Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I know I've been big on singing the praises of FOL. So I hope to explain my feelings on why I have become so "IN LOVE" All my life I have been a typical Gemini (sun,mars,mercury and jupiter ) and with Aquarian moon this all adds up to a very independent person who left school at 14yrs of age had my first salon at 17yrs of age and has moved from place to place, have had 5 businesses (never made any money) dog grooming is done for love not for money.
I have bought up two beautiful children on my own.And I love my own company my freedom.I have NEVER been a follower even in school, my children now age 31 and 24 are the same very confident and free thinking.
So why this sudden change? Mid life crisis nup don't think so. I have all my life had strong intuition
but nothing to compare with what has happened to me these last couple of years.As I have said recently to my children who have watched their Mother turn into this passionate, focased blissful, loving, person you know I know stuff and I know of the truth of these Beings.Before I heard of 'The Message' (14th Oct) I was already getting frequency hits my life style was changing and I was reading everything from Carolyn Myss to Echart Tolle, So when I came across The Message and the effect it had on me I was confused. I too thought we were going to ascend ourselves this would suit my belief structure I had lived my life by. This is not a belief this goes much deeper this is a knowing we need help, its as simple as that.Not rescuing.I am getting information, being guided,beautiful people are coming to me and assisting me and I'm letting them which is in its self is a biggy.Spirit is guiding me, even with my buisness,My buisness does much better with me out of the way.

It is with grace and gratitude that we accept their assistance for the betterment of us and Mother Earth.

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Thanks for sharing your experience! That's kind of how it was for me, I read that message and said "huh?". I had already been ascending for years and I knew there was no saviour and that we had to do it ourselves. It was an interesting read to see someone else seemed to have an interest in helping. That's also the conclusion I came to, after much thought, that we should just say "thank you and you're welcome to help", after all it may be their karma that may make them want to help us, so we can just say thanks and get on about our personal work. I don't really view that as giving our power away, to me that is something else entirely.
Hi Kerrie: I agree with you that we should accept their assistance for the betterment of us and Mother Earth. I've known of their existence for a while. Channelings that mention and come from them go way back and some of the books are out of print now. Anyway, I first heard of the 14 october event through Matthews writings and then through Mike Quinsey's writings. Then I looked it up on the web and found out about Blossom. I was really excited about this. I believe that we were going to get that fly over but it had to be postponed for our good.

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