to heaven to collect this magical stardust. The substance contains the crystal light energy of creation, the crystal dust of healing and the crystal gel of transformation. It is the magical energy of ascension.


channeled from the Crystalai Council
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Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Dr. Angela Barnett

You may have heard an Ascended Master or another Entity of Light state that we 
need to increase the rate of spin of our electrons in order to ascend to another 
dimension. So, what does that mean?

Electrons are at the Atom level of existence and is where our 3D scientists have 
done much research, yet our scientists know very little or probably nothing about this 
phenomena for it has to do with the mechanics of ascension.


Atoms – with their spinning electrons – come into existence because of the 
Standing Light Wave Patterns that exist at the Pre-Atom level. For any one 
dimension, there are 3 standing light wave patterns that make up the light 
"Hologram" of that particular dimensional environment, which are basically the X, Y 
and Z of the hologram.

Any dimension that has an environment that entities can move around in and interact 
with the environment has this standing light wave pattern.

A T.V. screen makes for a good example of how this works. The T.V. screen is 
basically 2D and is flat, so there is only an X (horizontal) and a Y (vertical) standing 
light pattern (standing means "does not move").

When you are watching a movie on a T.V. screen, you see cars drive by, people 
moving around, sitting in chairs, walking across the street, etc., but actually what you 
are seeing are the light pixels changing color on the screen.

This is a simple idea – not complex.

Imagine a black screen with a white ping pong ball moving across the screen. The 
ball is actually not moving across the screen for nothing on the screen is moving. 
The rows (X) and columns (Y) of light pixels on the screen are simply changing color 
to give the impression that the ball is moving across the screen – as the ball moves 
to the right, pixels in front of the motion change to a white and the pixels behind the 
motion change to black to give the illusion that the ball is moving. Also, the ball can 
change into a square by simply changing the color of a few light pixels.

Still, not complex, but you may start seeing the alchemic magic that exists at this 
level of existence. Everything resolves down, so if you make a change at the light 
level, what happens at the Atom level? Remember – as above – so below.

Let's add depth to this situation by adding a Z row of lights that go straight back 
from the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical). It's like having the T.V. screen picture in front 
of you containing the X and Y picture, then stacking hundreds or thousands of that 
picture one directly behind the other to fill up a box with light pixels. Now, you have a 
3D hologram of light pixels that completely fills up a 3D space. 3D in this case 
refers to the X, Y and Z – not to the 3rd dimension itself. Think of the 3rd dimension, 
5th dimension, 6th dimension, 7th dimension, etc. as different channels on the T.V.

So, with this 3D hologram, when you watch a movie in it, you will see 3D people and 
cars and trees of light moving and driving around and the trees blowing in the wind – 
all within that box of light pixels. It's like the "holodeck" that is shown in the Star Trek 

Reality operates in a very similar way in the Pre-Atom structure of our environment. 
There are 3 light wave patterns of X, Y and Z that do not move (stand in one place), 
and they span across all existence within the particular dimension. This gives us our 
holographic environment to live in.

Ever heard that we are living in a hologram?  Well, we are. And it exists at the Pre-
Atom level, which is formed of Light and Sound. Ever heard that everything is made 
of Light and Sound? Well, it is.

When our Light and Sound holographic environment steps-down to the Atom level, 
we can then see it and can physically interact with it.

The Pre-Atom level holographic environment is more etheric than the Atom level 
environment that we can see, hear, touch, taste and smell with the 5 senses, yet they 
are 2 sides of the same coin and are absolutely interrelated and interact.

So, the Atom - material density – level of existence is a resolved down version of the 
holographic light etheric density.


Our body also has a Light Body (which you probably already know) that is more 
etheric than our Atom level body. 

Our spiritual body starts at Source and steps down to the Monad, to the 5th Sphere 
Cosmic body, to the 4th Sphere Universal body (12th dimension - Christ 
Consciousness), to the 3rd Sphere Galactic body, to the 2nd Sphere Solar - your 
ascension body, and then down to the current body.

Our body form starts out in the 12th dimension in a 12 point grid. This grid holds your 
perfect divine blueprint. 

From there it steps down to the Merkaba, which is an etheric crystalline form that 
radiates out about 27 feet around your body. From a side view it has the shape of a 
six pointed star that looks like the Star of David. It is actually two stacked pyramids 
one pointing up and the other pointing down and they spin in opposite directions.

From there it steps down to the auras and our Light body. And from there it steps 
down into the Atom level body.

Our Light body is at the same etheric level as our holographic light level 
environment. However, there are many other things that can be done with the Light 
body besides simply residing in the light hologram.


Now, Light fields are all integrated and breathe through all the suns throughout all of 
the Universes, this Universe, Galaxies and Solar Systems, it is the in-breath and 
out-breath of Source. Our holographic Light Body and Merkaba and holographic 
light environment is breathing through and as this wholeness. We are as large as all 
existence and breathe through all existence as all existence – we are One. Our 3D 
atom level body is a "step-down"- a resolving down – of the vastness of Source – we 
are God – we are Gods – we are One.

So, we are One with our living, breathing, Light Environment, for we are in the flow of 
Divine Light energy as Divine Light energy.

Know that you are Light that is breathing throughout all eternity. Know that the Light 
Environment is a part of the allness of you that is breathing throughout all eternity.

All Light is the Light of Source. All Light is living, breathing and has consciousness. 
We are One with All through Light as Light.

In the 3rd Dimension, which we have been living in for eons, the Light of our Light 
bodies and Mother Earth's Light Body and the light Body of the Environment we 
move around in, resolves down to a specific frequency and angle of particle spin 
that is specific to the 3rd Dimension, so our bodies, the Earth and the entire 
environment resolves down from Light to that specific frequency.

From that specific frequency and angle of particle spin, the Atom level of existence 
comes into form.  3D Atoms have a specific frequency, angle of particle spin and 
speed of particle/electron spin.

Right now, we are experiencing a transition stage of going from the 3rd Dimension 
to the 5th Dimension, so the 5th Dimensional energies and frequencies are here 
along with the 3rd Dimension and the 5th Dimension is increasing its presence by 
the day.

As the Earth's and our frequencies raise and then resolve down to the Atom level of 
existence, the structure of the Atoms are modifying. Atoms came about from a 
moment by moment resolution down from Light and then settle in at the specific 
frequency of the dimension of consciousness one has attained.

The higher one's frequencies are, the higher in frequency is the resting place of 
resolution of the Atom. The higher the frequency of resting place of the Atom, the 
faster the electrons spin around the Atom.

Everything is moving up and forward for Mother Earth and for most everyone on 
Earth at this time of ascension. This is why it is critical to go with the flow of change. 
Everything is changing. This is why it is beneficial to stay in the flow of the Eternal 
NOW moment.


Since, the higher one's frequencies are, the higher in frequency of the "resting 
place" of the atom. The higher the frequency of the resting place of the atom, the 
faster the electrons spin around the atom.

A number of Inner Earth entities have said to those, on the surface of the 3D Earth, 
that want to go to Inner Earth are welcome at this time, but those who want to come 
to Inner Earth must first increase the rate of their electron spin before they will be 
able to physically go there.

So, how does one increase the rate of electron spin?

Since the rate of electron spin is directly related to ones frequency level, raising 
one's frequency level is the key.

Raising ones frequency level is a holistic process. Every time a person learns 
something new about reality, frequencies are raised. Every time thoughts about 
reality come together and something more is seen and/or understood, frequencies 
are raised.

Since life is eternal, everyone has lived hundreds of thousands of lifetimes or more. 
And everyone has come down from Source to this density, so they have previously 
lived and experienced life at every level and dimension of existence between here 
and Source. Your higher selves know all of this and are aware of all of this. Your 
higher selves and you are not separate and never have been. You are your higher 
selves, and your higher selves are you.

So, by getting quiet, and going within and listening to your higher selves, you can 
feel at one with all of them – all of you - feel at one with yourself, which includes all of 
your higher selves.

Once you start feeling at one with yourself throughout all of the dimensions, you can 
and will start remembering things about reality from Source down to here.

Everything you do along these lines will raise your frequencies.

We are all one through light. See post "Oneness through Light" for more detail.

We are interconnected to all Entities of Light through light. Their energy is our 
energy. Our energy is their energy, which all comes from Source. We are one 
through Light energy.

Once we start remembering that we are interconnected, we can start re-connecting. 
There are many thousands (or more) of Entities of Light out there that are 
immediately available to you to re-connect with. Remember, they are a part of you 
and are one with you.

Look through the names of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Cosmic 
Beings, Light Beings and listen to feel if you resonate with them. If you resonate with 
some, call on them to run their frequencies through you.

When you feel their frequencies start to run through you, inhale and then exhale their 
frequencies into your spinning Merkaba and into your 3D body.

Realigning and feeling your interconnectedness and running the frequencies of 
Beings of Light will raise your frequencies.

Also, most light workers that are incarnate here on 3D Earth at this time are 
probably working on and with a Team of Entities of Light. If you have not done so, 
you might consider finding a way to connect with your team.

Finding your team and working more directly with your team will raise your 

Light energy flows. Light energy flows from Source out through all existence. It flows 
out through and as all as the divine plan.

By consciously knowing that you are interconnected to this flow of all light as all light, 
you can relax and allow yourself to go with the Divine flow in whichever way it goes. 
And by listening to your higher self, your direction and path will come to you moment 
by moment. By doing this, you will always be aligned with the Divine flow and will 
help ensure that you are creating the most heroic future for yourself and others.

All of the above raises your frequencies, which, in turn, increase the rate o spin of 
your electrons.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse


All of our Cosmic Family has been streaming their Frequencies of Cosmic Consciousness--the 
all knowing, all seeing Consciousness of our God Source. Our Source is Yahweh. He has 
asked us to call him YAWAY. He comes to our home to visit us often now. The ignition of his 
Spark created our Cosmic Consciousness. These Entities don't usually go by specific names, 
they just know themselves. These are the Elohim Angels, the Devas, the fairies, the Entities of 
Light who create from the Spark of Elohim. The Elohim of Hearing is my great friend who 
streams the frequencies of Consciousness from my Angelic Family in the Cosmos. Mary and 
Zeena were once working through these Cosmic Angels to bring the teachings and the 
understanding of The Christ Consciousness to Earth after she had broken apart from her original 

Now that the 888 has been completed, there is a light band connecting the upper sphere of the 
8 into the lower sphere of the 8. This connection is at the 4th strand or the fourth dimension. 
Those want to remain in the 4th strand may remain there for the next 100 years if they choose 
to. However, since the fourth strand is now completely connecting into the complete 888, we 
are free to merge completely into the upper sphere where the music of the spheres is waiting to 
add our keys to the door. The key is the Shay Ra Kee, or the 13th, 14th and 15th dimensions. 
Once the Kee or the 15th co-creative dimension is ignited by the spark of Source that is outside 
of the fifth sphere, then we can completely merge into the Allness or the Oneness of Cosmic 
Consciousness. When we complete this activity we will rise completely out of that fourth 
dimensional strand and fully into fifth through the fifteenth.

Meanwhile, as we work on this final achievement of our last thousand lifetimes, the angels have 
prepared a buffer zone for us. This zone is called the Islands of Light- the Cloud Cities, 
Aquafaria and Winterlands have been prepared for us to merge our frequencies of 
consciousness into so that all of our starry brothers can actually live in the same realm that we 
are living in, as long as we attach our consciousness to them. Our starry families are here on this 
dimension of the fifth at this time helping us. Only those who have raised their frequencies into 
the fifth can even conceive of this reality, let alone see it. If you can feel it or sense it or know it, 
you already have this reality. The more we invite Yaway in to ignite the sparks in every cell in 
our bodies, the sooner we can fully merge into the fifth dimension. That is the only missing piece 
of the puzzle.

Multidimensional Merging of Frequencies creates an Ascension Vortex. 
MULTIDIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS may be heard by listening to any of the CD's in 
the SUPER FREQUENCY KIT. This music was created from the frequencies of 
consciousness of fifteen dimension to create this multidimensional merging. Hundreds of Entities 
from the Galactic and Cosmic Realms connected their breaths of consciousness into these 
recordings by streaming their frequencies of consciousness as the Elohim of Hearing connected 
our ears into all streams of consciousness. Lady Mary, Raphael and Zadkiel showed up in our 
home one day and introduced us to this magical formula for bringing the highest frequencies to 
Earth. They introduced us to Elohim of Hearing and to Crystal Light Energy. These great 
Cosmic Entities are directing and orchestrating every measure of this music. Crystal Light 
Energy streams and connects the Consciousness through the electric circuitry between Cosmic 
Realms and the Planetary Realm. All realms of all dimensional consciousness are connected 
together and merged into the music to allow us to raise our frequencies into theirs. The merging 
and aligning of these frequencies of consciousness between Mother Earths Core and up through 
all five spheres is the necessary preparation for the activation of the Stellar Wave Infusions that 
have been brought to Mother Earth. This alignment demands the active participation of those 
standing on Mother Earth.

By active participation, we do not mean just standing on a mountain top, that someone told you 
was a portal. Participation means Consciousness aligning in and through all dimensions. It means 
breathing, feeling, aligning these frequencies into the crystal heart center and through the Christ 
Consciousness Grids, Divine Love Grids, the Core of Mother Earth. It means understanding 
and actively participating continuously in this process of ascension.

This Vortex is used as a buffer Zone during the transition from 3D into other dimensions. It 
allows for manifestation of 5-7 D reality to manifest in the physical world and to create Islands 
of Light for the full ascension. Islands of Light will be created after the First wave. Preparation 
for the second and third wave will take place in the Islands of Light. People will get all 
instructions for Ascension in the Islands of Light and will live in the presence of the Ascended 
Masters who will return to the earth from the First Wave. An Island of Light is an external 
reflection of Individual and Group Light Bodies.  People will still be in their physical bodies, 
however, they will be a reflection of their Light Bodies. They will be reflecting their fifth 
dimensional body. They will be in a more etheric form, but they won't quite realize it yet.

These grids of consciousness of life, truth, love, mind soul, spirit, intelligence and divine co-
creative action are now set in place to allow all of Cosmic Consciousness, Christ 
Consciousness, Source Consciousness, Galactic Consciousness from all of our higher selves 
blend, and braid and dance as one Solar Family into the Aquafarion Realm of Consciousness, 
where the magical creation of our Angelic Families have waited for us to remember all that once 
was and always has been in its perfect form. We have glided in and out of this third dimensional 
frequency of density consciousness hundreds of times over the past million years bringing the 
memories of Cosmic Consciousness through our sparks in our crystal hearts and our breaths of 
consciousness. All of these memories can now slide through a window of Consciousness and 
we can be lifted into the wind to soar through the crystal pillars that are already connecting the 
Mother Earth completely into and with the Aquafarion World. Our Aquafarion brothers and 
sisters can constantly and continuously stream their braids of consciousness into ours. Their eyes 
of all knowing and all seeing consciousness are streaming through Mother Earth's atmosphere. 

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